Akos KereszturiFaculdade de Odontologia do Recife | FOR
Akos Kereszturi
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Publications (377)
While fluvial features are plentiful on Mars and offer valuable insights into past surface conditions, the climatic conditions inferred from these valleys, like precipitation and surface runoff discharges, remain the subject of debate. Model-based estimations have already been applied to several Martian valleys, but exploration of the related numer...
The first missions to Mars may be followed by more extensive visits. Mission duration must comply with launch windows and time spent on the Martian surface would typically amount to 500 days. A safe and comfortable habitat will be required, along with a reliable supply of all necessary life-support materials (e.g., breathable air, potable water, fo...
If early crewed outposts on Mars can develop adequate habitats and in-situ resource utilization capabilities, they may evolve into small permanent settlements. Their main aims would likely remain scientific exploration, as well as work required for the settlement to grow further and become (nearly) self-sustained. Even if the latter work is success...
In this chapter, we discuss the comprehensive history and technological evolution of robotic missions to Mars, starting from the Cold War-era space race through to contemporary missions. We emphasize the major milestones achieved in Mars exploration, notably the first successful flybys and orbital insertions, and the deployment of increasingly soph...
Public and private institutions are pursuing the very ambitious goal of landing humans on Mars, and returning them safely to Earth, in the near future. This goal is stimulated by international competition in spacefaring technologies, by the possibility of finding new natural resources, by the promise of groundbreaking scientific findings, and by a...
The interior of Enceladus, a medium sized icy moon of Saturn hosts hydrothermal activity and exhibits tidal heating and related geyser-like activity. There are major disagreements in the existing literature on the porosity of the interior, due to the different theoretical assumptions on which porosity related calculations were based. We present an...
The interior of Enceladus, a medium sized icy moon of Saturn hosts hydrothermal activity and exhibits tidal heating and related geyser-like activity. There are major disagreements in the existing literature on the porosity of the interior, due to the different theoretical assumptions on which porosity related calculations were based. We present an...
On Mars it is possible that after the recession of the seasonal polar ice cap, small icy patches left behind in shady places due to the low thermal conductivity of the Martian surface and atmosphere, are met by direct sunlight during the summer. These patches might warm up substantially and we analyzed below how could a liquid phase emerge in these...
A homokszemcsék mikromorfológiájának vizsgálatával már közel egy évszázada foglalkoznak a kutatók, már akkor felfigyeltek néhány összefüggésre a szemcsék felszínén megfigyelhető formák, valamint a geológiai környezet között. Az általunk bemutatott módszer jelentősége abban rejlik, hogy ideális esetben a bélyegekből és azok együtteseiből valószínűsí...
This work aims to introduce and test various semiquantitative field methods and environmental magnetic measurements to help prepare future planetary missions on Mars. For analog observations, paleosols of loess successions in various stages of soil development were investigated and were used as models to infer environmental change during environmen...
The 31 km diameter and 7.5 km deep de Gerlache crater, located 30 km from the southern pole of the Moon was surveyed. At its bottom a 15 km diameter younger crater can be also found beside many smaller overprinting craters. At moderately sloping terrains a few m high, 100–200 m wide, curving quasi-parallel, km long set of ridges could be identified...
Increasing attention has been paid to multi-hazards in environmental disaster studies produced during the last decade. Multi-hazard studies focus on the occurrence, interaction and effect of several natural hazards in the same region. Despite the increasing number of multi-hazard studies, few investigations have focused on global-scale multi-hazard...
More and more attention has been raising toward the icy moons of the Solar System since the discovery of their potential liquid water [1], and the astrobiology potential below their surface ice [2]. In addition, the ongoing preparation of JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) mission is boosting the research as well. Before the hopefully successful JU...
A substantial dataset containing topographic landforms at Olympia Undae and Scandia Cavi in the Northern circumpolar region of Mars was created by Sanchez-Bayton et al. (2022) [1]. This dataset contains the essential morphometric parameters of 200 small and medium-size landforms. In particular, it includes cratered, non-cratered, and complex irregu...
Is there life beyond Earth? An ideal research program would first ascertain how life on Earth began and then use this as a blueprint for its existence elsewhere. But the origin of life on Earth is still not understood, what then could be the way forward? Upcoming observations of terrestrial exoplanets provide a unique opportunity for answering this...
A borehole-wall scanner was developed with 0.1 mm spatial resolution and used to analyse borehole surfaces in Earth analogue tests to support the drilling of ExoMars 2020 rover and other future missions. Altogether 13 field sites were analysed, and the results were interpreted together with laboratory measurements of optical, infrared and Raman ins...
More and more attention has been raising toward the icy moons of the Solar System since the discovery of their potential liquid water, and the astrobiology potential below their surface ice. In addition, the ongoing preparation of JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) mission from ESA is boosting the research as well.
One of the many research topics,...
Here we present an improved algorithm to model the serpentinization process in planetesimals in the early solar system. Although it is hypothesized that serpentinization-like reactions played an important role in the thermal evolution of planetesimals, few and restricted models are available in this topic. These processes may be important, as the m...
Here we present an improved algorithm to model the serpentinization process in planetesimals in the early Solar system. Although it is hypothesized that serpentinization-like reactions played an important role in the thermal evolution of planetesimals, few and restricted models are available in this topic. These processes may be important as the ma...
We describe the general characteristics and interactions happening at a unique, potential new Mars analogue site, located in the Altiplano and Atacama Desert region: the Ojos del Salado inactive volcano. The interaction between rare snowing events and strong winds transported large masses of porous volcanic grains there could produce decimeter - me...
Mars exploration motivates the search for extraterrestrial life, the development of space technologies,
and the design of human missions and habitations. Here, we seek new insights and
pose unresolved questions relating to the natural history of Mars, habitability, robotic and
human exploration, planetary protection, and the impacts on human societ...
This work presents and tests the classical crater size frequency distribution statistical analysis based age estimation for lunar terrains where optical images are not available, e.g. in permanently shadowed polar craters. A comparison of the optical and topographic data based analysis with the joint evaluation of slope maps of about 1° slope resol...
There may be a chance of small-scale ephemeral liquid water formation on present-day Mars, even though the current climate does not support the existence of larger bodies of water. Through a process called deliquescence, hygroscopic salts can enter solution by absorbing water vapor directly from the atmosphere. Due to the absence of in-situ delique...
There may be a chance of small-scale ephemeral liquid water formation on present day Mars, even though the current climate does not support the existence of larger bodies of water. Through a process called deliquescence, hygroscopic salts can enter solution by absorbing water vapor directly from the atmosphere. Due to the absence of in-situ delique...
This article presents a systematic morphological analysis of the topographic landforms at Olympia Undae and Scandia Cavi in the northern circumpolar region of Mars. The study has been performed using images from Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, as well as topographic profiles from Mars Global Surveyor of 200 small and medium-size geolo...
Mars exploration motivates the search for extraterrestrial life, the development of space technologies, and the design of human missions and habitations. Here, we seek new insights and pose unresolved questions relating to the natural history of Mars, habitability, robotic and human exploration, planetary protection, and the impacts on human societ...
Mars exploration motivates the search for extraterrestrial life, the development of space technologies, and the design of human missions and habitations. Here we seek new insights and pose unresolved questions relating to the natural history of Mars, habitability, robotic and human exploration, planetary protection, and the impacts on human society...
Analysing the microtextures of grains from different sediments helps to determine their transport medium. This method is well developed in the case of quartz grains, because quartz is usually dominant in sediments on Earth. In this study, basaltic sands from aeolian and fluvial environments from Iceland and from the Azores Islands were analysed, si...
This article presents a systematic morphological analysis of the topographic landforms at Olympia Undae and Scandia Cavi in the northern circumpolar region of Mars. The study has been performed using images from Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, as well as topographic profiles from Mars Global Surveyor of 200 small and medium-size geolo...
The joint evaluation of different meteor observation types supports a better understanding of both meteor phenomena and the terrestrial atmosphere. Two types of examples are presented in this work, linking ionospheric effects to specific meteors, with almost one-third of the meteors that emerged at high altitudes simultaneously recorded with an opt...
Joint evaluation of different meteor observation types support the better understanding of both the meteor phenomenon and the terrestrial atmosphere. Two types of examples are presented in this work, linking ionospheric effects to specific meteors, where almost one third of the meteors emerged at high altitudes were simultaneously recorded with an...
Martian subsurface habitability and astrobiology can be evaluated via a lava tube cave, without drilling. MACIE addresses two key goals of the Decadal Survey (2013-2022) and three MEPAG goals. New advances in robotic architectures, autonomous navigation, target sample selection, and analysis will enable MACIE to explore the Martian subsurface.
The presence of meters-thick polar deposits exposed directly on the surface of Mercury provides unique science opportunities that should be prioritized in the next decade of planetary exploration. The poles of Mercury provide a natural laboratory for understanding the chemical, physical, and thermal processes that have governed the supply, retentio...
Mars Polar Science is an integrated, compelling system that serves as a nearby analogue to numerous other planets, supports human exploration, and habitability. Mars possesses the closest and most easily accessible layered ice deposits outside of Earth, and accessing those layers to read the climate record would be a triumph for planetary science.
This work analysis an 81 km long 1.85 km wide fluvial valley on Mars (at 2°55’ South and 111°53’ East) for the first time, located near to the so-called Palos carter and Tinto Vallis, called Tinto-B hereafter. The length of the valley is approximately 81 km, and the average width is ~1.85 km, depth ~250 m. The hypsometric curves were created in 5 d...
Understanding the origin and evolution of the lunar volatile system is not only compelling lunar science, but also fundamental Solar System science. This white paper (submitted to the US National Academies' Decadal Survey in Planetary Science and Astrobiology 2023-2032) summarizes recent advances in our understanding of lunar volatiles, identifies...
An early fluvial and potential lacustrine event was identified in Xanthe Terra at 11.6 N 308.7E on Mars, during the early Hesperian around the termination of the main fluvial era. After a possible sudden sediment input a sharp and steep edge fan formed by fluvial activity at the termination of this channel, possibly indicating a lacustrine period,...
During an almost two week-long field campaign in the Atacama Desert high altitude region of Ojos del Salado volcano, temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) values were monitored on the surface and <1–5 cm sized rocks, focusing on the night-time values. The aim was to identify and evaluate potential temporal characteristics of daily T and RH cha...
This study summarises the potential of rock and enviromagnetic methods, which can help to identify weathered horizons and pedogenic processes in future planetary missions, focusing on methods used on-board future rovers.
Certain terrestrial soils have been already used as potential analogues to Mars on soil-like weathering produced surface layer. P...
The research focuses on the paradox between the low shock stage of carbonaceous chondrites and the marks of hypervelocity impacts, indicated by magnetic parameters which shows the mark of significant alteration triggered by impact induced shock.
Solving the paradox above a theory about the role of multiple impact produced structures instead of one...
In this work the potential mineral identification of meteorites is analysed for the mid-infrared range, to evaluate observational possibilities for future missions targeting small body surfaces. Three carbonaceous and three ordinary chondrite meteorites are examined by a diffuse reflection (DRIFT) instrument, and the presence of principal minerals...
A field expedition in the High Andes/Atacama Desert region revealed two types of flow-produced structures and a unique flow regime. Gullies somewhat smaller than those on Mars (width: 0.2-1 m, depth: 0.2-0.6 m, length: 4-60 m) were observed as mainly erosional structures. The other flow-related feature called infilled valleys showed activity only i...
The Special Collection of papers in this issue of Astrobiology provide an overview of the characteristics and potential for future exploration of the Ojos del Salado volcano, located in the Andes Mountains in front of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. The main benefits of this site compared with others are the combination of strong UV radiation...
In this work the potential mineral identification of meteorites is analysed for the mid-infrared range, to evaluate observational possibilities for future missions targeting small body surfaces. Three carbonaceous and three ordinary chondrite meteorites are examined by a diffuse reflection (DRIFT) instrument, and the presence of principal minerals...
Near future missions to Near Earth Asteroids could provide new information exploiting the middle-infrared (2.5–25 μm) region, as at the temperature range of asteroids at Earth’ solar distance the maximal energy is emitted in this region. The IR range is ideal for the analysis and separation of various silicate types. This work reviews the backgroun...
Liquid water is one of the key elements in the search for possible life outside of the Earth and has a wide range of consequences on various chemical and geological processes. The InSight probe landed on Mars with a special equipment dedicated to examine the geophysical characteristics and internal heat flow of the planet, and some meteorological i...
Surface erosion happened intensively of Mars in the Noachian, partly from precipitation and/or ice melting. However the exact method of erosion is poorly understood, despite various models are used for the Earth successfully. In this work we present the first test results of an erosion simulation GIS based system for Mars. The testing area is (2°55...
Liquid water is one of the key elements in the search for possible life outside of the Earth and has a wide range of consequences on various chemical and geological processes. The InSight probe landed on Mars with a special equipment dedicated to examine geophysical characteristics and internal heat flow of the planet and some meteorological instru...
Two areas on Mars in the old Thaumasia region were analysed, where interaction between fluvial and tectonic landforms provided conditions to improve age estimation for valley network formation. An Earth analog terrain was also involved in this work at Villány Hills (Hungary) for reference and to see the relations in tectonic-fluvial interaction. On...
We investigate the global seasonal variations of near-surface relative humidity and relevant attributes, like temperature and water vapor volume mixing ratio on Mars using calculations from modelled and measurement data. We focus on 2 AM local time snapshots to eliminate daily effects related to differences in insolation, and to be able to compare...
In keeping with the Luxembourg government's initiative to support the future use of space resources, ASIME 2018 was held in Belval, Luxembourg on April 16-17, 2018. The goal of ASIME 2018: Asteroid Intersections with Mine Engineering, was to focus on asteroid composition for advancing the asteroid in-space resource utilisation domain. What do we kn...
This work investigates a realistic scenario for sulfate formation on Mars that may have occurred under conditions representative to the whole Amazonian period. The process, according to reaction kinetics, works without the necessity of elevated temperature and is due to volcanic eruptions. Theoretical modeling utilizing a heterogeneous pathway lead...
Prototypes of borehole-wall imager instruments were developed and tested at a desert riverbed in Morocco and at a lake’s salty flat in the Atacama desert, to support the drilling activity of ExoMars rover. The onsite recorded borehole images contain information on the context that are lost during the sample acquisition. Benefits of the borehole-wal...
We used a grid‐mapping technique to analyze the distribution of 13 water‐ and ice‐related landforms in Acidalia Planitia as part of a joint effort to study the three main basins in the northern lowlands of Mars, that is, Acidalia, Utopia, and Arcadia Planitiae. The landforms were mapped at full Context Camera resolution along a 300‐km‐wide strip fr...
This work in Utopia Planitia is the first continuous regional mapping of ice‐related landforms integrated into an effort to study the three main basins (Arcadia, Acidalia, and Utopia Planitiae) in the northern plains. The distribution and morphotypes of these landforms, SHAllow RADar detections, and crater size‐frequency distribution measurements (...
A project of mapping ice‐related landforms was undertaken to understand the role of subsurface ice in the northern plains. This work is the first continuous regional mapping from CTX (ConTeXt Camera, 6 m/pixel; Malin et al., 2007) imagery in Arcadia Planitia along a strip 300 km across stretching from 30°N to 80°N centered on the 170°W line of long...
We investigate the global seasonal variations of near-surface relative humidity and relevant attributes, like temperature and water vapor volume mixing ratio on Mars using calculations from modelled and measurement data. We focus on 2 am local time snapshots to eliminate daily effects related to differences in insolation, and to be able to compare...
The study of shock-metamorphic features of the Zagami meteorite revealed pseudotachylite-like melt veins with inhomogeneous chemistry and schlieren structure of silica-glass and alkali feldspar melt glass. The feldspar occurs as diaplectic glass in the interstitial area indicating short-time (few seconds) quenching of shock pressure during the impa...
During field work at the Ibn Battuta Mars analogue sites, two research questions were analyzed: (1) How do we identify sampling sites using remote and local imaging and (2) what kind of information can be gained from shallow subsurface exploration? While remote images help in targeting field activities in general, the connection between observation...
Analysing of the microtextures of the quartz grains helps to determine the grains’ transport mode.
We analysed basaltic sands from aeolian and fluvial environments. By optical microscopy several
microtextures could be just identified: upturned plates, meandering ridges and some chemical
precipitation – however the morphology is much more diverse an...
There is only, as we know it, one planet with life—our own Earth. However, current research in astrobiology searches for a second sample of a living world. Astrobiology, which concerns the origin, evolution, and future of life here on Earth and beyond, has become a rapidly expanding research field during the last two decades. European researchers a...
Shock impact-produced mineral alterations in two thin sections of the recently found Csátalja H4 ordinary chondrite meteorite are compared. Peak positions of Raman and infrared spectra of mineral clasts show peaks shifted in wavenumber relative to unshocked reference minerals, and both peak shifts and FWHM values seem to correlate to each other. In...
The particle size, shape, surface texture and composition of aeolian and fluvial sedimentary samples were analyzed and compared using optical microscope-based automatized image analysis, in order to suggest indicators that could discriminate these two modes of transport on Mars. The principal goal is to assess if such indicators – established on Ea...