Akira Arimoto

Akira Arimoto
Kurashiki Sakuyo University · Reseach Institute for Higher Education


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Publications (46)
This chapter analyzes changes in Japanese academics’ views and activities in the areas of teaching, research, and their relationships, as well as compares those to German academics by using the two international surveys of the academic profession undertaken in 2007 and 2017. Main findings include time spent on research by academics in Japan increas...
The purpose of this chapter is to explore the changes that have occurred in Japan’s research, development, and innovation policies and among Japanese academics since the early 1990s. The chapter argues that, despite a certain continuity and coherence between these policies, they also contain dramatic changes. It is fair to say that some of these po...
The purpose of this study is to analyze doctoral students’ career plans and research productivity, as well as key factors affecting both, based on relevant findings from a 2017 national survey of doctoral students at Japanese universities. The main findings of this study are as follows. First, Japanese doctoral students tend to have diverse post-gr...
This last chapter of the book uses an analytical approach in which academics’ demographics, career and self-understanding (values and perspectives) is understood to be a non-linear and complex function of the country in which academics work, the regulations and policies regarding higher education, and the specific institutions in which they work. A...
As an introduction to the book, this chapter presents a short justification for the study of academics' personal characteristics, career trajectories, sense of identity/commitment and job satisfaction. The central argument is that as academics are the individuals in charge of the teaching, research and service functions of higher education institut...
This chapter analyzes academic career trajectories and identity/commitment of Japanese academics on the basis of the Carnegie survey conducted in 1992 and especially the CAP (Changing Academic Profession) survey conducted in 2007, intending to clarify the international characteristics of the Japanese academic profession. After 15 years, the academi...
The book draws on the 2007 Changing Academic Profession international survey in order to document the personal characteristics, career trajectories, sense of identity/commitment and job satisfaction of academics in 14 countries with different levels of economic and social development and different higher education systems. With nearly 26,000 academ...
This chapter conceptualizes research-driven teaching and learning from the university development perspective. In the post-massification of higher education, new scholarship is expected to emphasize teaching and learning because the university teaches students who are academically less prepared. This leads to a new nexus between research, teaching,...
This chapter discusses teaching and research nexus which is a controversial issue among higher education scholars. CAP data enable the analysis of different dimensions of teaching and research activities as well as academics perception on the nexus between the two. According to CAP data in 2007 and the Carnegie data in 1991, many countries moved to...
This chapter briefly summarises the core findings about teaching and research across 19 higher education systems. We suggest that the research function is increasingly emphasised in many developing higher education systems as well as in developed systems so as to strengthen the knowledge society. We also find that the teaching and research function...
The research project ‘The Changing Academic Profession’ was a collective effort of scholars from 19 countries (or more precisely from 18 countries and the ‘special administrative region’ of Hong Kong; for reason of simplification, we will refer to ‘countries’ in the subsequent text). The participating scholars had to cope with a conflicting situati...
A close link between teaching and research is widely viewed as desirable by academics throughout the world. Indeed, it is considered to be an essential feature of the modern university over the last about two centuries. However, we note differences across countries and institutions both in the relative emphasis placed on research and teaching as we...
The academic profession is often portrayed as composed of persons strongly driven by intrinsic motives who concentrate primarily on the substance of teaching and research. They are said to be willing to devote much time to their work and often to forego the conveniences of life outside academia in favour of their interesting and demanding academic...
In the medieval university, academics were prominent in the governance and management of institutions of higher education, especially in Northern Europe. In contrast, students in Southern Europe had an important role in many decisions. Over time the shift to faculty control extended across the continent. In more recent times as national and local g...
In talking about ‘higher education systems’, we tend to refer to macro-societal entities of higher education that are embedded in nations. Higher education is viewed as being both global and international as well as national and even local (see Kerr 1990). On the one hand, higher education is international or global in many respects, such as in the...
This book discusses how teaching and research have been weighted differently in academia in 18 countries and one region, Hong Kong SAR, based on an international comparative study entitled the Changing Academic Profession (CAP). It addresses these issues using empirical evidence, the CAP data. Specifically, the focus is on how teaching and research...
This book provides an overview on the major findings of a questionnaire survey of academic profession in international perspective. More than 25,000 professors and junior staff at universities and other institutions of higher education at almost 20 countries from all over the world provide information on their working situation, their views and act...
Japanese academics are now experiencing the institutionalization of bureaucracy in academia which was clearly recognized in 1992 by academics in western countries, confronted with considerable difficulties in maintaining academic autonomy and academic freedom. The knowledge function of universities is hard to achieve due to an emerging managerialis...
Considering the fact that academic ranking has been introduced internationally by agencies such as the London Times (THES), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and US News and World Report, we can predict an institutionalization of academic ranking throughout the world. Almost all countries are reacting to such situations by competing for high rankings...
As one of the most important phenomena shaping today’s world, globalization is widely studied not only by academic researchers but also by international organizations such as UNESCO, the OECD, and the World Bank. UNESCO, for example, tracked this force constantly over the five years from 1998 to 2003 (UNESCO, 2004), noting major developments and tr...
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Traditionally, academics like to think that they further society by furthering their academic disciplines. The managerial university focuses on rationalization and efficiency, and believes in market mechanisms. These different viewpoints lie at the root of many conflicts. Moreover, one cannot see these issues in isolation. The logic of the manageri...
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This article deals with the various problems related to the given title from four sections. Section “Social function of the academic research enterprise (ARE)” focuses on three problems: Framework of the research on the ARE; Functions of the graduate school in the ARE; and Centers of learning and Japanese ARE. Section “Structure of ARE” discusses t...
The characteristics of the Japanese academic structure are examined with attention to the evolution of institutional hierarchy, the closed academic structure, and the effects of the academic structure upon academic research. The evolution of Japan's institutional hierarchy in academics has been tightly related to factors of nationalism, bureaucracy...
アカデミック・プロダクティビティ(academic productivity)は,科学社会学の「科学的生産性」(scientific productivity)を踏まえて成立した概念である。今日,高等教育の社会学(sociology of higher education)の領域を中心にtechnical termとして使用される頻度が高くなっている。それにもかかわらず,その基本的な意味内容を科学社会学の原典に照らして把握する作業は殆ど行われていない実情にある。小論は,科学社会学の発展史上,最初に「科学的生産性」の概念を理論的に構築し、後に「褒賞体系」を中心とした実証研究を導く上で重要な契機と示唆を付与することになった,マートン(R.K.Merton)とハグストローム(O.W.Hagstro...
最近「科学社会学」(sociology of science)の発展に伴い「科学的生産性」(scientific productivity)もしくは「学問的生産性」(academic productivity)に焦点を合わせた研究が行なわれるようになり,世界の科学ないし学問の中心地を実証的に見定めることが可能になった。科学制度の制度的命令のひとつである「公有性」(communality)の原理に基づき行動する科学者は,発明発見の先取権競争に組み込まれ,科学的生産性,つまり新しい独創的な科学的知識の公表によって「科学的知識の拡大」(extension of scientific knowledge)に寄与することが期待される。その意味で科学的生産性または学問的生産性は科学もしくは学問の発展を測...
The main purpose of this paper is to make a consideration on "school career oriented society" peculiar to Japan, which has such traits as school clique or academic nepotism, and to study its effects upon the whole of the educational system from primary schools to colleges, especially upon high school education. There is a very popular traditional t...
国際的視野から各国の高等教育に対する取組みの状況,ことに「大学改革」の取組みの状況を比較考察してみると,高等教育発展の先発国でも後発国でもその必要性を痛感し,改革の方向を真剣に摸索していることがわかるのである。トロウ(Martin Trow)によれば,伝統的な大学観を固執してきたヨーロッパ(特にイギリス)では「少数のエリートのため」から「大衆のための高等教育」の段階に,また,伝統にこだわらないアメリカでは「大衆のため」の段階を卒えて,中等教育卒業者全員に高等教育を開放する「ユニバーサルな高等教育」の段階にさしかかっているとみなされている。大学入学人口が当該年齢層の5割,部分的にはカリフォルニア州のように8割に達しようとしているアメリカでは,高等教育が社会の多様な要求に応える柔軟性をもたざるを...
小論は,西欧の伝統的な大学社会の中で確立された規範構造を明白にし,それとの連関性をふまえつつ,今世紀に未曽有の発展を遂げ,それだけに発展に伴なう問題点を数多く内包する米国の大学社会を中心に,現代の大学社会がどのような価値葛藤を経験しているかを考察するものである。 This paper intends to clarify the changing normative structure of the academic community in the United States in comparison with that of traditional academic community previously emerged in Europe. The traditional acad...
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Whole issue. Incl. bibl., abstratcs.


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