Ainara Badiola

Ainara Badiola
University of the Basque Country | UPV/EHU · Stratigraphy and Paleontology


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Publications (87)
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he cave lion lineage records from Spain, Portugal, and Italy hold immense paleobiological significance, offering both recent insights and future potential for discoveries. The Iberian record is particularly noteworthy as it includes the earliest evidence of steppe lions in Western Europe, illuminating their possible migration routes. Additionally,...
Anoplotheriines (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) were enigmatic, medium-to large-sized ungulates that lived in Western Europe from the late middle Eocene to the earliest Oligocene. The unusual dental and postcranial specializations of these Paleogene mammals have no equivalent in other Cenozoic or contempo-raneous artiodactyls on Holarctic landmasses. They...
Equoid perissodactyls were diverse in the Eocene of the Iberian Peninsula, and those from the central and western Iberian basins (Mondego, Oviedo, Almazán, Duero, and Miranda-Treviño) and the eastern Ebro Basin (Ulldemolins area) were endemic, with the presence of six genera and 19 species (mainly Palaeotheriidae sensu stricto) that are unknown in...
The pan-sirenian Bauplan is conservative, probably owing to the constraints of adaptation to an aquatic lifestyle. Gathering morphological data from extinct forms is complex, resulting in poorly resolved phylogenies for stem pansirenians. Extant sirenians ossify the falx cerebri and the tentorium cerebelli, membranes of the dura mater of the brain...
The family Palaeotheriidae (Perissodactyla, Equoidea) was one of the most abundant and successful Eocene mammalian groups from western Europe. Equoid perissodactyls were diverse in the Iberian Peninsula, with the presence of six genera and 19 species (mainly palaeotheres) which are unknown elsewhere in Europe. In this work, an overview of the Eocen...
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Dinosauro teropodoak erregistro fosilean nahiko urriak dira eta askotan aurkitutako fosil bakarrak hortz isolatuak dira. Teropodoen hortzekin, ordea, azterketa paleontologiko anitz egin daitezke, metodologia kualitatibo eta kuantitatibo mota desberdinak erabiliz. Hortzetatik abiatuz, teropodoen biosistematika burutu eta talde honen erregistro fosil...
The climatic cooling that began in the late middle Eocene and culminated in the Eocene-Oligocene transition meant major changes in Palaeotheriidae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) biodiversity in Europe and could have caused the appearance of new dietary strategies. This work is the first to study the spatiotemporal response of one palaeotheriid genus (P...
In this work seventeen new maxillary and mandibular dental pieces of the endemic palaeotheriids Leptolophus sp., Iberolophus jimenezi, Plagiolophus mazateronensis, Palaeotherium giganteum, Franzenium durense and Cantabrotherium casanovasae from the late middle Eocene (Bartonian, MP 16) of Mazaterón (Soria, Almazán Basin) are described. The palaeoth...
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In the last years, the previously unknown Eocene macrovertebrate fossil record of the Ainsa Basin (Southern Pyrenees Basin, Huesca, Spain) has been improved. It is composed by pleurodiran and cryptodiran testudines and the basal sirenian Sobrarbesiren cardieli. In 2018, a survey campaign was conducted to search for new Eocene sirenian fossil sites...
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The Sobrarbe-Pirineos UNESCO Global Geopark, located in the Central Pyrenees, is a region of remarkable geodiversity that includes extensive Eocene fossil-bearing sites and constitutes an important archive of paleobiodiversity. The Sobrarbe-Piri-neos Geopark hosts outcrops of Eocene formations bearing an unusual abundance and diversity of fossils f...
Conference Paper
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Pansirenia es un orden de mamíferos marinos afroterios cuyo registro fósil comienza en el Eoceno inferior. En su adaptación a la vida acuática han sufrido numerosas modificaciones corporales incluyendo el desarrollo de una aleta caudal horizontal, principal medio de propulsión en el agua de los sirenios actuales (Trichechus spp. y Dugong dugon). Au...
Se describen por primera vez restos fósiles de cocodrilo del Mioceno Inferior (Formación Tudela, Rambliense, Biozonas MN2b-3) de las Bardenas Reales de Navarra, región situada en el sector noroccidental de la Depresión del Ebro. El material consiste en fragmentos craneales y mandibulares, dientes, huesos del esqueleto axial y apendicular y del escu...
Conference Paper
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During the Eocene, in the European archipelago, the most abundant and diverse components of the perissodactyl fauna were the palaeotheres (Family Palaeotheriidae, Equoidea, Mammalia). In western Iberian Eocene fossil record (Duero, Almazán, Oviedo and Miranda-Treviño basins), a wide diverse and endemic association of palaeotherids and lophiodontids...
The Eocene record of turtle eggshells is scarce, with a single unconfirmed report from France. This scarcity contrasts with the great abundance of osteological remains, distributed over a wide palaeogeographical range as a result of climatic warmth. In this paper, we describe the first definitive Eocene Testudoolithidae eggshell fragments attributa...
The middle and late Eocene perissodactyl fossil record of western Iberia is characterized by an endemic fauna, which is clearly different from those of northeastern Iberia and other areas of the European archipelago. In this work, we describe three endemic equoid taxa belonging to the family Palaeotheriidae. Two come from the late Eocene site of Za...
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Both cerebral hemispheres are separated by a membrane projection of the brain dura matter, which is attached to the ventral surface of the parietal named the falx cerebri. Another membrane, the tentorium cerebelli, separates the upper surface of the cerebellum and the occipital lobes. These membranes ossify in some mammals such as primates, marsupi...
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The Quintanilla la Ojada section (Basque-Cantabrian Region, northern Spain) has yielded two assemblages of Late Cretaceous vertebrates, deposited during the Maastrichtian in coastal environments and related to a transgressive lag at the base of the Valdenoceda Formation. Numerous teeth of Elasmobranchii and Actinopterygii are the most prevailing fo...
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In the transition from a terrestrial to an aquatic environment, sirenian marine mammals reduced and lost their hind limbs and developed a horizontal caudal fin, the main propulsive organ in extant sirenians. Quadrupedal forms are only known from the Eocene and are represented by three different clades: the amphibious “prorastomids,” the aquatic qua...
The western Pyrenees is a territory with a remarkable geodiversity and an important fossil record, which constitutes a large archive of palaeobiodiversity. With respect to the vertebrate fossil record, the western Pyrenees (Basque-Cantabrian Region, Pamplona Basin and the north-western sector of the Ebro Basin) are relevant both from the point of v...
Los dugónguidos son mamíferos secundariamente adaptados a la vida acuática que aparecieron en el Eoceno. A diferencia de los sirenios cuadrúpedos (prorastómidos, protosirénidos y Sobrarbesiren), los dugónguidos eocenos, aunque con una pelvis y un fémur vestigiales, han perdido las extremidades posteriores externas y son formas totalmente acuáticas....
Conference Paper
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Here we describe an unusually high concentration (several tenths of thousands) of turtle eggshell fragments from the Castejón de Sobrarbe-41 (CS-41) fossil site (Lutetian, middle Eocene). CS-41 is a sirenian dominated bonebed located in the Sobrarbe Formation, Ainsa Basin, Huesca, Northern Spain. CS-41 is associated with overbank settings, related...
Conference Paper
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Aragosaurus-IUCA (University of Zaragoza) is a research group in vertebrate paleontology, originally focused in two lines of work: Mesozoic vertebrates from the Iberian Peninsula and Patagonia, and Pleistocene vertebrates from Spain (especially the small vertebrates of the Atapuerca locality). Lately, the group has developed a notable labor prospec...
Conference Paper
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Here we describe an unusually high concentration of eggshell fragments from the Eocene Lutetian Sobrarbe Formation, in the Ainsa Basin, Huesca, Northern Spain. The eggshells were collected by screen washing of sediments from the Castejón de Sobrarbe 41 site, a sirenian dominated bonebed which has also provided several crocodilian and turtle specime...
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Fossil associations from the middle and upper Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian) sedimentary succession of the Pamplona Basin are described. This succession was accumulated in the western part of the South Pyrenean peripheral foreland basin and extends from deep-marine turbiditic (Ezkaba Sandstone Formation) to deltaic (Pamplona Marl, Ardanatz Sands...
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The vertebrate-bearing beds of the Laño quarry (Condado de Treviño) are among the most relevant sites from the Late Cretaceous of Europe. Geologically, Laño and the adjacent region are set on the southern limb of the South-Cantabrian Synclinorium (SE Basque-Cantabrian Region, northern Iberian Peninsula). The Laño sites were discovered in 1984; thou...
Conference Paper
Since the first appearance of sirenians at the end of the lower Eocene (Ypresian) and the beginning of the middle Eocene (Lutetian), the fossil record illustrates the evolutionary transition between quadruped semi-aquatic forms (prorastomids), with a multivertebral sacrum, and aquatic forms, though with still well developed hind limbs in some (prot...
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La Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica (CVC) (Fig. 5.1) es testigo de importantes acontecimientos bióticos ocurridos en el planeta Tierra. Estos eventos, algunos de ellos de escala global, han quedado registrados en las rocas de la cuenca mediante los fósiles. El estudio paleontológico de este registro fósil ha permitido obtener información sobre estos acontec...
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El interés por los vertebrados fósiles es cada vez mayor, y raro es el día que no surge alguna noticia de un nuevo descubrimiento, especialmente en dinosaurios. Los investigadores en Paleontología nos dedicamos a reconstruir los ecosistemas del pasado y conocer su evolución. El grupo Aragosaurus es un equipo de investigación de la Facultad de Cienc...
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The presence of continental turtles in the Ainsa Basin (south-central Pyrenees, northeast Spain) is reported here for the first time. These specimens come from the middle-late Lutetian of the Sobrarbe Fm. Four clades are identified there. One of them corresponds to a member of Pleurodira, identified as Neochelys cf. salmanticensis. The others are c...
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Pochancalo 1 site is placed near to the village of Villanueva de Huerva, in one of the scarce outcrops of the Weald facies within Zaragoza Province (NE Spain). Pochancalo 1 is located in the lower part of the Villanueva de Huerva Formation, Valanginian-Hauterivian (Lower Cretaceous) in age. This formation was deposited in a fluviolacustrine environ...
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The most abundant and continuous fossil record of the Early Cretaceous “Plagiaulacida” suborder of multituberculates comes from Western Europe and that of the Iberian Peninsula is becoming one of the most richest and continuous anywhere in the world. Evidence for that are the new finds found from both the Valanginian/Hauterivian and Hauterivian/Bar...
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M. 2011. New dryolestidan mammal from the Hauterivian–Barremian transition of the Iberian Peninsula. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56 (2): 257–267. Crusafontia amoae sp. nov. (Dryolestida, Stem Cladotheria) is represented by two isolated upper molars (M4 or M5 and M6 or M7) from the terminal Hauterivian–basal Barremian (Early Cretaceous) of the El...
Conference Paper
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El Grupo Aragosaurus-IUCA de la Universidad de Zaragoza ha desarrollado una parte importante de su investigación en los últimos 20 años sobre los vertebrados del Mesozoico y del Pleistoceno de Aragón. La comunidad aragonesa tiene unos magníficos afloramientos con ricos yacimientos de vertebrados, lo que ha favorecido que hayamos descubierto abundan...
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Postcranial remains of Sirenia from the early Middle Eocene (late Lutetian) Urbasa-Andia Formation of Navarre (Western Pyrenees) are described. The material consists of two partial atlas vertebrae, one humerus and several dorsal ribs (from Arrasate, Urbasa plateau), and partial dorsal ribs (from Lezaun, Andia plateau). The morphology of the fossils...
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La Cantalera is an accumulation site for fossil vertebrates consisting mainly of teeth and isolated postcranial remains. It has the greatest vertebrate biodiversity of any site from the Hauterivian-Barremian transition in the Iberian Peninsula. Up to now, 31 vertebrate taxa have been recognized: an osteichthyan (Teleostei indet.), two amphibians (A...
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Biostratinomic and bone-diagenesis parameters are used to evaluate the effects of abiotic and biotic processes on the final composition of two late Eocene vertebrate assemblages preserved in a swampy circum-lake environment from the Zambrana site (Basque-Cantabrian Region, northern Iberian Peninsula). No significant transport or bone sorting by flu...
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This paper summarizes the new Eocene mammalian discoveries in western and northeastern Iberia and analyses the paleobiological data they provide towards an understanding of the evolutionary and paleobiogeographic history of the Eocene mammalian faunas across Europe. Fifty-one mammalian taxa, of which nineteen are new, have been identified since the...
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A new plagiolophine equoid from the Eocene of the Iberian Peninsula, Iberolophus gen. nov., is herein reported. This new genus includes two species: I. arabensis sp. nov. (type species) from the Late Eocene (Headonian) of Zambrana (Araba, Basque Country) and I. jimenezi sp. nov. from the late Middle Eocene (Robiacian) of Mazaterón (Soria, Castilla...
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Resumen: La Formación Sobrepeña, localizada al Sur de la Región Vasco-Cantábrica, aflora a lo largo de todo el Sinclinal de Villarcayo y estructuras adyacentes (Norte de Burgos). Consiste en un conjunto de arcillas versicolores de edad Maastrichtiense superior, de muy fácil reconocimiento en el campo e interpretadas como pertenecientes a una llanur...
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Postcranial remains of Sirenia from the early Middle Eocene (late Lutetian) Urbasa-Andia Formation of Navarre (Western Pyrenees) are described. The material consists of two partial atlas vertebrae, one humerus and several dorsal ribs (from Arrasate, Urbasa plateau), and partial dorsal ribs (from Lezaun, Andia plateau). The morphology of the fossils...
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In this paper marsupial fossils from the Late Eocene of Zambrana (Alava, Miranda-Treviño Basin) are presented. The two hemimandibles here described are referred to the subfamily Herpetotheriinae (Didelphidae) as Peratherium cuvieri. This species is widely known in the Late Eocene of Western Europe. However, it was only known in one locality in the...
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The sedimentologic features of the Palaeogene continental vertebrate-bearing deposits of Huérme-ces del Cerro and Viana de Jadraque (Tajo Basin, Cuadalajara) and the petrographic fea tures of the fossils are here studied. The vertebrate fossils are preserved in distal alluvial channel infillings, which were deposited in littoral carbonate lacustrin...
In this paper marsupial fossils from the Late Eocene of Zambrana (Alava, Miranda-Trevino Basin) are presented. The two hemimandibles here described are referred to the subfamily Herpetotheriinae (Didelphidae) as Peratherium cuvieri. This species is widely known in the Late Eocene of Western Europe. However, it was only known in one locality in the...
Recent fieldwork in the Late Eocene of Zambrana (Álava, Basque-Cantabrian Region) has yielded a new species of Pachynolophus: P. zambranensis nov. sp. According to the phylogenetic analysis made in this study, the Zambrana species is part of the monophyletic Pachynolophus, which is defined at least by three synapomorphies: significant progressive i...
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A demás de un excelente micropaleontólogo Máximo RUIZ DE GAONA fue también un naturalista polifacético y sus aportaciones en el campo de la Paleontología de Vertebrados, objeto principal de este capítulo, tam-bién deben ser destacadas. De hecho, su afición por los vertebrados fósiles y las cavernas quedó reflejada en varias publicaciones: una de el...
We describe Leptolophus sp. (Equoidea) teeth from the late Eocene at Zambrana (Alava, Basque Country). The features of the M2 are comparable to those of Leptolophus sp. from the upper part of the middle Eocene (MP 15-16) of Mazaterón (Soria, Spain). However, there are a number of differences, including the large size and more accentuated hypsodonty...
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In this paper cranial, dental and postcraneal fossil remains of the Bovidae family from Tarazona de Aragón are described. There are two forms in this Middle Miocene paleontological site of the Ebro Basin according to the metric and morphological characteristics of the dentition and hom cores. One form is referred to Eotragus and classified as E. af...
In this paper cranial, dental and postcraneal fossil remains of the Bovidae family from Tarazona de Aragón are described. There are two forms in this Middle Miocene paleontological site of the Ebro Basin according to the metric and morphological characteristics of the dentition and horn cores. One form is referred to Eotragus and classified as E. a...