Aime Charles-NicolasUniversity Hospital Centre of Martinique | CHU · Psychiatry, Addictions
Aime Charles-Nicolas
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Gérard Garouste est né en 1946. Il est considéré comme un des plus grands peintres français d’aujourd’hui. Il est aussi sculpteur et scénographe. Il a peint plus de 600 tableaux. Il a exposé dans les plus grandes galeries, les plus grands musées du monde. À partir de la publication de son autobiographie L’Intranquille, Gérard Garouste révèle...
Objective: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of mental disorders in the population of Martinique, as part of the survey entitled ‘Mental Health in the General Population – Images and Realities’ (Santé Mentale en Population Générale – Images et Réalités). The survey was a multicentre epidemiological study in the general population, conduct...
Until the late 1970s, cocaine use was not considered a public health problem. With the arrival of freebase cocaine in the mid-1970s and crack cocaine in the early 1980s, the number of cocaine users has been steadily increasing in America and Europe, resulting in a significant increase in the number of cocaine users, but also a worrying increase in...
L’acception courante du terme sublimation en fait un processus de transformation de l’énergie sexuelle et agressive en une énergie socialement acceptable investissant des activités artistiques et intellectuelles. Cette notion est, en réalité, complexe. Nous rapportons une histoire étrange et bien réelle qui contribua de façon décisive à la c...
Discusses the relationship between childhood and drug abuse, the childhood of the addict, and the children of addicts. A psychoanalytic approach to childhood addictions reveals 2 critical phases: latency, during which drugs become a problem; and the "ordeal mechanism," which is often in play in the repetition of annihilation. The developmental peri...
This article presents the unique history of psychiatry in the island of Martinique in the time of slavery to today. In the list of traumatogenic events reported by the DSM-IV and DSM-5 slavery is not. Nevertheless, the article discusses ever studied psychiatrically the trauma of slavery and its transgenerational transmission to people today; it com...
La suicidalité à l’adolescence est une question importante de santé publique, en termes de mortalité, de morbidité. Celle-ci est peu évaluée et quantifiée dans les en Martinique au sujet des adolescents. Notre objectif à travers de notre étude prospective exploratoire est de déterminer de la prévalence des tentatives de suicide chez le...
Cocaine intoxication can induce transient psychotic symptoms. The principal aim of this study was to determine sociodemographic and clinical characteristics associated with cocaine-induced psychosis (CIP) and to identify clinical factors predicting CIP in crack cocaine smokers in Martinique. The second aim was to identify clinical factors associate...
Due to many available forms (powder, pasta base, freebase and crack…) and because of multiple routes of administration (intranasal, intravenous, or smoked), cocaine has become in 30 years one of the most consumed illegal drugs worldwide, after cannabis. While the frequency of consumption decreases in North America, it continues to rise in Europe, a...
Addiction to cocaine and other stimulants Due to many available forms (powder, pasta base, freebase and crack...) and because of multiple routes of administration (intranasal, intravenous, or smoked), cocaine has become in 30 years one of the most consumed illegal drugs worldwide, after cannabis. While the frequency of consumption decreases in Nort...
Although child trauma has been associated with psychopathology later in life, little is known regarding the role of child trauma in substance use disorder. Objectives: The present study aimed to examine the respective contributions of childhood trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (PTSD) to substance use disorder. Methods: A sample of...
Exposure to traumatic events is common among individuals with substance use disorders (SUD). Self-medication hypothesis posits that substances are used to relieve distressing psychological symptoms. Moreover, few studies have assessed exposure to traumatic events and Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among samples suffering...
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a frequent comorbidity in patients with substance use disorder. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the consequences of ADHD comorbidity in cocaine users seeking treatment in Martinique.
During 15 months, all patients seeking treatment for cocaine dependence in a specialized cente...
It has been suggested that Black people show lower suicidality than White people. The few conflicting studies estimating lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts in Caribbean populations were mainly carried out in the UK and the USA. Our aim was to investigate the prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts among the French Caribbean general population...
There is an increase in the use of cocaine and crack by the populations of Western Europe and in the demand for treatment. The absence of specific medicinal treatments, and in particular of suitable substitutes for this type of drug addiction, makes their treatment more difficult. Our purpose is to present a focus on cocaine and crack addiction.
Key points. Cocaine, the second most frequently consumed illicit substance after cannabis in both United States and Europe, remains the psychostimulant of choice for many, often mixed with other psychoactive substances. It is most frequently associated with alcohol, and a diagnosis of alcohol dependence may be made in 50%-90% of cocaine-dependent s...
There is an increase in the use of cocaine and crack by the populations of Western
Europe and in the demand for treatment. The absence of specific medicinal treatments, and in
particular of suitable substitutes for this type of drug addiction, makes their treatment more
difficult. Our purpose is to present a focus on cocaine and crack addiction.
Research on vulnerability factors among ethnic groups, independent of primary psychiatric diagnosis, may help to identify groups at risk of suicidal behavior. French African Caribbean general psychiatric patients (N = 362) were recruited consecutively and independently of the primary psychiatric diagnosis. Demographic and clinical characteristics a...
Résumé. À partir de l'exemple d'un patient cocaïnomane au crack nous présenterons la traduction française de la relapse prediction scale et montrerons l'intérêt dans son utilisation dans un programme d'exposition avec prévention de la ré-ponse. Cet instrument permet de mesurer l'intensité du cra-ving (en l'occurrence, l'envie irrépressible de fumer...
La relapse prediction scale est un auto-questionnaire publié dans « Cognitive Therapy of Substance Abuse » (Ä. Beck et al., The Guilford Press, New York, 1993.). Cinquante situations susceptibles de déclencher une envie irrépressible de consommer de la cocaïne ou du crack (craving) y sont décrites. Pour chacune des situations, le patient détermine,...
The conflicting results reported by genetic studies with the variants of the genes coding for the dopaminergic system in cocaine addicts could be partially explained by the difficulties to constitute homogenous sample of patients. Childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and/or impulsivity are frequently associated with cocaine ad...
What type of care and support? Cocaine, psychostimulants and other substances.
Psychostimulants are consumed alone or in combination with alcohol, cannabis, opiates or tranquillizers depending on the region. Experimentation with illicit drugs in Europe generally occurs in a recreational setting and often comprises ecstasy or cocaine, in addition to...
Owing to their agonist action on dopaminergic systems, cannabinoids may play a major role in substance dependency and schizophrenia. We examined the (AAT)n triplet repeat polymorphism nearby the CNR1 gene, which encodes human cannabinoid (CB1) receptor, in a male Afro-Caribbean population. The allelic and genotypic distributions were significantly...
Résumé Les notices biographiques de Frantz Fanon font référence tout autant au Martiniquais qu’au psychiatre. Elles le présentent comme théoricien anticolonialiste né à la Martinique, parfois comme penseur visionnaire, souvent simplement comme psychiatre martiniquais .
To investigate and compare the prevalence of psychoses in the French West Indies (FWI) and in continental France.
As part of an international epidemiologic multicentre study under the authority of the World Health Organization French Collaborating Center (WHO-CC), we questioned 7257 individuals selected from the general population in France and in...
Le couloir caribéen est devenu une route majeure du trafic de drogue : on observe une augmentation de l'utilisation de crack et de cocaïne par les populations des îles caribéennes et une augmentation de la demande de traitement. Or, l'absence de traitement médicamenteux spécifique et en particulier de substitution pour ces formes de toxicomanie ren...
Quelques entretiens avec des parents de jeunes toxicomanes comme avec les toxicomanes eux-mêmes permettent de mettre à jour la fréquence des troubles de nature dépressive chez la mère - ainsi que deux mécanismes majeurs de défense familiale : l'empiètement et le rejet, qui peuvent jouer ensemble et paradoxalement. Les fratries, prises globalement,...
Emotional reactions to seropositivity are studied throughout their course with reference to the model of 'the Work of disease' (J.L. Pedinielli). However, the psychological 'work of the HIV' is particular in that it results from the paradox of a death sentence with no concrete, perceptible evidence. The clinical latency of the infection promotes a...
The utilization of solvants by pre-adolescents is seldom toxicomaniac. The author underlines the specificity of the effects sought after by pre-adolescents by comparison with adolescents and confronts these effects with the context of severe bereavement of pre-adolescent drug-addicts. The psychodynamic approach brings to light the importance of the...
Besides the standardized treatments of drug addiction, a particularly personalized approach of treatment can be proposed to opiate addicts. After numerous consultations, whose essentially social and practical content enabled the subject to acquire a more efficient approach to the various material difficulties of his existence, it is only then that...
Of the synchroness slowing down of electrographic waves in animal experimently intoxicated with morphinic substances corresponds with the occurrance of addiction and tolerance to the products. In human's the progressive tolerance of the product can also be seen in course. This tolerance is accompagned by signs of dysfonction which question addictio...
Drug addicts often refer to their childhood as having made their fate inescapable. To this they then add the fantasy of the self-begetting of the addict: only with his drug has he come to life. Against this background, the authors discuss the child-drug relationship, the childhood of drug addicts and the children of drug addicts.
The authors examine three situations in which the physician intervenes between the delinquent and his judge. 1) The Drug Addicts: it is important to distinguish in behavioural disturbances the difference between delinquency and addiction. According to the Law of the 31st of December 1970, the physician becomes an auxiliary to the judicial process....
Drug addiction will frequently be diagnosed during the first consultation, and the demand made is always urgently pressed. The response is inevitably incomplete, and this fact should not be dissimulated. A number of parental demands actually made are considered, and responses are proposed. The first stage of therapeutic activity with a drug addict...
The development of a psychotic process was noted in seven amphetamine addicts who had been seen over a period of several years before onset of the psychosis and who had no psychotic tendencies before the addiction. This group was compared with two from the standpoint of the symptomatology of acute psychosis; i.e. acute psychotic episodes under the...
There is a need to define the field of drug addiction from both the theoretical and the practical point of view, but any attempt to do so encounters difficulties that are inherent in the many types of approach as well as in the polymorphism of drug addiction. The difficulties are also due to the present day consumption of pills which is very high b...