Ahssan Manan Khan

Ahssan Manan Khan
National University of Sciences and Technology | NUST · Department of Chemical Engineering


Questions (3)
Is there any post emergence weedicide to control nutsedges (Cyperus rotundus) in cotton without using any shield or perventive nozel? Any weedicide which can kill nutsedge but doesnt harm cotton crop?
pH of DAP fertilizer is alkaline but according to Wikipedia When its applied in soil, it temporarily increases the soil pH, but over a long term the treated ground becomes more acidic than before upon nitrification of the ammonium. What are your views about it? is DAP good for high pH soils or we should use MAP, SSP, TSP or Liquid phosphates?
Plants uptake phosphorous as H2PO4 or HPO4 (H2PO4 is readily available to plants) but Phosphoric acid is H3PO4 (Difference is three hydrogen ions). So, What 'll be reaction of phosphoric acid in soil and 'll it loose hydrogen ions or not? Also, how can we pre convert H3PO4 to H2PO4? any easy method?