Ahmet Görgüç

Ahmet Görgüç
Ahmet verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Ahmet verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Adnan Menderes University ·  Department of Food Engineering



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Plant proteins, Waste valorization, Extraction, Antioxidant compounds, Nanocellulose, Freezing technology, Cryoprotectants
Additional affiliations
October 2024 - present
The Ohio State University
  • PostDoc Position
November 2023 - February 2024
University of Ljubljana
  • PostDoc Position
September 2014 - October 2016
Hacettepe University
  • TÜBİTAK 1003 Project Scholar


Publications (46)
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Sour (tart) cherry is an industrial fruit where a considerable amount of by-products remain after processing. Sour cherry by-products consist of pomace (skin and flesh) and seeds (pit, stone) which remain after the fruit juice and IQF processes. Sour cherry pomace is characterized with a high content of phenolic compounds and the seed constitutes a...
Significant amount of bran is discarded from sesame processing plants and yet it is seen as waste or animal feed. This study for the first time designed to recover protein and antioxidant compounds from sesame bran. In this respect, effectiveness of four different techniques i.e. viscozyme L, alcalase, ultrasound and ultrasound-assisted enzymatic e...
This study aimed to investigate the effects of microwave‐assisted and combined microwave‐assisted enzymatic extraction techniques for the recovery of plant‐based protein and antioxidant compounds from the food waste sesame bran. The effects of independent variables, that is, process temperature (25–55 °C), time (10–120 min), and enzyme concentratio...
Conference Paper
Saffron milk cap (Lactarius deliciosus) is a wild mushroom specie and has natural habitat in Aegean region of Turkey. There has been great interest to saffron milk cap in food and pharmaceutical industries due to its high nutritional value with unique phytochemical contents, extensive unsaturated fatty acids and flavor compounds. It has been utiliz...
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Sesame bran is an industrial waste which is either not currently evaluated technologically or has limited use as animal feed. In this study, recovery potentials of protein and antioxidant compounds were investigated from three different sesame brans which are emerge as waste from dry and wet processing lines of the sesame-an intensively used input...
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Proteinler, sahip oldukları birçok fonksiyonel özellik sayesinde gıda endüstrisinde geniş bir yelpazede yer almaktadır. Proteinler ve izolatları birçok farklı kaynaktan elde edilebilmektedir; ancak artan nüfusla birlikte kaynaklar azalmakta ve bu nedenle yeni protein kaynakları araştırılmaktadır. Bitkisel proteinler, zengin besleyici içerikleri, dü...
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This study explored the effects of three different freezing and thawing methods on the behavior of quality parameters in raw beef meat. Also, the usage of inulin as a cryoprotectant was investigated. The beef was subjected to freezing using three distinct. Methods Static freezing (I), air blast freezing (II), and individual quick freezing (III). Af...
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This study aimed to produce cellulose nanoparticles from pistachio hull via four different protocols. First, microcellulose was produced by consecutive purification protocols then sulfuric acid (C), microwave-assisted sulfuric acid (MW), hydrotropic solvent (HS), and deep-eutectic solvent (DES) extraction systems were implemented. The effectiveness...
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Bu çalışmada ileri görüntüleme tekniklerinden olan multispektral görüntüleme ve hiperspektral görüntülemenin meyve ve sebze endüstrisinde kullanım olanakları derlenmiştir. Multispektral görüntüleme ve hiperspektral görüntüleme teknikleri; meyve sebzeleri sınıflandırma, olgunluğa göre sıralama, kusurlu ürün ayırma, kuraklık ölçümü yapma, hasat zaman...
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Recent studies suggest that nanocelluloses may help protect frozen foods’ structure, thereby preserving quality parameters during storage. This study examined the impact of nanocellulose treatment on the frozen quality of sour cherries. Nanocellulose produced from pistachio hull was incorporated into sour cherries using vacuum impregnation, and its...
Nanocellulose, a unique and promising natural substance extracted from cellulose-based materials, has gained tremendous attention for its use in various applications. Latest studies hypothesized that green extraction techniques reveal high-yield cellulose nanoparticles with lower environmental hazard and also highlighted that selectivity and charac...
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Structural modification of protein prior to food application is an emergent approach to improve functionalization. The effectiveness of high-power ultrasound at varying amplitudes (0–100%) on the properties of pea protein powder was investigated in this study. The resulting modification was also tested with model gluten-free bread formulation and b...
The present study evaluated the effect of ultrasonication prior to microwave heating applied at 60 °C, 70 °C, and 80 °C on the quality characteristics of verjuice. The sole microwave heating and conventional heating were also performed at the same temperature levels, and effectiveness of three different treatments were evaluated. The required treat...
Cereal-based foods have been essential elements in nutrition throughout history. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the application of innovative strategies to improve technological and nutritional properties of dough-based cereal products. Literature studies indicate that the integration of vacuum technology into baking and noodle...
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The pits of sour (tart) cherry have been recently exploited as a rich source of protein. The objective of this study was to produce protein powders from the “waste of by-product” left after the separation of precious oils from the kernel. In this context, microwave-assisted enzymatic extraction was primarily carried out after determining the approp...
Chokeberry (aronia) fruit is a rich source of bioactive compounds with various health benefits. However, it has a limited shelf life and a firm (tight) structure that makes it difficult for moisture transfer during drying. Therefore, the aim of the study is to investigate the effects of high-power ultrasound pretreatment (550 W, 30 min) and air dry...
Sweet cherry (Prunus avium) originated in the region between the Black and the Caspian Seas, and its domestication dates before recorded history. The template fruit is widely distributed around the world, with greater prevalence in Mediterranean countries. Sweet cherry is one of the most popular fruits, highly appreciated by consumers due to its de...
Human beings have cultivated pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) for its medicinal and nutritious properties for over 4000 years. The pomegranate has significant importance in the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean countries. Pomegranate fruit with 2.5–three million tons of annual global production is used to manufacture a wide range of food produc...
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Natural colorants/pigments such as anthocyanins, carotenoids, betalains, and chlorophylls have been generally used in the food industry as coloring agents. However, there are challenges related to color fading during food processing, storage, and commercialization due to the low stability of natural colorants compared to synthetic ones. Among them,...
Dried fig (Ficus carica L. cv. Sarılop) is an important food commodity which has significant commercial value. This industrial fruit has comprehensive pre‐/post‐harvest treatments and needs an appropriate washing treatment by conserving its quality parameters. This study aimed to investigate the effects of individual and combined ultrasound, peroxy...
This study aimed to produce protein hydrolysates from sesame bran using ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction followed by spray-drying (SD) and freeze-drying (FD) techniques. Spray drying parameters highly influenced powder yield (22.8–70.5%), protein yield (23.0–70.4%), drying time (41–149 min) and aw value (0.196–0.288). Therefore, the impacts...
Added sugar‐free functional ice cream was formulated and produced with dry fig (Ficus carica cv. Sarılop) and stevia leaf (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) extract. In this context, four different ice‐cream formulations including 1, 4, 7 and 10% (w:w) stevia extracts prepared by microwave‐assisted method and a sucrose‐added control sample were studied. V...
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Bu derleme makalede gıda atıkları ve/veya yan ürünlerinden gıda bileşenlerinin özütlenerek geri kazanımının ardından püskürtmeli ve dondurarak kurutma yöntemleri ile toz formda ürün üretimine yönelik çalışmalar ele alınmıştır. Gıda atıklarından özütlenen fenolik maddeler, vitaminler, renk maddeleri, aroma maddeleri, proteinler ve lifler gibi bileşi...
High demands for plant-based proteins have led food technologists to search for new and alternative sources. This review presents and discusses recent developments in the recovery of proteins from plant origin by-products. The innovative protein extraction techniques have advantages over conventional methods as they are cheap, eco-friendly, high ef...
Microbial contaminations and related issues are causing serious economic losses to the global trade of dried figs. A significant amount of dried figs are rejected at the customs gates after legally required analyses, which in turn brings several problems covering the destruction of foods, environmental hazards, and food safety issues. In the presen...
Optimization of steviol glycosides and polyphenols extraction from stevia leaves for maceration, microwave assisted (MAE) and ultrasound assisted (UAE) techniques were performed by investigating the effects of process variables using response surface methodology. Optimum extraction conditions for maceration were 50% EtOH concentration, 118 mL/g sol...
Agro-industrial by-products containing considerable amounts of protein (10 – 50%) such as soybean meal, rice bran and coconut pulp are promising bioactive peptide sources with annual disposal rate of 800 million tons in the world. More recently, plant by-products rich in protein content have been studied under various prisms that include recovery t...
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Küresel kentleşme ve nüfus artışı, gıda atık yönetimini zorlaştırmakta ve atıkların kontrolsüz bir şekilde birikmesine neden olmaktadır. Gıda üretim ve tedarik zinciri boyunca oluşan atıkların yüksek protein içeriklerinden dolayı doğru ve etkin bir şekilde kullanımının ve geri dönüşümünün sağlanması hem ülkemizde hem de tüm dünyada her geçen gün ön...
The latest studies on the extraction of bio-components from plant materials have elaborated on novel approaches to increase yield. This study evaluated the effect of vacuum operation parameters on the recovery of protein and antioxidant compounds from sesame bran. In this context, vacuum-ultrasound assisted extraction (VU) and vacuum-ultrasound ass...
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Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) has gained great interests due to its non-caloric and health related properties with its steviol glycosides and phytochemical constituents. Currently, it is being utilized as a natural sweetener in many food formulations such as soft drinks, jams, dairy products, chocolates, etc. Green extraction techniques using...
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Meyve ve sebzelerin yetişme, hasat ve sonrası aşamalarında bulaşan mikroorganizmalar bazen sağlık açısından ciddi tehlikeler oluşturabilmektedir. Bu sebeple meyve ve sebzelerin endüstriyel olarak yıkanmalarında çeşitli dekontaminasyon uygulamaları geliştirilmiştir. Gıdaya fizikokimyasal, besinsel ve duyusal olarak daha az zarar verdiği belirtilen u...
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Türkiye, sahip olduğu özel ekolojik koşullar sayesinde farklı türlerde incir zenginliğine sahip ve aynı zamanda kurutmalık ve sofralık incir yetiştiriciliğinde ve ticaretinde dünyada lider konumdadır. Özellikle kurutmaya en uygun olan Sarılop çeşidi incir, ülkemizde toplam incir üretiminin %90’ından fazlasına karşılık gelen önemli bir ihracat ürünü...
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Çilek karakteristik özellikleri ile tüm dünyada en çok tercih edilen meyveler arasında yer almaktadır. Taze çileğin morfolojik yapısı gereği hasat işleminden sonra soğukta depolama esnasında üründe kalite kayıpları gözlenmektedir. Bu nedenle, taze çileklerde yıkama işlemi özellikle mikrobiyal yükün azaltılması ve raf ömrünün artırılması adına önem...
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Kırmızı pancar, gıda endüstrisinde yaygın olarak kullanılan doğal renk maddesi olan betaninin en önemli kaynağıdır. Konsantre ya da toz formda arz edilen bu gıda renklendiricisi için ilk üretim basamağı kırmızı pancar suyu üretimidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yüksek verimlilikte kırmızı pancar suyu eldesinde presleme öncesi enzim ön uygulamasının ve bu...
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Aydın ili, çilek yetiştiriciliğinde ve ihracatında ülkemizde Mersin’den sonra ikinci sıradadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, Aydın sınırları içerisinde yoğun şekilde yetiştiriciliği yapılan ve en çok ihracatı gerçekleştirilen ticari çilek çeşitlerinin fiziksel, kimyasal, biyoaktif ve aroma özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, ticari hasat olgunluğund...
Conference Paper
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Vacuum impregnation is a unit operation which facilitates the bidirectional mass transfer between food structure and impregnation solution by modifying the capillary structures of the foods. This technique was first launched to fasten osmotic dehydration processes; later it has been a convenient method to transfer desirable substances into food tis...
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Microwaves are the electromagnetic waves between the infrared and radio waves in the electromagnetic spectrum, and they have a wavelength of 1 mm – 1 m and a frequency of 300 MHz - 300 GHz. In microwave process, the polar water molecules in the food are polarized by the electric field, and the heat generated by the vibrations of the molecules incre...


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