Ahmad Salih Alnaser

Ahmad Salih Alnaser
Amman Arab University · Marketing department, Faculty of business

Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration / Marketing


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Publications (31)
Purpose: This study aims to exploring factors affecting intention to consume fish in Jordan. Theoretical framework: Fish consumption is one of important topics in the national economy, so the current study examine how price, product, promotion, place, and health concern effect on intention to consume fish. Design/ Methodology / Approach: A descript...
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The main justification given for the dislike of online dealing is the lack of trust in online transactions. Therefore, online trust is growing in importance. In the Arab world, universities have tried to improve their performance through the implementation of upgradeable technologies. Current research examines the impact of website design on attrac...
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E-governance could be understood as the performance of the governance via the electronic medium to facilitate a transparent, efficient, and speedy process for making information readily available to the public, government organs, and other social agencies to perform administration activities of the government. Likewise, e-governance has become the...
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Jordan enjoys attractive tourist areas, and in this study we address the Dead Sea area and what it provides of therapeutic health products to represent one of the most important health products for Jordan, so this study aimed to research the relationship between the brand and customers from the perspective of trust, and to achieve this data was col...
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Jordan is one of the most ancient Arab civilizations, with a stable identity. To sustain this identity, Madaba-Jordan is a prominent name due to its famous handicraft works. However, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the decreased tourism has also affected handicraft sales, leading to declined economic opportunities. This article attempted to investiga...
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Social media have deeply integrated into our lives. Especially, students more prefer online media technology to avail information about their educational scenarios. The current study also aims to examine the impacts of social media platforms on the acceptance of students in university based on the decision influenced by the specific media platform....
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The tourism sector in Jordan has a major role in the national economy. So, this study aims to determine the role of Social media marketing activities as an independent variable and the brand experience as moderator in the relationship between Social media marketing activities and brand equity in its dimensions (image of the brand, perceived quality...
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The moderating role of content marketing on the relationship between website usability and reuse intention of Airline E-Tickets Services was examined in this study, utilizing theory of planned behaviour (TPB), and e-technology acceptance model (TAM). 216 questionnaires were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling. The res...
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At the end of the year 2019, Coronavirus expanded from Wuhan, China to the other parts of the world. Mainly declared as one of the deadliest respiratory diseases, it rapidly transmits from one person to another. This disease is a major healthcare challenge, adversely affecting every field of life. Until now, any effective vaccination has not been d...
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The Islamic banks are characterized by multi-functional banks, which play the role of commercial and specialized banks and do not deal in credit. They do not borrow without interest, lend interest-free and do not benefit. They provide financing according to legitimate terms such as speculation, participation, profitability and other means of invest...
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Employee satisfaction is significant when it comes to define organizational success, particularly in the service industry. The need to enhance employee satisfaction is critical because it is the key to better business operations as it increases long-term employee productivity and retains profitable customers. The purpose of this study is to observe...
Conference Paper
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This study aimed to know the effect of Marketing Intelligence Multivariate's ( intelligent product , smarter competitors , database , understanding customer , understanding of market ) on technological innovation was chosen as the Jordan Telecom to study them , came the importance of the study of the Marketing Intelligence is one of the important t...
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This study aimed to investigate the impact of Integrated Marketing Communications which was measured through (Advertising, Publicity, Personal Selling, Public Relations, Direct Marketing, and Sales Promotion) on the Brand Loyalty which was measured through (Buying Repetition, Commitment, Trust) in Islamic banks operating in Jordan. To achieve the o...
Conference Paper
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This study designed to explore the relationship between higher education service quality dimensions and students' satisfaction. Self-administered questionnaire was used in this research to collect the related data to investigate the relationship between service quality and student satisfaction in Jordanian public universities. Data were collected t...
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The research sought to ascertain which Islamic Attributes are fundamental to Muslim tourists while they were visiting Jordan. Furthermore, the impacts that Islamic Attributes have on promoting Jordan as an Islamic destination were also studied. It was anticipated that the research would become an integral part of Islamic tourism. A self-administere...
Conference Paper
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ھدفت ھذه الدراسة إلى معرفة دورالتمكین الاداري في تحقیق الابداع الوظیفي، واستخدمت الدراسة تحلیل مضمون الدراسات السابقة، وخلصت الى ضرورة الاھتمام في تمكین العاملین كمتغیر مھم وضروري لتشجیع العاملین وتحفیزھم نحو الابداع الاداري من خلال خلق وتطویر اسالیب العمل الخاصة بھم، مما یسھم في تحصین المیزة التنافسیة للمنظمة في ظل بیئة سریعة التغیر على كافة الاصع...
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The current research paper aims to identify the major dimensions of m-government adoption and its impact on citizen satisfaction. This paper will help in understanding the key issues surrounding mobile applications that may assist in the successful operation of m-government. A review of the literature covering these mobile government factors will b...
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The growing access to mobile internet, added to the arrival of smartphones, has caused a real technological revolution in the mobile marketing industry. This study aims to investigate the attitude of Limkokwing students toward mobile marketing in the smartphone era. A total of 281 students have participated in this study. The finding of this study...
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The current research paper attempts to determine the major factors of e-commerce adoption and its impact on customer satisfaction. A literature review covering e-commerce adoption will be presented in the study. The article is based on analyze literature and providing guidelines to researchers to identify the relationship between e-commerce adaptio...
Conference Paper
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This study aims to examine the relationship between higher education service quality dimensions and students' satisfaction. Self-administered questionnaire was used in this study to collect the related data to establish the relationship between service quality and student satisfaction. Data were collected through distributing 582 questionnaires amo...
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This conceptual study aims to determine the major variables of marketing strategy, and how marketing strategy effect. Therefore, this research will cover and analyze the related literature review to be guideline for researcher on how to define the most important marketing strategy variables that effect customer loyalty. Suggested framework is made...
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The purpose of this study is to know influences of Applying Elements of E-Marketing Mix-on Customer Satisfaction case study on Jordan Telecom Companies, where it was considered Elements of E-Marketing as an Independent variable and Customer satisfaction as a dependent variable. Questionnaire was developed for Preliminary data collecting purposes, w...
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The current research paper aims to discuss threefold of service quality and students satisfaction. First is to shed light on the concepts of service quality and student satisfaction. Second is to examine the major dimensions of service quality in higher education. Third is to propose conceptual model to investigate the relationship between service...
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The current conceptual paper attempts to determine the major dimensions of e-service quality in a number of service industries and settings, and to examine how these dimensions affect customer satisfaction. A literature review covering these dimensions will be presented in the study. The paper is conceptual in nature providing guidelines to researc...
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The appearance of electronic commerce (e-commerce) during 1990s has brought great benefits for businesses. E-commerce is a paradigm shift and a competitive tool for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Despite the benefits of e-commerce, the adoption of the technology is limited. This paper aims to investigate the factors that affect the adoption o...
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To achieve the quality of work life, regular effort is required by the organizations which offer the employees more opportunities for their job effectiveness and collaboration on the overall effectiveness. The high quality of work life (QWL) is essential for all organizations to continue attracting and retaining employees. QWL is a comprehensive pr...
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This study attempted to examine the relationship between service quality dimensions and overall service quality (tangibility, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy) with students satisfaction. Self-administered questionnaire was used in this study to collect the related data to establish the relationship between service quality and stu...
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Today, the orientation toward success in life is becoming one of the leading life strategies of college students at higher educational institutions, and of young people in general, under current market conditions. Starting from "Deweyan perspective, educational transformation must be seen as strictly connected to social change, and education should...
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The current paper attempts to explore three main aspects of education and globalization. First is to shed light on the concept and the historical origins of globalization. Second is to investigate the different dimensions of globalization including economic, political, cultural, and social dimensions. Third is to investigate and discuss the challen...


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anyone could give me the exact matrix for it?


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