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October 1990 - present
October 1990 - April 2016
Publications (36)
the aim of this paper is to provide an economic estimate of three ecosystem services (water used for irrigation, pollination and natural pest control using birds and bats) under different adaptation scenarios for the agricultural production in Extremadura
Soy is the most important agricultural commodity in Argentina, with relevance in public revenues and international reserves accumulation. However, a proper impact evaluation of future losses in the context of climate change has not yet been developed. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide future estimates of impact evaluation for macroecon...
In Argentina, soy and maize represent 28% of the total country exports, affecting the balance of payments, international reserves accumulation and sovereign credit risk. In the past 10 years, three extreme and moderate droughts have affected the agricultural areas, causing significant losses in soybean and maize production. This study aims...
Our current lifestyle, based on compulsive consumption, seems to have surpassed the planet’s limits of sustainability. This problem especially concerns the younger generations, as they will suffer the consequences; so, for that reason, they should participate in finding solutions.University aims to provide students with basic competences for taking...
Extensive livestock farming is a relevant activity in Spain, and lamb production is particularly important in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, where feed supplementation is the main cost of production. In addition to facing climate risks which increases feed quantity needs, producers are also exposed to exogenous price volatility because fe...
The rapid urbanization of cities has resulted in the deterioration of urban forests and the loss of important benefits from green infrastructure, such as the removal of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and carbon sequestration. The Mirador Sur Park is one of the main green spaces in the city of Santo Domingo. The objective of this research was to identify ci...
European Union Allowances (EUAs) are rights to emit CO2 that may be sold or bought by enterprises. They were originally created to try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, although they have become assets that may be used by financial intermediaries to seek for new business opportunities. Therefore, forecasting the time evolution of their price is v...
A survey on pollutants that affect air quality was carried out at 27 points in the city of Santo Domingo, National District. The removal of air pollutants was estimated in relation to the city’s forest cover; using the iTree Canopy software. A principal components analysis and a correlation analysis was also performed to identify the association of...
In Latin American and Caribbean countries, the main concern of public health care managers has been traditionally placed on problems related to funding, payment mechanisms, and equity of access. However, more recently, there is a growing interest in improving the levels of efficiency and reducing costs in the provision of health services. In this p...
Cities are territories vulnerable to climate change. An alternative to increase resilience and mitigate the effects of the climate context is urban forest planning to increase ecosystem services. This research constructed a forest cover sustainability index, based on 147 semi-structured interviews with residents of four residential areas of the cit...
In the last decades, there has been a growing interest in measuring the efficiency of hospitals using different methodological approaches, mainly represented by data envelopment analysis (DEA) and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). In this study, we estimate efficiency measures of performance for a sample of Panamanian public hospitals over an 11‐...
The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) was created to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Companies producing carbon emissions have to manage associated cash flows by buying or selling carbon allowances. Moreover, future carbon prices could affect company decision making on decarbonization technology investments. In this paper, we foreca...
This paper presents an evaluation of the economic cost of precipitation shortage in the production of lamb in Extremadura. Given that the production strategy is based on maintaining a productivity target by supplementing natural pastures in contexts of water scarcity, the approach will be based on the analysis of the cost structure of the sector. A...
In Latin American and Caribbean countries the main concern of public health care managers has been traditionally placed on problems related to funding, payment mechanisms and equity of access. However, more recently, there is a growing interest in improving the levels of efficiency and reducing costs in the provision of health services....
The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) was created in 2005 to price every ton of carbon dioxide emissions. Within this framework, EU carbon dioxide emission allowances can affect electric power industry stock performance. This article uses a multifactor market model and a panel data econometric technique to investigate the long-run im...
In this paper, we analyze the effects of the energy transition process on economic growth in Spain and Portugal, countries that, adhering to European Union (EU) directives, opted to promote clean energies from the very start. On the one hand, we look at the energy transition laws introduced by the EU and other countries. On the other, we conduct a...
In this paper, we forecast the price of CO2 emission allowances using an artificial intelligence tool: neural networks. We were able to provide confident predictions of several future prices by processing a set of past data. Different model structures were tested. The influence of subjective economic and political decisions on price evolution leads...
En este trabajo estudiamos el efecto sobre el gasto corriente universitario de distintos modelos de gestión del presupuesto, al establecer distintas medidas de control del gasto, tanto en la forma de gestionarlo como con la introducción de mejoras tecnológicas. Para ello se analiza un panel de datos de gasto en diversos recursos básicos para el fun...
The main purpose of this article is to provide empirical evidence for Spain on the dependency relationship between government spending and private consumption at the disaggregated level. To this end, we will use two approaches that extend traditional consumption models, allowing for non-separability of consumers' preferences between public and priv...
This study analyses some of the empirical determinants of aggregate private saving rates for a panel of 21 OECD countries over the period 1964 to 2001. Among the fiscal determinants considered, there is evidence of an important trade-off between public and private saving and a negative effect of higher current public expenditure on private saving....
In this article we analyse whether the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis is a valid approximation for Spain’s economic reality or whether there exist deviations from that situation which would be more in line with the conventional Keynesian perspective of the effects of debt on private consumption-savings decisions.
Our aim is to contribute to the r...
Evidence, whether international or national, of the significance of the links between budget deficits and interest rates, is in general terms inconclusive. The aim of the present work is to contribute new findings for the Spanish economy using annual data for the period 1964-2000. It is found that budget deficits did not appear to raise long-run no...
. El trabajo analiza los determinantes empíricos del ahorro privado usando como soporte un panel de datos sobre 21 países de la OCDE para el período 1964-2001. De entre los factores considerados, se presta especial atención a la significación y magnitud del impacto de las variables asociadas a la política fiscal implementada en cada país. Al nivel...
Los vínculos entre el déficit público y los tipos de interés no son claros, según se desprende de la evidencia disponible tanto al nivel internacional como nacional. En este trabajo nos planteamos como objetivo inicial realizar una breve revisión al tratamiento que se le ha dado a esta cuestión, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como empírico,...
Resumen: Este trabajo pretende ampliar los resultados obtenidos en trabajos anteriores, en los que al analizar el comportamiento del consumo privado español, se encontró cierta evidencia a favor de la hipótesis de equivalencia Ricardiana. El análisis de la influencia de la política fiscal sobre el consumo privado puede ser completado por la vía de...
Este trabajo analiza si la hipótesis de neutralidad de la política fiscal (teorema de equivalencia Ricardiana) puede considerarse como una aproximación válida para la realidad económica española o si, por el contrario, existen desviaciones (y de qué tipo) de dicha situación, lo que estaría más en la línea del enfoque Keynesiano convencional acerca...
In this paper, empirical evidence on elasticity of intertemporal substitution for Spanish household consumption is shown. Several recent studies have rejected the lifecycle-permanent income hypothesis using aggregate time series. The rejection of the theory has often been blamed on the restrictive assumptions adopted in order to test the hypothesis...
En este trabajo se ofrecen estimaciones de la elasticidad de sustitución intertemporal del consumo privado para el caso español. Los contrastes del modelo del Ciclo Vital-Renta Permanente con expectativas nacionales han ofrecido resultados contrarios a la teoría, sobre todo con datos agregados. En nuestro trabajo se utilizan cohortes que han sido c...