Agostino Letardi

Agostino Letardi
ENEA | ENEA · Studies Analysis Central Unit (STAV)

active researcher


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Graduated in Natural Sciences (Univ. Rome1, 1988), specialized in Agroecology (Perugia, 2000), and with a master in Environmental Humanities (Univ. Rome3, 2020). Job interests are entomology, agroecology and rural development. Editor of the newsletter of the International Association of Neuropterology. Member of the Scientific Commission of the Italian Platform for Organic Farming. Member of the Editorial Board of Fragmenta entomologica. Subject editor for Neuroptera of Zootaxa
Additional affiliations
May 2024 - present
  • Senior researcher
  • wild dog, ecotoxicologist, entomologist, citizen science promoter
December 2016 - December 2017
  • ENEA
January 2010 - present
  • Research, development and technology transfer of innovative and integrated tools for the analysis, protection, improvement and sustainable management of agricultural ecosystems.
March 2019 - January 2020
Roma Tre University
Field of study
  • Environmental Humanities
November 1984 - June 1988
Sapienza University of Rome
Field of study
  • Natural Science


Publications (175)
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Faunal data and some considerations relating to the Neuropterida collected during a sampling campaign conducted in Sardinia in various localities with attractive traps located in the arboreal canopy are reported. This study made it possible to confirm the presence on the island of species previously considered dubious like Cunctochrysa albolineata...
News from Neuropterological world
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In questa comunicazione vengono presentati in dettaglio i risultati di questo triennio di osservazioni sulla piattaforma iNaturalist, mettendo in risalto il valore di questa modalità di collaborazione tra comunità scientifica e cittadinanza attiva per integrare ed arricchire le conoscenze sviluppate negli anni dagli specialisti che si sono dedicati...
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In questa comunicazione vengono presentati in dettaglio i risultati di questo triennio di osservazioni sulla piattaforma iNaturalist, mettendo in risalto il valore di questa modalità di collaborazione tra comunità scientifica e cittadinanza attiva per integrare ed arricchire le conoscenze sviluppate negli anni dagli specialisti che si sono dedicati...
News from the neuropterological world
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Short summary: The results of the study of lacewings collected in an ecological study project of urban forestation are interpreted in light of a perspective of multidisciplinary collaboration with the involvement of citizens.
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New data on dustywings of Tuscan archipelago (Neuroptera Coniopterygidae). We report the results of entomological surveys between 1999 and 2004, and in 2023. We identified 5 dustywings taxa, 3 of which are new records for the Tuscan archipelago as a whole: Helicoconis sp.; Semidalis vicina (Hagen, 1861), and Conwentzia psociformis (Curtis, 1834)....
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Libelloides latinus (Lefebvre, 1842) (Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae) è una specie tipica di habitat aperti mediterranei, il cui areale coincide principalmente con l’Italia peninsulare e non spingendosi apparentemente a nord del Fiume Po. La specie non era mai stata segnalata in Lombardia fino al luglio 2023, quando gli autori hanno osservato almeno un e...
Conference Paper
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La nascita dell'Associazione Citizen Science Italia (CSI) a inizio 2023 segna un passo importante nella focalizzazione delle attività che da decenni si svolgono in diversi settori di discipline sia scientifiche che umanistiche (in ciò che si potrebbe riassumere in quella "indisciplina" che è nota con il termine anglosassone delle Environmental Huma...
Conference Paper
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In ogni abitazione condividiamo la vita quotidiana con con un numero difficilmente immaginabile di altri esseri viventi, alcuni invisibili, altri inaspettati o dall'aspetto bizzarro, spesso innocui. Questo fenomeno è così rilevante che ha giustificato la creazione di un'espressione appositamente coniata, indoor biome, per indicare il mondo di organ...
News from neuropterological world
Newsletter of the International Association of Neuropterology
Tra le definizioni dell’impatto umano sul pianeta, forse quella di maggior successo di pubblico è Antropocene, che coniuga il ruolo antropico nella disciplina geologica. All’interno dell’insieme delle definizioni che, ispirandosi ad Antropocene, hanno ridefinito il rapporto tra umano e natura, merita un’attenzione particolare quella di Rifiutocene...
news from neuropterological world
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Italy was likely the first country in the world to have a complete list of all the species of animals known for its territory, thanks to the project ‘Checklist delle Specie della Fauna d’Italia’. The project on the ‘Updated Checklist of the Italian Fauna’ started in 2020 and the process is now complete for the data on the superorder Neuropterida. I...
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New data on Neuropterida (Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Neuroptera) with notes about the recent checklist of the Italian fauna. The study of the collection of Neuropterida mantained at the Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali “E. Caffi "of Bergamo allowed to add a considerable amount of new data to the recent Checklist of the Italian Fauna of these i...
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Parlare di un gruppo dall'inimmaginabile biodiversità come quello degli insetti, degli altri artropodi (ovvero degli invertebrati con il corpo articolato) e più in generale degli invertebrati tutti, è una impresa che va al di là solitamente delle capacità di singoli auto-ri: troppo complesso l'argomento per un gruppo animale il cui successo evoluti...
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Presentazione dell'approfondimento entomologia nel volume Spiccioli di natura
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Evolution of the Checklist of Italian Neuropterida
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We present a data set reporting the checklist of the species of the order Mecoptera for Italy, updating the one previously published in the series ‘Checklist delle Specie della Fauna d'Italia’ in 1995. The updated checklist comprises 11 taxa at the species and subspecies level, currently known from national Italian territories (7 Panorpidae, 2 Bitt...
News from neuropterological world
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What Citizen Science has improved in the knowledge of Neuropterida in Italy, changing the approach itself to the study of this group of insects.
News from Neuropterological world
Update the checklist of Italian Fauna, Mecoptera, originally published in 1995
Update cecklist of Italian Fauna originally published in 1995
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In the first twenty years of the publication of Zootaxa, more than two hundred papers have appeared in this journal that address the Neuropterida, which collectively includes the [Neuroptera+Raphidioptera]+Megaloptera sections (initially “Minor orders” section). A dozen submitted manuscripts were rejected before the review process, and another doze...
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Ctenochauliodes van der Weele is an oriental endemic fishfly genus (Megaloptera: Corydalidae: Chauliodinae), currently with 13 species. Here, we report a new species of Ctenochauliodes, namely Ctenochauliodes denticulatus sp. nov., from central Vietnam. The new species is featured by the specialised male gonocoxites 11, which bear a pair of robust,...
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News from neuropterological world
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This contribution intends to be an interdisciplinary dialogue between anthropology, culture and natural sciences on the theme of the relationship between humanity and the natural environment in the anthropocene era. Fascination with Nature triggers the regeneration of cognitive abilities after mental fatigue, while the feeling of affiliation with N...
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Materials concerning relationship between human beings and animals
News from the neuropterological world
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This study presents new data on the lacewing fauna of Saudi Arabia based on field work performed between 2014 and 2019. Sixty-one lacewing species from 37 genera and seven Neuroptera families were documented. Additionally, two species belonging to Dielocroce and Pseudomallada were identified only to genus level. Three of the identified species are...
Newsletter of the International Association of Neuropterology
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An odeporic approach to urban environment exploration
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The growing interest in emerging environmental crisis has increased the level of public attention and the willingness to take part in participatory science projects, commonly defined with the term “Citizen Science”. This phenomenon can be recorded globally in many national contexts, with a prevalence in anglophone and more industrialized countries....
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The threat to the survival of many species, caused by emerging ecological crises, has favored the development of a new environmental awareness. In recent decades, especially in the most industrialized nations, an increasing participation of citizens in the collection of scientific data has also been recorded. The active involvement of society in di...
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The Maremma Natural History Museum is active in the field of Citizen Science at the Tuscan, national and international level. Among the founding bodies of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), it has promoted meetings for a national Citizen Science strategy in Italy, actively participated in the drafting of national guidelines on the sub...
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In recent decades, many natural history museums in Europe have integrated their traditional functions with new ways of interacting with visitors and local communities. In particular, the need to adapt their mission according to the changes in modern society has led them to develop initiatives aiming at an active involvement of the public in scienti...
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This paper reports the results of the BioBlitz organized by the Maremma Natural History Museum in May 2015 within the “Torrente Trasubbie” Site of Regional Importance. This activity is part of the public involvement events for the collection of scientific data that the Museum organizes on a regular basis. During BioBlitz 2015, data collected attest...
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Citizen science is growing as a field of research with contributions from diverse disciplines , promoting innovation in science, society, and policy. Citizen science platforms (i.e., iNat, and capacity-building programmes foster the visibility of projects and establish networks for knowledge exchange within and among m...
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This publication provides the first comprehensive DNA barcode data set for the Neu-ropterida of Italy, including 67 of the 195 species (34 %) recorded from this country. Seventeen species represent a 'unique presence' in the database. The present DNA barcode library not only allows the identification of adult stages, but also provides valuable info...
Newsletter of the International Association of Neuropterology
Technical Report
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news from neuropterologists world
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The presence of Fibla maclachlani (Albarda, 1891) (Raphidioptera, Inocelliidae) has been recorded in Tuscany (central Italy) since 2005 according to information derived from both a biodiversity survey project and citizen science activities. The species, whose natural distribution includes the three main islands of central Mediterranean-Corsica, Sar...
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The presence of Fibla maclachlani (Albarda, 1891) (Raphidioptera, Inocelliidae) has been recorded in Tuscany (central Italy) since 2005 according to information derived from both a biodiversity survey project and citizen science activities. The species, whose natural distribution includes the three main islands of central Mediterranean-Corsica, Sar...
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The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) commits its 196 nation parties to conserve biological diversity, use its components sustainably, and share fairly and equitably the benefits from the utilization of genetic resources. The last of these objectives was further codified in the Convention's Nagoya Protocol (NP), which came into effect in 201...
Conference Paper
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DNA barcoding aims at providing an efficient method for species level separation using a partial sequence of the mitochondrial COI gene. But DNA barcode represent just one important descriptor in the framework of the multidimensional species approach. A huge effort of morphological and faunal studies has been realized for the Neuropterida of Italy:...
Conference Paper
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Citizen science is growing as a field of research with contributions from diverse disciplines, promoting innovation in science, society, and policy. Citizen science platforms (i.e. iNat, and capacity-building programmes foster the visibility of projects and establish networks for knowledge exchange within and among mem...
Technical Report
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News from the neuropterological community
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New data on the Neuropterida of Calabria (Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Neuroptera). A list is presented of faunal data of Neuropterida collected in Calabria. Hypochrysa elegans (Burmeister, and Parasemidalis fuscipennis (Reuter, 1894) are recorded for the first time in this region. Several species are reported in Calabria after a long period. Worthy...
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Contribution to the knowledge of the Italian Neuropterida through Bioblitz events (Insecta: Raphidioptera, Neuroptera). A list of faunal data of Neuropterida collected during bioblitz activities in Central Italy during the last four years are presented. Fibla maclachlani (Albarda, 1891), Chrysoperla pallida Henry et al., 2002, Sympherobius pellucid...
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Abstract. New records of lacewings of Montecristo Island (Insecta: Neuroptera). We report the results of entomological surveys done in 2011 and 2012. We identified 14 Neuroptera species, 7 of which are new records for the island and, among them, 4 are new for the Tuscan archipelago as a whole: Coniopteryx sp. (Coniopterygidae); Wesmaelius subnebulo...
Neuropterida references I can share updated at 31XII2017
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A male and a female of Isoscelipteron fulvum Costa, 1863 (Neuroptera: Berothidae) have been collected in the Catena Costiera mountains (Calabria, Cosenza province). This represents the rediscovery of that species in Italy after the description of the taxon made by Achille Costa in 1863. Aspects of the morphological variability of this species are d...
Technical Report
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News from the neuropterological community
Technical Report
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Working Paper
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aggiornamento online del libro "Atlante fotografico dei Neuropterida della fauna italiana"
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L’ENEA ormai da anni promuove ricerche sulla biodiversità e sviluppa metodi e strategie per la gestione di specie al fine sia di tutelare la sostenibilità delle produzioni agroalimentari che proteggere i relativi sistemi territoriali, valorizzando i servizi ecosistemici assicurati dalla biodiversità alla collettività. Alle attività di ricerca si so...
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news from neuropterological world
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Sympherobius Banks, 1904 (Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae) is recorded for the first time for the Azorean archipelago. The Azorean Neuroptera fauna is now composed by eight species and five genera belonging to two families.
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ricerche sul Global Environmental Change (GEC) ce le forniscono in maniera ampia e dettagliata, basti vedere l'insieme dei grandi programmi internazionali di ricerca, " Future Earth, Research for Global Sustainability " , patro-cinati dall'International Council for Science (ICSU). Le istituzioni preposte (FAO, EU, Ministeri, asso-ciazioni di settor...
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Applicare conoscenze e tecnolo-gie innovative in agricoltura può contribuire notevolmente a miti-gare i possibili effetti ambientali negativi del comparto primario, riducendo l'uso di acqua e so-stanze chimiche, chiudendo i cicli di energia e materia riutiliz-zando gli scarti. Tali effetti sono ulteriormente incentivati in agri-coltura biologica, i...
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Riassunto. Viene segnalata per la prima volta la presenza di Nineta principiae Monserrat, 1980 in Umbria, Lazio, Basilicata e Campania; vengono forniti dati faunistici anche per altre regioni italiane. L'importanza dei ritrovamenti di questa specie viene sinteticamente discussa. Abstract. New records of Nineta principiae Monserrat, 1980 (Neuroptera...
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news from the neuropterological world
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Fauna Europaea provides a public web-service with an index of scientific names of all living European land and freshwater animals, their geographical distribution at country level (up to the Urals, excluding the Caucasus region), and some additional information. The Fauna Europaea project covers about 230,000 taxonomic names, including 130,000 acce...
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ENEA, Unità Tecnica sviluppo sostenibile ed innovazione del sistema agroindustriale-Laboratorio gestione sostenibile degli agro-ecosistemi-Via Anguillarese 301, ABSTRACT An entomological investigation was carried out in an agricultural area, mainly apple orchards, of the Agri river plain, located in some municipalities of Basilicata, Italy. Between...


Questions (2)
I'm just editing a free-downloadable, non-commercial photo atlas of Italian Neuropterida but I have some difficulties to find any kind of photos (also of prepared specimens!) of a small number of species (among them Raphidia ulrike, Coniopteryx renate, Wesmaelius helveticus, and Brinchochrysa chlorosoma). Any kind of help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
I'm updating the checklist of Neuropterida from Montecristo island with some recent data collected in 2011-2012
