Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna

Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna
University of Warsaw | UW · Centre of Migration Research



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December 2016 - December 2016
University of Warsaw
  • Professor (Assistant)
February 2014 - December 2016
University of Warsaw
  • Research Assistant


Publications (47)
This article demonstrates that under the same regulations, some social groups are more vulnerable to deportation than others. It analyses the case of the deportation of EU citizens from the UK before the abandonment of the principle of EU free movement. My analysis of the law–practice continuum includes law-on-the-books (UK legislation) and law-in-...
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Politicians often mention immigration enforcement, and deportation in particular, as a means to assert state sovereignty. This article looks at deportation through exiting the European Union, an event that was interpreted as regaining sovereignty from the supra-national organisation. New immigration regulations in the United Kingdom were meant to e...
This chapter examines diverse local care loops within one country, as it explains how the local context affects the implementation of eldercare policies from the perspective of two Polish towns. Poland has a family-by-default care regime, based on informal and unpaid family carer, with modest availability of public in-home and institutional care. I...
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Politicians often mention immigration enforcement, and deportation in particular, as a means to assert state sovereignty. The scholarship on deportation in philosophy and political anthropology also names exclusion as a founding act of sovereignty. This paper looks at deportation through an event that is interpreted as regaining sovereignty by a St...
Politicians often mention immigration enforcement, and deportation in particular, as a means to assert state sovereignty. The scholarship on deportation in philosophy and political anthropology also names exclusion as a founding act of sovereignty. This paper looks at deportation through an event that is interpreted as regaining sovereignty by a St...
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Pre-Brexit media discourse in the UK focused extensively on the end of free movement, the governance of European mobility, and its relationship with state sovereignty. This article, methodologically anchored in Critical Discourse Analysis, discusses how the potential post-Brexit deportee, namely the ‘Vile Eastern European’, is depicted by the leadi...
Building upon an abundance of theoretical literature describing the role of deportation in the assertion of nation-state sovereignty, this article asks how deportees experience state sovereignty. Its conclusions are informed by an ‘ethnography of removal’ drawing on 62 interviews with 25 Mexican deportees interviewed in their communities of origin...
Migration policies globally are characterised by a growth in the use of detention. These dynamics have also been noted in the United States of America, where, increasingly, the private immigration detention infrastructure is the most developed in the world. Like other total institutions, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention faci...
Conference Paper
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In spite of the quick development of the field of deportation studies, the scholarship on the practicalities of researching this topic is still scarce. This workshop and the subsequent publication aim to provide a ground for discussion about the genealogy of deportation studies, the ways scholars understand deportation and the epistemological, meth...
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Open access: The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union will end the European Freedom of Movement and the privileged migration status of EU Citizens in the UK, which will likely affect ‘Brexit families’ and their transnational care arrangements. This is a case study of the b...
Conference Paper
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As Brexit heralds the end to the Freedom of Movement, it contributes to the bordering of Britain. Despite being postponed twice, the looming EU exit has created new classifications and exclusions. The media discourse about EU citizens in the UK, new immigration regulations, the EU Settlement Scheme, as well as documents from the Home Office—both le...
Full-text available Border Criminologies guest post by Agnieszka Martynowicz and Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna. Agnieszka M. is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Edge Hill University. Her research interests include migration(s), criminal justice and h...
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Since the beginning of this century we have witnessed the development of studies critically analyzing deportation and deportability. However, little is known about the post-deportation trajectories of deportees. This can be better understood employing a comprehensive typology of post-deportation strategies of mobility. This article analyzes the cas...
Niniejszy wykład stanowi wprowadzenie do tematyki kolejnych części książki dotyczących prawidłowości najnowszych migracji międzynarodowych. Zarysowujemy w nim ogólne światowe tendencje, piszemy o głównych krajach pochodzenia migrantów i kierunkach ich wędrówek oraz charakteryzujemy najważniejsze formy współczesnych migracji. Pisząc o migracjach wsp...
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What happens when the parents of migrants age and need care in mobile and aging societies? Ethnomorality of Care acts as a window in sharing how physical distance challenges family-centered elderly care by juxtaposing transnational families with non-migrant families. A novel approach that explores intentions and moral beliefs concerning elderly ca...
Conference Paper
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Guest post by Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna, William Lopez and Alexander Stephens. Agnieszka is a former Kościuszko Foundation Fellow at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Michigan. William is a Postdoctoral Scholar at the School of Public Health and National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan. Alexander...
Chapter 9. ‘Local implementation of the policies affecting older adults in the fields of participation, integration and care’ presents the outcomes of a research conducted in two rapidly ageing Polish counties with different history of reflection on the consequences of ageing. The research question that opens the chapter is as follows, ‘do the awar...
Chapter 10. ‘Elderly people and their families – migrations and care arrangements’ describes the care situation of elderly people in two studied localities, Kluczbork and Końskie, based on the household survey and individual in-depth interviews with the elderly as well as with their migrant children in the United Kingdom (England). We focus specifi...
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This paper presents a theoretic synthesis of determinants of fertility decline in Poland in the post-war period. The differences in fertility determinants between the communist and post-communist periods are of particular interest. First, we present the changes in the number of births and their direct determinants: the number of women in reproducti...
The process of social remitting is complex, multilayered and involves numerous social actors that at each stage face several choices of action. By definition, the process of socially remitted ideas, codes of behaviour and practices starts with the migrants themselves and their social context in the destination country. This chapter traces in detail...
This chapter analyses the methodological considerations taken into account in our study. Specifically transnational multisited longitudinal research is taken into account as an underexplored approach in migration studies. This relates to repeating ethnographic visits to the sites and repeated in-depth interviews with information-rich individuals bo...
The concept of social remittances, coined by Levitt (1998 and later), evoked many scholarly reactions, but its mechanisms are rarely clearly defined or operationalised. This chapter attempts to reconstruct the mechanisms of social remitting in a transnational European context. The aim is to discuss the primary factors of the mechanisms of social re...
The outcomes of social remittances and their spillover depend on the one hand on the content and modes of transfer, but on the other hand on characteristics of local inhabitants who are potential receivers of social remittances. Our research shows that local inhabitants see migration as a general social phenomenon and not as a new pattern, with exa...
The chapter introduces the reader into the ethnographic context of the communities under study in the Polish regions of Podlasie, and Upper and Lower Silesia. Through the eyes of migrants in the UK, returnees and stayers, mental maps of the communities are reconstructed, which give “a double insight” perspective helping to uncover the relation betw...
In the introductory chapter we set the scene of social remittances in an enlarged European Union (EU). We relate here to the migration-development nexus and the roles of social remittances within that. We also check for validity of this migration-development reasoning for the “new” EU countries that are all classified as “developed economies”. Then...
The chapter brings evidence that migrants, under certain conditions, may act as local agents of change by circulating social remittances. Firstly, migrants need to act actively and daily in given opportunity structures both of community of origin and destination. Secondly, they need to have a local social recognition for spreading out forms of soci...
In the concluding chapter we bring together various threads of the arguments to point to the real, intense and very important relationship between migration and social change in the countries of origin as well as localities of destination (although on a different scale). We stress that the attention to small-scale, mundane, banal and everyday actio...
Building on the distinction between the normative and the negotiable aspects of care, we argue that to understand the social phenomenon of care, we have to analyse not only the moral norms and the care arrangements, but also the intermediary level of intentions. The article presents an ethnomorality of care model combining these three levels. The a...
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Session description on XIX World Congress of Sociology. If interested in the topic, please submit an abstract by Sept. 30 2017, using the following link:
‘An important contribution to debates about migration and social change. Based on interdisciplinary, longitudinal research on migration between three Polish communities and the United Kingdom in post-accession Europe, Grabowska and her colleagues carefully unpack how social remittance transfers actually work. In a world in which sending governments...
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Researchers (Walters 2002; De Genova 2010) argue that deportations and their sheer possibility – the deportability of migrants – produce state sovereignty against the uncontrolled border-crossings, which are perceived by states as a disturbing symptom of ‘losing control’ (Sassen 1996). This article assumes a micro-perspective and, drawing upon the...
Przemiany demograficzne zachodzące obecnie w Polsce są przedmiotem zainteresowania i polityków, i naukowców. Badanie konsekwencji tych przemian - zarówno obserwowanych obecnie, jak i oczekiwanych w przyszłości - jest zadaniem niezwykle trudnym ze względu na złożoność problematyki, jej interdyscyplinarność i utrudniony dostęp do wielu istotnych info...
Can Homo Sacer Become a Citizen? The Experience of Migration as a Means to Construct Citizenship in a Mexican Transnational Community The article is a part of a discussion about the efforts of the modern nation‑state to control individuals by circumscribing their mobility. The case study concerns a community from Mixteca region in Oaxaca, Mexico. T...
The aim of this article is to describe a gang subculture that has emerged in a Mexican pueblo and to explain its origin. Explanations which indicate the globalization of culture are insufficient, as long as they leave the question why this certain subculture appeared in pueblo unanswered. The author of the article, using the ethnographic data which...


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