A.G.M. van der PlasAmsterdam UMC · Expertise Center for Palliative Care
A.G.M. van der Plas
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After graduation from Radboud University in Nijmegen in 1999, I started working as a research-psychologist in the field of addiction and mental health. In 2015 I defended my PhD thesis at the VUmc on evaluation of case managers in palliative care. Currenlty I work at Amsterdam UMC as Coordinator of the Expertise Center for Palliative Care and as a researcher on several projects, focussing on implementation in the field of (primary) palliative care.
Publications (45)
PaTz (an acronym for 'PAlliatieve Thuis Zorg'; palliative care at home) is an intervention to improve palliative care provision and strengthen the generalist knowledge of palliative care. In PaTz general practitioners and district nurses meet on a regular basis to identify patients with palliative care needs and to discuss care for these patients....
Case managers have been introduced in primary palliative care in the Netherlands; these are nurses with expertise in palliative care who offer support to patients and informal carers in addition to the care provided by the general practitioner (GP) and home-care nurse.
To compare cancer patients with and without additional s...
The four main diagnostic groups for palliative care provision are cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure and dementia. But comparisons of costs and care in the last year of life are mainly directed at cancer versus non-cancer or within cancer patients.
Our aim is to compare the care and expenditures in thei...
In PaTz (PAlliatieve Thuis Zorg, palliative care at home), modelled after the Gold Standards Framework, GPs and community nurses meet on a regular basis to identify patients with palliative care needs (the PaTz register), and to discuss care for these patients.
To study the effects of the implementation of PaTz, and provide addi...
Despite known advantages of advance care planning (ACP) and a positive attitude towards ACP by older people living in the community and general practitioners (GPs), such conversations are not yet commonplace in GP practices.
To implement ACP as part of routine care in general practice and thereby increasing the number of ACP convers...
Cancer navigation programs aim to support, educate, and empower patients and families, addressing barriers to diagnostics, treatment, and care. Navigators engage with people to ensure timely access to services and resources. While promising for older people with cancer, these programs are scarce in Europe, and research on their effective...
COVID-19 could lead to hospitalisation and ICU admission, especially in older adults. Therefore, during the pandemic, it became more important to discuss wishes and preferences, such as older peoples’ desire for intensive treatment in a hospital in acute situations, or not. This study explores what percentage of Dutch older people aged 7...
COVID-19 could lead to hospitalisation and ICU admission, especially in older adults. Therefore, during the pandemic, it became more important to discuss wishes and preferences, such as older peoples’ desire for intensive treatment in a hospital in acute situations, or not. This study explores 1) what percentage of Dutch older people age...
Information meetings are a way to inform older people about end-of-life care, to create awareness, and to prepare for advance care planning (ACP). Research shows that information meetings stimulate engagement in ACP. This study explores whether older people are interested in information meetings, in which topics they are interested, and...
Lack of public knowledge of palliative care may be a barrier to timely use of palliative care and hinder engagement in advance care planning (ACP). This study aimed to determine self-reported and actual knowledge of palliative care and explore factors that contribute to knowledge of palliative care among older people.
A cross-se...
Lack of public knowledge of palliative care may be a barrier to timely use of palliative care and hinder engagement in advance care planning (ACP). Little research has been conducted on (the relationship between) awareness and actual knowledge of palliative care.
To determine awareness and actual knowledge of palliative care...
In this Dutch report I describe possible steps to improve transmural collaboration in the care for oncology patients in Amsterdam. Caregivers working in primary, secundary and tertiary care feel an urgency to improve their collaboration, with the goal to come to better treatment decisions and earlier advance care planning with oncology patients. Th...
To meet the end-of-life needs of all patients, ongoing conversations about values and preferences regarding end-of-life care are essential. Aspects of social identity are associated with disparities in end-of-life care outcomes. Therefore, accounting for patient diversity in advance care planning and end-of-life conversations is important for equit...
General Practitioners (GPs) are central in the care of Dutch older people and in a good position to have Advance Care Planning (ACP) conversations. Interview studies reveal that the doctor-patient relationship is important when initiating ACP conversations and can also be influenced by ACP conversations. We aimed to examine the associati...
To increase knowledge about options people have concerning end-of-life-care issues, General Practitioners (GPs) can organise meetings to inform their older patients. We evaluated these meetings, using the following research questions: How did the attendees experience the information meeting? Was there a rise in Advance Care Planning (ACP...
Palliatieve Thuiszorg (PaTz) is een methode om de palliatieve zorg in de eerste lijn te verbeteren via regionale registratie- en gespreksbijeenkomsten van huisartsen en wijkverpleegkundigen. Uit dit retrospectieve vragenlijstonderzoek blijkt dat PaTz-deelnemers betere samenwerking en deskundigheid in de palliatieve zorg ervaren. PaTz-deelname is ge...
ZonMw, de Nederlandse organisatie voor gezondheidsonderzoek en zorginnovatie, heeft in de afgelopen jaren veel onderzoek gefinancierd waarin ACP centraal staat. In veel gevallen gaat het daarbij om onderzoek vanuit het lopende ZonMw-programma-Palliantie of het in 2017 afgeronde landelijke Verbeterprogramma Palliatieve Zorg. Maar ook vanuit andere Z...
Deze handreiking is gebaseerd op een inventarisatiestudie over ACP. Zie ook: Francke, A., Meurs, M., Plas, A. van der, Voss, H. Inventarisatie van Advance Care Planning: ZonMw-projecten, methoden, uitkomsten en geleerde lessen over toepassing, implementatie en borging. Utrecht: Nivel, 2020.
Locatie van de handreiking: https://www.nivel.nl/nl/publi...
Our abstract is for a themed session and describes the workshop we want to give. In this workshop we will highlight the need to integrate ACP in the education of medical students and offer some examples of how to do this. Firstly, Judith Westen provides an introduction on the training needs of medical students and the current place of palliative ca...
To improve uptake of ACP, primary care providers (PCP; general practitioners (GPs), community nurses, certified nursing assistants, practice nurses) were trained in ACP and received support during implementation.
ACP was implemented in 10 GP-practices and 2 care homes. Before implementation a list was drawn up of all patients of...
The PaTz-method (acronym for Palliatieve Thuiszorg, palliative care at home) is perceived to improve coordination, continuity and communication in palliative care in the Netherlands. Although important for further implementation, research showing a clear effect of PaTz on patient-related outcomes is scarce. This study aimed to examine...
Deze handreiking is voor iedereen die proactieve zorgplanning wil gaan toepassen. De handreiking bestaat uit twee delen. In deel 1 staan de werkbeschrijvingen en hulpmiddelen voor implementatie. In deel 2 worden deze nader toegelicht. Deze handreiking geeft houvast bij de implementatie van proactieve zorgplanning in de eerste lijn. De
handreiking i...
Deze handreiking is voor iedereen die proactieve zorgplanning wil gaan toepassen.Deze handreiking bestaat uit twee delen. Deel 1 bevat praktische informatie die nodig is voor
implementatie van proactieve zorgplanning. Hiervoor zijn een viertal praktijkgerichte
werkbeschrijvingen en een viertal hulpmiddelen voor implementatie van proactieve zorgplan...
Discharge from hospital to home can be a stressful experience for patients and carers. Contact with the GP is important to ensure continuity of care.
To investigate timing of contact with the GP and locum after the last hospitalization in the last year of life and to investigate patient and care characteristics related to...
Themanummer Advance care planning • Eerdere edities • Verenso.nl
Advance care planning in de huisartsenpraktijk Denken en praten ouderen over behandelwensen?
Annicka van der Plas, Miriam Eliel, Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen a.vanderplas@vumc.nl
Achtergrond en doel: Er is een toenemende belangstelling voor advance care planning (ACP) onder huisartse...
Case managers have been introduced in primary palliative care in the Netherlands; these are nurses with expertise in palliative care who offer support to patients and informal care givers. The case manager provides support in addition to the care provided by the home care nurse and general practitioner, potentially leading to more comp...
Background: In PaTz-groups general practitioners (GPs) and community nurses have regular meetings to improve palliative home care, inspired on GSF. A central aim is to timely identify patients in need of palliative care. PaTz participants should realize that patients can be eligible for palliative care
(1) when they would not be surprised if the pa...
Background: Care at the end of life differs between diagnostic groups, probably related to limited recognition of poor prognosis and palliative care needs in non-cancer patients. Our aim is to compare the care and care costs in the last year of life for the four main diagnostic groups for palliative care provision; patients with cancer, COPD, heart...
Advance Care Planning is a continuous process in which discussions on care preferences and needs are held between care professionals and the patient and informal carers. ACP is already implemented in two care home organisations in West Friesland, where nurses or helpers have a ACP conversation with residents, after which at least one ACP conversati...
‘Geef stervende recht op casemanager palliatieve zorg’, zo kopte op 17 december 2015 het Reformatorisch Dagblad. Staatssecretaris Van Rijn moet nagaan of de hulp van casemanagers voor palliatieve zorg binnen de Zorgverzekeringswet een aparte voorziening kan worden, aldus SGP, CU en 50Plus. Maar wie is eigenlijk die casemanager en wat doet hij of zi...
Aims. To investigate how general practitioners and community nurses value the support that they receive from a nurse case manager with expertise in palliative care, whether they think the case manager is helpful in realizing appropriate care and what characteristics of the patient and case management are associated with this view.
Background. For...
Case managers have been introduced in Dutch primary palliative care; these are nurses with expertise in palliative care who offer support to patients and informal carers in addition to the care provided by the general practitioner and home care nurses. This study aims to describe support and investigate what characteristics of patients a...
Background: Three important elements of the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of palliative care are: 1) it includes patients who may have cure or life prolongation as treatment aims besides palliative care; 2) it is not exclusively for cancer patients; and 3) it includes attention to the medical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs...
Doel. Inzicht geven in welke patiënten verwezen worden naar casemanagers in de eerstelijns palliatieve zorg, waarom zij worden doorverwezen en of patiëntkenmerken verschillen naar gelang de organisatorische setting (thuiszorgorganisatie, hospice, een samenwerkingsverband).
Methode. Cross-sectioneel vragenlijst onderzoek onder casemanagers en verwij...
BACKGROUND: In case management an individual or small team is responsible for navigating the patient through complex care. Characteristics of case management within and throughout different target groups and settings vary widely. Case management is relatively new in palliative care. Insight into the content of care and organisational characteristic...
Case management is a heterogeneous concept of care that consists of assessment, planning, implementing, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating the options and services required to meet the client's health and service needs. This paper describes the result of an expert panel procedure to gain insight into the aims and characteristics of case manag...
Aims and characteristics of case management in palliative care. This file contains a full list of all aims and characteristics of case management in palliative care, as formulated and rated by the expert panel. (PDF 129 kb)
Homelessness is common in persons with schizophrenia. It is unclear how housing conditions and homelessness affect their quality of life and their disability.
To explore the self-perceived quality of life and disability of homeless persons with schizophrenia and of those of persons with schizophrenia living in non-institutional...