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I am a graduate of environmental protection, tourism and recreation and postgraduate studies in data analysis. Since 2018, I have been working in the Department of Tourism and Recreation at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. I am vice president of the Association of Young Scientists. I am the author of scientific publications in the fields of: tourism, nature conservation, education and management.
Additional affiliations
January 2014 - present
Stowarzyszenie Młodych Naukowców
- wiceprezes
- • przewodnicząca Komitetu Organizacyjnego cyklicznych konferencji: Forum Młodych Naukowców, Polish Scientific Conference NATURE • redaktor naczelna Wydawnictwa SMN (od 2020) • członek Rady Naukowej czasopisma Journal of Life and Medical Sciences ISSN 2353-1371 (od 2019) • działalność edukacyjna, przygotowywanie kursów, szkolenia
October 2007 - June 2012
Publications (28)
Human contact with the natural environment effectively counteracts negative symptoms of stress and has many positive psychological effects. For this reason, forests within city limits are increasingly seen as part of public health promotion. Being in an urban forest can take many forms, but there is still little known about whether being in a fores...
Znaczenie wsi po pandemii koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 ponownie bardzo wzrosło. Wiele osób zapragnęło tam mieszkać lub wypoczywać. Promocja wiejskich produktów turystycznych oraz kultury i dziedzictwa wsi nie jest prosta, może być jednak ważnym czynnikiem rozwoju przedsiębiorczości na wsi. To dziedzictwo kulturowe i historyczne wsi integruje lokalną spo...
W niniejszej monografii Autorzy analizują problematykę branży usług turystycznych w okresie pandemii wywołanej koronawirusem SARS-CoV-2.
Rozważania poczynione w poszczególnych rozdziałach poruszają szeroko pojętą problematykę kryzysu, przedstawiając jego istotę, mechanizmy zarządzania w sytuacjach kryzysowych oraz negatywne skutki pandemii w gospo...
sylwan 167 (9): 569−582, September 2023 https://doi.org/10.26202/sylwan.2023088 Journal homepage: https://sylwan−journal.pl Forming the right ecological attitudes in people towards the surrounding nature is one of the more difficult challenges posed for social informal and formal education. The process of educating the public should take place at e...
The specific aim of this study was to explore whether traits typified as particularly expected in the management of thematic villages: nonconformism, social identity, and self-efficacy are present in their 57 female leaders. The following questionnaires were applied: Creative Behavior Questionnaire (CBQIII); J.E. Cameron's Social Identity Scale (ST...
Wskutek przeobrażeń cywilizacyjnych kultura i tradycja wsi odchodzą w niepamięć wraz ze starszym pokoleniem. Odtworzenie i przypomnienie spuścizny wsi i jej żywej tradycji oraz pokazanie ich młodszemu pokoleniu są celami wiosek tematycznych. Wioska tematyczna to wieś, która opracowała własną specjalizację, posiada swój motyw przewodni. Ma za zadani...
A hotel is interested that the guest buys from it not only accommodation, but also catering services, preferably an all-inclusive option. However, many tourists choose only accommodation or accommodation with breakfast, and dinners and other things are purchased outside the place of accommodation. Therefore, it is important to know the eating behav...
Soil plays a key role in sustainable land management and food production. The objective of the field experiment was to evaluate the subsequent effect of 10-year winter wheat and sugar beet cultivation under conventional and organic systems on selected physicochemical and biochemical properties and enzymatic pH index of lessive soil developed from l...
In view of the increasing conflict between society and forest management and a significant increase in the social functions of the forest, informal forest education is becoming increasingly important. In Poland, it is carried out mainly based on the field educational infrastructure, which consists, among other things, of forest educational paths eq...
Obesity and overweight affect a large proportion of the world's population. Increasingly, this problem can be observed among young adults. The aim of the study was to identify the motivations and barriers to healthy eating habits among young Poles, the relationship between physical activity and healthy eating and the impact of healthy...
Post-mining areas require reclamation. The main aim of reclamation is to restore the soil as a basic element of the terrestrial ecosystem. This paper presents the results of an evaluation of the enzymatic activity of soils formed on an afforested heap from an opencast sulphur mine. Six research sites were selected on the overburden heap of the Pias...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) assumes that companies should justify their existence with services for various stakeholders and not with profit alone. There is a strong emphasis on the implications of CSR for managing human resources in hotels and other accommodation services, supporting local communities, and promoting environmental sustain...
From year to year, there is an increasing demand for agricultural produce from certified organic farms. However, Poland and Hungary’s demand for this product is almost twenty times smaller than in Western European countries. The greater the demand by consumers for organic farming products, the more agricultural producers decide to switch from conve...
Climate change affects various aspects of the economy, agriculture, economics, and politics, including forestry. There is more and more talk about the real impact of the effects of climate change. This paper presents the results of a survey on the perceptions of two groups, foresters and recreational forest users, about climate change and its impac...
Przedstawiona do publicznego odbioru monografia jest opracowaniem zbiorowym, wykonanym przez zespół pracowników katedry Turystyki i Rekreacji Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie. Określony zakres omawianych zagadnień można spotkać we wcześniej wydanych pozycjach literatury, jednak w tej monografii spełniają one w zasadzie rolę bazy, na której zb...
Purpose: The aim of the conducted research was to systematize the interdependenciesexisting on the market of air services and to identify the stimulators concerning models ofsustainable development on this basis. .Design/Methodology/Approach: Research on the determinants governing the choice of theair travel segment is based on available literature...
The purpose of this paper is to assess nutritional habits and body composition parameters in the group of Polish pupils and students.
The study was conducted by the body composition analysis using the biological impedance method applying TANITA analyzer and diagnostic survey method using standardized direct inte...
The aim of the study was characteristic regional tourism in Lubelskie Voivodeship, which implemented the Marshal Office. The desk research method was used in the paper. Lubelskie Voivodeship has several strategies, in which one of the important element is the tourism sector. In a short time, it will be released dedicated exclusively to tourism ”Pro...
Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi we współczesnych organizacjach
przybiera formę mniej lub bardziej zaplanowanych procesów personalnych. Jednym z narzędzi wykorzystywanych w ich realizacji są środki motywowania pracowników, które mogą być traktowane jako inwestycja w kapitał ludzki. Celem badań było rozpoznanie źródeł motywacji do pracy wchodzącego obe...
The aim of the study was to diagnose the conditions for agroturism development in 73 rural and urban-rural communities in Lublin voivodeship, which are located in landscape parks. In the study the following methods were used: a diagnostic surevy method with analysis of statistic data so as the research on the object literature. To evaluate the cond...
Researches on tourist traffi c in landscape parks is very important, due to the level conservation level of the areas, and because of the educational and recreational functions accessible to the society, especially to the young people. The elaboration presents a qualitative and quantitative study of touristic traffi c in Knyszyn Forest Landscape Pa...