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Publications (283)
Diatoms constitute one of the most diverse and ecologically important phytoplankton groups, yet their large-scale diversity patterns and drivers of abundance are unclear due to limited observations. Here, we utilize Tara Oceans molecular and morphological data, spanning pole to pole, to describe marine diatom diversity, abundance, and environmental...
Dinoflagellates constitute an abundant and diversified component of marine plankton, mostly associated with stratified conditions typical of late spring through autumn in temperate regions. Yet, difficulties with the identification of many species limit the knowledge of their composition and seasonal succession. Here we use a 3‐year V4‐18S rDNA met...
Oceanic phytoplankton serve as a base for the food webs within the largest planetary ecosystem. Despite this, surprisingly little is known about species composition, function and ecology of phytoplankton communities, especially for vast areas of the open ocean. In this study we focus on the marine phytoplankton microflora from the vicinity of the M...
Long‐term ecological research has revealed the impact of climate on marine ecosystems at multiple time scales. Changes in the pelagic system have been detected at the LTER‐MC site in the Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea, western Mediterranean) since 1984. Here we analyzed the time series to determine whether zooplankton had significantly changed over...
The Arctic Ocean (AO) is being rapidly transformed by global warming, but its biodiversity remains understudied for many planktonic organisms, in particular for unicellular eukaryotes that play pivotal roles in marine food webs and biogeochemical cycles. The aim of this study was to characterize the biogeographic ranges of species that comprise the...
Coastal phytoplankton present remarkable variability because of complex patterns and relationships of hydrological parameters at the land–sea interface. We analysed a time series of 917 phytoplankton samples collected in the period 1984–2010 at the coastal station LTER‐MC (Gulf of Naples, Mediterranean Sea) with the aims of determining: (i) whether...
The presence of phytoplankton parasites along the water column was explored at the Long‐Term Ecological Station MareChiara (LTER‐MC) in the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea) in October 2019. Microscopy analyses showed diatoms dominating the phytoplankton community in the upper layers (0–20 m). Metabarcoding data from the water column showed the pr...
As a fundamental component for marine ecosystem functioning, phytoplankton require an appraisal of the extent of their adaptive potential to interpret the effects of natural or human-induced changes in marine habitats. To this aim, the study of the present ecological characteristics of phytoplankton species represents the first effort to assess the...
The processes leading to the emergence of new species are poorly understood in marine plankton, where weak physical barriers and homogeneous environmental conditions limit spatial and ecological segregation. Here, we combine molecular and ecological information from a long‐term time series and propose Pseudo‐nitzschia allochrona, a new cryptic plan...
Diatoms are among the most successful marine eukaryotic phytoplankton groups. Their diversity has been investigated in the world's oceans through expeditions and observations carried out from the equator to the poles. Traditionally, diatom species have been distinguished based on morphological characters of their frustules, but high-throughput sequ...
Pseudo-nitzschia is a widespread genus of marine pennate diatoms comprising 58 species of which 28 can produce the neurotoxin domoic acid, causative of Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). Species of the genus are found in both oceanic and coastal waters where they can form large blooms. The timing and magnitude of blooms is generally described based...
Phytoplankton play a pivotal role in global biogeochemical and trophic processes and provide essential ecosystem services. However, there is still no broad consensus on how and to what extent their community composition responds to environmental variability. Here, high-frequency oceanographic and biological data collected over more than 25 years in...
Abstract Diatoms’ bloom dynamics, with seasonal cycling of waxes and wanes of cell abundance, imply frequent bottleneck and expansion events that can leave signatures in the genetic structure and diversity of populations. We explored changes in genetic diversity and structure within multiple species of the planktonic marine diatom genus Pseudo‐nitz...
Phytoplankton account for >45% of global primary production, and have an enormous impact on aquatic food webs and on the entire Earth System. Their members are found among prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) and multiple eukaryotic lineages containing chloroplasts. Genetic surveys of phytoplankton communities generally consist of PCR amplification of bacte...
Our study focuses on bacterial communities associated with two benthic, epiphytic dinoflagellates, Gambierdiscus australes and Ostreopsis cf. ovata, isolated from coastal waters of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, and grown in clonal cultures. The goal was to characterize the stable bacterial consortia found within the phycosphere of each dinoflagellate s...
This is a short communication about the inter-annual recurring presence at the coastal site in the Gulf of Naples of density staircases visible below the mixed surface layer of the water-column, from the end of summer to the beginning of winter, each year during nearly two decades of survey (2001 to 2020). We repetitively observe sequences from 1 t...
This paper presents major gaps and challenges for implementing the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
(2021-2030) in the Mediterranean region. The authors make recommendations on the scientific knowledge needs and codesign
actions identified during two consultations, part of the Decade preparatory-phase, framing them in the Medi...
Coccolithophores are a diverse group of calcifying phytoplankton, which are responsible for a large part of the modern oceanic carbonate production. Here, we describe novel or poorly known coccolithophores and novel life cycle combination coccospheres detected in samples collected either in the Gulf of Aqaba in the northern Red Sea or in the Gulf o...
Global trends in the occurrence, toxicity and risk posed by harmful algal blooms to natural systems, human health and coastal economies are poorly constrained, but are widely thought to be increasing due to climate change and nutrient pollution. Here, we conduct a statistical analysis on a global dataset extracted from the Harmful Algae Event Datab...
The emergence of new species is poorly understood in marine plankton, where the lack of physical barriers and homogeneous environmental conditions limit spatial and ecological segregation. Here we combine molecular and ecological information from a long term time series and propose Pseudo-nitzschia allochrona , a new cryptic diatom, as a possible c...
Phytoplankton account for >45% of global primary production, and have an enormous impact on aquatic food webs and on the entire Earth System. Their members are found among prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) and multiple eukaryotic lineages containing chloroplasts. Phytoplankton communities are generally studied by PCR amplification of bacterial (16S), nuc...
Metabarcoding of environmental DNA has provided striking insights into marine microbial diversity. With this approach, we assessed the diversity of metazoan assemblages and their temporal variations at the Long-Term Ecological Research site MareChiara (LTER-MC) in the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea). The Illumina sequencing of the V4-18S rRNA fr...
Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis have become common along rocky shores of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to health problems for beach-goers, Ostreopsis toxins may accumulate in benthic marine animals used for human consumption, which however at times have shown signals of stress and even mortality. In order to elucidate the actual...
Plankton diversity is a pivotal element of marine ecosystem stability and functioning. A major obstacle in the assessment of diversity is the lack of consistency between patterns assessed by molecular and morphological data. This work aims to reconcile the two in a single richness measure, to investigate the environmental drivers affecting this...
Transitional waters are subject to a high degree of variability in space and time. In this study, protist plankton communities of the Lagoon of Venice were compared among four sites characterised by different environmental conditions with a metabarcoding approach. High throughput sequencing (HTS) of the V4-18S rDNA fragment in 32 samples collected...
Diatoms are an ecologically fundamental and highly diverse group of algae, dominating marine primary production in both open-water and coastal communities. The diatoms include both centric species, which may have radial or polar symmetry, and the pennates, which include raphid and araphid species and arose within the centric lineage. Here, we use c...
We review the spatial distribution of toxic marine microalgal species and the impacts of all types of harmful algal events (Harmful Algal Blooms, HABs) in the Mediterranean Sea (MS), including the Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, coastal lagoons and transitional waters, based on two databases compiled in the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OB...
While the effects of industrial contamination in coastal areas may persist for years in benthos communities, plankton should not show persistent impairments because of their high spatial dynamics, fast turnover times and pronounced seasonality. To test this hypothesis, in 2019 we conducted five surveys in the Bay of Pozzuoli (Gulf of Naples, Medite...
High throughput sequencing (HTS) metabarcoding is commonly applied to assess phytoplankton diversity. Usually, haplotypes are grouped into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) through clustering, whereby the resulting number of OTUs depends on chosen similarity thresholds. We applied, instead, a phylogenetic approach to infer taxa among 18S rDNA V4‐m...
In the original article, there was a mistake in the legend for Figure 1 as published. After publication, it was brought to the authors’ attention that DEIMS-SDR also included not-LTER sites (Wohner et al., 2019) and the so called LTER “parent sites,” at the same hierarchical level of the research sites they are made of, generating some duplicates....
Transposable elements (TEs), activated as a response to unfavorable conditions, have been proposed to contribute to the generation of genetic and phenotypic diversity in diatoms. Here we explore the transcriptome of three warm water strains of the diatom Leptocylindrus aporus, and the possible involvement of TEs in their response to changing temper...
The Lagoon of Venice (LoV) and the Gulf of Venice (GoV), two adjacent coastal Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites in the northern Adriatic Sea, represent a transitional/marine coupled ecosystem under the influence of regional and local factors. In this study, these sites were sampled on four dates from April 2016 to February 2017 for environ...
The ocean is home to myriad small planktonic organisms that underpin the functioning of marine ecosystems. However, their spatial patterns of diversity and the underlying drivers remain poorly known, precluding projections of their responses to global changes. Here we investigate the latitudinal gradients and global predictors of plankton diversity...
Azaspiracids (AZAs) are marine biotoxins including a variety of analogues. Recently, novel AZAs produced by the Mediterranean dinoflagellate Azadinium dexteroporum were discovered (AZA-54, AZA-55, 3-epi-AZA-7, AZA-56, AZA-57 and AZA-58) and their biological effects have not been investigated yet. This study aimed to identify the biological response...
Understanding the threats to global biodiversity and ecosystem services posed by human impacts on coastal and marine environments requires the establishment and maintenance of ecological observatories that integrate the biological, physical, geological, and biogeochemical aspects of ecosystems. This is crucial to provide scientists and stakeholders...
Maritime economy, ecosystem-based management and climate change adaptation and mitigation raise emerging needs on coastal ocean and biological observations. Integrated ocean observing aims at optimizing sampling strategies and cost-efficiency, sharing data and best practices, and maximizing the value of the observations for multiple purposes. Recen...
An HF radar system has been operating in the Gulf of Naples (GoN -
Southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea) since 2004. The system is a SeaSonde
manufactured by CODAR Ocean Sensors Ltd. Three mono-static radar units
working at about 25 Mhz ensure the surface current mapping over nearly the
entire Gulf of Naples area. The grid resolution is 1 Km with a range of...
Plankton are a pivotal component of the diversity and functioning of coastal marine ecosystems. A long time-series of observations is the best tool to trace their patterns and variability over multiple scales, ultimately providing a sound foundation for assessing, modelling and predicting the effects of anthropogenic and natural environmental chang...
Predicting responses of plankton to variations in essential nutrients is hampered by limited in situ measurements, a poor understanding of community composition, and the lack of reference gene catalogs for key taxa. Iron is a key driver of plankton dynamics and, therefore, of global biogeochemical cycles and climate. To assess the impact of iron av...
Coastal areas host valuable but vulnerable marine ecosystems subjected to increasing anthropogenic pressure and climate change consequences. To assess the impact of these pressures, monitoring programs have proliferated in coastal areas, but most of them follow locally established procedures for quality control (QC). The well-established QC procedu...
Diatoms constitute a diverse lineage of unicellular organisms abundant and ecologically important in aquatic ecosystems. Compared to other protists, their biology and taxonomy are well-studied, offering the opportunity to combine traditional approaches and new technologies. We examined a dataset of diatom 18S rRNA- and rDNA- (V4 region) reads from...
The Mediterranean Sea (MS) is a temperate-subtropical basin characterized by oligotrophic offshore waters and coastal waters ranging from almost pristine to heavily impacted. Main resources are tourism and fisheries, whereas aquaculture is more developed in the western MS and continental Greek coasts, which are also the most intensively monitored....
Protists (microbial eukaryotes) are diverse, major components of marine ecosystems, and are fundamental to ecosystem services. In the last 10 years, molecular studies have highlighted substantial novel diversity in marine systems including sequences with no taxonomic context. At the same time, many known protists remain without a DNA identity. Sinc...
Europe lacks a multi-purpose integrated biological ocean observing system. The Future Science Brief recommends building an integrated biological ocean observation system, while supporting current capacity. Europe needs a strategic vision to increase the relevant biological ocean observation capacity. We also need to bring together key stakeholders,...
Aggregates of mucilaginous material have been at times observed in coastal and oceanic sea waters. In the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea), these events have been known since the 18th century as ‘mare sporco' (= dirty sea), and in recent years, they have been associated with the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax fragilis; whereas, in New Zealand mucilage ev...
The major yolk protein toposome plays crucial roles during gametogenesis and development of sea urchins. We previously found that nitration of toposome increases in the gonads of a Paracentrotus lividus population living in a marine protected area affected by toxic blooms of Ostreospsis cf. ovata, compared to control populations. This modification...
A first synoptic and trans-domain overviewof plankton dynamics was conducted across the aquatic sites belonging to the Italian Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER-Italy). Based on published studies, checked and complemented with unpublished information, we investigated phytoplankton and zooplankton annual dynamics and long-term changes acro...
This proof-of-concept study integrates the surface currents measured by high-frequency coastal radars with plankton time-series data collected at a fixed sampling point from the Mediterranean Sea (MareChiara Long Term Ecological Research site in the Gulf of Naples) to characterize the spatial origin of phytoplankton assemblages and to scrutinize th...