Adrian Sulich

Adrian Sulich
Adrian verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Adrian verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Polish Academy of Sciences | PAN · Institute of Physics

PhD (chemistry), PhD (physics), PhD (linguistics)
Physical Chemistry, Solid State Physics and Semantics


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Adrian Sulich currently works at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Adrian does research in Physical Chemistry, Solid State Physics and Semantics. His current projects are: 'crystallography of bulk materials and layers' and 'scientific language'.
Additional affiliations
September 2018 - September 2018
Institute for Single Crystals NASU
  • Guest
  • scientific visit in the frame of project: „Investigation of structure of Sr3RE2(BO3)4 (RE = Y, Gd) single crystals”, aims: discussion about the project, getting knowledge about single-crystals growth technology, developed at ISC NASU, giving a seminar about single-crystal defect structure characterization by mean of HR XRD
April 2018 - June 2018
Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Linguist (contract work)
  • participation in project "CLARIN ERIC – European Research Infrastructure Consortium: Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure", task: „Polish Common Resources and Technology Infrastructure" ("Polskie wspólne zasoby językowe i infrastruktura technologiczna”), contract work with Linguistic Engineering Group
September 2016 - January 2017
Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Linguist (contract work)
  • participation in project COTHEC, NCN OPUS 8, „Ujednolicona teoria koreferencji w jezyku polskim i jej korpusowa weryfikacja" ("Unified Coreference Theory in Polish Language and Its Verification Based on Corpus"), contract work with Linguistic Engineering Group
October 2014 - May 2020
October 2008 - December 2019
Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
Field of study
  • chemistry
October 2001 - July 2008
Warsaw University of Technology
Field of study
  • chemical technology


Publications (47)
Early stages of radiolysis of solutions with 2,6-bis(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-benzo-[1,2,4]triazin-3-yl)pyridine (CyMe4-BTP) and 6,6’-bis(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-benzo-[1,2,4-]triazin-3-yl)-[2,2’] bipyridine (CyMe4-BTBP) ligands in cyclohexanone were studied by means of pulse radiolysis technique with spectrophotometric...
SnTe-based narrow-gap semiconductors are scientifically promising materials, known, among others, from their topological and thermoelectric properties [1-3]. Structural investigations performed recently by us also gave interesting results, suggesting a possibility of obtaining in MBE-grown layers of topological crystalline insulator SnTe(001) a def...
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SnTe-related alloys, compounds and nanostructures are promising and currently investigated candidate materials for topological crystalline insulators or semimetals, as well as thermoelectrics or superconductors [1-5]. Some of their crucial properties are protected by crystal symmetry thus it is important to study their crystallographic quality, ext...
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This study explores the suitability of (Cd,Mn)Te and (Cd,Mn)(Te,Se) as room-temperature X-ray and gamma-ray detector materials, grown using the Bridgman method. The investigation compares their crystal structure, mechanical and optical properties, and radiation detection capabilities. Both crystals can yield large-area single crystal samples measur...
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Pb1 xSnxTe and SnTe are intensively studied narrow-gap semiconductors, potentially useful, among others, as topological, photosensitive, thermoelectric or superconducting materials [1 6]. For our research we selected heterostructures composed of Pb1 xSnxTe or SnTe rock salt layers and CdTe(001) buffer grown on commercially available substrate, 2° o...
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In this work, the properties of ZnO films of 100 nm thickness, grown using atomic layer deposition (ALD) on a−(100) and c−(001) oriented Al2O3 substrate are reported. The films were grown in the same growth conditions and parameters at six different growth temperatures (Tg) ranging from 100 °C to 300 °C. All as-grown and annealed films were found t...
We present the effect of doping with In, V, and Cl on the values of resistivity (ρ) and mobility-lifetime (μτ) in (Cd,Mn)Te crystals grown by the Bridgman method and with diameters of 2 or 3 inches. This material is investigated to use in room-temperature X-ray and gamma-ray detectors. We carried out post-growth annealing processes in cadmium vapor...
A worldwide effort is underway to understand the activation of acceptor states in ZnO with the motivation to achieve persistent p ‐type conductivity. In this study, we used cathodoluminescent (CL) imaging, electron microscopy (SEM), Secondary Ions Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and X‐ray diffraction (XRD) to compare ZnO:N films subjected to rapid thermal...
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ZnO and ZnO:N films grown by atomic layer deposition and post-growth annealed were studied by scanning electron microscopy, low-temperature cathodoluminescence and X-ray diffraction. Low-temperature cathodoluminescence spectra reveal donor-related emission centered at 3.35 eV and acceptor-related emission centered at 3.31 eV. The cathodoluminescenc...
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Challenges and opportunities arising upon molecular-beam-epitaxial growth of topological crystalline insulator heterostructures composed of a rock-salt SnTe(001) layer of varying thickness (from 80 to 1000 nm) and a zinc-blende 4-μm-thick...
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The structural, optical, and electrical properties of ZnO are intimately intertwined. In the present work, the structural and transport properties of 100 nm thick polycrystalline ZnO films obtained by atomic layer deposition (ALD) at a growth temperature (Tg) of 100–300 °C were investigated. The electrical properties of the films showed a dependenc...
The topic of the dissertation are defects of selected Ca9RE(VO4)7, REVO4 and Ca3RE2(BO3)4 monocrystals (where RE = rare earth metal cation) structure, representing crystallographic systems with a high symmetry - rhombohedral, tetragonal or orthorhombic. The above mentioned oxides are promising materials, especially for optoelectronic applications....
Understanding the origin of the strong difference of electrical parameters between as grown and annealed undoped ZnO films prepared at a temperature range of 100–200 °C by thermal atomic layer deposition is essential for their future applications. In this paper, we show that the conductivity drop by up to 4 orders of magnitude as effect of post-gro...
The PhD thesis has arised in the frame of the european project: „Actinide recycling by SEParation and Transmutation” (Euroatom FP7 ACSEPT) and is devoted to the study of early radiolysis stages of selected substances for SANEX (selective actinide extration) process, which is an important part of a spent nuclear fuel recycling. As the investigated m...
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"The article is a semiotic study of reciprocal space maps – the figures applied in natural sciences to depict X-ray diffraction in crystals. The sources of a researched material were crystallographic articles. In the analysis linguistic concepts were used. It was exhibited that investigated signs have a non-linear mixed text structure. The semiotic...
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Pure and Nd-doped Ca3Y2(BO3)4 and Ca3Gd2(BO3)4 orthoborate (space group Pnma) single crystals are considered for applications as materials for optoelectronics, in particular for ultrafast pulse lasers. In the present work, Czochralski-grown single crystals of such materials were studied. All of them were nearly free of defects such as impurity phas...
Grown by Czochralski method pure-, magnesium and lithium doped Ca9Y(VO4)7 single crystals (Ca9Y(VO4)7 (C1), Ca9Y(VO4)7:Li (C2) and Ca9Y(VO4)7:Mg (C3), correspondingly) are characterized by means of chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis and high-temperature dielectric spectroscopy. All crystals demonstrate good structural performance with al...
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Crystal growth and thermal properties of binary borates, Ca3RE2(BO3)4 (RE = Y, Gd, Nd), are considered promising crystals for laser applications. These single crystals were grown by the Czochralski method. The crystal and defect structure were characterized. Volumetric chemical methods without prior separation of the components were developed and a...
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The article analyzes the lexical field of Polish terms which refer to research processes in chemistry, are related to relevant knowledge, and are new from the point of view of the purpose appointed by the chemist. The field is reconstructed on the basis of abstracts of conference lectures, reports, and posters from the annual conference “ChemSessio...
Pulse radiolysis involving reactions of solvated electrons and benzophenone ketyl radicals in 1-octanol with selected compounds from bis-triazinyl pyridines and bis-triazinyl bipyridines, BT(B)P family, developed for extraction of trivalent actinides have been studied. The designated ligands were: 2,6-bis(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-benz...


Questions (2)
How to add manually a conference poster co-author to the publication page if that co-author is not at RG? The problem I have with this is that it seems to be impossible to add someone who is not listed as a previous co-author or collaborator. When creating a publication page for a conference poster, it is possible to select only the authors who appear in an automatic list, but not to enter their names manually. A request to change the author list in the existing publication page also does not work (the request is rejected). Maybe someone knows what to do in such a situation?
How long (approximately) would it take to learn DFT calculations from scratch so as to be able to obtain the first reasonable results? The aim would be to design materials with intended properties (for example, topological materials or thermoelectrics).
The starting point would be basic knowledge of quantum mechanics from a master's studies in chemistry and the basic skills in programming using c++ language.


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