Adrián Albala

Adrián Albala
University of Brasília | UnB · Institute of Political Sciences

PhD in Political Science
Assistant Professor, University of Brasília, Institute of Political Science (IPOL)


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Assistant Professor, University of Brasilia, Brazil. Ph-D in Political Science from Sorbonne University (France). I am the founder of the Research Group on Bicameralism and Comparative Institutions (NEBIC/ UnB). My research interests deal with the 'presidential factor' in coalition cabinets, in terms of political timing and political alignments, with a focus on coalition cabinets' responsiveness and accountability, including the Bicameral question in a comparative perspective.
Additional affiliations
September 2017 - December 2017
Federal University of ABC
  • Visiting Professor
August 2016 - January 2017
University of São Paulo
  • Lecturer
August 2015 - January 2016
University of São Paulo
  • Lecturer
  • Lecturer of Qualitative Methodology (Process Tracing and QCA mostly)
January 2009 - March 2013
Sorbonne Nouvelle University
Field of study
  • Political Science


Publications (51)
In this chapter, we examine the conditions under which the similarity in composition between post-electoral and pre-electoral coalitions prevails in presidential democracies with multiparty systems. We identify three key factors influencing the continuity between these coalitions: the legally mandated duration of the transition period, the legislat...
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Party switching has received considerable attention in academic literature in recent years, especially in Brazil. Surprisingly, however, very little is known about the reasons why senators decide to change their party affiliation. Against this backdrop, this study takes the first step and sheds light on the matter by investigating what is behind se...
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It is well known that during times of social unrest, replacing the constitution is one of the first proposals to emerge, at least in Latin America, as if this constitutional shift could resolve any problem. Constitutional substitution is not a new phenomenon in Latin America; it actually began after the region's redemocratization. However, it is st...
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Introduction We hope to contribute to the Brazilian Political Science debate with a study on the viability of alternative voting methods in addressing the dual challenges of social isolation and low voter turnout. What are the benefits, prerequisites, and obstacles for the inclusion of the remote electronic voting format (e-vote) in Brazil? Materi...
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Resumo O bicameralismo pressupõe dois locus de atuação no Poder Legislativo: uma câmara baixa e uma câmara alta. No entanto, a câmara alta é frequentemente negligenciada literatura. A revisão sistemática da literatura demonstra que nos poucos estudos existentes há apenas menção à atuação reativa da câmara alta ou ao perfil de seus membros, esquecen...
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This book presents a comparative analysis of the struggles of Latin American indigenous peoples for effective representation in national political systems in the region. Through a detailed exploration of the political dynamics of indigenous groups and examples of mechanisms of political representation, the studies in this book reveal how power rela...
This chapter presents the conclusions drawn from the contributions in this volume. The text discusses the wave of indigenous movements that swept across Latin America in the 1980s and 1990s, challenging the commonly accepted idea that a peaceful democratic environment in the region was the result of the liberal project through which the Latin Ameri...
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This chapter provides a broad overview of indigenous political representation in Latin America and its respective developments over the last 30 years. In order to understand the theme in depth, we analyze in detail the most important variables that orbit the issue, such as the politicization of identities and the robustness of social movements in t...
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A terceira eleição de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, em outubro de 2022, constitui-se um evento que vai além da clássica alternância política, como ocorre, natu-ralmente, em qualquer democracia. Como relatado nos diversos capítulos deste livro, a eleição de Lula da Silva configura-se como uma mudança radical vis-à-vis do seu antecessor, Jair Bolsonaro,...
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The composition of cabinets under presidential regimes has constituted one of the top topics of the literature in political science in recent years. However, nothing has been said about the proper size of those cabinets. That is, why some cabinets are 37 ministers large when other is formed by just 13 members? We carry on a theory of cabinet size u...
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This paper focuses on the timing of coalition formation under presidential systems. While elections in parliamentary regimes have recently been characterized by a high degree of uncertainty both in the results and the formation of cabinets, this is not the case for presidential politics. As a result, we argue that coalition cycles differ across sys...
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Resumo Os estudos sobre a repartição das pastas ministeriais no contexto do presidencialismo de coalizão têm crescido enormemente nos últimos vinte anos. No entanto, um elemento comum à quase totalidade desses estudos é a realização do cálculo da proporcionalidade entre cadeiras e ministérios somente em função da câmara baixa. Embora isso possa faz...
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Este capítulo dedica-se a apresentar a metodologia e o método de pesquisa denominado Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) ou Análise Qualitativa Comparada, em português. A QCA consiste em uma técnica de pesquisa qualitativa elaborada por Charles Ragin (1987) para, inicialmente, resolver problemas gerados pela necessidade de se fazer inferências c...
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Previous research on coalition stability in presidential systems has relied to a substantial extent on the parliamentary literature. By focusing on the post-electoral bargaining environment, these approaches have neglected the key role played by pre-electoral agreements formed around the winning presidential candidate in the making and breaking of...
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A pandemia produzida pelo Covid-19 colocou os diversos poderes frente a dois objetivos: 1) conseguir se organizar e ser eficiente apesar da quarentena; e, sobre tudo 2) responder de forma eficiente e rápida às necessidades e urgência sanitária e social. Realizamos aqui uma análise do desempenho do senadores, em termo de apresentação (produção) e ap...
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This article proposes a new approach to the study of coalition formation in presidential regimes. Drawing on a dataset covering 33 Latin American governments, the article shows that coalition cabinets are, mostly, the product of pre-electoral agreements. I present a six-stage timing of coalition agreements, including four degrees of earliness. Then...
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Coalition theories of presidential regimes have frequently assumed coalition formation is a mostly post-electoral phenomenon. We challenge this view by showing that pre-electoral bargaining shapes to a substantial extent minority presidents' disposition to cooperate with the legislature by forming a majority cabinet. Examining a dataset of pre- and...
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This study contributes to the current discussion related to the execution challenges of open innovation projects in R&D with the lens of project management, especially considering the type of external partner as a contingent factor. It fosters the discussion of the configuration of practices in a contingent project management approach in comparison...
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Este trabajo procura contestar a la pregunta acerca de cuáles son las condiciones para el desapego entre movimientos sociales y representación política en América Latina. Mediante el estudio de ocho casos, y recurriendo al método configuracional Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), se elaboran y testean cuatro hipótesis, con lo que se evidencia...
Chile has witnessed an unprecedented emergence of social movements since the return to democracy in 1990. These have been characterized by limited participation by the conventional political actors who used to be the backbone of social demands in the country. In the current “Chilean model” of governance, political parties have lost their connection...
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Chile has witnessed an unprecedented emergence of social movements since the return to democracy in 1990. These have been characterized by limited participation by the conventional political actors who used to be the backbone of social demands in the country. In the current “Chilean model” of governance, political parties have lost their connection...
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Brazil’s 2018 Election, have widely been commented for three main reasons. First, the emergence, or better said the meteoric ascension, of a hardcore right-wing populist to the presidency. Second, the unprecedented and dramatic polarization of the electorate, conducing to a centrifuged electoral campaign. Finally, as a consequence of the two previo...
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Las últimas décadas han sido testigos de un crecimiento de los conflictos ambien-tales, en torno a proyectos de instalación de centrales energéticas de todo tipo. Según los casos, estos conflictos desembocaron en la construcción o el abandono del proyecto. La mayor parte de la literatura tiende a tratar estos casos de forma individual, sin caracter...
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Analyzes the verticalization of coalition cabinets Presents various case studies regarding countries with federal and hybrid systems of government Examines diverse factors affecting the degree of congruence of political coalitions
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The study of subnational political dynamics has acquired relevance in the last 20 years. Academic consensus considers that it is insufficient to study national political processes in isolation if we want to understand how multilevel political systems work (Swenden and Maddens 2008; Gibson and Suárez-Cao 2010; Suárez-Cao and Freidenberg 2013). Recen...
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In political science, coalition theories, mostly applied to the study of governments, have developed during the past decades into a huge body of literature to provide theoretical knowledge and tools for the analysis of formation, maintenance and breakdown of this type of government. In fact, one could say that coalition theories today constitute on...
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This book analyzes the verticalization of coalition cabinets from the national to the sub-national level. Presenting case studies for countries with federal systems of government, such as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, and India, as well as those focusing on states with hybrid systems of government, such as Italy, the contributors a...
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This book presents in-depth analyses of the wave of political protest and unrest that spread throughout Latin America between 2010 and 2015 in order to answer a question that has been challenging social scientists all over the region: why some countries have faced a divorce between their social movements and political parties while others have not?...
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Despite usually being characterized as one of the most stable and institutionalized political systems in Latin America, Chile during the second decade of the twenty-first century has become the scenario of a multitude of social movements and collective actions that in some cases emerged and in other became visible, questioning the political and eco...
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Past comparative research has argued that presidential systems may impose a constraint on parties' ambitions in the presence of presidential coattails: if a party intends to become a large national organization, then it must be able to effectively compete for the presidency. In this article, we argue that this is not necessarily the case in multile...
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This work aims to explain the autonomization process of civil society vis-a-vis the political parties in Latin America, after the occurrence of the “Latin American social spring” (2011-2016). Indeed, if several case studies have emerged explaining a detachment between political parties and civil society in Latin America, no work has systematized th...
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For too long, scholars have studied coalitions under presidential regimes as they did under parliamentarism: assuming that the executive needed to look for allies in only one chamber. However, symmetric bicameralism made such assumption untenable. As a matter of fact, bicameralism, particularly symmetrical bicameralism, as it operates under preside...
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Presidential legislative majorities under bicameral congresses have seldom been considered in the literature on coalition cabinets. However, this combination is far from being an isolated or irrelevant topic. Bicameral congresses comprise a double round of negotiation for the executive, increasing the shadow of the unexpected. Indeed, controlling o...
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La literatura dominante en ciencia política ha tendido, en los últimos años, a conferirle a las instituciones un papel central en la formación, el desempeño y la caída de gobiernos. Los trabajos acerca de coaliciones de gobierno no escapan, en su gran mayoría, a esa influencia neoinstitucionalista. A la luz de la reciente reforma constitucional apr...
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Mainstream literature in political science confers to institutions a key role in the formation, performance and fall of governments. In the meantime, studies on coalition theories did not, in their majority, escape from this neo-institutionalist approach. Based on the late Mexican constitutional reform which made the formation of coalition governme...
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Las coaliciones surgieron en América Latina como un fenómeno político que atrajo el interés de la política comparada a la región durante la década de los 90. Veinte años después, la agenda de investigación sigue abierta, latente y pendiente de nuevas indagaciones, métodos, datos y conclusiones. Los últimos quince años han sido testigos de profundos...
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Por muito tempo, a sociedade francesa não parecia atribuir ao islã o papel negativo que ele parece ter hoje. A evolução recente das percepções é, destarte, o fruto de uma mudança nas considerações sociais e políticas, acentuadas pela perda de dinamismo econômico e o declínio da influência do país no cenário internacional. O artigo demonstra um desc...
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Desde los años noventa, mucho se ha hablado sobre la supuesta “crisis de los partidos y sistemas de partido” en América Latina. Estos habrían perdido su influencia e identidad, serían incapaces de generar vínculos con la sociedad civil, entre otros. Por otra parte, las evoluciones recientes en materia de telecomunicación han abierto un espacio...
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Desde los años noventa, mucho se ha hablado sobre la supuesta “crisis de los partidos y sistemas de partido” en América Latina. Estos habrían perdido su influencia e identidad, serían incapaces de generar vínculos con la sociedad civil, entre otros. Por otra parte, las evoluciones recientes en materia de telecomunicación han abierto un espacio para...
Conference Paper
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Coalition theories applied to governments developed during the last decades a huge literature so as to provide theoretical knowledge and tools for the analysis of formation, maintain and breakdown of this kind of governments. Nevertheless, these studies were focused especially on parliamentary systems and left away the study of this phenomenon on p...
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span style="font-family: Helvetica; font-size: xx-small;"> Este trabajo se propone realizar una actualización de las teorías de las coaliciones aplicándolasa los presidencialismos latinoamericanos. Para ello se concentra en las experiencias del Cono Sur y trata de demostrar que las coaliciones inciden en la gobernanza y el quehacer político, al ti...
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span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: xx-small;"> Durante los años ochenta y noventa se observó en América Latina un reordenamiento concomitante a toda la región de los sistemas de partidos, cuya principal consecuencia fue la deconstrucción de los bipartidismos. A través del estudio de los casos de Colombia, Argentina y Uruguay, se observa qu...
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La literatura en ciencia política consta de varios estudios sobre coaliciones políticas, particularmente estudios de casos en democracias parlamentarias. Sin embargo, muy poco se ha escrito sobre sus efectos en regímenes presidenciales, como los vigentes en América Latina. Esta presentación propone un nuevo enfoque en las teorías de las coaliciones...
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The literature on comparative politics recently experienced a profound and stimulating shift through the quali-quanti mixed approach. Nonetheless, the studies of governmental coalition theories don't seem to follow this path, especially when presidential regimes constitute the analytical focus. Coalition governments are, otherwise, in these systems...


Questions (2)
Which is the most accurate/ usefull command in R for realizing a Necessity test: pofind() (with the option "nec") or superSubset()?
Which is the most common?
I understand that pofind() tests isolated ("independent") conditions and their negations; while superSubset() seeks configurations (i.e. combinations of conditions)....
I used to use superSubset()... but, perhaps for the two-step QCA process and for an ESA analysis... pofind() might be more useful...
Any insight?
Dear All,
I and many scholars of my department have been receiving invitations for publishing with the journal "frontiers in Political Science"... I have found out that, actually, this is a broader group as there is a "frontiers in sociology", etc...
I tried to find out if this journal had any reference or indexation and I could not find any...
Though, is it a predatory one?
Anyone has ever published with them?


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