Adnan AydınIğdır University · Agricultural Biotechnology
Adnan Aydın
Doctor of Philosophy
Effects of plant environmental stresses on epigenetic mechanisms
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Adnan Aydın currently works at the Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Iğdır University. Their current project is 'expression of some genes in salinity stress.'
Additional affiliations
June 2010 - October 2018
February 2013 - October 2018
January 2010 - January 2012
Publications (59)
Tarım sektörü, insanlık tarihinin en temel ve hayati faaliyetlerinden biri olarak, güvenli gıda arzı ve ekonomik kalkınma için kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Ancak, tarımsal verimliliği sınırlayan çok sayıda sorun, sektörün sürekliliği ve geleceği için çözüm arayışlarını zaruri hale getirmektedir. Tarımsal Verimliliği Kısıtlayan Sorunlarla Mücadele Yön...
Seed maturation, which involves a number of physiological and molecular events, is a crucial and intricate process in plant production. Since immature seeds can pose significant problems for both growers and producers, it is necessary to harvest them at the right maturity stage when seed viability and vigour are at their highest. Nevertheless, in t...
The combination of high or low temperatures and high salt may cause significant harm to the yield, quality, and overall productivity of forage pea crops. The germination process, a crucial phase in the life cycle of forage peas, may be greatly influenced by varying temperature and salinity conditions. To comprehend the influence of these elements o...
Black cumin is one of the important medicinal aromatic plants belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. It is mostly used in the Middle East and for some diseases, especially in the Iranian region. It is important to know the genetic resources of such important medicinal and aromatic plants. Characterization of genetic resources sheds light on both th...
Pamuk (Gossypium L.) dünya genelinde tekstil endüstrisi için en önemli doğal lif kaynağı ve aynı zamanda önemli bir yağ bitkisidir. Pamuk lifleri tekstil için ana kaynak olmakla birlikte lifi, tohumu ve bitkisi ev izolasyon materyali olarak enerji tasarrufunda, proteince zengin hayvan yemi, yağı gıda olarak insan beslenmesinde, bitkisi ise altlık v...
ZET Herbisitlere dayanıklılık, hedef yabancı ota karşı üst üste uzun yıllar aynı etki mekanizmasına sahip herbisitlerin, sık ve tekrar kullanılmandan ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Herbisitlere dayanıklılık oluşturan yabancı otlar, modern tarımda önemli bir endişe kaynağı olup baş edilemez bir yabancı ot problemini beraberinde getirilmesine ve maliyetleri...
Cotton is a major source of natural fibre for the global textile industry and is also an important oilseed crop. Cotton fibre is the main source of textiles, the seeds are used for oil and the remaining bagasse is used as high-protein animal feed. In addition, cotton’s so-called short fibre is used in more than 50 industries. Cotton breeding is gen...
Flax is one of the significant crops owing to oilseed and fibre attributes, exhibiting a wide distribution in many parts of the world. In this regard, we collected 29 genotypes of the flax from the different sources including agricultural institutes and research centers in Türkiye. We, for the first time, screened the genetic diversity and populati...
Flax is one of the significant crops owing to oilseed and fibre attributes, exhibiting a wide distribution in many parts of the world. The present study was designed to reveal the genetic diversity of 29 genotypes of flax through morphological traits and 12 iPBS and 33 ISSR markers. According to the UPGMA-based dendogram, genotypes of the flax were...
Fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) gıda üzerine birçok alanda kullanılır, ancak kurak ve tuzlu şartlara son derece hassastır. Kuraklık ve tuzluluk kültürü yapılan bitkilerin gelişimini ve üründen alınan verimi etkileyen önemli çevresel faktördür. Bu çalışma da amaçlanan fasulye genotiplerinde farklı tuz konsantrasyonları ve kuraklık dozunun tohum çiml...
Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) is of the crucial traditional plants and widely preffered for an array of diseases. However, N. sativa is not a widespread plant species and its distribution is limited to the Middle-East and Africa, in general. In comparison to the other plant species, the specific markers for the species have not been developed. So...
Rice sulfite reductase (OsSiR) is important protein in reducing sulfite to sulfide. In this paper, it is aimed to shed light on OsSiR’s probable structure, function, and expression using in silico methods and test its responses under drought and salt stresses. Moreover, it was also analyzed if OsSiR was structurally different from other SiR protein...
Günümüzde tüketici bilincinin artması sonucu sağlıklı gıda ürünlerine talep her geçen gün artmaktadır. Kimyasal bileşimi ve beslenme özelliklere sahip olan Tef bitkisi, insan beslenmesinde geçmişten beri kullanılan bir bitki olmakla beraber, ülkemizde de alternatif olarak yetiştirilebilecek kaynaklardan biridir. Sağlıklı yaşam açısından son derece...
The COVID-19 pandemic continues infecting people causing deaths globally. Although various medicines have been tried to combat with COVID-19, there is no medicine or treatment that has been validated yet. People have been using natural products for centuries against bacterial and viral illnesses. This study aimed to test the effects of the biomolec...
Assimilation of sulfur to cysteine (Cys) occurs in presence of serine acetyltransferase (SAT). Drought and salt stresses are known to be regulated by abscisic acid, whose biosynthesis is limited by Cys. Cys is formed by cysteine synthase complex depending on SAT and OASTL enzymes. Functions of some SAT genes were identified in Arabidopsi...
In this study chorismate synthase, chorismate mutase and anthranilate synthase in the soybean genome (GmCS, GmCM, and GmAS or collectively named as GmAAAs in this study), were investigated using bioinformatics and expression analyses under salt and drought stresses. It is found that there are multiple copies of GmCM, GmCS, and GmAS in the soybean g...
Assimilation of sulfur to cysteine occurs in the presence of serine acetyltransferase (SAT). In this study, SAT genes in rice ( Oryza sativa ) were identified and analyzed using bioinformatics approaches. Also, these genes were tested under salt stress. OsSATs have two common motifs, bacterial transferase hexapeptide and acetyltransferase and under...
: Boron (B) is an important micro element for plant metabolism. There are several transporters having a role in B
transport in plants. In this study, BOR1-type B transporters in potato (Solanum tuberosum) was identified and characterized
through bioinformatical approaches. The five out of 10 identified BOR1 transporters (StBOR1-2,4,5, and 10) were...
Yeşil devrim ile başlayan tarımsal ürünlerdeki üretim artışı politikası, tarım yapılabilecek alan sayısının her geçen gün azalması, sanayi kaynaklı iklim değişikliğinin tarım bitkilerinde verim düşüşüne sebep olması ve en önemlisi insan nüfusunun hızlanarak artması ile sekteye uğramış durumdadır. Dünya nüfusunun 2050 yılında yaklaşık 10 milyara ula...
Currently in many dictionaries an epiallele is defined as "a specific DNA methylation pattern of a genetic locus" or "any of a group of otherwise identical genes that differ in the extent of methylation". However, these definitions are in narrow-sense, a better definition of epiallele, therefore, should be considered in broad-sense by including the...
Techniques of electrophoresis are the most utilized DNA size discriminating methods. Main aim of this study was to compare the detection power (resolution) of agarose gel electrophoresis (AGE) and capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE) methods. Genomic DNA samples extracted from seeds of Gossypium hirsutum L. Texas Marker-1 and G. barbadense L. Pima 3...
Designing of microsatellite primer pairs is straightforward studies when genomic or transcribed DNA sequences are available. However, the development of polymorphic markers requires further tedious confirmation studies. Polymorphism levels in cultivated new world's cotton species (Gossypium hirsutum L. and Gossypium barbadense L.) are very low prob...
There are numerous methods for identification of DNA methylation. These methods can be categorized into four different categories: global methylation, local (regional) methylation, genome-wide methylation, and DNA methylation dynamics. Methylation sensitive, methylation insensitive and methylation dependent endonucleases are among the most used enz...
Methylation in DNA and chemical modification in histone proteins are the two most studied epigenetic mechanisms in
plants. There exist low-throughput and high-throughput DNA methylation detection techniques in epigenetic research. In
this study, touch-down polymerase chain reactions methylation sensitive-random amplified polymorphic DNA (TD-MS-RAPD...
Knowledge of genetic diversity and relationship among cotton varieties at molecular level is important. Such information could be used to measure genetic purity, monitor genes against biotic and abiotic stress factors and fiber technical properties. Microsatellite markers are valuable tools in the characterization and evaluation of genetic diversit...
Methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) is one of the most used techniques for assessing the extent and pattern of DNA cytosine methylation. MSAP relies on the use of isoschizomers that differ in their sensitivity to DNA methylation. Disadvantages of MSAP method is the production of artificial bands and nearly random amplification withi...
Molecular markers based on the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) are widely used in cotton breeding and genetic research. Among very diverse sets of molecular markers, two types, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and microsatellites, also known as Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) are best suited for genetic and breeding applications. Compared to S...
Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), or also called microsatellites, are tandemly repeated DNA sequences of mono-nucleotide to hexa-nucleotide motif units distributed in eukaryotic genomes. Depending on the presence or absence of SSR motifs in transcribed or untranscribed region within a genome, they could be divided as genomic and transcriptomic. Polym...
Cotton (Gossypium L.) is grown in subtropical and temperate regions of more than 80 different countries as a raw material in textile and cotton oil seed as a by-product. Variations in morphological, agronomical and fiber characteristics have been found less applicable in cotton due to a narrow genetic base in the Gossypium lineage. Microsatellite m...
DNA extraction is a routine procedure in most plant laboratories. Plant DNA isolation requires the use of several hazardous chemicals. The use of Pro-teinase K and RNase A contributes major isolation cost. Also the use of liquid nitrogen does not only increase the cost but also opens new ways of introduction of contamination and injury risks. In th...
Introduction: Cotton (Gossypium L.) is the most important natural fiber, an important oil and foodstuff crop in
the world. Epigenetic regulation in cotton fiber development seems as important as the genetic regulations. Several
techniques are currently available for assaying and detecting global and gene-specific cytosine methylation in plant
Microsatellites, also known as simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are very powerful molecular markers due to their high level of polymorphism, co-dominant inheritance, reproducibility and multi-allelic nature. Alleles of genomic-and transcriptomic-microsatellites of cotton and maize as well as published microsatellite data from many other crops species...
Advances in sequencing and computational technologies evoked tremendous amount of genomic and transcriptomic data. Annotated genomic and transcriptomic DNA sequence data make it much easier for researchers to view, sort and analyze sequence contents. Annotated data containing information for regulatory (enhancers, promoters and introns) and gene bo...
Ipomoea batatas, sweet potato, is a tuber-producing dicotyledonous perennial plant in the family of Convolvulaceae. Sweet potato originated from tropical America and it is widely grown as a food crop in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Especially its tuberous roots are important source of carbohydrates in Southeast Asia, and Latin Ame...
Cytosine methylation influences many cellular events including chromatin structure and gene expression. Bisulfite sequencing provides valuable information about the methylation profile of every single cytosine methylation in contexts of CpG, CpHpG and CpHpH, where H refers to A, C or T. Although whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS), reduced rep...
Microsatellites are in principle co-dominant type markers; however, a significant amount of microsatellites are produces as dominant markers due to mutations in the primer binding sites that may result in the occurrence of null alleles (failure in the amplification of the intended marker). Furthermore there exist resolution problems when agarose ge...
DNA cytosine methylation, as an important epigenetic mechanism involves in the control of all genetic functions such as DNA replication and repair, gene transposition and transcription, cell differentiation and gene silencing, and imprinting and affects vernalization, drought and salt tolerance, heterosis, bio-defense, transgenic expression and exp...
Microsatellite markers have high level of reproducibility, multiallelic nature, codominant inheritance, relative abundance and good genome coverage. Microsatellites (also known as simple sequence repeats, SSRs) are the marker of choice in most areas of molecular genetics as they require low amount of DNA, can be easily automated for high throughput...
The molecular systematic studies that reveal the biodiversity have been rapidly evolving in the last 20 years. In this developing process sequence analysis and methods of phylogenetic analysis of molecular systematics have also started to contribute the phylogenetic studies In terms of phylogenetic information, morphological characters are insuffic...
Genetic Relationships Among Continental Cotton Species Based On ITS1 Gene Region Aligned With Different Alignment Tools
The molecular systematic studies that reveal the biodiversity have been rapidly evolving in the last 20 years. In this developing process sequence analysis and methods of phylogenetic analysis of molecular systematics have also s...
An ideal DNA maker system is expected to have: (i) high level of polymorphism, which is the simultaneous occurrence of allelic variability for a trait within the same population; (ii) co-dominant inheritance to allow discrimination of homozygote and heterozygote locus; (iii) frequent occurrence in a genome to assay more genomic regions or genes; (i...
Perilla also knonw as beefsteak mint (Perilla frutescens (L.)) is a self-compatible annual herb in the family Lamiaceae. The beefsteak mint plant has a long history of use in traditional folk medicine and is an economical crop in the medicinal herb plant. Perilla has several important pharmaceutical, anti-allergic, and antioxidant functions. Perill...
Sage (Salvia L.) is one of the largest genera in the family Lamiaceae. The genus consisted of about 1000 species and many of which are used in spices, drug and fragrance industries. DNA markers have opened a new era in plant breeding, conservation, management and utilization. However, application of DNA markers in many Salvia species lags behind ma...
Assignment of genes and DNA markers on chromosomes is very important in life sciences, especially for plant breeding and medicine. There are several methods for the assignment of a gene or DNA sequence to a specific location on a chromosome. For example, the most widely used technique is the assignment of fluorescently-labeled gene or DNA sequences...
Epigenetic regulations in cotton are poorly understood. In the present study bisulfite sequencing technique was used to assess the level and pattern of cytosine methylation in intronic and exonic regions of a fiber specific gene, GhMADS11, in different tissues (pollen grains, ovules, linter and lint fibers) and development stages of ovules at-1 day...
Reliable analysis of DNA cytosine methylation of bisulfite sequencing mainly depends on the selection of target regions and primer pairs that flank differentially methylated cytosine contexts. Bisulfite sequencing method is still the choice of method in cytosine DNA methylation studies of polyploid species. One of the most important aspects of bisu...
Microsatellites are considered the marker of choice in modern research. However, there is no application of microsatellites
in the research on the genus Thymus due to the scarcity of specific primer pairs. Using in silico data of several genera in the family
Lamiaceae, 23 microsatellite primer pairs (LT) were developed and evaluated in 48 samples r...
Cotton (Gossypium spp.) plant is one of the important cash crops in many regions in the world. Cotton crop is not only used for the textile industry but also useful in feed and oil industries. Fiber is separated from the seeds using a process called ginning. Seeds of cotton plant consisted of two type of fiber; long fiber, also called as staple fib...
Within the 52 cotton species, two allopolyploid species; Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense are most cultivated in the world. Allopolyploid cotton species are believed to derive from a single allopolyploidization event that combined the Old World A genome with the New World D genome in an A genome cytoplasm. In this research DNA cytosine level di...
Within the 52 cotton species, two allopolyploid species; Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense are most cultivated in the world. Allopolyploid cotton species are believed to derive from a single allopolyploidization event that combined the Old World A genome with the New World D genome in an A genome cytoplasm. In this research DNA cytosine level di...
The Lamiaceae family contains many high-valued medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plant species. Several members of the genera in this family are under heavy pressure of collection for commercial use. DNA markers such as microsatellites could be used to identify commercially important genotypes and to select high-yielding ones for development of ne...
Multiple alignment of sets of nucleotide or amino acid sequences are usually required prior to phylogenetic studies for phylogeny inferences. There are several widely used programs for carrying out automatic multiple alignment of nucleotide sequences [1,2,3]. Since there exist different type of multiple alignment programs, the selection of proper a...
Questions (3)
I will perform DNA isolation from the plant. I will use DTT for this. But I don't know exactly how many mM DDT there will be for the Lysis buffer. If you can help, I will be very pleased.
How can I use the FSTAT program? Do you have a manual?
How to calculate genetic purity using molecular markers?
Do you have a formulary or statistical program that you know?