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Publications (16)
In the period of adolescence, the need for freedom, independence, proving and confirming is most pronounced. In this search for their own identity, interest in the opposite sex and the desire to get to know the world, young people are increasingly evading parental control and supervision and are increasingly absent from the family. As young people...
Analiza stanja pri čemu je uspostavljen sistem mjera i aktivnosti usmjerenih na otklanjanje svih neposrednih, objektivnih i subjektivnih uvjeta i okolnosti koji pogoduju narušavanju sigurnosti mladih u odgojno-obrazovnim institucijama Unsko-sanskog kantona u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Security challenges of nowadays which are manifested through terrorist attacks, armed
conflicts, economic and armed warfare, lead to great population migrations from the vulnerable areas. To successfully manage migrations and other crises, it is necessary to integrate new knowledge along with constant changes in skill profiles, qualifications and e...
Istraživanja sigurnosti u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama se tiče mjerenja izvora ugroženosti u i oko srednjoškolskih ustanova u Ka-tonu Sarajevo, te razvijanja i implementacije mehanizama koji bi nasilje među vršnjacima smanjili na najmanju moguću mjeru.
The goal of this paper is that the conclusions and results which were obtained through the analysis and comparation can be applied directly on improvement of conditions in terms of physical activities application in correctional facilities. The respondent sample for the necessities of this research, which is presented in this paper, are convicts in...
The aim of this research is to define possible differences between various treated groups of subjects due to the methodical organizational work used in teaching physical and health education. We are talking about the method of parallel analyses of sample results from experimental group and control group in order to define effects of change within s...
Predicting the success of students of the Faculty of Criminology and Security Studies in selecting the best candidates for the Ministry of Interior of the Sarajevo Canton in the act younger inspector, was conducted on the total sample selection of the 166 subjects in the first year of the Faculty of Criminology and Security Studies, University of S...
The second latent dimension (FAK-2) has the greatest influence on the criterion variable (THE FLOOR), which has been defined as a factor of longitudinal skeleton dimensionality (Beta)-46, next is the influence of the first isolated latent dimension (FAK-1) which has been defined as the factor of subcutaneous adipose tissue (Beta) -38 and finally th...
Prediktivne vrijednosti latentnog prostora morfoloških karakteristiak na efikasnost izvođenja elemenata sportske gimnastike na parteru provedeno je na selekcionisanom uzorku od 180 ispitanika muškog spola, uzrasta od 16 do 18 godina starosti. Svi ispitanici su učenici ”Sportske gimnazije” u Sarajevu.
U ovom istraživanju prediktorski skup varijabl...
Original scientific paper This paper aims to present the investigation of the influence of the physical and health education at the transformation of basic motor abilities of students-fifth graders, using various methodical organizational work in teaching physical and health education in the course of one school year. The aim of this study was to d...
Istraživanje je realizovano na selekcionisanom uzorku od 35 (tridesetipet) ispitanika, redovnih studenata, muškog pola, II godine Pedagoške akademije (odsjek sport) iz Mostara, starosne dobi od 20 – 24 godine. Značaj rada ogleda se u utvrđivanju efikasnosti kondenzovanog nastavnog procesa i njegove značajnosti na uspješnost i efikasnost kraul tehni...
Utvrđivanje razlika bazično motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti, provedene su na uzorku uzorku od 146 učenika osmih razreda. U istraživanju korišten je skup od 8 varijabli za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti i jedne varijable za procjenu funkcionalne sposobnosti.
Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je da pruži doprinos u spoznaji promjena koje se deša...
Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 61 ispitanice ženskog spola, učenica VIII-ih razreda O.Š. "Fatima Gunić" u Sarajevu. U istraživanju korišten je skup od 7 antropometrijskh varijabli, na kojima je trebalo da se utvrde efekti Nastavnog plana i programa iz tjelesnog i zdrastvenog odgoja koji je trajao 69 sati, odnosno da se pruži mogućnost za oc...