Adi WijayaMulawarman University · Department of Economics Development Studies
Adi Wijaya
Prof (full)., Dr. of Economics
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Assoc. Prof. (Dr) Adi Wijaya is a senior lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business (Mulawarman University). He is also active in writing in several national journals (Indonesia) and international journals with a high index reputation. For additional information, Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0479-2899 and Scopus ID: 57211534138.
Publications (41)
Initially, exports were perceived as the prestige and dignity of a nation. However, in terms of terminology, the essence of export flows is complementarity between countries, where each party has advantages, competition and excess production of a particular product to offer. The orientation of this study is to examine the relationship between tobac...
Even though the social order is starting to recover from the risk of Covid-19 transmission, but the performance of food security is still constrained in some countries, including Indonesia, where the majority of the population consumes rice. If the infection rate spikes again, it can hamper the supply chain for food commodities such as rice. From t...
The Human Development Index (HDI) in Indonesia continues to improve. However, the rate of development varies by region, most notably in eastern Indonesia. Based on our findings, it is clear that during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in 2020, HDI growth in Indonesia slowed, with Eastern Indonesia even experiencing negative growth. During this t...
Human resources are very important for an organization to achieve any goal. With good HR management, the achievement of organizational goals can be influenced. Skilled human resources are very valuable and cannot be replaced by natural resources, additional capital, or new technology. Therefore, the importance of human resources, both as managers a...
The dynamics of development is driven by a sustainable economy and enjoyed by all, without exception. The reason is, the ‘welfare concept’ seems to only become a discourse and continues to invite world debate about what to do, what the right solution is, and to whom it has focused the welfare. This paper aims to analyze the effects of economic ineq...
Abstrak: Kalimantan Timur merupakan Provinsi dengan satu diantara garis panjang pantai yang cukup panjang di Indonesia. Atas anugrah itu, artikel ini membahas tentang volume pendapatan dari kluster bisnis ikan kering yang dikelola oleh rumah tangga di Bontang Kuala. Adapun motivasi dari penelitian untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai pendapatan bers...
In 1997-1998, the resilience of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) was tested when the monetary recession paralysed Indonesia. At that time, only SMEs were detected as shining and the most prominent from other sectors. This study is oriented to investigate the effect of the quality of human resources (HR), capital, and business length on turnover,...
For centuries, humans have continued to deplete natural resources. The transportation sector is claimed to be the main culprit in wasting fossil energy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Fossil Fuels Electricity (FFE), Wind Electricity (WE), Solar Electricity (SE), Hydroelectricity (H), and Geothermal Electricity (GE) on Acc...
Covid-19 does not only threaten the health aspect, but also threatens social tensions and the economic order. The existence of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is at the point of collapse. If it is not anticipated through comprehensive reform efforts, then the existence of SMEs is only a discourse and will slowly sink. This article aims to inves...
Indonesia’s economy is experiencing a contemporary phase marked by decades of financial turmoil. Fluctuations in money demand are inseparable from the responsibilities of Bank Indonesia, which is the holder of rules and regulations and has full control of tracking the effects of financial flows. In reality, the imbalance between the demand for mone...
The response to the SARS-CoV-2 disaster calls for worldwide attention. This paper creates attributes in the ‘Penta-Helix’ that reflect pandemic prevention procedures. In order to run optimally, the enterprise strategy model makes it easier for the government to move the vaccine program. We explained critical exploration and focus group discussions...
The purpose of this study was to analyze and prove the influence of the influence of internal service quality on loyalty mediated by job satisfaction of employees at pt. Mahakam Gate of the King of Oil and Gas (Persero) in Kutai Kartanegara Regency. This study used 40 respondents and this study used a survey method with a sample of employees at PT....
The urgency of this paper is to expose the performance of the Indonesian government to encourage and stimulate the existence of MSMEs because of the economic crisis caused by Covid-19. The paper method uses the document study method based on the results of previous research, which is traced through journals of several electronic media, such as digi...
Kampung Ketupat di Samarinda Seberang adalah salah satu cluster yang berbasis UMKM penghasil komiditi ketupat di Kota Samarinda. Usaha tersebut dilakukan secara turun menurun dan untuk mengembangkannya perlu dengan mengolah daun nipah menjadi ketupat. Pada saat terjadi pandemi Covid-19 telah menjadi hambatan dan tantangan bagi perkembangan UMKM pen...
Koperasi merupakan lembaga yang bergerak di bidang perekonomian Indonesia dan sudah sah di mata hukum. Sejarah koperasi di Indonesia dimulai dari R. Aria Wiriatmadja yang mendirikan koperasi simpan pinjam. Saat itu, bernama “Hulf Sparbank” dengan tujuan agar kaum ningrat tidak terjerat utang pada lintah darat. Saat masa penjajahan Belanda dan Jepan...
Economic development in a region not only measured through the fiscal dimension and the level of welfare but must also prioritize social and human resource aspects so that it can achieve the goals of sustainable development. With these considerations, the aim of this study is to analyze the effect of fiscal decentralization on investment, economic...
Economics and the environment are issues that never end for debate. As long as the two are not sustainable, they will continue to be highlighted in macroeconomic principles. In addition, economic growth (GDP) is not the only principal topic that is the focus of attention from academics, practitioners, and the government. The objectivity of this res...
Abstrak Perwujudan demokrasi ekonomi saat ini makin menjauh dari ideal dimana ketimpangan struktural ekonomi justru kian melebar. Akumulasi dari berbagai persoalan tersebut maka mengakibatkan angka kemiskinan menjadi tinggi di Indonesia, walaupun ada penurunan dalam setiap tahun, yang ironisnya justru terdapat di daerah yang kaya akan sumber daya a...
Dalam pembangunan ekonomi, instrument fiskal merupakan bagian penting untuk menentukan sejauh mana kebijakan anggaran dapat terselanggaran sesuai dengan semangat otonomi daerah. Dari alasan tersebut, berdasarkan kewenangannya, masing-masing daerah mempunyai kewenangan dan cara sendiri untuk menghimpun penerimaan daerah, sehingga pembelajaan daerah...
Perwujudan demokrasi ekonomi saat ini makin menjauh dari ideal dimana ketimpangan struktural ekonomi justru kian melebar. Akumulasi dari berbagai persoalan tersebut maka mengakibatkan angka kemiskinan menjadi tinggi di Indonesia, walaupun ada penurunan dalam setiap tahun, yang ironisnya justru terdapat di daerah yang kaya akan sumber daya alam. Dar...
Kegiatan pembangunan nasional tidak lepas dari peran serta pemerintah daerah dalam
memanfaatkan sumber daya yang tersedia di daerah masing-masing sebagai upaya memperbesar kemampuan daerah. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh langsung dan pengaruh tidak langsung dari Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Bagi Hasil Pajak, dan Dana Bag...
The sustainability of regional development cannot be separated from the role of the government in overcoming social and economic problems. This study aims to analyze the direct and indirect linkages of government expenditure, economic growth, and population to employment and poverty in East Kalimantan Province. A quantitative-based study approach i...
To spur the rate of economic growth and labor absorption, a special scheme is needed that is linked with the role of the private sector (investment) and government policy intervention through the allocation of expenditure, so as to create sustainable human resources interpreted by the intensity of education. The objectivity of the study focuses on...
Kebijakan pada investasi, alokasi belanja langsung, dan belanja tidak langsung sebagai salah satu indikator kinerja keuangan pemerintah Kota Balikpapan dalam upaya meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menyerap tenaga kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh investasi, belanja langsung, serta belanja tidak langsung terhadap pertum...
This paper examines the effects of demographic pressure, happiness, and a human development index on labor force and economic growth in Romania for the period 2013-2019. Using path analysis, we developed two models, one exploring direct effects and the other indirect effects. Calculations in the models used time-series data obtained from annual rep...
City morphology can be formed due to interaction either spatially or the socioeconomic community in it. This study aims to determine the classification of fast-growing and growing quadrant areas in East Kalimantan Province, the central growth region and the highest relationship between spatial interactions between the growth centers and the hinterl...
The COVID-19 pandemic has damaged the Indonesian economic system from various sectors. The sustainability of economic sectors, such as agriculture, becomes risky if not handled seriously by the Government. Cooperatives in Indonesia have become the heart of their members (especially farmers) who are highly dependent on agricultural productivity acti...
The source of regional revenue is aimed at financing governance and development and to improve the welfare and prosperity of the community. The purpose of this study is to examine the contribution and the rate of growth of Regional Taxes, Regional Levies, Separated Regional Wealth Management Results, and Other Legitimate Regional Original Revenues...
The purpose of this study is for the leading sector, a pattern of shifting structure of the economic sector, and community export competitiveness on the economy Malinau Regency. The type of data used is secondary data with a quantitative approach of 2009-2018. The study data used Location Quotient (LQ), Shift Share Analysis (SSA), and Revealed Comp...
This study aims to analyze the influence of exogenous variables (allocation of village funds and village expenditure) directly and indirectly on endogenous variables (poverty rate) through intervening variables (economic growth) in Mahakam Ulu Regency. The study was formed with secondary data and used time series data from the Central Statistics Ag...
Purpose – to explore a crowdsourcing data-driven approach to construct crowdknowledge databases for innovation through supporting creative idea generation. In the approach, social media will be used as platforms to crowdsource knowledge for producing the databases.
Findings. Creativity is an essential element of innovation, but producing creative...
Human life is limited, just as in generating income, humans are limited by age. People's income varies systematically throughout his life and savings allow consumers to make income flexible so that users can be moved from the time when income is high to income is low (Modigliani, 1986). Based on the study of literature, the presentation is designed...
Every economic development expects high economic growth and inter-provincial equality on Borneo Island in 2014-2018 to experience fluctuating and increasing economic growth. Economic growth seems to be uneven and the difference in GRDP per capita is quite striking in the region. This shows the imbalance between Borneo Province. The purpose of this...
Istilah “Underground Economy” atau dalam bahasa Indonesia
adalah Ekonomi Bawah Tanah masih jarang terdengar ditelinga
kita. Padahal, kegiatan-kegiatan ekonomi tersebut mungkin
berdekatan dengan pekerjaan, usaha, dan rangkaian aktivitas
sehari-hari. Secara kasat mata, sebenarnya Underground
Economy adalah hal-hal yang bersifat ilegal dan jauh diluar...
The development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in this decade was also followed by the strengthening of the existence of CSR into normative obligations in various countries. Although only a few countries have done it, Indonesia is a part of it. In East Kalimantan Province, the problem of CSR already exists in the form of legal products th...
Regions that lack economic potential will face difficulties in increasing sources of revenue. This difference eventually raises great expectations for subsidies from the central government as a source of funding in Samarinda City. The aim to be achieved in the study is to analyze and identify the degree of fiscal decentralization in the City of Sam...
Penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemiskinan yang terjadi di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Dengan variabel independen Belanja modal pemerintah, IPM, dan Ketimpangan pendapatan/gini ratio, dan variabel intervening PDRB, selain itu juga untuk menguji dan menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh masing-masing variabel independen t...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, upah minimum kota (UMK), tingkat pendidikan, dan inflasi terhadap tingkat pengangguran dan kemiskinan di Kota Samarinda. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder pada tahun 2005-2014. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur (path...
In accordance with the Regional Autonomy Policy, the Regional Government will not be able to perform its functions properly, effectively and efficiently without adequate funding support to provide services to the community and implement development programs. The financing of development in the area other than sourced from the government itself also...