Adeni Adeni

Adeni Adeni
Walisongo State Islamic University · Faculty of Da'wah and Communication

Master of Arts


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Adeni Adeni (Adeni Hakim) currently works at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, Walisongo State Islamic University. Adeni does research in State Politics and Policy, Communication and Media and Abrahamic Religions, especially Islam and its dynamics.
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Publications (40)
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This article discusses the haul stage which is held once a year on the date of death of the fourth former President of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), which demonstrates harmonious relations between adherents of different religions in Indonesia. Consequently, the haul rituals have become vehicles for affirming underst...
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The presence of the digital era has changed the orientation of da'wah. Da'wah has changed from merely a doctrinal activity (to Islamizing infidels) to an activity of exchanging religious narratives between people in cyberspace. This fact requires rethinking the concept of the da'wah model. By reviewing primary da'wah scientific literature, such as...
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This article aims to study the contribution of Badi’uzzaman Said Nursi in the Islamic media field. His thoughts can be considered a solution to social problems caused by globalization. This study uses a qualitative method based on literature studies in which the primary data source is Risale-I Nur, the monumental work of Said Nursi. The results sho...
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Dialogue between religion and science is a necessity, because both of them can mutually reinforce the sources of Islamic law. The astronomical approach in the study of hadith makes a significant contribution to the development of astronomy. This article aims to examine the thoughts of an Indonesian Muslim scholar, namely Syamsul Anwar, who offers t...
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This study aims to examine the religious moderation promoted by Ahmadiyah through the website. The Ahmadiyah religious moderation discourse is related to the struggle for identity in the public sphere. This study is qualitative with documentation data collection techniques, namely digging documents containing religious moderation texts found on the...
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Purpose - The purpose of this study was to analyze the combination of old and new media use in Nursi movement da’wah in Indonesia.Method– This study used a qualitative method by an approach of combining old and new media in da’wah. The data were collected by interviewing Indonesian figures, observing the Nursi’s da’wah activities, and reading the R...
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The objective of this study was to examine the fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) method to establish the optimum cluster accuracy of zakat potential in Indonesia. A spatial mapping approach is also suggested and can be considered as the first step in knowing the distribution of zakat potential in Indonesia. Furthermore, strategies that can be implemen...
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The presence of COVID-19 has changed the religious information of Islamic organizations in Indonesia. To a certain extent, religious organizations play an essential role in handling outbreaks regarding their strategic position as opinion leaders for society. This study seeks to examine the religious discourse changes of Nadhlatul Ulama (NU) and Muh...
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The existence of Jemaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) is still considered controversial in Indonesia. However, this community seems to be voicing peaceful Islam through their official website media. By using a qualitative method based on a netnographic approach (online observation), several steps are taken, namely visiting the Ahmadiyah website at http...
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This article aims to examine the use of the ma'na-yi harfi ‎(Indicative Meaning) and ma'na-yi ismi ‎(Nominal Meaning)‎ concept of ‎Badiuzzaman Said Nursi in preventing hoaxes caused by new media abuse. The approach offered ‎by Nursi is important because it can be considered as the basis of Islamic media communication ‎in which moral values in media...
Penelitian non-experimental dapat dilakukan diberbagai bidang salah satunya bidang kesehatan. Dalam bidang kesehatan Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) tidak dapat dilakukan karena berhubungan dengan nyawa manusia. Kovariat pada penelitian non-experimental biasanya tidak seimbang antara kelompok treatment dan kontrol. Ketidakseimbangan ini menyebab...
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This paper aims to examine the concept of da’wah authority in the context of the relationship between religion and new media. The presence of new media has an impact on the development of Islamic da'wah especially regarding the issue of da'wah authority. By using a qualitative method based on library research, this paper concludes that first, the d...
The internet has tremendous effects to social and religious lives, including Islamic propagation (da'wah) activities. This paper aims to examine the fundamental concepts of da'wah in response to the mushrooming of cyber based-da’wah as well as adaptation to new media culture. Using a qualitative research for conceptual design, this study has found...
This article aims to analyze some concepts of the approach of da’wah strategy activities in media relating to community development. By using the qualitative literature approach, three strategic approaches can be affirmed. First, the information (tabligh) approach. This approach sees that the determination of receiving information in media is cente...
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This paper aims to analyze the virtual da'wa laboratory of Walisongo TV (WTV) and MBS FM owned by the Faculty of Da’wa and Communication, UIN Walisongo Semarang in nurturing Islamic moderatism during Ramadan 2020 amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research is a qualitative study using the New Media and Religion approach from Cambpbell (2010) who stat...
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The study aims to examine the contribution of Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani to the formation of pesantren nationalism through the preaching of bil qalam. The method used is a qualitative method by exploring the works of Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani, especially those relating to jihad in the national context reflecting the attitude of nationalism, and by see...
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This article aims to analyze the dawa-communication paradoxes of the salafi-fundamentalits by questioning of what is the da’wah form of salafi-fundamentalist, so it is often labeled as intolerant and the term of fundamentalism is accused of being negative? The study focuses on the case of Masjid Nurul Jami’yyah, Jambi. By using qualitative research...
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This article aims to study the urgency of applying journalistic ethics in online Islamic media activities. The study focuses on analyzing the seven standards of Islamic Media Literacy from Indonesian Ministry of Religion, namely (1) principles of online news production, (2) news distribution ethics, (3) accuracy and anti hoax, (4) the spirit of ama...
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p>The presence of the new Islamic civil society movement, which is generally represented by the salafism ideology, is a challenge for mainstream Islamic organizations such as NU and Muhammadiyah. The new Islamic civil group called the splinter moves massively in four main social domains, namely private, public, market, and state. By using a qualita...
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p>Artikel ini bertujuan memberikan kritik terhadap konstruksi sejarah Islam yang umumnya didominasi oleh sejarah politik. Selama ini, kekuasaan politik dianggap sebagai titik sentral bagi peradaban suatu bangsa. Islam, sebagaimana dinilai oleh Harun Nasution (2005), bisa berkembang karena kekuasaan politik. Karena itu, dibutuhkan penggalian dan pen...
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peta ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana kondisi masyarakat desa Dumeling
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peta ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana kehidupan masyarakat di desa Betahwalang dan mencari tahu bagaimana da'i yang cocok untuk desa tersebut
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penelitian di Desa Betahwalang agar mengetahui kondisi masyarakat di Betahwalang dengan cara melakukan pemetaan Dakwah di desa tersebut dan mencari Da'i yang cocok untuk desa tersebut.
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Peta inibmenjelaskan tentang bagaimana kehidupan yang adabdi Desa Betahwalang
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Peta Dakwah Digital ini untuk pemetaan sebuah Desa, tepatnya Desa Kandangan, Kec. Purwodadi, kab. Grobogan. Dengan adanya pemetaan desa kita bisa mengetahui apa problematika yang ada di Desa Kandangan dan bagaimana solusi yang tepat untuk problematika yang ada. Setelah kita mengetahui apa problematikanya jadi kita bisa memberikan Da'i yang bagaiman...
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Hasil observasi pemetaan di Dsn. Baman Ds. Sidodadi Kec. Bangilan Kab. Tuban. Bahwa dengan adanya pemetaan ini diharapkan pembaca mengerti problematikan dan solusi yang ada di daerah tersebut.
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Retorika | 1 I. PENDAHULUAN Retorika adalah sebuah seni bahasa. Bahasa tersebut bersifat argumentatif. Dalam retorika komunikator berusaha mengajak komunikan untuk sepaham dengan argumennya. Sehingga komunikan dapat mengikuti alur komunikator. Retorika memiliki tiga karakter yaitu logos, etos dan pathos. Retorika memiliki unsur-unsur dan cara agar...
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Fundamentalisme yang dipahami Barat ini berbeda sekali dengan apa yang dipahami dan dikenal di dunia Islam. Jika Barat sering memahami fundamentalisme agama sebagai terorisme, maka Islam tidaklah demikian dalam memahaminya. Muhammad Imarah tergolong akademisi yang mempertanyakan keabsahan peristilahan fundamentalisme dalam konteks Islam. Menurut Im...
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Mendamaikan hubungan Islam dan Pancasila sangatlah penting adanya di tengah munculnya kecenderungan sebagian kelompok menolak ideologi Pancasila. Pernyataan mengenai Pancasila sebagai ideologi yang tidak sejalan dengan Islam tentulah sesuatu yang tidak berdasar sama sekali, karena sesungguhnya Pancasila dihasilkan dari dialog panjang para ulama pen...
Salafisme atau konservatisme Islam adalah nama besarnya. Di bawahnya bisa masuk semua kelompok-kelompok civil Islam baru yang menganut ideologi radikal. Konservatisme kelompok ini bermacam-macam bentuknya. Ada yang tampil menolak kekuasaan suatu rezim dengan dalih tidak sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Mereka ini biasanya disebut sebagai salafisme gari...
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