Adem Öcal
Adem Öcal
Assoc. Prof. Dr. PhD
Looking for potential collaborations and job opportunities.
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Disastrous events can not, but disasters may be prevented.
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November 2013 - September 2016
July 2007 - October 2013
September 2000 - June 2007
September 2003 - May 2007
September 2000 - June 2003
September 1995 - June 1999
Publications (88)
Little is known about high school students’ perceptions of earthquake disasters in the Middle East region. It has been shown that individuals can possess various attitudes towards earthquakes based on gender, ethnicity, social class and disaster-related knowledge and experiences. This study explores the perceptions of two groups: 498 public high sc...
This paper presents the results of quantitative research regarding the level and the causes of fear of disasters among young adults in Turkey, Serbia, and Macedonia. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire that was given and then collected hand by hand that explored in depth the disaster-related fears among 537 respondents during 2016. The q...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, and has since spread globally, especially to Europe and North America, resulting in the ongoing 2019–20 global coronav...
A new coronavirus emerged in December 2019 and quickly spread globally, causing unprecedented social, psychological, and economic damage. This study aimed to investigate people’s emotional reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic. The dataset for this study consisted of 2,013 adults (962 males and 1,053 females) in four countries (Italy, Lebanon, Portuga...
Value education enables individuals to gain their own social and cultural judgments together with the universal values, and it also makes individuals be ready for the problems that may occur. In order to prevent value crises, researches are being made throughout the world, especially in Europe and America. Value education consists of fields such as...
The objective of this quantitative study was to examine the impact of selected factors on the level and state of public health capacities in local self-government units in 2021. This survey included 77 out of 145 local self-government units in the Republic of Serbia and examined six dimensions defined by the Law on Public Health. The results of the...
The objective of this quantitative study was to examine the impact of selected factors on the level and state of public health capacities in local self-government units in 2021. This survey included 77 out of 145 local self-government units in the Republic of Serbia and examined six dimensions defined by the Law on Public Health. The results of the...
This paper presents quantitative research results regarding a predictive model of pandemic disaster fear caused by the coronavirus disease (COVİD-19). The aim of this paper was to establish the level and impact of certain demographic and socioeconomic characteristics on pandemic disaster fear caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19). The research was c...
Due to the increasing frequency and variety of disasters caused by floods and their effect on people, environment, material, and cultural goods, there is an unavoidable need to improve the security of citizens through innovative solutions to improve Serbian citizens' resilience to such disasters. The subject of the research is a comprehensive exami...
Supplementary material - The Questionnaire Intended for Representatives of Local Self-Government Units in Towns Relative to Disaster Management Activities and Figure S1. Study areas location
Due to the increasing frequency and variety of disasters caused by floods and their effect on people, environment, material, and cultural goods, there is an unavoidable need to improve the security of citizens through innovative solutions to improve Serbian citizens' resilience to such disasters. The subject of the research is a comprehensive exami...
The objective of this research was to examine the capacity development of local self-governments in the field of disaster risk management (DRM). This quantitative research examines the degree of implementation of strategic, legislative, and institutional frameworks, as well as the capacity of local authorities to apply related policies through five...
Disasters cause losses on people and residential areas, cause interruption of normal life and decision-making mechanism, collapse communication and communication even for a short time, and damage infrastructure and superstructure investments. In the traditional disaster management design, the regulations created by the legislation and rules issued...
Nuclear power remains one of the most accessible choices in addressing environmental and social concerns due to the continuously increasing energy needs around the world. While it remains an excellent source of energy due to its low price and low level of emissions, potential accidents remain a serious problem. An example of such is the most recent...
Whether on a national or an international level, it is important to settle how values are comprehended and justified. This study investigates how university students in Turkey and Lithuania make sense of certain values. The study has a pattern of a case study. The respondent selection was made by benefiting from the studies conducted in both countr...
Turkey is located in one of the most significant active seismic regions in the world. The country also is subject to many other natural disasters, that's why, natural disasters have been seen in Turkey forever. These events have caused physical destruction to the death of more than 100.000 people and to the wounding of a lot, and shacked the countr...
教育与价值观有必然的联系; 因此,为了教育,有必要首先确定个人和群体对价值观的看法。此项研究考察了土耳其和立陶宛两所高等教育的学生所理解的清洁价值的重要性。它基于一个案例研究,数据选自 2011 - 2012 年在两国所做的研究,采用定性研究方式和半结构化访谈(Öcal,Kyburiene,&Yiğittir,2012)。受访者包括来自立陶宛的 32 名学生和来自土耳其的 40 名学生。这项研究探讨了两个国家的学生是如何理解清洁的价值的。研究结果不仅揭示了个体与社会价值感知的差异,而且揭示了这种感知对受访者对宗教、传统和文化的依赖程度。然而,研究发现,在某些方面来自不同宗教和文化的两个国家的学生的价值观感知有一些共同的特征。
Adverse outcomes from 2014 flooding in Serbia indicated problematic response phase management accentuated by a gender imbalance. For this reason, we investigated the risk perceptions and preparedness of women and men regarding these types of events in Serbia. Face-to-face interviews, administered to 2500 participants, were conducted across 19 of 19...
Forests have a vital role for all living things. Children’s understanding of forest phenomena is important knowledge for various sectors as educators, policy makers, environmentalist, etc. In this study, factors that affect knowledge and perception of forest fires of students, aged 10 to 19, in the city of Belgrade were examined. The research was c...
Education is definitely related to values; therefore, in order to nurture them, it is necessary to initially
determine the perception of values by individuals and groups. This study investigates the importance of the value of cleanliness as understood by the students in higher education in Turkey and Lithuania. It is based on a case study, the data...
The aim of quantitative research is a scientific explication of the effects of certain demographic, socio-economic and psychological citizens characteristics on citizens' education in Serbia about floods. It is because of that that during the whole of 2015, a series of 2,500 face-to-face interviews was conducted in 19 out of the 190 municipalities...
The catastrophic flood occurred in Serbia in 2014 was one of the most critical events registered in the Balkan area in the last decades. The procedures for evacuation have been tough to manage indicating a low level of perception and preparedness towards flood events. Also, the failure in the response phase showed a gender unbalance, where informat...
This study aimed to determine the effect of service-learning activities on the sensitivity to social problems of students aged 12 and 14. A mixed method was implemented which combines qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. The Scale for Sensitivity to Social Problems was performed to determine the sensitivity of the young people t...
Afetler, her ülkenin bir gerçeği olmakla birlikte, hakkında bilgi eksiklikleri ve yanlış inanışlar içeren birtakım durumları barındırmaktadır. Bu yanlış inanışlar hem toplumsal yapıya hem de ekonomik yapıya zararlar vermektedir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, bilinçli ve duyarlı bir toplum oluşturma noktasında yanlış inanışların düzeltilmesi gerekli görül...
This paper studies the interdisciplinary acquisitions of disaster protection and safe living in the Ministry of National Education Primary School (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th classes) and Secondary School (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th classes) Turkish, Mathematics, Life Sciences, Social Studies, and Science and Technology courses curricula; and it aims to analyse the...
İnsanların doğuştan sahip oldukları, vazgeçilmez ve devredilmez haklar olan insan hakları, tarihte olduğu gibi günümüzde de tartışılan konulardandır. Yönetim sistemlerinin yapısına ve özgürlüklere verilen öneme bağlı olarak insan haklarının sınırları mütemadiyen değişikliğe uğramıştır. Kimi zaman bireyin doğuştan sahip olduğu, temek haklardan, yaşa...
Küreselleşen dünyada diğer alanlarda olduğu gibi eğitim alanında da hızlı değişimler gözlenmektedir. Bu değişimin bir sonucu olarak sınır ötesi eğitim hareketlilikleri sürekli artmaktadır. Ülkelerdeki yabancı uyruklu öğrenci sayısı önemli bir pazar haline gelmiştir. Göç ve iltica faaliyetleri de bazen olağan dışı ikamet zorunluluğunu doğurmaktadır....
Okullarda formal eğitim ile sosyal bilgiler eğitimi öğretmen, öğrenci, program ve ders kitabı yoluyla gerçekleşmektedir. Dolayısıyla sosyal bilgiler eğitiminin amaçlarına ulaşmasında ders kitapları büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de sosyal bilgiler ders kitaplarıyla ilgili hazırlanmış lisansüstü tezler incelenmiştir. Araştırma tarama mo...
Social studies curriculums have changed in many ways throughout history. The aim of this study
is to analyse the social studies curriculums used between the years 1968-2005 in terms of global
awareness education. The issues related to global awareness in social studies curriculum were
examined in terms of course aims or objectives, course descripti...
Dezavantajlı gruplara ilişkin problemlerin ulusal sınırların ötesinde evrensel boyut kazandığı bir gerçektir. Ülkeler, toplumun yaşam standartlarının gerisinde olan bu insanların diğer bireylerle eşit fırsatlara erişebilmeleri için birtakım yasal düzenlemeler yapmaktadırlar. Ancak hukuki düzenlemelerle birlikte zihinlerdeki olumsuzlukların da berta...
Bu çalışmanın amacı, yetiştirme yurtlarındaki çocukların sosyalleşme becerilerini ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Orta Anadolu’nun 4 ilindeki 6 yetiştirme yurdunda kalan, 6., 7. ve 8. sınıflara devam eden 104 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Veriler, nitel ve nicel araştırma tekniklerinin birlikte kullanıldığı karma yöntemle elde edilmiştir. Nice...
This study aimed to reveal the views of social studies teacher candidates who were actively involved in a social participation activity within the scope of CSP on the activity processin Turkey. The study was designed and conducted by adopting a qualitative research approach. 12 volunteers among the 18 teacher candidates who participated in the acti...
Sosyal bilgiler ders programları tarihsel süreç içerisinde günümüze kadar birçok değişiklik göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada 1968-2005 dönemlerindeki sosyal bilgiler ders programları küresel farkındalık eğitimi açısından incelenmiştir. Sosyal Bilgiler öğretim programlarında küresel farkındalık ile ilgili konular, programlarda dersin amaçları veya kazanım...
Son yıllarda ülkemizde engelli bireylerin istihdamı konusunda önemli gelişmeler yaşanmakta, kamu ve özel sektörde çalışan engelli bireylerin sayısında önemli artış meydana gelmektedir. Engelli bireylerin istihdamı, bu bireylerin topluma entegre olmalarını ve aktif hayatta yer almalarını sağlamakla birlikte, ülkemizin sosyal devlet olma yönündeki ön...
In this research, theaim was to reveal perceptions of social studies teacher candidates about disableness concept by using metaphors. The research was conducted approach of the phenomenological research has been used. The research group consisted of Aksaray University and Gazi University education faculty for the 3rd and 4th grade social studies te...
This study aims to determine the perceived values of the children who separated from their parents who emigrated from Aksaray city centre or from its villages for various reasons. The participants were selected by using a non-random sampling technique of purposeful sampling. The sample of this study included 122 middle school students (aged between...
The phenomenon of migration causes various difficulties both in the community where it is realized and towards individuals of immigrants. One of the problems encountered in labour migration abroad is the phenomenon of broken families. The phenomenon of families broken reveals the image of broken families where family members emigrate to live apart...
Bir sosyal eğitim yöntemi olarak ve bir değer olarak duyarlılık, çağdaş dünyada önemi gittikçe artan bir olgudur. Sosyal bilgiler eğitiminin amaçlarından birisi de bireylerin hayatın içinden olaylara ve durumlara duyarlı olmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, ilköğretim öğrencilerinin sosyal problemlere ilişkin duyarlılıklarını belirlemede kullanılabilecek bir ö...
Orphanages are the places where all needs of children in need of protection are met. The financial needs of children who are in need of protection are met by the government. But in addition to children’s protection and sheltering needs, they are in need of socialization and taking an active role in society as well. Social integration of children in...
Sensitivity as a method of education and as a social value is an increasingly important phenomenon in the contemporary world. One of the objectives of education in the social studies of life events and situations are susceptible individuals. In this study, it was aimed to develop a scale for determning of elementary school students' social sensitiv...
Today, the academic curriculum of any educational institution cannot stand apart from the formation of human values. ''Value' is a subjective concept that forms the basis of the private reasons on which individuals make choices between the available alternatives in their lives. In many countries, there exists a serious debate about how students acq...
The key objective of this study is to determine the Turkish elementary prospective teachers’ opinions on global warming. It is also aimed to establish prospective teachers’ views about the environmental education in Turkish universities. A true–false type scale was administered to 564 prospective teachers from science education, social studies educ...
This study was prepared to investigate the representation and localization skills of 6th, 7th and 8th grades of elementary school students. The research was carried out with 198 students who were attending to six elementary schools in Aksaray in Turkey. Schools are located in various residential areas (three schools in the city centre, two in towns...
Purpose – The aim of this study is to determine the preparedness status of 181 elementary and high schools in four cities located on the East Anatolia Fault Zone of Turkey.
Design/methodology/approach – To determine the status of preparedness, a School Disaster Preparedness Questionnaire with 27 items was administered to the school director or dep...
The purpose of this presentation is to explain the national qualifications framework for higher education with all the internal and external stakeholders. The framework mentioned here is the one that is guaranteed to be completed by Bologna Process countries in an effort to increase the transparency, recognition and mobility in higher education sys...
Orphanages are shelters for people who are in a dependent capacity. People who spent their childhood and youth in these places may see life from a different perspective. In this study, opinions of people who lived in orphanages about state and citizenship have been researched. The study group is composed of 25 adult people working in public and pri...
Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim öğrencilerinin ayrımcılık algılarının belirlenmesidir. Çalışmanın örneklemini Aksaray ilinde bulunan 6., 7. ve 8. sınıf öğrencilerinden oluşan 416 kişi oluşturmuştur. Çalışma farklı yerleşim birimlerinde ikamet eden (köy, kasaba, şehir) ve farklı ekonomik özelliklere sahip ailelere mensup öğrenciler ile gerçekleştiri...
This study examined the levels of earthquake knowledge and attitudes toward earthquakes of disaster relief staff with respect to various variables. The study was conducted on 112 participants attending the in-service Disaster Education course conducted in December 2008 organized by Burdur Province Civil Defense Directorate. To reach the aim of the...
Yetiştirme yurtları bakıma muhtaç bireylerin sığınma yerleridir. Çocukluk ve gençlik dönemlerini burada geçiren bireyler hayata daha farklı bakabilirler. Bu çalışmada, yetiştirme yurdu yaşantısı geçiren bireylerin devlet ve vatandaşlık ile ilgili görüşleri incelenmiştir. Çalışma grubunu Aksaray ilindeki kamu ve özel sektörde çalışan ve hayatının bi...
ZET Bu çalışma, ilköğretim öğrencilerinin nirengi noktası algılarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma Türkiye'de 8 ilden seçilen (Şanlıurfa, Ardahan, Afyonkarahisar, Adana, Çorum, Kırşehir, Ankara, Aksaray) 1025 öğrenci ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Öğrenciler, farklı yerleşim birimlerinde ikamet etmekte (köy, kasaba, şehir), farklı sınıf düzey...
Bu çalışmada, ilköğretim öğrencilerinin vatandaşlık haklarına ilişkin görüşleri incelenmiştir. Öğrenci görüşleri 18 maddelik beşli likert türünde hazırlanmış bir ölçek ile belirlenmiştir. Ölçeğin geçerlilik ve güvenirlik çalışması 90 öğrenci ile yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın örneklemini Aksaray il merkezinden rastgele örneklem yöntemiyle seçilen 483...
Turkey is located in one of the most significant active seismic regions in the world. The country also is subject to many other natural and manmade disasters. In 2004, the Turkish Primary Education curriculum was revised radically with hazard education being included in social studies programs. The aim of the hazard education program is to reduce t...
Aerial photographs have started to be used as a teaching-training material parallel to the technological developments of our time. These materials are important to help students gain aerial perspective as a means to improve spatial cognition. In this study the skill of 6thgrade students on interpreting aerial photographs have been focused on and ex...
Giving a route in a familiar environment is an essential component in geographic and spatial cognition. In normal conditions, a person who recognized own neighbourhood easily give a route and represent it. In this study, it was investigated “how children represent their environment for a route task”. In order to provide empirical evidence was condu...
Currently, text books are the basic tools used to achieve the positive change in the society. To inform the students, to put order the information, to provide the self-development of the students areaccomplished by using text books. Social studies text books aim students to gain knowledge, skill and values to adopt the society which they live with....
The aim of this study is to determine earthquake preparedness in elementary schools. It has been examined earthquake preparedness in Turkey's elementary schools with respect to Kırıkkale's samples. In this study, earthquake preparedness were taken up to deal with 4 subheadings. This study which is applied on an administrator in each school is fulfi...
Earthquakes are natural events which are caused harmful effects on living or goods. On
the transformation of an earthquake to a disaster, human processes are as effectively as natural
processes. To prevent natural processes which are required for an earthquake is impossible.
That’s why, human processes are more important to prevent earthquakes haza...
Turkey is located on one of the most important earthquake regions of the world. With current technology, it cannot be certainly forecasted when an earthquake will happen. It is possible to decrease earthquake's probable damages by taking certain precautions. Giving earthquake education in schools is one of the precautions that can be taken against...
Question (1)
We are performing a research on high school students' perception on earthquake education and preparedness, we can collaborate with researchers from various countries.