Adeline Alonso UgagliaFrench National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) | INRAE
Adeline Alonso Ugaglia
PhD economics
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sustainability: concepts and methods, innovation, strategy and enterpreneurship, overall performance
Skills and Expertise
Publications (97)
The purpose of this paper is to determine which factors influence the willingness of Italian wine consumers to purchase and pay a premium for sustainably produced wine. Data from 522 Italian consumers were collected using an online convenience sampling method to capture their attitudes and knowledge towards sustainably produced wine. Respondent soc...
There is increasing interest in the environmental sustainability of consumer food and drink. This is especially true for younger people. An interesting case study to examine is wine. This research focuses on consumers by age and their attitudes towards sustainability produced wine. While there are many different environmental wine certifications, t...
Le projet ACTION a validé l’usage de la méthode IDEA4 (Indicateurs de Durabilité d’une Exploitation Agricole version 4) avec trois résultats majeurs : 1) sa capacité à être utilisée pour différents usages (enseignement, recherche, conseil, accompagnement, action publique) et pour la majorité des systèmes (grandes cultures, élevages, arboriculture,...
The ACTION project validated the use of the IDEA4 method (Farm Sustainability Indicators 4 th version) with three major outcomes: i) its versatility for use in a variety of contexts (education, research, agricultural advice, support, public action) and in a majority of farming systems (crops, livestock, orchards, viticulture, and market gardening);...
This article presents the conceptual framework for assessing farm sustainability using the IDEA4 method. IDEA4 combines a dual assessment approach based on sustainable agriculture objectives and the properties of sustainable farming systems. It is rooted in the domains of strong sustainability, strong agroecology and the multifunctionality of agric...
IDEA4 is a method for assessing and analyzing farm sustainability. Its theoretical framework combines a dual approach based on the three dimensions of sustainability - agroecological, socio-territorial, economic - and the five properties of sustainable agricultural systems: Capacity to produce and reproduce goods and services, autonomy, robustness,...
Assessing the multifunctionality of agroecosystems is crucial to design more sustainable farming systems. While it is known that organic farming benefits biodiversity and ecosystem services, how organic farming affects their multifunctionality, including agronomical, ecological as well as economic dimensions, remains poorly explored.
2022) Recovery after curettage of grapevines with esca leaf symptoms. Phytopathologia Medi-terranea 61(3): 473-489. Summary. Grapevine curettage was reintroduced in France in the early 2000s, and is important for facilitating recovery of plants from esca disease. This surgical practice involves removal of deadwood of vines with leaf symptoms, focus...
Sustainability in production and consumption is increasing in importance in many diverse
industries worldwide. The wine industry is no exception. There are many wine-related
eco-certifications that incorporate sustainability concepts; however, it is unknown to what extent
wine consumers value such certifications in wine-producing countries such as...
This paper analyzes differences in consumers perception of organic wine and purchasing intentions in traditional/old world wine regions (TPC) compared to new world wine regions (NPC). Our research questions whether consumers would be willing to pay a premium for organic wine, what type of consumer would have a higher likelihood to pay, and if there...
This paper explores the role of the manager in the sustainable development (SD) certification decision in wine firms. A theoretical analysis, based on a literature review and a stakeholder approach, provides a conceptual framework for estimating the probability of adopting a SD certification. The logistical regressions show that SD certification ad...
There has been increasing consumer interest in recent times in the environmental providence of what they eat and drink. A number of different environmental wine certifications have been created and these include biodynamic, fairtrade, organic, natural and sustainable. The purpose of this study is to survey wine consumers in Australia about...
La pandémie de la Covid-19 représente un choc majeur pour les sociétés contemporaines et une source de perturbations importantes pour les systèmes alimentaires. Lors des premiers mois de la crise (mars-octobre 2020), des membres du Réseau Mixte Technologique Alimentation locale se sont associés pour mener trois enquêtes (citoyens, accompagnateurs,...
Cet article analyse le rôle de l’engagement des managers pour l’adoption de certifications environnementales et durables dans la filière vitivinicole. Une analyse théorique, basée sur une revue de la littérature et une approche par les parties prenantes, fournit le cadre conceptuel permettant d’estimer la probabilité d’adopter de telles certificati...
For decades, and at global scales, vineyard landscapes have experienced a profound intensification of management. These socio-ecosystems are now facing major environmental, agronomical and economic issues that challenge their future sustainability. In this context, implementing agroecological management of these landscapes is no longer an alternati...
Sustainable viticulture is being developed to meet the challenges of current societal expectations. Numerous assessment tools have emerged in recent years. The IDEA method (Indicateurs de Durabilité des Exploitations Agricoles or Farm Sustainability Indicators) is one of these assessment tools. Using the 4th version of IDEA (IDEA4), this article as...
As eco-certified wines are being produced in increasing quantities and varieties, so are the definitions and the labels that accompany them. This has resulted in confusion with regard to what type of eco-certified wines customers prefer and what prices they are prepared to pay for such wines. The purpose of the research is to provide clarity regard...
The wine industry has faced various environmental and social challenges. On the demand side, consumer demand for sustainable wines has been increasing but, to date, it is unknown whether consumers perceive wine companies’ efforts to obtain sustainable development (SD) certifications and labels as being valuable or how they differentiate them. On th...
Pierre Darriet, the director of operations of Château Luchey-Halde, a wine producer located in Bordeaux, France, wanted to create a recognized brand in the world of great wines. He wondered how to best tell the Château Luchey-Halde story to achieve this distinction. While Pierre regarded innovation and sustainability as the keys to making a quality...
L’épidémie de la covid-19 a mis l’accent sur l’approvisionnement alimentaire des consommateurs et a mis en exergue les fragilités du système alimentaire français. L’article interroge la crise de régulation du secteur agroalimentaire à travers la question de l’alimentation et des circuits courts et de proximité (CCP) durant le confinement. Du point...
La loi d’avenir pour l’agriculture (2014) affiche comme objectif la transition agro-écologique des territoires agricoles. En viticulture, de nombreuses incertitudes demeurent quant à l’impact des pratiques agroécologiques sur la production et la viabilité économique des exploitations. Ces incertitudes constituent des freins au changement pour les v...
This study aims to analyze the wine industry’s response to changing societal attitudes towards the environment. Environmental considerations are now an increasingly important factor in both production and purchasing behavior. While many eco-certifications exist, there is still consumer confusion between the multitude of eco wine certificati...
Cet article propose une analyse du rôle que jouent les circuits courts et de proximité (CCP) dans la performance globale des exploitations agricoles, à partir d’une étude menée sur 48 exploitations de Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Il montre en quoi l’engagement des producteurs dans une démarche de vente en CCP contribue in fine à la performance globale des e...
Pierre Darriet, the director of operations of Château Luchey-Halde, a wine producer located in Bordeaux, France, wanted to create a recognized brand in the world of great wines. He wondered how to best tell the Château Luchey-Halde story to achieve this distinction. While Pierre regarded innovation and sustainability as the keys to making a quality...
This book offered a broad overview of the different business models in the wine industry worldwide. It showed the diversity of this highly fragmented and extremely diverse sector. Above all, the different chapters showed that there is no dominant model, no guarantee of success at national scale whatever we are talking about Old, New or New New worl...
Introduction of the The Palgrave Handbook of Wine Industry Economics
Cette présentation évoque la construction et l'évaluation multicritère de scénarios de modes de production viticole, notamment en agroécologie, afin de réduire l'usage des pesticides dans le vignoble
Vitiforest is an exploratory project. The objectives were to assess and describe the effects of trees on the agronomic behavior of the vine, on the microclimate, as well as on the aerial and soil biodiversity. The technical and economic aspects were also assessed. A multidisciplinary team of researchers set up various protocols and measurement tool...
Le défi majeur du monde agricole aujourd’hui est de réduire de façon drastique l’usage des pesticides tout en maintenant un niveau de rendement, de qualité et de rentabilité satisfaisant. Dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche, nous avons étudié l’usage des produits phytosanitaires dans le Bordelais. Nous avons ensuite évalué les performances des s...
En s’appuyant sur une revue de la littérature, l’article propose un état de l’art centré sur l’agroécologie, concept polysémique, afin d’en éclairer la portée pour la viticulture et son application, dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche destiné à comprendre et construire la transition agroécologique dans les vignobles. L’agroécologie est tour à to...
Ce sujet a fait l'objet d'une présentation orale aux journées de recherche en sciences sociales organisées par la Société Française d'Economie Rurale à Bordeaux Sciences Agro les 12-13/12/2019.
This subject was presented at the social science research days organized by the Société Française d'Economie Rurale...
Agronomists have developed a wide range of methods and diagnostic tools to qualify or evaluate the situations they encounter at different scales and organization levels (parcel, farm, territory) and to meet various objectives (production, quality and health, soil fertility, biodiversity, diffuse pollution, economic performance, landscape, etc...)....
L'évolution de la productivité en agriculture, pour répondre aux besoins alimentaires de la croissance démographique, et à la nécessaire protection qualitative des fruits dans le cas des vignobles et des vergers notamment, s'est faite durant quasiment un demi-siècle par l'usage massif et souvent excessif de produits phytosanitaires, outre celui des...
Evaluation multicritère des performances socio-économiques et environnementales d'exploitations viticoles bordelaises dans le cadre de la transition agroécologique 49e congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides 23 mai 2019,
Cet article présente le nouveau cadre conceptuel d’évaluation de la durabilité de l’exploitation agricole développé dans la méthode IDEA v4. Il combine une approche évaluative basée sur les objectifs assignés à une agriculture durable et une évaluation des propriétés des systèmes agricoles durables. Il s’ancre dans le champ de la durabilité forte,...
An increasing number of vineyards are converting to organic farming due to concerns about the environmental impacts of agriculture. How difficult this shift is depends on farms’ biophysical and economic situations as well as on their specific dynamics. Methods to analyze, assess, and support transition strategies are needed. In this context, the hy...
Cette communication présente les 1er résultats d'un travail d'évaluation de la durabilité d'exploitations agricoles en circuits courts et de proximité . Elle mobilise les au plan méthodologique la méthode IDEA version 4.
The wine sector is crucial for the French economy. It represents the second net trade surplus (behind aeronautic) and allows for creating numerous jobs in rural regions, where economic activities are rare. France is historically one of the leaders of wine production around the world; one of the biggest producers in volume, along with Spain and Ital...
This Palgrave Handbook offers the first international comparative study into the efficiency of the industrial organization of the global wine industry. Looking at several important vineyards of the main wine countries, the contributors analyze differences in implementation and articulation of three key stages: grape production, wine making and dist...
Les agriculteurs sont aujourd’hui confrontés à un accroissement des risques et incertitudes compte tenu des changements globaux affectant leurs activités : multiplicité d’enjeux sociétaux parfois contradictoires, intérêts divergents des différentes parties prenantes, changement climatique, dérégulation de la PAC, restrictions d’usages sur certains...
This paper studies the risk attitudes of winegrowers in France. In French viticulture, most of the production is done under an appellation regime that constrains maximum authorized yields. We consider a trans-log cost function under the constraint of this maximum yield and estimate winegrowers' attitudes to risk. Our estimates are based on the Euro...
This article shows how new theoretical work on assessing sustainability of farms, carried out as part of a multidisciplinary approach, allowed a new theoretical framework to be develop, along with version 4 of the IDEA Method (Indicateurs de Durabilité d'une Exploitation Agricole). The first section divides existing studies taken from the literatur...
In this article, we investigate a possible conflict between two core objectives of cooperatives, members’ income, and continuity, by examining the link between debt and the price paid to producers for Bordeaux wine cooperatives, according to their downstream strategies: (1) the traditional strategy, which is to sell wine in bulk to négociants ; (2)...
L’enjeu de l’agroécologie est aujourd’hui perçu et compris par une grande majorité du monde agricole et répond à une aspiration sociétale. En viticulture, il se cristallise autour de l’utilisation des produits phytosanitaires, mais aussi de la qualité et la fertilité des sols et la biodiversité des parcelles.
The wine industry contributes to the economy and reputation of many countries all over the world. This sector is likely to be particularly affected, given its extreme sensitivity to any change in climate patterns. This article tries to discover if scientific knowledge has led to recommendations, and to identifying strategies associated with climate...
Empirical studies face difficulties verifying the Porter and van der Linde (1995) hypothesis about the drivers of environmental innovations (EIs) and, even more so, the drivers in the firms' environmental trajectories. In this context, we propose a dynamic analysis of these drivers. From original data based on interviews about around 400 EIs realis...
Empirical studies face difficulties verifying the Porter and van der Linde (1995) hypothesis about the drivers of environmental innovations (EIs) and, even more so, the drivers in the firms' environmental trajectories. In this context, we propose a dynamic analysis of these drivers. From original data based on interviews about around 400 EIs realis...
For several years, the wine industry has experienced structural changes, primarily due to the international context. Now, it has to face the challenge of sustainable development. Since the wine industry constitutes a significant asset in many countries, this paper addresses the issue of wine firms performance by attempting to define how it is analy...
For several years, the wine industry has experienced structural changes, primarily due to the international context. Now, it has to face the challenge of sustainable development. Since the wine industry constitutes a significant asset in many countries, this paper addresses the issue of wine firms’ performance by attempting to define how it is anal...
L’article propose une analyse dynamique des stratégies environnementales des firmes, en lien avec les types d’innovations environnementales développés. À partir de données originales issues d’entretiens et portant sur près de 400 innovations environnementales adoptées par des établissements de Poitou-Charentes, les résultats mettent en évidence un...
This paper explores if and how the horizon problem affects wine cooperatives according to the downstream strategy they are following: remaining in their traditional form, i.e., as bulk wine providers to negociants; forming a union with other cooperatives; or vertical integration. We identify three variables, each of which should have a different in...
There is no longer any doubt about the significant effects that climate change (CC) is likely to have on wine production. Indeed, this economic sector is likely to be particularly affected given its extreme sensitivity to any change in climate patterns. Interest in CC has risen in recent years and led to the production of specific knowledge about h...
Ce papier s’inscrit comme une contribution au séminaire de lancement du Réseau Mixte Technologique Evaluation de la duRabilité des sYstèmes et Territoire AGricolEs (Erytage) lancé en France en juillet 2015. Il questionne les deux concepts que sont l’agriculture durable et l’exploitation agricole durable, à partir d’une large analyse de la littératu...
Ce papier s'inscrit comme une contribution au séminaire de lancement du Réseau Mixte Technologique Evaluation de la duRabilité des sYstèmes et Territoire AGricolEs (Erytage) lancé en France en juillet 2015. Il questionne les deux concepts que sont l'agriculture durable et l'exploitation agricole durable, à partir d'une large analyse de la littératu...
Quel développement des cépages résistants ? Éléments de réflexion tirés du projet Panoramix (INRA SMaCH 2015)
The National Grapevine Trunk Disease Survey was conducted in France from 2003 to 2008 to monitor grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), eutypa dieback and esca/black dead arm (BDA). Data collected from seven regions, 329 vineyards and 12 cultivars were analysed. There were great variations amongst regions in the incidence of GTDs. For esca/BDA, two group...
La maîtrise du mildiou et de l’oïdium de la vigne repose majoritairement sur l’utilisation systématique de fongicides. Une des voies pour limiter quantitativement le recours aux fongicides est de proposer des stratégies de décisions explicites et innovantes pour des traitements moins systématiques et appliqués aux moments les plus opportuns. Dans l...
While the literature focuses on regulation in the environmental dynamics of firms, we propose to deepen the analysis of environmental innovations incentives. Thus, our study aims at specifying why companies adopt such innovations and how these " good " practices evolve. Original data on the adoption of environmental innovations and from interviews...
Les conversions en agriculture biologique (AB) se développent rapidement en viticulture sans que les connaissances et outils permettant d’accompagner cette rupture soient opérationnels. Peu d’études appréhendent ce changement en termes économiques. Cet article propose une méthode pour analyser de manière dynamique l’impact des trajectoires de conve...
Vine is a crop particularly dependent on pesticide use. In France, 20% of agricultural pesticides are used in vineyards which represent only 3% of cultivated areas. Grape growing is therefore very concerned by environmental issues and particularly by problems of water quality. Nowadays, grape growers are confronted with an increasing social demand...