Adamowicz Mieczysław

Adamowicz Mieczysław
Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education · Department of Economics and Management

Professor Ph. D.


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Adamowicz Mieczysław currently works at the Department of Economics and Management, Pope John II State School of Higher Education. Adamowicz does research in regional and local development, policies of the European Union, agricultural and rural development, public finance.


Publications (63)
The aim of the paper is to present challenges and general trends of agricultural development, as well as new concepts and forms of sustainable development linked with agriculture. As part of the concept of sustainable development, which has been widely recognized as a development paradigm, in recent years we have seen the emergence of more than a d...
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"Agrobiznes to (....) trudny biznes (...) wiąże się przeważnie z wysokimi nakładami (w tym kosztami), długim cyklem produkcji, długim okresem zwrotu oraz różnymi rodzajami ryzyka, które w innych aktywnościach biznesowych nie występują." Sławomir Juszczyk
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Peripheral regions exist in most European countries, and in the countries of the European Union they have been supported for many years by the Community’s Cohesion Policy, which aims at reducing development disparities between the Member States and regions within individual countries. In Poland, five out of sixteen voivodeships in the country are c...
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In each country, rural areas cover the bulk of available land; however, they generally remain outside the mainstream of innovative development processes. Still, they have potential and are vital for implementing the highly valid concept of persistent and sustainable development. The idea of such growth can be implemented in many ways, and the smart...
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Subject and purpose of work: This paper discusses the essence and main areas of conditions of local development in the context of the political transformations which have occurred in Poland over the last thirty years. Against this background, an attempt was made to differentiate between the conditions and factors of local development. The purpose o...
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Subject and purpose of work: The subject of analysis and evaluation are foreign direct investments (FDI) in Poland with particular emphasis on the Lublin Voivodship as a peripheral region. The aim of the paper is to present the investment attractiveness of the voivodship, the state of investment and ways to enhance the investment attractiveness of...
Entrepreneurship at the university, may be recognised both in the group of teachers/researchers and among students. Students’ entrepreneurship is an important form of external effects of educational activity of the university. The aim of the paper is to define the predisposition of students of State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska for...
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The State Professional Schools of Higher Education constitute an important sector of higher education in Poland. They are the results of the transformation process of the last decade of the 20th century. Since 1999, 36 public professional schools have been organized. After consolidation, there are 33 state professional schools which concentrate on...
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The subject of the work is to provide an overview of the global financial crisis in the years 2007-2011; its course, symptoms and effects in the world and in Poland. The work presents the causes and the sources of crisis as well as corrective measures taken by governments and financial institutions. The subject literature and information from diffe...
The paper presents the state of development and the identity of the city of Biała Podlaska using the analysis of literature and official documents of the municipal authorities. The opinions of 316 PSW students about the city’s image and identity were also presented. The research revealed that the city’s image is strongly determined by its location...
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Subject and purpose of work: The aim of the article is to assess the phenomena of sigma convergence of labour productivity in agriculture and other sectors of rural economy in Polish regions during 2003 – 2014 in the context of the amount of European funds designated for agriculture and rural areas. European supprt was compared to the Gross Added V...
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie wieloletniej prognozy finansowej jako elementu planowania strategicznego i dokonanie jej oceny jako narzędzia do zarządzania podstawową jednostką terytorialną, na przykładzie gminy Karczew. Artykuł jest podzielony na dwie główne części. W pierwszej przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne długofalowego planowania strategic...
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Subject and purpose of work: The subject of the analysis is the concept of rural development in the European Union countries and its connection with the evolution of the common agricultural policy and the transformation of the cohesion policy. The aim of the study is to discover and assess the scale and method of supporting the rural development in...
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Celem artykułu było usystematyzowanie dorobku w zakresie podstaw teoretycznych koncepcji inteligentnego rozwoju w odniesieniu do obszarów wiejskich regionu peryferyjnego oraz podjęcie próby pomiaru potencjału inteligentnego rozwoju gmin wiejskich i miejsko-wiejskich. Część empiryczna pracy koncentruje się na wykorzystaniu autorskiej koncepcji pomia...
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p>Przedmiotem pracy jest analiza i ocena roli samorządów terytorialnych w wypełnianiu funkcji edukacyjnych. Przedstawiając istotę i zadania samorządów terytorialnych wszystkich szczebli w Polsce, skoncentrowano się na zadaniach edukacyjnych gminy. Scharakteryzowano kolejno reformy edukacyjne w Polsce od czasów transformacji ustrojowej, zadania oświ...
The aim of the article is a evaluation of productivity labor in rural sectors (agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing) and comparative this with the use of European funds in Polish regions at the years 2003-2013. Possibility of the convergence sigma and beta related with the amount of funds used from the European Union budget was assumed. Research...
Celem badań jest ocena skali i zakresu działań podejmowanych przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego, ukierunkowanych na wzmocnienie innowacyjności lokalnych gospodarek. Zaprezentowano perspektywę władz samorządu terytorialnego i przedsiębiorstw, co umożliwiło pozytywną weryfikację hipotezy o istniejącej niespójności między aktywnością władz samor...
Celem pracy jest charakterystyka skali, źródeł finansowania i przeznaczenia nakładów finansowych na działalność innowacyjną w badanych przedsiębiorstwach zlokalizowanych na terenie dwóch powiatów regionu wykazującego cechy peryferyjności oraz określenie najważniejszych barier tej aktywności. Pracę oparto na wynikach badań sondażowych z wykorzystani...
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Subject and purpose of work: The subject of the work is the issue related to making investment decisions on the Polish market of café services in Warsaw. The work contains a theoretical and an empirical part. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of different ways of running a café in the form of creating your own brand, a network ca...
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The aim of the work is presenting the evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy, mainly the changes which occurred in this policy during the last decade, as well as the forms and size of support of agriculture and rural areas. The study was prepared with the use of OECD rapport, mainly the rapport on monitoring and evolution the Common Agricultur...
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The aim of the study is to indicate the main factors strengthening the innovativeness of the local economy from the perspective of local development conditions. On this basis, the article indicates the conclusions in relation to the local innovation policy. The paper presents the results of surveys using interview questionnaire addressed to the rep...
Celem opracowania jest ocena roli rolnictwa w gospodarce krajów OECD i zmian w prowadzonej przez te kraje polityce rolnej. Oceniono sytuację w okresie 1995-2014 i zmiany poziomu i struktury wsparcia przez państwo i jego instytucje w ramach stosowanych systemów polityki rolnej. Przedstawiono główne kierunki zmian w polityce rolnej w perspektywie do...
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Description and evaluation of the world financial crisis of the years 2007-2011, as well as pheatures and outcomes of this crisis in Poland and anticrisis activities undertaken by the government and financial institutions in Poland represent the subject and purpose of this article. The subject literature and informations from different national and...
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Subject and purpose of work: The subject of this work is to present contemporary trends and changes in retail trade as well as functions performed by this sector, with particular focus on large-format retail facilities. The aim of this article is to assess the state and development factors of large-format retailers in Biała Podlaska. Materials and...
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The aim of the study is to present the concept of bio-economy and its development factors, as well as the analysis and evaluation of the use of the bio-economy concept in shaping development strategies in the European Union. Particular attention is paid to bio-economy as part of a sustainable development strategy, implementation of innovations and...
Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie koncepcji biogospodarki od strony teoretycznej i praktycznej. Przedstawiono sposoby definiowania pojęcia, istotę biogospodarki, przesłanki jej rozwoju, teoretyczne i praktyczne korzenie biogospodarki, rozwój historyczny w Europie, w Stanach Zjednoczonych, rozmiary wyrażone w wielkości produkcji i zatrudnieniu. Omówi...
The aim of the study is to present the concept of bio-economy and its development factors, as well as the analysis and evaluation of the use of the bio-economy concept in shaping development strategies in the European Union. Particular attention is paid to bio-economy as part of a sustainable development strategy, implementation of innovations and...
The subject of this research are small and medium enterprises (SME) in the Polish economy, the support of this sector by local government and the functioning of small and medium enterprises in the local system of the town and commune of Pułtusk. The aim of this study is to present the condition and the role of SME in the local systems in light of t...
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The aim of the paper is to define and evaluate the level of local socio-economic development of largest cities in Poland, as well as the differences and disproportions which appeared between them in the years 2010-2012. The subject of the research were 30 cities in Poland whose population exceeded 120 thousand. These cities fulfil key roles in the...
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W niniejszej monografii przedstawiono wiele z nich i przedyskutowano różne aspekty funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. W pierwszej części opracowania główny nacisk położony został na edukację przedsiębiorczą, specyfikę firm typu start-up, bariery ich rozwoju, oraz miejsce tych firm w sektorze małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MSP). Sporo miej...
Establishment of the new institutions that could improve Polish agricultural market was one of the main goals of the Polish government agricultural policy in the period of economy transformation. The project of creating agricultural markets was successful. Several regional wholesale markets and commodity exchanges were established and most of them...
This article describes the complex of the food economy in Poland, its internal structure, importance and place in the national economy, production effects and links with other branches of the national economy. Special attention is given to the organizational pattern of the agricultural sector and to agricultural policy making and implementation. Th...
It is well documented that regular consumption of fresh fruit contributes to health and well being of people. However, fruit on the market does not always meet consumer expectations. Fresh as well as processed fruit consumption does not increase in Europe and even falls down in some countries. Innovations are one of the factors which can positively...
Foreign trade in agricultural and food products is a very important component of trade and agricultural policy. In the recent years these policies change influencing on the result of this trade and indirectly on food producers as well as consumers. The aim of this paper is look through the agri - food trade between Poland and European Union countri...
Grains are the most important group of products in the food security programs of the Arab countries. These countries suffer from a shortage of food in general and in particular a shortage of grains. This results from a rapidly growing population and growing disposable incomes.This paper describes the grain sector in the economy of the Arab countrie...


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