Adam Was

Adam Was
Warsaw University of Life Sciences | SGGW · Department of Economics and Organisation of Enterprises

PhD in Agricultural Economics


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Farm organisation, agricultural policy, climate policy, policy compact, risk management.
Additional affiliations
April 2011 - May 2019
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics National Research Institute
  • Professor
August 2005 - October 2020
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
  • Professor


Publications (88)
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Modern agriculture requires substantial energy inputs, a significant portion of which are derived from fossil fuels. In the interests of addressing global challenges, such as sustainable resource management and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, this study examines changes in energy efficiency within Polish agriculture following the country’s acces...
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The issue of energy in agriculture is complex and multifaceted. Historically, agriculture was the first producer of energy through the conversion of solar energy into biomass. However, industrial development has made agriculture an important consumer of fossil energy. Although the share of agriculture in the consumption of direct energy carriers is...
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The main objective of the research was to determine the potential increase in demand for agricultural land in the European Union countries due to increasing the share of organic production to an average of 25% (assuming that the volume of agricultural production is maintained at the current level). This analysis was carried out against the assumpti...
Technical Report
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This report is structured to analyse the dynamic interactions between complementary policies and emission trading systems, notably the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and the new ETS2. The report focus on understanding policy interactions. In particular, it examines: - How pricing for CO2 removals through mechanisms like BECCS (Bioenergy with...
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There has been a decline in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per capita in all world regions since the 1990s. In developing countries, this decline has been attributed to population growth and an increase in absolute emissions, while in developed countries, the trend is mainly due to a decrease in absolute emissions combined with minor population cha...
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This paper’s main objective is to assess the impacts of the ban on cages for housing laying hens, planned by the European Commission to raise animal welfare standards beyond the level set in the current legislation. The farm-level economic assessments of the ban were carried out in three stages: farm surveys and expert consultations, farm-level ana...
Shortening food supply chains attracts increasing support from policymakers, to improve returns to farmers and stimulate rural development. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence regarding the impacts of short food supply chains on local economies. To address this, the article quantifies the impacts of short food supply chains on local econ...
Technical Report
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The report analysed options of transition towards climate neutrality in line with the goals set in the European Green Deal. Our main focus was on changing the climate policy architecture through gradual extension of the EU ETS up to 2050. We analysed the impact of inclusion of new sectors in the EU ETS on the economy and sector-specific production...
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The challenges related to climate policy and the energy crisis caused the search for alternative ways of obtaining energy, one of the essential tasks faced by scientists and political decision-makers. Recently, much attention has been paid to biomethane, which is perceived as a substitute for natural gas. Compared to the traditional combustion of b...
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Renewable energy generation in Ukraine is developing slower than state strategies and expectations, with the installations for energy generation based on biogas currently being among the lowest in terms of installed capacity. Most of those involved in energy generation from agricultural biogas are large enterprises, while the small and medium-sized...
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Increasing the share of renewable energy in the final energy consumption is a way to ensure independence from external supplies of fossil fuels, which is a fundamental political and economic challenge for many countries nowadays. One such country is Ukraine, which depended on Russian gas supplies and energy (electricity) from nuclear power plants....
Technical Report
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W raporcie przeanalizowano możliwości redukcji emisji GHG w sektorze rolnictwa w Polsce w perspektywie 2050 roku w ramach dwóch scenariuszy: 1) NEU (zakładający osiągnięcie przez UE neutralności klimatycznej na podstawie zastosowania obecnych działalności produkcyjnych i technik wytwórczych w rolnictwie). 2) NEU+ (oceniający skutki dodatkowych ins...
Technical Report
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Summary of the report analyses the potential for GHG emission reductions in the agricultural sector in Poland in the 2050 perspective under two scenarios: 1) NEU (assuming the EU achieves climate neutrality based on current production activities and techniques in agriculture), 2) NEU+ (assessing the effects of additional GHG mitigation instruments...
Technical Report
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This paper describes the linking between four models developed and maintained by the Center for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE): the macroeconomic Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model (d-PLACE), energy model (MEESA), transport model (TR3E) and agriculture model (EPICA). It explains the procedure for solving the models in the iterative mode...
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Climate neutrality achievement in the European Union assumes the necessity of efforts and transformations in most economic sectors of its member-states. The farm sector in Poland, being the second largest contributor to the country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and in the top fifth of farm sectors in the EU-27 countries, needs to undergo structu...
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Farming sectors’ resilience has been built over decades with the aid of policies and institutions. However, its actual standing can be assessed in times of crises when farms have to overcome particular challenges. We use a large-scale farming sectors dataset FADN spanning 2006–2015 in which two major economic crises occurred—the global economic cri...
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The consequence of the current economic development model is the generation of large amounts of waste and energy losses. One way to change this negative trend is a more rational use of raw materials reducing the amount of generated wastes. Biowaste, which may be divided into garden and kitchen waste, constitutes the main part of municipal waste. At...
Technical Report
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This summary presents key points of the full report published in Polish language: “Pyrka, M., Jeszke, R., Boratyński, J., Tatarewicz, I., Witajewski-Baltvilks, J., Rabiega, W., Wąs, A., Kobus, P., Lewarski, M., Skwierz, S., Gorzałczyński, A., Tobiasz, I., Rosłaniec, M., Cygler, M., Sekuła, M., Krupin, V. (2021). Polska net-zero 2050: Mapa drogowa o...
In this paper, we investigate the potential gains in cost-effectiveness from changing the spatial scale at which nutrient reduction targets are set for the Baltic Sea, with particular focus on nutrient loadings from agriculture. The costs of achieving loading reductions are compared across five levels of spatial scale, namely the entire Baltic Sea;...
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The growing awareness of the negative impact of agriculture on the natural environment creates social expec- tation towards the reduction of this impact through the pro-environmental activities of farmers. Agri- environmental programmes are one of the key instruments of EU agricultural policy aimed at encouraging farmers to do so. Due to their volu...
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The paper presents the results of a laboratory experiment focused on the assessment of the effect of different methods of application of ammonium nitrate (TD-top dressing and DP-deep placement) on N 2 O and CO 2 emissions from soil without crop cover. Nitrogen application increased soil N 2 ON fluxes by 24.3-46.4%, compared to untreated soil (NIL)....
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Renewable energy production is gaining importance in the context of global climate changes. However, in some countries other aspects increasing the role of renewable energy production are also present. Such a country is Ukraine, which is not self-sufficient in energy supply and whose dependency on poorly diversified import of energy carriers regula...
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This study assesses the bioenergy generation potential of crop residues in Ukraine for the year 2030. Projections of agricultural development are made based on the Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) and verified against available Agricultural Member State Modeling (AGMEMOD) results in regard to the six main crops cultivated in Ukraine (whe...
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Risk aversion is an important research area in the field of agricultural economics in the last years. Creating effective and efficient risk management tools in an increasingly volatile economic and natural environment requires proper recognition of farmers' behavior and attitudes towards risk. In this context, the main aim of the paper was to estim...
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Biogas production in agricultural biogas plants generates digestate-liquid waste containing organic matter and mineral nutrients. Utilisation of the digestate on farm fields adjacent to the biogas plants is limited. Therefore, bio-refineries implement advanced forms of digestate processing, including precipitation of struvite (MgNH 4 PO 4. 6H 2 O)....
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This paper presents the results of an interdisciplinary study aimed at assessing the possibility of using duckweed to purify and recover nutrients from the effluent remaining after struvite precipitation and ammonia stripping from a liquid fraction of anaerobic digestate in a biorefinery located at a Dutch dairy cattle production farm. The nutritio...
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The negative impact of agriculture on the natural environment is not a new issue. One of the ideas to overcome this problem is the eco-efficiency concept, analyzing the agricultural output in relation, not only to traditional inputs, but to the environmental impact, as well. This paper aims at calculating the eco-efficiency of Polish commercial far...
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Improving the eco-efficiency of food systems is one of the major global challenges faced by the modern world. Short food supply chains (SFSCs) are commonly regarded to be less harmful to the environment, among various reasons, due to their organizational distribution and thus the shortened physical distance between primary producers and final consu...
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The main objective of this monograph is to identify theoretical and methodological foundations for measuring, assessing and optimising public aid granted to farms (at the level of EU countries and individual farms in Poland), along with an attempt of empirical verification. The auxiliary objective of the monograph is to update the ex-post analysis...
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This paper presents the results of a pot experiment aimed at the assessment of the agronomic and economic effectiveness of ammonium sulphate from an agro bio-refinery (Bio-AS). The Bio-AS was obtained by means of the ammonia stripping process from effluent after struvite precipitation from a liquid fraction of digestate. The agronomic effectiveness...
Agri-environmental schemes have become an integral tool of land use management policies in ecologically valuable river valleys, that are commonly recognized as very important bird habitats. When high adoption of extensive agricultural practices is not only a political goal, but also a necessary condition for conservation of vulnerable ecosystems, u...
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The production and distribution of food are among the hot topics debated in the context of sustainable development. Short food supply chains (SFSCs) are now widely believed to be more sustainable in comparison to mass food delivery systems. To date, very little quantitative evidence exists on the impacts of various types of food supply chains. Usin...
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The topic of farmers’ income is one of the most frequently discussed issues in agricultural economics literature. Particular interest is focused on the problem of the so-called parity income. The study attempts to assess the amount of farmers’ income from own labour in the context of average wages in the national economy. The analysis covered indiv...
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This paper presents the results of a pot experiment aimed at the assessment of the fertilizer value of struvite, a precipitation product obtained from a liquid fraction of the digestate. The effects of struvite (STR), struvite + ammonium sulphate (STR + N) and ammonium phosphate (AP) treatments were examined on maize and grass cultivation on silty...
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Jako cel główny tej monografii przyjęto zidentyfikowanie podstaw teoretycznych i metodycznych pomiaru, oceny i optymalizacji pomocy publicznej udzielanej gospodarstwom rolniczym (na poziomie państw UE i pojedynczych gospodarstw w Polsce), wraz z próbą weryfikacji empirycznej. Celem pomocniczym opracowania jest aktualizacja analizy ex post oddziaływ...
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Biogas is an alternative source of energy for fossil fuels. In the process of transforming organic materials into biogas significant amounts of valuable digestate are produced. In order to make the whole process sustainable digestate should be utilized this is a constraining factor in the development of the biogas industry. Consequently, there is a...
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The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union is the subject of the consecutive reform. The proposal of the CAP after 2020 has been presented in the European Commission’s proposal on 1 June 2018, which defines the proposed forms and scope of the EU agriculture support after 2020. The innovative solutions suggested by the European Commi...
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The main objective of the study was an assessment of the awareness and actions undertaken by farmers in the selected fields of farm activity from the sustainability point of view. The research covered a representative sample of 600 farmers participating in the Polish Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). The data from the FADN database were supplie...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that determine demand for crop insurance in Poland. Design/methodology/approach To examine the determinants of decisions regarding crop insurance, the authors used logistic regression. The base source of data for the analysis was the 2013 FADN sample. The scale of yield losses, the indem...
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Inwestycje w rolnictwie są nośnikiem postępu innowacyjnego. Mogą one decydować, choć w pośredni sposób, o przesunięciu siły roboczej z obszarów wiejskich do innych działów gospodarki narodowej. Od decyzji rolnika podjęciu projektu inwestycyjnego zależy aktywność inwestycyjna na poziomie sektora, a w konsekwencji potencjał konkurencyjny rolnictwa po...
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Investments in agriculture are a medium of innovative progress. They may determine, although indirectly, shifting labour force from rural areas to other sections of the national economy. The farmer’s decision on taking an investment project determines the investment activity at the level of the sector, and consequently, the competitive capacity of...
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W opracowaniu podjęto próbę oceny znaczenia rolnictwa w procesach rozwoju energetyki odnawialnej w Polsce i UE. Wskazano, że w wielu krajach, w tym w Polsce, pomimo dużego potencjału produkcyjnego udział rolnictwa w produkcji energii odnawialnej jest stosunkowo niewielki. Podkreślono, że szczególną rolę w procesie zwiększania znaczenia rolnictwa w...
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The study attempts to assess the importance of agriculture in the process of renewable energy development in Poland and the EU. It was pointed out that, despite the large production potential, the share of agriculture in the production of renewable energy is relatively small in many countries, including Poland. It was stressed that a special role i...
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The importance of agriculture in the renewable energy production in Poland and the EU The study attempted to assess the importance of agriculture in the process of renewable energy development in Poland and the EU. It was pointed out that, despite the large production potential, the share of agriculture in the production of renewable energy is rela...
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Development of various forms of agricultural activities in urban areas in developed countries is becoming increasingly important. This is due to very high intensity of urbanisation and suburbanisation processes. The owners of farms located in areas of direct impact cities operate in a challenging market, where strong competition for land, local reg...
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In the paper profitability of biogas production in livestock farms in Poland has been analyzed with a focus on micro biogas plants. Due to the high value of investments, a crucial issue from the farmer's perspective is a mechanism of financial support. The efficiency of investments has been measured assuming three variants of power of CHP installat...
This article presents the econometric estimation of the risk attitudes of Polish farmers. For that purpose, a model of production under risk has been employed. The research is based on data from the Polish Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), from the years 2004–2010. For the Polish farming sector, risk-related considerations became increasingly i...
Opracowanie dotyczy określenia determinant wpływających na wartość dóbr publicznych na przykładzie krajobrazu rolniczego. W celu określenia wpływu cech demograficznych i osobowościowych na wartościowanie krajobrazu przeprowadzono badania empiryczne metodą wywiadu kierowanego na próbie 100 respondentów zamieszkujących wiejsko-miejską gminę Góra Kalw...
Conference Paper
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This paper examines the potential impacts of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) decision -for the budget perspective 2014-2020 -known as "greening the CAP" which aims to improve the environmental performance of agriculture and hence, its sustainability. The reform established environmental measures that European farmers need to introduce in or...
Greening of the Common Agricultural Policy as proposed by the European Commission for the 2014–2020, CAP reform raised interest in measuring crop diversity. Based on a sample of the 12,258 farms recorded in the Polish 2009 FADN (FADN—Farm Accountancy Data Network—an instrument for evaluating the income of agricultural holdings and the impacts of th...
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In 2008 new courses selection system was introduced at Faculty of Economic Sciences at Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The main aim of the system had been facilitating students in adjusting study profile to their needs. Just after the introduction a research regarding acceptance of the system and quality of the offer has been undertaken among f...