Adam PawliczUniversity of Szczecin · Faculty of Economics and Management
Adam Pawlicz
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I am interested in sharing economy, tourism economy, ICT in tourism and economy.
Publications (77)
Purpose: This study aims to measure the effect on prices through the differing characteristics and attributes of hotels.
Design/methodology/approach: A hedonic price model (HPM) was adopted to estimate the impact of various site and situational factors on hotel prices in Warsaw, Poland. To better understand room rates not explained by HPM, spatial...
Public regulation of many markets is often seen as a remedy to market inefficiency. However regulation responsibilities in many industries are handed to business organizations which offer better and up-to-date technical know-how and do not require taxpayers support. This paper discusses advantages and drawbacks of self-regulation basing on economic...
Since January 1, 2014 licenses needed to execute a tour guide profession in Poland (with exception of mountain tour guiding) have been abandoned. This study attempts to examine whether regulation paucity affected prices and quality of service at the tour guiding market.
A majority of findings refers to the results of questionnaires conducted among...
Although online travel agencies (OTA) exist on tourism market since 1996, they represent only a fraction of coverage in scientific tourism literature. Oligopolistic type of OTA market and relations between OTA and hospitality industry are referred mainly in industry journals and press releases. This paper tries to summarize existing knowledge about...
The use of social media is gradually transforming all marketing activities also in the public sector. Social media in public administration constitutes also a research area for numerous scholars not only with economic background. Still a majority of contributions deal with qualitative aspects of social media adoption by either presenting good pract...
Fair pricing used to refer to the problem of the buyer’s judgement of a seller’s price decision. Nowadays, when sustainability becomes a vital and fundamental consideration of tourism development, fair pricing should be discussed in a much wider context. The ethical context of fair pricing in tourism should be emphasised, as it is recognised as one...
This paper aims to examine the primary supply data sources that have been used for research into the sharing economy, and the advantages and limitations of these sources in the literature.
To address the research aims, this study conducted a systematic literature review and content analysis of all relevant artic...
As the P2P (peer-to-peer) accommodation market is expanding, there is a growing interest in the factors affecting customer satisfaction. The previous literature largely concentrates on Airbnb users and tends to use online questionnaires as research data. To address this gap, we analyze the key attributes affecting customer satisfaction in the P2P a...
Purpose – This paper aims to identify major supply data sources for short-term rental market research and to provide their advantages and limitations. Methodology – In the paper a grounded approach was used based on a literature review. This review comprised two steps with the first being the query in major databases that was supplemented by academ...
Sharing economy is a complex term that refers to the phenomenon of peer-to-peer (P2P) service markets that arose due to the innovative internet platforms whose market strategy is based on merging supply and demand. The emergence of sharing economy revolutionized the tourism industry and profoundly changed the structure of accommodation and transpor...
The enormous growth of sharing economy in the second decade of the twenty-first century undoubtedly revolutionized the tourism and accommodation market around the world. The current research focuses on the sharing economy development, and it is mostly limited to popular cities and metropolis while its development and impact on other areas are negle...
Głównym problemem badawczym w niniejszej pracy są niedoskonałości ekonomii współdzielenia na rynku usług hotelarskich. Niedoskonałości rynku obejmujące istnienie kosztów transakcyjnych, asymetrii informacji oraz efektów zewnętrznych są istotne dla wyjaśnienia przyczyn ograniczonego zasięgu wymiany P2P na rynku usług hotelarskich przed rokiem 2010....
Sharing economy is a relatively new phenomenon that completely changed urban hospitality market. New providers that operate on the micro scale without any state-controlled quality certificates, offering limited service and using just intermediary brand represent a major competition to incumbent players. From scholarly perspective sharing economy gr...
Although the recent rise of sharing economy platforms revolutionized hospitality market around the world, its impact is unevenly distributed, as a majority of new P2P accommodation providers emerged in urban areas. The aim of this study is to provide sharing economy development paths in areas surrounding all 23 national parks in Poland. This study...
Although market regulations are subject to numerous academic studies, both at a general level and in specific markets, most scholars focus on qualitative research. The quantitative market regulation research results in building static or dynamic regulation indexes. A large part of this type of indexes applies to the overall economy while only a sma...
Liczba użytkowników Internetu na świecie rośnie praktycznie nieprzerwanie od jego powstania. Wraz z rozwojem Internetu zmienia się jego wykorzystanie, zarówno na poziomie społecznym jak i biznesowym. Pojawienie się mediów społecznościowych ze względu na znacznie większe możliwości dwustronnej komunikacji z szeregowymi użytkownikami sieci, zmieniło...
The existence of information asymmetry is one of the reasons for introduction of quality standards, whose primary aim is to minimize this phenomenon. Increasingly, there is seen acquisition of this function by e-intermediaries who beside being a part of distribution channel provide actual and potential customers information about goods and services...
Hotelarstwo stanowi istotną część gospodarki turystycznej, a usługi tej branży należą niewątpliwie do dóbr wyższego rzędu, które charakteryzują się wysoką elastycznością dochodową. Współczesne hotelarstwo jest dynamicznie rozwijającym się sektorem gospodarki, dlatego tak ważne jest śledzenie jego zmian, aktualizowanie informacji z nim związanych or...
Social media are playing an increasingly significant role as information sources for holidaymakers. Although there is a research galore concerning good practices in its usage in destination marketing, little is known about implementation of social media in protected areas. The objective of this study is to examine the degree which social media appe...
Do głównych celów regulacji należy ograniczenie szeroko rozumianej zawodności rynku. Na rynku turystycznym regulacja ma znaczenie szczególne, głównie ze względu na fakt, iż przewaga konkurencyjna w turystyce ma miejsce na poziomie destynacji turystycznych. Pomimo powszechnej akceptacji istoty regulacji w literaturze brakuje narzędzi pomiaru skali r...
Głównym celem niniejszego podręcznika jest wskazanie na możliwości wykorzystania nowoczesnych technologii informacyjnych w marketingu przedsiębiorstw. Publikacja ma mieć charakter suplementu tradycyjnych podręczników do przedmiotu marketing i z tego powodu autorzy ograniczyli się w nim do omówienia zastosowania ICT w poszczególnych instrumentach ma...
The main aim of the paper is to assess the impact of culture on business tourism product created by Convention Bureaus across various Polish cities. The core of business tourism product is based on the conference facilities which enable organizations to arrange meetings and conferences. The role of the culture in business tourism product is reduced...
One of main aims of European Union (EU) is convergence which is emanated in creating incentives for underdeveloped regions for its accelerated. Enhancing tourism economy seems to be an appropriate tool to achieve this goal as regions endowed with tourism attractions are usually peripheral areas with high unemployment and low level of overall econom...
Dostępność funduszy pomocowych Unii Europejskiej ułatwia prowadzenie inwestycji w infrastrukturę turystyczną oraz utrzymanie i rozwój atrakcji turystycznych na poziomie zarówno regionalnym, jak i lokalnym. Zainteresowanie funduszami pomocowymi zarówno przez sektor prywatny, jak i publiczny jest jednak ciągle niższe od oczekiwanego ze względu na lic...
Answering e-mail inquiries belongs to relatively well researched areas of ICT ap-plication in hospitality sector. Numerous studies undertaken from early 2000 provide different approaches to problem. The objective of the research presented in the paper was to examine the role of size in relation to e-mail response behavior of a representa-tive group...
Publikacja jest owocem badań autora prowadzonych w zakresie wykorzystania technologii informatycznych w turystyce oraz współpracy z licznymi przedsiębiorstwami świadczącymi usługi informatyczne dla sektora turystycznego.
W książce omówiono:
* wpływ oraz główne problemy zastosowania technologii informatycznych w działalności przedsiębiorstw,
* his...
Answering e-mail inquiries belongs to relatively well researched areas of ICT application in hospitality sector. Numerous studies undertaken from early 2000 provide different approaches to problem. A striking gap in the literature is, however, a continuity of sequential studies. Every new published article provide new methodology and new research a...
The aim of promotion of a total tourism product is first and foremost the growth of tourism flow in the region. Whoever sends a promotional message, additional tourism flow and its consequences are experienced not only by the organization or company that sends it, but very often it influences the whole economy of the region. The benefits or the cos...
The paper explores relationship between European fund absorption by communes
in West Pomerania, Poland and their tourist attractiveness. Authors assumed that tourist
attractiveness index is positively correlated with the European fund absorption from
5th Regional Program (which is directed to Tourist and Culture). Research proved that
between touri...
For the last two decades yield management (YM) has been increasingly employed in the hospitality and airline sector in order to improve the yield from the fixed capacity. In this article author undertakes an application of YM practices to the pricing management of non-profit tourist attractions that base on sacral artifacts. Since the attention in...
Wstęp Segment grupowej turystyki biznesowej charakteryzuje się większymi śred-nimi wydatkami, mniejszą sezonowością czasową i przestrzenną oraz zdecydowa-nie niższymi dysfunkcjami ruchu turystycznego w porównaniu do segmentu tury-styki wypoczynkowej. Z tego względu dla wielu regionów turystycznych, a zwłasz-cza dla miast i aglomeracji, rozwój produ...
Estimating the economic impact of special events to tourism destinations constitutes one of the major fields in tourism research. Extensive literature provides both practitioners and scientists with appropriate tools to measure tourism expenditure, multipliers and externalities generated by an event. However, a majority of the research is conducted...
Reducing the cost of obtaining information in the market and therefore asymmetry of information may lead to the more efficient outcome of market transactions, where both demand and supply side are better off. This is also true for tourism market where appropriate delivery of tourist information service can furthermore influence tourists’ length of...
In the paper the authors assume that on the regional and local level an appropriately constructed tourist information system may positively influence tourist arrivals and expenditure. The authors see the quality of public private cooperation and institutional framework that regulates funding and creation of the system as critical factors influencin...
Cooperation between tourism branch and public sector may include tourism promotion, developing special offers, tourism information, investments in infrastructure etc. A need for close cooperation between private and public actors in tourism sector is hardly questioned, however the scale of cooperation is rarely measured. In the article author evalu...
This paper makes an inventory and analysis of two
mountainous units of the Western Carpathians, the Crisuri Mts. grouped by the
specialized national literature as forming an ensemble due to their relief ’s
similarities. The aim of the research is to reveal the tourist potential which this
territory possesses and which has not been yet valorized (i....
Teoria rozwoju zrównoważonego w turystyce w pewnym uproszczeniu zakłada wzrost liczby turystów (lub ich wydatków) przy minimalizowaniu negatywnego oddziaływania zjawiska turystyki na środowisko naturalne oraz społeczność lokalną. Wprowadzenie w życie zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju jest de facto możliwe tylko przy aktywnej postawie podmiotów publiczny...
Teoria rozwoju zrównoważonego w turystyce w pewnym uproszczeniu zakłada wzrost liczby turystów (lub ich wydatków) przy minimalizowaniu negatywnego oddziaływania zjawiska turystyki na środowisko naturalne oraz społeczność lokalną. Wprowadzenie w życie zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju jest de facto możliwe tylko przy aktywnej postawie podmiotów publiczny...
Promocja produktu turystycznego miasta oraz zawarte w niej działania z zakresu reklamy są jedynie jedną z kilku płaszczyzn współpracy pomiędzy branżą turystyczną a DMO (ang. Destination Marketing Organization – jednostka odpowiedzialna za marketing terytorialny, w przypadku marketingu turystyki jest nią najczęściej albo lokalna organizacja turystyc...
Using city card potential tourist spends less then in case s/he pays separately for
each attraction. However in many cases potential tourist would never visit those
attractions, because s/he would posses no information about it. This is why city card
is not only distribution instrument but promotional as well. It seems, the idea of city
cards, whic...
Swedish Route as an example of cultural tourism in the Bay of Stettin
The paper describes the possibilities of incorporation the cultural tourism connected with Swedish Route to water tourism in the Bay of Stettin. New route would consist of 4 Polish (Świnoujście, Wolin, Nowe Warpno, Szczecin) and one German city (Anklam). International nature of...
Questions (11)
recently I found a new Mendeley plug-in in for Microstoft365 Word. Unfortunately I cannot use it collaborating with peers outside my university. Does anyone has an experience solving this issue?
in the bibliometric analysis usually authors show that the number of records in WoS rise across given time. Still it might happen that the total number of records rise as well. In order to avoid this bias those two dynamics should be compared.
Anyone knows where to find the total number of records in WoS across last ten years?
Can you suggest any literature that shows relationship between the account presence and number of social media friends to the trust. Many sharing economy platforms (BlaBlaCar, Airbnb etc.) connect their acccounts to social media profiles and use number of Facebook friends as a trust signal.
Do you think these are pure synonyms or there is a substantial difference between those terms?
Can you provide me some source where the difference is discussed?
I need to compare quantitatively quality of usage of social media by different public units.
There is abundance of literature regarding startup financing, rationale for public support etc. but I cannot find any source that explicite provide 'startup' definition.