Adam Mertel

Adam Mertel


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Publications (47)
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Human mobility contributes to the fast spatiotemporal propagation of infectious diseases. During an outbreak, monitoring the infection on either side of an international border is crucial as cross-border migration increases the risk of disease importation. Due to the unavailability of cross-border mobility data, mainly during pandemics, it becomes...
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The complex network framework has been successfully used to model interactions between entities in Complex Systems in the Biological Sciences such as Proteomics, Genomics, Neuroscience, and Ecology. Networks of organisms at different spatial scales and in different ecosystems have provided insights into community assembly patterns and emergent prop...
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During pandemics like COVID-19, both the quality and quantity of services offered by businesses and organizations have been severely impacted. They often have applied a hybrid home office setup to overcome this problem, although in some situations, working from home lowers employee productivity. So, increasing the rate of presence in the office is...
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While biological invasions are recognized as a major threat to global biodiversity, determining non-native species’ abilities to establish in new areas (species invasiveness) and the vulnerability of those areas to invasions (community invasibility) is challenging. Here, we use trait-based analysis to profile invasive species and quantify the commu...
BACKGROUND Long-term care facilities have been widely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Empirical evidence from the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that elderly people are the most impacted and are at higher risk of mortality after being infected with SARS-CoV-2. Regularly testing care facility residents is a practical approach to...
Background Long-term care facilities have been widely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Empirical evidence demonstrated that older people are the most impacted and are at higher risk of mortality after being infected. Regularly testing care facility residents is a practical approach to detecting infections proactively. In many cases, the care staf...
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The complex network framework has been successfully used to model interactions between entities in Complex Systems in the Biological Sciences such as Proteomics, Genomics, Neuroscience, and Ecology. Networks of organisms at different spatial scales and in different ecosystems have provided insights into community assembly patterns and emergent prop...
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The global extent and temporally asynchronous pattern of COVID-19 spread have repeatedly highlighted the role of international borders in the fight against the pandemic. Additionally, the deluge of high resolution, spatially referenced epidemiological data generated by the pandemic provides new opportunities to study disease transmission at heretof...
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Human mobility contributes to the fast spatio-temporal propagation of infectious diseases. During an outbreak, monitoring the infection situation on either side of an international border is very crucial as there is always a higher risk of disease importation associated with cross-border migration. Mechanistic models are effective tools to investig...
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Throughout the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, decision makers have relied on forecasting models to determine and implement non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI). In building the forecasting models, continuously updated datasets from various stakeholders including developers, analysts, and testers are required to provide precise pred...
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This article presents a proposal for data collection from textual resources in history and the social sciences that we call Computer-Assisted Semantic Text Modelling (CASTEMO). The CASTEMO data model and data collection workflow is based on detailed, yet flexible semantic encoding of the original natural-language syntactic structure and wording: tr...
The royal charters and chronicles present a unique historical source for researching power distribution and administration of the medieval kingdom. This paper presents an attempt to progress in the analytical approaches presented by German historians from the 1980s and 1990s to study the governance of the medieval kingdom. Inspired by the use of ne...
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations (e.g. businesses, companies, government facilities, etc.) have attempted to reduce infection risk by employing partial home office strategies. However, working from home can also reduce productivity for certain types of work and particular employees. Over the long term, many organizations therefore f...
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While biological invasions are recognized as a major threat to global biodiversity, determining species' abilities to invade new areas (species invasiveness) and the vulnerability of those areas to invasions (community invasibility) are still poorly understood. Here, we used trait-based analysis to profile invasive species and quantify the communit...
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The global extent and temporally asynchronous pattern of COVID-19 spread have repeatedly highlighted the role of international borders in the fight against the pandemic. Additionally, the deluge of high resolution, spatially referenced epidemiological data generated by the pandemic provides new opportunities to study disease transmission at heretof...
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The growing use of geographic information systems (GIS) and geographical analyses in different areasof the digital humanities highlights the need for geocoding, i.e. assigning geographic coordinates torecords in a dataset. Such spatially-referenced datasets are a precondition for any spatial analysis andvisualization. While GIS in general is a dyna...
This interactive map visualizes a dataset of Premonstratensian houses in France from the foundation of the order up to the present. The dataset is a digital adaptation and formalization of the most complete catalogue available, edited by Bernard Ardura (Abbayes, prieurés et monastères de l’ordre de Prémontré en France des origines à nos jours: Dict...
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During the reign of the first Ptolemaic kings in Egypt, mainly in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BCE, the Egyptian cults related to the divine couple of Isis and Sarapis (i.e. the Isiac cults) spread successfully from Egypt to ports and coastal cities of the ancient Mediterranean. The discussion on the topic of the factors involved in the process of the...
The “Historical Geocoding Assistant” is an open-source browser-based application for assigning geographic coordinates in a more convenient and faster way than copy-pasting them from services such as Google Maps. The application was designed with historical projects in mind but is suitable for any geocoding work. Essential features: - works online w...
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This interactive map shows settlements in Languedoc in which Cathar religious are attested to have dwelt publicly in houses they owned or rented. The period covered ranges from the oldest memory going as far back as 1175 up until the fall of the castrum of Montségur in 1244. The dataset on which the map is based constitutes the most extensive list...
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This interactive map (available at is based on the Lollard trials. It shows the places of origin of English dissidents under investigation for taking part in the revolts of 1414 or 1431, related to Lollardy, or holding various heterodox opinions that are commonly referred to as Lollard. In addition, it shows in w...
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In this paper, we present a dataset of medieval monasteries and convents on the territory of today’s France and discuss the workflow of its integration. Spatial historical data are usually dispersed and stored in various forms – encyclopedias and catalogues, websites, online databases, and printed maps. In order to cope with this heterogeneity and...
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This paper examines the possibilities and benefits of spatial visual analysis in exploring and answering a hypothesis proposed in a historical study of religions. The content was based on the GEHIR project, which studies the history of ancient Graeco-Roman religions using innovative methods applied in the study of complex systems. The first part of...
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Christianity emerged as a small and marginal movement in the first century Palestine and throughout the following three centuries it became highly visible in the whole Mediterranean. Little is known about the mechanisms of spreading innovative ideas in past societies. Here we investigate how well the spread of Christianity can be explained as a dif...
List of nodes of the travel network. Each node is identified by the ORBIS id and annotated with name of the city, geographical location, and a canonical URI within the PLEIADES project (CSV)
Mapping of the time of emergence of early Christian congregations to the nearest ORBIS city. For every ORBIS city, only a year of the earliest congregation is retained in the year column. (CSV)
Transportation network derived from the ORBIS model. Edges represent direct cheapest connection in the ORBIS model, nodes are ORBIS sites. Only sites with population estimate available are shown, and colored by the logarithm of population size. (PNG)
Travel cost to Jerusalem. Edges represent direct cheapest connection in the ORBIS model, nodes are ORBIS sites. Only sites with population estimate available are shown, and colored by the cost of travel from Jerusalem. (PNG)
Geographical location and the century of emergence of the early Christian congregations. Column year contains century of first appearance of the Christianity at particular site: before year 100 (N = 54), before year 200 (N = 61), and before year 304 (N = 488). (CSV)
Flux fraction network after application of the 1/M threshold (M is the number of cities with population estimate). Color of the edges corresponds to the logarithm of the flux fraction between the nodes. (PNG)
Geographical representation of the ORBIS travel model. Cities, roads, rivers and Roman provinces are shown, maritime routes ommited for brevity. (PNG)
Gravity towards Jerusalem. Edges represent direct cheapest connection in the ORBIS model, nodes are ORBIS sites. Only sites with population estimate available are shown, and colored by the logarithm of gravity (ρ = 2) towards Jerusalem. (PNG)
Edge list of the travel network. Source and destination cities (nodes) are identified with unique ORBIS id. Edges are weighted by the default cost estimated by the ORBIS model. (CSV)
Cities from ORBIS with associated population estimates. Column objectid holds an unique identifier of the city within ORBIS. The rank column contains size rank of the city from ORBIS. Column PLPATH is a canonical URI within the PLEIADES project (CSV)
Spearman rank-order correlation of the static factors and the time of first documented presence of a Christian congregation. (PDF)
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This paper presented a new method for identifying promising areas for archaeological research. The method is based on graph analysis that iteratively compares and manipulates Hamming distances between graphs of input geographical parameters and graphs of human activity data in various historical periods. The weights learned from the comparison was...
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Early in the Ptolemaic era, Egyptian cults, particularly those of Isis and Sarapis, spread successfully to ports across the ancient Aegean Sea. Leading researchers in the field claim that the spread of these cults was influenced by multiple factors, ones that were mainly economic or political in character. However, the question of which factors had...
Population estimates in the context of ancient Aegean Sea region. (PDF)
Ptolemaic garrisons and naval bases. (PDF)
Parameters of the Aegean Islands. (XLSX)
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This online interactive map visualizes a database of Christian baptisteries built between the 3rd and 12th centuries. The database is a digital adaptation and formalization of the most complete (as of 2017) catalogue of baptisteries by Sebastian Ristow (Frühchristliche Baptisterien, Münster: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1998). Accessible o...
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Different types of spatial analyses and visualizations can be used in the police practice for investigation, crime prediction, and planning of police forces. The public availability of crime data is one of the often discussed issues for the police, general public and academia. The efforts to open police data are rooted in the philosophy of the so-c...
Conference Paper
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Extended Abstract Spatial data collected by the police has considerable potential for spatial analysis. Such analysis can help to improve the performance of the police itself, raise public awareness of local issues, and serve as an input for decision making processes in other institutions. For these reasons we believe that police data should be, wi...


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