Ad de Jong

Ad de Jong
Copenhagen Business School · Department of Marketing



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January 2005 - September 2014
Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (63)
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Language-related IB research predominantly targets large MNCs, often overlooking the challenges that internationalizing SMEs face in effectively utilizing their limited language resources. To address this gap and assist SMEs in overcoming their unique language challenges, we develop a scale for language operative capacity (LOC), which measures a fi...
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The rising awareness of climate challenges and resource constraints has strengthened interest in the circular economy (CE), characterized as an economic system aimed to minimize the depletion of the world’s natural resources through processes of value retention and value regeneration. Because CE research originated in the engineering field, studies...
Conference Paper
Languages and its role in International Business (IB) literature has grown dynamically in past two decade. The research in the field demonstrates how languages impacts relationships such as trust building, knowledge sharing, international recruitment/placements but also choice of markets or market entry in large and smaller firms. This study is a u...
The beginning and the end of the sales cycle, canvassing (i.e., approaching new customers) and closing (i.e., the process of trying to sign and finalize a deal), represent key moments of potential rejection. While these moments can induce significant stress and are prone to avoidance and procrastination (Bagozzi and Verbeke 2020; DeCarlo and Lam 20...
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A longer exposure time generally improves individuals’ ability to recognize faces. The current research investigates whether this effect varies between genders and whether it is influenced by the gender of the exposed faces. Based on a set of four experimental studies, we advance our knowledge of face recognition, gender, gender distribution of exp...
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Purpose This study aims to integrate and extend existing approaches from self-identity literature by examining the underexplored aspects of online private self-disclosure. The study first explores the experiential value co-created when consumers voluntarily self-disclose on public platforms. Second, it sheds light on what motivates such consumers t...
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The role of the service manager's perceived career success in frontline employees' learning processes and service improvement Abstract Previous literature fails to offer firms consistent guidelines on how successful managers may enhance or reduce the potential to learn from frontline service encounters. In addressing this research gap, this study c...
This is an ESRC funded project report of research findings with an aim to engage industry and government bodies alike. Research for practice. The LO-C 30 Report, 2021 us embargoed till May 11, 2021 when its officially launched with other assets for stakeholder engagement.
The marketing of B2B services has become an important field of academic enquiry. Industrial Marketing Management scholars have contributed to building a robust body of scholarship on the role of services as an indispensable aspect of company’s strategic performance process. However, with digitization, there is a clear need for theoretical concepts...
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This research aims to bridge the entrepreneurship and marketing/sales literature streams by studying how young firms enable their resource endowments using value-based selling. Drawing on effectuation logic, the authors examine how young firms can achieve sales growth by using human and financial resource slack during the early years of their exist...
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Customer solutions have been touted as the next service-growth engine. Yet, pursuing a solutions strategy can seriously backfire in times of severe crises. The massive economic shock wave brought on by the recent COVID-19 pandemic challenges some of the presumed advantages of business-to-business customer solutions and reveals downsides of these co...
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Salesperson motivation has long been one of the most important areas of sales research and one of the most important challenges for sales managers (Doyle and Shapiro 1980; Jaramillo et al. 2005). Historically, sales managers and researchers emphasized extrinsic over intrinsic motivation assuming that in combination they cannot coexist (DeCharms 196...
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Purpose Process innovation is a key determinant of performance. While extant literature paints a clear picture of the drivers of process innovation, the effect of process innovation on performance has received little attention. This paper aims to examine how the divergence of process innovation impacts performance. Divergence concerns the extent to...
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In this digital era, where many product-oriented business-to-business companies are shifting to a product-service systems approach, frontline employees (FLEs) are urged to complement customer-directed behaviors with coworker-directed prosocial behaviors to achieve optimal performance. Surprisingly, little is known about the relationship between FLE...
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In recent years, many companies have implemented sales teams as a way of streamlining accountability and promoting the development of sales expertise. The success of such work groups largely depends on experienced members’ willingness to help coworkers. Previous studies indicate that group structure and individual position along individual attribut...
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External partners, such as suppliers, are important in the case of innovation by entrepreneurial startup firms. Due to their limited resources and liability of newness, these startups must rely on outside partners for resources and legitimacy to succeed and indeed to survive. Yet, few studies have specifically examined, or provided guidance on, how...
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The construct of motivation is one of the central themes in selling and sales management research. Yet, to-date no review article exists that surveys the construct (both from an extrinsic and intrinsic motivation context), critically evaluates its current status, examines various key challenges apparent from the extant research, and suggests new re...
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Many service firms require frontline service employees (FLEs) to follow routines and standardized operating procedures during the service encounter, to deliver consistently high service standards. However, to create superior, pleasurable experiences for customers, featuring both helpful services and novel approaches to meeting their needs, firms in...
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Creative sourcing strategies, designed to extract more value from the supply base, have become a competitive, strategic differentiator. To fuel creativity, companies install sourcing teams that can capitalize on the specialized knowledge and expertise of their employees across the company. This article introduces the concept of a team creativity cl...
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Ambidextrous product selling strategies, in which companies have their salespeople concurrently pursue the sale of existing and new products, are hard to implement. Previous studies have studied this issue for relatively simple consumer settings with the manager in close proximity to the salespersons and focusing on different levels of control and...
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Conference paper: How Can Salespersons as Knowledge Brokers Facilitate the Involvement of B2B Customers in NPD? Presented at Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) B2B Innovation-Marketing Symposium at MIT Sloan School of Management, Boston August, 2013
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Retailers increasingly recognize that environmental responsibility is a strategic imperative. However, little research has investigated or identified the factors that facilitate the successful implementation of environmentally responsible strategies across a network of customer-facing sales units (stores). We propose that a store manager’s ability...
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BPM maturity is a measure to evaluate how professionally an organization manages its business processes. Previous research provides evidence that higher BPM maturity leads to better performance of processes and of the organization as a whole. It also claims that different organizations should strive for different levels of maturity, depending on th...
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Managers increasingly realize the importance of involving the sales force in new product development. However, despite recent progress, research on the specific role of the sales force in product innovation related activities remains scarce. In particular, the importance of a salespersons’ internal knowledge brokering has been neglected. This study...
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The idea for this special issue of Journal of Product Innovation and Management came out of discussions with engineers, CTO’s, business development managers, sales managers, and marketing managers who expressed their concerns about the perennial problems and remaining challenges of successfully connecting and integrating company’s sales force and N...
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The special issue of Journal of Product Innovation and Management focuses on sales and innovative strategies involved in the new product development (NPD) process. The challenge of commercializing new products successfully has motivated firms searching for ways to involve the sales force in their NPD process. A few notable exceptions on salesperson...
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This paper analyzes the relationship between freight accessibility and logistics employment in the US. It develops an accessibility measure relevant for logistics companies based on a gravity model. This allows for an analysis of the accessibility of US counties focusing on four different modes of transportation: road, rail, air, and maritime. Usin...
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This empirical study of 323 new ventures examines how task and relationship conflict in the founding top management team mediates the effect of lead founder personality on new venture performance. The results reveal that (1) openness and agreeableness increase task conflict, whereas conscientiousness decreases it, and (2) openness, extraversion, an...
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This article introduces customer stewardship control (CSC) to the marketing field. This concept represents a frontline employee’s felt ownership of and moral responsibility for customers’ overall welfare. In two studies, the authors show that CSC is a more encompassing construct than customer orientation, which reflects a frontline employee’s focus...
Firms increasingly equip field service workers with virtual team technology that enables them to deliver services more efficiently and take part in new service development. However, the “out-of-office” nature of field service tasks limits the possibilities for supervision, so virtual team outcomes are hard to control. To predict virtual team servic...
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The authors examine antecedents and consequences of environmental stewardship in frontline business-to-business teams. On the basis of data from members of 34 teams organized into regional networks, they demonstrate the differential impact of team environmental stewardship on customer satisfaction ratings and sales. Furthermore, the results reveal...
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In this paper, the authors propose that psychological safety, a sense of interpersonal trust and being valued in a work team, is an important determinant of groupware technology adoption in an educational setting. They develop and test a model of antecedents and consequences of psychological safety. Data were collected from 361 university students,...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the linkage between self‐managing team (SMT) member perceptions of collective efficacy and customer‐perceived service quality, and the most cost‐efficient way to reliably assess collective efficacy and customer‐perceived service quality, using generalizability theory (G‐theory). Design/methodolog...
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The number of channels that retailers can use interchangeably to provide customer service has increased. We report on a study of clients of a large retail bank that investigates the channel performance satisfaction–behavioral intentions relationship when the traditional service channel (i.e., branch office) is extended with technology-mediated chan...
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The increasing implementation of self-managing teams (SMTs) in service delivery suggests the importance of developing confidence beliefs about a team’s collective competence. This research examined causality in the linkage between employee confidence beliefs and performance for boundary-spanning SMTs delivering financial services. The authors disti...
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To compare the generalizability of online and mail surveys in a cross-national service quality study, the authors use G-theory and find a comparable level of generalizability, though online surveys benefited from considerably lower costs. This article contributes to the current comparison of the response quality between online and mail surveys. Fur...
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Drawing from the organizational behaviour and services marketing literature, we develop a conceptual model of self-managing team (SMT) service climate, taking into account characteristics of the organizational context, the SMT, and the individual employee. In order to assess the impact of SMT service climate, we include a number of internal consequ...
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This paper proposes and tests a model of antecedents and consequences of group potency in self-managing teams in retail banking. Based on data collected from boundary-spanning service employees organized in 60 teams and their customers, our findings reveal a significant positive impact of group potency on customer-perceived service quality and a ne...
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In this article, we develop a conceptual model of adaptive versus proactive recovery behavior by self-managing teams (SMTs) in service recovery operations. To empirically test the conceptual model a combination of bank employee, customer, and archival data is collected. The results demonstrate support for independent group-level effects of intratea...
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In this article, the authors examine antecedents and consequences of the service climate in boundary-spanning self-managing teams (SMTs) that deliver financial services. Using data from members of 61 SMTs and their cus- tomers, the authors show a differential impact of the SMT service climate on various marketing performance mea- sures. Furthermore...
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This article examines antecedents and consequences of the adoption level of standardized information technology (IT) versus customized IT in self-managing teams (SMTs) in a financial services institution. Linkages between specified antecedents and the adoption levels of standardized and customized IT were investigated using data collected from bank...
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Although researchers have suggested that the performance of the salesperson during sales encounters is critical, many of the underlying mechanisms that govern the interaction between salespersons and customers are still unclear. In this research, we investigate sales encounters from a new approach based on the field of research of interpersonal per...
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Technological advances extend the after-sales services portfolio from traditional service encounters to voice- and bit-based services. Technology enables service organizations to transcend geographical as well as cultural boundaries. It might even result in geographical convergence, often treated synonymously with cultural convergence. In this pape...
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This empirical study examines the impact of context-team factors and team-employee factors on perceived uncertainty in self-managed service teams. The results of our study show that context-team factors rather than team-employee factors are critical to the extent of uncertainty employees perceive when providing customer service. Furthermore, percei...
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Recently, many companies have turned their service delivery into a self-managed team effort. This article examines the antecedents (i.e., employee perceptions) and consequences (i.e., customer perceptions) of team commitment to service quality in self-managed service groups. We begin by demonstrating that team commitment to service quality in self-...


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