Accinelli Elvio

Accinelli Elvio
Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí | UASLP · Facultad de Economía


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Publications (136)
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This paper fits in the theory of international agreements by studying the success of stable coalitions of agents seeking the preservation of a public good. Extending Baliga and Maskin, we consider a model of N$$ N $$ homogeneous agents with quasi‐linear utilities of the form uj(rj;r)=rα−rj$$ {u}_j\left({r}_j;r\right)={r}^{\alpha }-{r}_j $$, where r...
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In this article, we present an evolutionary model that shows the possibility of political cycles in which populist and non-populist elites alternate in power. The platforms promoted by populist politicians are presented as alternatives to solve pressing problems that afflict society, without paying attention to the economic or social imbalances tha...
In this work we analyze, from the perspective of game theory, the interaction between the ruling elite, the opposition (to the government) and citizens during electoral times. In particular, we focus on the role that corruption plays (understood in a broad sense) in both contenders, government and opposition, and the level of information on the par...
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In this paper we study a repeated game and the replicator dynamics to analyze the spread of a rumor in a society formed by two populations. One population is informed about a rumor and communicates the rumor to the other population. According to the preferences of each individual, this rumor is communicated in its original or in a modified form. We...
The goal of this research is to study an economic system characterized by the coexistence of tax evading citizens with corrupt auditors (public officials), that is a system of predators-preys, i.e. corrupts and not, evaders and not. We show that citizens choose non-corrupt behavior when their utility exceeds a threshold level with respect to an opt...
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We study an evolutionary dynamics for the contributions by agents to a common/public good in a generalized version of Baliga and Maskin’s environmental protection model. The dynamical equilibria consist of three scenarios: a single agent contributing to preserve the good with its optimal contribution level, and all the other agents being free-rider...
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Desarrollamos un modelo de adopción de lenguaje basado en un modelo evolutivo genera-do por un juego con dos poblaciones y tres estrategias y encontramos dos equilibrios estables, a saber: bilingüismo en ambas poblaciones y monolingüismo basado en la lengua vernácula de cada población.
In this document, we analyse the strategic complementarity between technological investment and investment in training by workers. We show that, beyond the importance of the answer to the question about which factor determines which, initial minimal conditions in both factors are required to start a long-run social development process. If these min...
In this document, we analyse the strategic complementarity between technological investment and investment in training by workers. We show that, beyond the importance of the answer to the question about which factor determines which, initial minimal conditions in both factors are required to start a long-run social development process. If these min...
We develop a simple mathematical model describing the dynamics of the gender gap in a labor market niche and study the effects of bias, market size, and market dynamism in the evolution of the system. A high-level characterization of the system is suggested by studying a large sample of the parameter space, and specific cases of interest to policy-...
In this paper, we consider a general equilibrium model in which the economies are characterized by the distribution of firms on a set of branches of production; we will show that based on the decisions of the managers of the firms, it is possible to build a dynamic system whose solutions reproduce the possible trajectories of the economy. Once the...
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In this paper we propose and analyze a game theoretical model regarding the dynamical interaction between government fiscal policy choices toward innovation and training (I&T), firm's innovation, and worker's levels of training and education. We discuss four economic scenarios corresponding to strict pure Nash equilibria: the government and I&T pov...
We develop a simple mathematical model describing the dynamics of the gender gap in a labor market niche and study the effects of bias, market size, and market dynamism in the evolution of the system. A high-level characterization of the system is suggested by studying a large sample of the parameter space and specific cases of interest to policyma...
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We develop a simple mathematical model describing the dynamics of the gender gap in a labor market niche, and study the effects of bias, market size and market dynamism in the evolution of the system. A high level characterization of the system is suggested by studying a large sample of the parameter space and specific cases of interest to policy m...
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We introduce an evolutionary dynamical model for corruption in a democratic state describing the interactions between citizens , government and officials, where the voting power of the citizens is the main mechanism to control corruption. Three main scenarios for the evolution of corruption emerge depending on the efficiency of the institutions and...
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The paper aims to study the co-evolution dynamics of human capital and innovative firms by means of an evolutionary game theory model. We analyze the properties of the model, showing that if the demand for skilled labor is higher than its supply, then innovative firms may have an incentive to become non-innovative and stop hiring skilled workers. I...
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In this work, we analyze the possible evolution of an economy in which,up to a certain point, the State acted as a monopolist in the provision of a set of public services and, faced with a change in the economic situation, poses itself, the question about whether these services should continue to be, as they were until then, provided by the State o...
The problem of the consumption or provision of common and public goods is a well known and well studied problem in economic sciences. The nature of the problem is the existence of non-excludable externalities which gives rise to incentives to free-riding behaviour. There are several economical frameworks trying to deal with the problem such as coal...
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In this paper, we consider a two-country and two-sector economy, where firms can choose to be innovative or not innovative, and workers to be skilled or unskilled. Using a dynamic game, we argue that exploiting the comparative advantages a country has in producing goods that use the most abundant factor of production, free mobility of capital and l...
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Avoiding usual completeness hipothesis and working on the frame of locally complete spaces some Pareto optimization results are obtained. The Mackey Bishop-Phelps cones are defined and a characterization for the exis- tence of Pareto efficiency respect to these cones is obtained.
El presente trabajo pretende mostrar cómo la geometría diferencial y los sistemas dinámicos permiten entender, explicar y avanzar en el estudio de problemas económicos relevantes. Pretendemos convencer al lector de que una teoría formalmente desarrollada puede no estar muy lejos de la práctica más inmediata y que, por otra parte, los problemas que...
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The aim of this article is to give at least a partial answer to the question made in the title. Several works analyze the evolution of the corruption in different societies. Most of such papers show the necessity of several controls displayed by a central authority to deter the expansion of the corruption. However there is not much literature that...
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In this paper, it is shown that any migratory flow, imposed by the imitation of the like, can be modeled by a dynamic system, once the rules governing imitative behavior are established. The parameters that characterize this system are determined by the social and economic conditions existing in the countries between which it is established and can...
En este trabajo se ofrecen consideraciones acerca de la teoría evolutiva y sus posibilidades para complementar la teoría clásica de la maximización del beneficio. En particular, se muestra la imitación como alternativa a la opti-mización clásica cuando existe racionalidad acotada. Se analiza la evolución del comportamiento corrupto en una sociedad...
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In this paper we extend the well known result of existence of Walrasian equilibrium given in Debreu (1952) to economies modeled over topological vector spaces. Our work is closely related to the previous results of Yannelis-Pranhakar (1983), and Tan and Yuan (1999), but unlike these papers we prove the existence of a Walrasian equilibrium in infini...
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En las últimas décadas hemos venido observando el ocaso de las fronteras tradicionales de los mercados en el comercio mundial. El concepto “globalización de la economía” captura acertadamente sus propiedades y características principales. Así, la nueva dinámica del comercio mundial impone nuevos patrones de producción y consumo a las economías que...
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El principal objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que cuando los países que conforman un bloque —lo que algunos especialistas han llamado regionalismo o integración— presentando entre ellos grandes asimetrías, la política amenazante de abandonar el bloque puede ser muy eficiente para los países más perjudicados por la presencia. En particular, en es...
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Lower profit rates play an importan role in the evolution of an ownership private economy. We argue that if managers look to maximize profits rates, then the decision to change, to those branches, or technologies, that offer higher rates of profits, plays an important role in the characterization of economies. If managers choose to produce accordin...
This book gathers carefully selected works in Mathematical Economics, on myriad topics including General Equilibrium, Game Theory, Economic Growth, Welfare, Social Choice Theory, Finance. It sheds light on the ongoing discussions that have brought together leading researchers from Latin America and Southern Europe at recent conferences in venues li...
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Desde principios de la década de los noventa inicia el estado del bienestar sueco un proceso de transformaciones que permite la participación de agentes privados en sectores emblemáticos de la sociedad de bienestar, tales como educación, salud, atención infantil y asistencia a personas adultas. Hasta la fecha, la experiencia muestra que la coexiste...
The object of this paper is to study the labor market using evo- lutionary game theory as a framework. The entities of this competitive model are firms and workers, with and without external regulation. Firms can either innovate or not, while workers can either be skilled or not. Under the most simple model, called normal model, the economy rests i...
This paper provides an analysis of solutions for allocation problems from an axiomatic point of view, proposing a decomposition for the space of such problems into direct sum of irreducible subspaces that are relevant to the study of linear symmetric solutions. In particular, we obtain characterizations of certain classes of linear symmetric soluti...
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It is recognized that corrupt behavior determines the institutional types of an economic system where an institution is ruled out by economic agents (e.g. officials-public or private) abusing their role to procure gain for themselves (rent-seeking activities) or somebody else. In this vein, we study an evolutionary model of institutional corruption...
This paper studies the joint dynamics of corruption and pollution in a model of evolutionary game theory, where firms face a given pollution standard and the government must check the compliance to this standard by means of public officials who can be honest or not. A novelty of our paper is that officials decide to be honest or not by imitation, w...
This paper studies the evolutionary dynamics of migration. We argue that, under bounded rationality, the strategic foundations of the migrant behavior are based in the imitation of peers. We show that any migratory flow can be modeled from a dynamical system, whose parameters reflect the social and economic policies implemented by the decision make...
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This paper provides an extended framework to study general equilibrium theory with commodity spaces possibly of infinite dimensions. Our approach overcomes some difficulties found in the literature since it allows the study of the equilibrium when consumption sets may have an empty interior. It also overcomes the need for separable utilities or uti...
The natural projection plays a fundamental role to understand the behavior of the Walrasian economies. In this paper, we extend this method to analyze the behavior of infinite dimensional economies. We introduce the definition of the social equilibrium set, and we show that there exists a bijection between this set and the Walrasian equilibrium set...
A stumbling block in the modelling of competitive markets with commodity and price spaces of infinite dimensions, arises from having positive cones with an empty interior. This issue precludes the use of tools of differential analysis, ranging from the definition of a derivative, to the use of more sophisticated results needed to understand determinac...
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In this paper we review the literature related to corporate social responsibility, emphasizing its relationship to sustainable development, description and evolution, as well as different thoughts regarding the actions that might be expected from companies in relation to corporate social responsibility, a situation that is presented through a mathe...
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In this paper we review the literature related to corporate social responsibility, emphasizing its relationship to sustainable development, description and evolution, as well as different thoughts regarding the actions that might be expected from companies in relation to corporate social responsibility, a situation that is presented through a mathe...
We study a coordination game, between a leader population and a follower population. Each individual of each population follows an imitative behavior in order to decide between being a high- or low-type economic agent. We show that individual behavior driven by imitation can lead to an economy that is either in a low-level equilibrium—a poverty tra...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es considerar la posibilidad de que, en el largo plazo, un monopolio natural se mantenga como tal debido al resultado del aumento de su productividad ocasionado por el cambio tecnológico. Paralelamente, se discutirá sobre la pertinencia de implementar políticas tendientes a incentivar la competencia y la libre entrada en...
One can restructure institutions, but if individual-level motivations for corrupt behavior are not understood, these restructuring may not be effective. We introduce an evolutionary-game modeling to deal with the problem of corruption driven by imitative behavior.
We study an evolutionary game with two asymmetric populations where agents from each population are randomly paired with members of the other population. We present two imitation models. In the first model, dissatisfaction drives imitation. In the second model, agents imitate the successful. In the first model, we use a simple reviewing rule, while...
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The Pareto optimal concept does not concern with fairness or equality, it is a concept related to efficiency. In this paper, using techniques from the general equilibrium theory, we relate efficiency, fairness and stability of an economy.
General Equilibrium Theory (GE) scrutinizes the ability of markets to achieve efficient allocation of resources. Our main purpose is, in the framework to the GE to analyze, the possibility of design a mechanism enabling agents to make independent decisions compatible with social welfare. More precisely, we address the problem of the possibility of...
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The aim of this work is to show the relationship between the fundamentals of the economy and social changes in a framework of the General Equilibrium Theory. To analyze this relationship we introduce the Negishi map. This map makes evident the social impact of the efficient reassignments of the economical resources. The social and economic changes...
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We study an economy with heterogenous workers and firms as a two population game, in normal form, and its evolutionary dynamics implied by strategic complementarities. The population of firms is distributed in two groups, innovative and non innovative, while workers need to choose between two strategies, acquiring skills or remaining unskilled. Wit...
Abstract The economy under study is populated by two types of firms (innovative and not) and two types of workers (skilled and unskilled). The aim is to develop a model that confirms the existence of complementarities between innovative firms (R&D activities) and skilled workers (human capital) and traces corresponding optimal dynamics. Workers fol...
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We analyze the main dynamical properties of the evolutionarily stable strategy (ℰ풮풮) for asymmetric two-population games of finite size and its corresponding replicator dynamics. We introduce a definition of ℰ풮풮 for two-population asymmetric games and a method of symmetrizing such an asymmetric game. We show that every strategy profile of the asymm...
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Analiza las soluciones a los conflictos desde la perspectiva de la teoría de juegos. Incluye un análisis de la relación entre los equilibrios de Nash y los equilibrios dinámicos, y su estabilidad. La teoría económica encuentra en la teoría de juegos evolutivos un instrumento válido para analizar aquellas situaciones donde los agentes no se comporta...
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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and we claim the corruption is driven by imitative behavior for those agents facing an institutional design of corruption. So this paper analyzes an individual level approach and tackles the question of why people engage in corrupt exchange. We show that institutional design determines corruption and tha...
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This paper analyzes the cultural evolution of firms and workers. Following an imitation rule, each firm and worker decides whether to be innovative (or not) and skilled (or unskilled). We apply evolutionary game theory to find the system of replicator dynamics, and characterize the low-level and highlevel equilibria as Evolutionarily Stable Strateg...
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We study an economy with heterogenous workers and firms as a two population game in normal form and its evolutionary dynamics implied by strategic complementarities. The population of firms is distributed in two groups, innovative and non innovative, while workers need to choose between two strategies, acquiring skills or remaining unskilled. Witho...
In this work we show that it is possible to extend the classical implicit function theorem to mappings defined in a cartesian product of two convex subsets, not necessarily open, included in the cartesian product of two Banach spaces, in to another Banach space. We apply this theorem to show that the excess utility function for an economy with infi...
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We consider an economy with two types of firms (innovative and non-innovative) and two types of workers (skilled and unskilled), where workers' decisions are driven by imitative behavior, and thus the evolution of such an economy depends on the initial distribution of the firms. We show that there exists a continuous of high level steady states and...
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We study an imitation game of strategic complementarities between the percentage of high-skilled workers and innovative firms, namely, human capital and R&D, respectively. We show that this model has two pure Nash equilibria, one of them with high investment in R&D and skilled workers while the other one, which we interpret as poverty trap, exhibit...
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In this paper we show the evolution of an economy with two types of firms (innovative and non–innovative) and two types of workers (high–skilled and low–skilled). Workers' decisions are driven by imitative behavior, and depend on the initial distribution of the firms. There exists a continuous of high level steady states and only one low level stat...
In this paper we model tourism in the framework of multi-population dynamics and analyze the time pattern of its development through the evolving interaction between two populations feeding on a common space-resource. Each population might be structured in two (or more) "clubs" of members sharing social and economic interests as to the management o...
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We develop a theoretical model to analyze the incentives for hotel chains to make environmentally friendly investments. We show that the level of investment of hotel chains to improve the environmental quality of a tourist destination depends positively on two factors: tourist demand and the level of aggregate income. The framework is based on a mo...
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The main objective of this paper is to show that when countries conforming a block that makes what some specialists have called: regionalism or integration -- having between them big asymmetries -- the policy to threat to leave the block can be a very efficient policy for those countries more harmed by the presence of such asymmetries. In particula...
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Under the framework of Arrow's impossibility theorem, all the information based on interpersonal comparisons is avoided in the construction process of colective choice rules. However, throught the use of utility functions and the comparison of several measurable aspects, among all individuals, some non dictatorial collective rules have been charact...
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In this work we analyze the relation between social welfare, and Pareto optimal allocations. As it is well know, each Pareto optimal allocation has associate a specific vector of social weights (one to each agent of the economy). This vector has associate a specific social utility function (the Negishi function) and then, each Pareto optimal alloca...
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Under the framework of Arrow's impossibility theorem, all the information based on interpersonal comparisons is avoided in the construction process of colective choice rules. However, throught the use of utility functions and the comparison of several measurable aspects, among all individuals, some non dictatorial collective rules have been charact...
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En este trabajo modelamos el turismo en el marco de la dinámica multipoblacional y analizamos el patrón de tiempo de su desarrollo a través de la interacción evolutiva entre dos poblaciones que se sustentan de un espacio-recurso común. Cada población puede estar estructurada en dos (o más) "clubes" de miembros que comparten intereses económicos y s...
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I modify the uniform-price auction rules in allowing the seller to ration bidders. This allows me to provide a strategic foundation for underpricing when the seller has an interest in ownership dispersion. Moreover, many of the so-called "collusive-seeming" equilibria disappear.
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We consider an extensive form game to analyze the interdependence between environmental protection of resources, the activities related with the tourism and the behavior of a local population. We answer two questions: 1) Suppose that the central planner invest in tourist activities, has he incentives to do an aggressive propagandistic campaign to c...
In this short paper we analyze the impact of tourist demand in hotel rooms on the investment of hotels on environmental quality. We show that when income of the tourists increases, then to maintain the demand for rooms, the hotels must in-crease the investment on the environmental quality of the region where there is an increment of the tourist act...
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In this paper we show that in a pure exchange economy it is possible to improve the social welfare along an e±cient path. This path will be called the Negishi map. Moving the relative weights of the agent in a social welfare utility function, we obtain an e±cient path of allocations and social weights, such that along this path the social welfare l...
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In this paper we consider economies whose consumption spaces are subsets of a Hilbert space with non-empty interior, and we introduce the Negishi approach to characterize the social equilibria of these economies. Using Morse's lemma, we analyze the main characteristics of two-agents-economies, and classify them. We show that the characteristics of...
This paper studies the impact of a correct valuation of the opportunity costs in individual decisions and social welfare applied to a tourism problem. Starting from a partial equilibrium model, the study shows that the valuation of social welfare depends on the definition of individual opportunity costs. In particular, this study suggests that if t...
This paper introduces a model of economic growth intended for representing developing countries that exhibit poverty traps. The policies of financial restraint that are usually asked for to those countries are shown here to lead to a lower equilibrium. That is, they do not allow those economies to get out of their poverty traps. Sustained investmen...
In standard economic growth theory it is assumed that labor force follows exponential growth, a not realistic assumption. As described in Maynard Smith (1974), the growth of natural populations is more accurately depicted by a logistic growth law. In this paper we analyze how the Ramsey growth model is affected by logistic growth of population, com...
n this paper, we model asymmetric populations composed by individuals interacting repeatedly and are randomly matched to play a game among them with imitation purposes. We consider an imitative behavior as the clue of evolutionary stable strategies. We present two imitation models, the first one is a pure imitation driven by dissatisfaction, and th...
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In this paper we introduce the concept of economic regime. We review the basic notions and different definitions of economic regime and regime switching to describe how these notions appear implicitly or explicitly in different areas of the economic literature. Then we introduce a method to represent dynamics across regimes in multiple regime econo...
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El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar la íntima relación que existe entre el bienestar y la eficiencia. Las asignaciones eficientes se corresponden de manera única con las distribuciones de pesos relativos de los agentes y, en conjunto, determinan una forma de medir el bienestar social asociado al total de recursos existentes en la economía. Se i...
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In this paper we show the strong relation existing between efficiency and social welfare. We introduce the concept of Negishi path, a differentiable manifold, that show the relation existing between distributions of social weights and efficient allocation. We show that it is possible to as- sign to each e�cient allocation a certain level of social...
One of the key elements in economic growth theory is that population grows exponentially. In this paper we reformulate the Ramsey model of economic growth by assuming that the law describing population growth verifies two stylized facts: 1) population is strictly increasing and bounded and 2) the rate of growth of population is strictly decreasing...
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Resumo: Neste trabalho analisamos a relação entre o tratamento de Negishi e o teorema de dualidade de Fenchel. Palavras-chaves: atualidade, teorema de Fenchel, tratamento de Negishi. Abstract: In this work we analyze the relation between the Negishi approach and the Fenchel' s duality theorem. 1 Our research is supported by Cona-cyt-México project...
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In this work we obtain new conditions to uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in the Cournot oligopoly model. These conditions assure that the reaction functions are contractions and they are not reduced to the obtained ones by Rosen, inasmuch as they do not demand the strict concavity of the bene¯t functions
In this paper we model tourism development in the framework of multi- population dynamics and analyze the time pattern of its impact as the evolution of the interaction between two populations feeding over the same space-resource. Each population might be structured in two (or more) ?clubs? with variable membership, a club being a group of populati...
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The aim of this paper is to show that the incentive of hotel chains to invest in environmental quality depends on the demand in days of rest on the part of tourists and on the level of aggregate income. The framework is based on the theoretical model of horizontal differentiation a la Hotelling introduced in [5]. We modify this model by introducing...
In this paper we analyze the rationality that sustains the public investments on white elephants applied to the construction of tourist facilities in Mexico. The main result of this paper is that there exist two kinds of rationalities in the construction of white elephants. One is a similar rationality to that existent in the prisoner's dilemma, th...
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This paper studies the impact of a correct valuation of the opportunity costs in individual decisions and social welfare applied to a tourism problem. Starting from the partial equilibrium model in Skak (2004), we show that the valuation of social welfare depends on the definition of individual opportunity costs. In particular we show that if the l...
In standard economic growth theory it is assumed that labor force follows exponential growth, a not realistic assumption. As described by Maynard Smith (1974), the growth of natural populations is more accurately depicted by a logistic growth law. In this paper we modify the Ramsey model by introducing the generalized logistic equation that describ...
Usually standard economic growth theory assumes that population grows exponentially. This hypothesis is realistic only for an initial period, but it can not be valid indefinitely because, population growing exponentially can be arbitrarily large. In this paper we reformulate the Ramsey model of optimal economic growth by substituting the exponentia...
As it is well know convexity and non linear optimization has been increasingly important in the last years in the study of many areas of economics. Systems of inequalities the maximun or minimun of a concave function over a convex set are among the most useful topics in microeconomics, game theory, or general equilibrium. Certain these topics can b...
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In this paper we analyze, from the Negishi approach the concepts of structurally stable and structurally unstable economies on Banach's spaces. With this purpose we formalize the intuitive concept of similar economies. We show that in certain cases similar (or neighboring) economies can show no similar behaviors when small modifications of their ta...
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Es usual en teoría del crecimiento económico asumir que la población crece exponencialmente. Esta hipótesis sólo es plausible en un periodo inicial, pero no puede mantenerse indefinidamente, pues implicaría que la población del planeta puede ser arbitrariamente grande. Este trabajo analiza el modelo de crecimiento económico óptimo de Ramsey sustitu...


Question (1)
My point is about the possibility to use Bishop Phelps theorem
more some property in utilities or preferences weaker than propernes. Properness appear as the weakest condition for existence of support price, but I don´t know if this claim is true


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