Abdullah ÇakanKonya Technical University | KTUN · Department of Mechanical Engineering
Abdullah Çakan
Doctor of Philosophy
Currently, I am a visiting scholar at Virginia Tech.
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As a dedicated researcher in mechanical engineering, I specialize in dynamics and control, with a focus on mechatronics, robotics, and automation. My work encompasses modeling and simulation, control theory, and mechanical vibrations, aiming to advance the understanding and application of these fields. Currently, I am a visiting scholar at Virginia Tech, collaborating on projects that integrate theoretical insights with practical implementations.
Additional affiliations
June 2018 - present
August 2011 - July 2018
June 2013 - June 2022
September 2010 - July 2013
September 2005 - June 2010
Publications (43)
A wearable chair is designed to reduce musculoskeletal disorders in workers. Two-staged optimization process using The Bees Algorithm is conducted to determine the lowest operable height of the chair and minimize the maximum force among the three supports. Geometric, dimensional, and rotational angle constraints are defined accordingly. A CAD model...
This study represents an optimal LQR control approach to controlling the trolley movement of an overhead crane and sway reduction of its payload. The aim of the study is to improve the crane’s positioning accuracy and ensure smoother and safer operations with less swinging motion of payload. To achieve this, a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) contr...
In this study, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been implemented to recover missing data from the particle image velocimetry (PIV), providing quantitative measurements of velocity fields. Due to laser reflection or lower intensity of particles in the interrogation area, the reconstruction of erroneous velocity vectors is required. Therefore,...
Mühendislik, köprüler, tüneller, yollar, araçlar ve binalar dahil olmak üzere makineler, yapılar ve diğer öğeleri tasarlamak ve inşa etmek için bilimsel ilkelerin kullanılmasıdır. Mühendislik disiplini, her biri uygulamalı matematik, uygulamalı bilim ve uygulama türlerinin belirli alanlarına özel vurgu yapan, geniş bir yelpazede uzmanlaşmış mühendi...
Flow around a circular cylinder has been experimentally studied at Reynolds numbers of Re = 4 × 103 and Re = 8 × 103 using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method, a subset of machine learning, has been implemented to capture complex flow patterns and relationships within data to estimate the experimental result...
This research focuses on distance estimation using the Kalman Filter method in ultrasonic sensors. The study addresses the issue of accuracy levels in ultrasonic sensors and proposes the use of Kalman Filter to enhance accuracy. The Kalman Filter is comprised of two key components: prediction and update. In this research, the Kalman Filter method i...
In knee prostheses, the curve of the instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) and, therefore, stability of the prothesis are the most important parameters to be considered. The ICR curve depends on many parameters. One of them and the most effective one is the dimensions of four bar mechanism. In polycentric knee mechanisms, it has become inevitable...
In this study, a flexible robot arm model and the design of its controller are introduced. The robot arm consists of a single flexible link. It is desired to control the circular position of the robot arm and the vibration of the tip point. Cascade proportional derivative controller was used to control the position and reduce the tip vibration. Con...
In this study, a method is proposed to find the unknown simulation parameters of an industrial electro-hydraulic proportional valve. Electro-hydraulic servo systems are one of the most widely used actuator systems, and proportional valves are commonly found in hydraulic systems. Hydraulic systems are complicated to linearize, because nearly whole e...
In industry, structural parts generally work under cyclic loading. After a while under these loads, microcracks usually start on the surface. The microcracks grow into macrocracks and cause fatigue and fracture of the material even at stresses far below the yield strength. It is possible to increase the fatigue strength of materials with several su...
The use of DC motors is now common because of its advantages and has become an important necessity in helping human activities. Generally, motor control is designed with PID control. The main problem that is often discussed in PID is parameter tuning, namely determining the value of the Kp, Ki, and Kd parameters in order to obtain optimal system pe...
The shell and tube heat exchanger is one of the commonly used heat exchangers. Minimizing the cost required to manufacture these heat exchangers is one of the main objectives for designers and users. This study determined the necessary design parameters for a shell and tube heat exchanger to be manufactured with minimum cost using The Bees Algorith...
In this study, position control of a SCARA robot manipulator is investigated using the sliding mode control (SMC) method based on parameter optimization using The Bees Algorithm. The modeling the SCARA manipulator is conducted in MSC Adams and the control implementation is carried out in MATLAB software. The numerical model of the SCARA manipulator...
Bu çalışmada, bir robot kolun konum kontrolü için PID kontrol parametreleri Genetik algoritma (GA) ve Arı Algoritması (AA) kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Robot kolun dinamik ve kinematik denklemleri elde edilerek matematiksel modeli oluşturulmuştur. GA ve AA ile PID kontrol parametreleri belirlenirken minimum konum hatası sağlanabilmesi amaçlanmıştır...
The inverted pendulum system is highly popular in control system applications and has the characteristics of unstable, nonlinear, and fast dynamics. A nonlinear controller is needed to control a system with these characteristics. In addition, there are disturbances and parameter uncertainty issues to be solved in the inverted pendulum system. There...
The research proposed an alternative controller to control the Direct Current (DC) Motor using a sliding mode controller (SMC) in Matlab Simulink simulation and Arduino hardware implementation. The proposed controller, SMC, was designed using the system model (equivalent control) and Lyapunov control design (also to prove the stability). The slidin...
This paper presents the trajectory tracking control of a two-link planar robot manipulator using MSC Adams and MATLAB co-simulation which enables the innovative virtual prototyping of the systems without any mathematical expressions. Firstly, the tracking control performance of the planar manipulator is investigated using the Sliding Mode Control (...
Bu çalışmada, araç dinamiği çalışmalarında yaygın olarak kullanılan çeyrek araç modeli kullanılmıştır. Çeyrek araç modeli oluşturularak, sistemin yaylı ve yaysız kütlesi, yay sertliği, sönümleme katsayısı ve lastik sertliği olmak üzere beş adet tasarım parametresi optimizasyon algoritmaları aracılığı ile belirlenmek üzere seçilmiştir. Optimizasyonu...
Artificial potential field (APF) is the effective real-time guide, navigation, and obstacle avoidance for UAV Quadrotor. The main problem in APF is local minima in an obstacle or multiple obstacles. In this paper, some modifications and improvements of APF will be introduced to solve one-obstacle local minima, two-obstacle local minima, Goal Not Re...
In this study, modeling and LQR control of a reaction wheel inverted pendulum system is described. The reaction wheel inverted pendulum model is created by using a 3D CAD platform and exported to Simscape Multibody. The multibody model is linearized to derive a state-space representation. A LQR (Linear-quadratic regulator) controller is designed an...
Özet-Bu çalışmada, iki linkli düzlemsel bir robot manipülatörün bozucu etki altında yörünge kontrolü yapılmıştır. ADAMS yazılımı vasıtasıyla manipülatörün sanal bir prototipi oluşturulmuştur. Ayrıca, sistem için gerekli olan kontrolcü tasarımı MATLAB/Simulink ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sistemin simülasyonu ise MATLAB ve ADAMS yazılımlarının eş...
In this study, control of a reaction wheel inverted pendulum system is modelled in virtual prototyping environment is proposed. Virtual prototype of the reaction wheel inverted pendulum is created using several softwares. Firstly, the system is created by using SolidWorks and imported to MSC Adams, afterwards the control plant model is exported to...
Heat transfer and turbulent flow characteristics between the ribbed plates have been numerically studied in the present paper. The ribs with the rectangular cross-section have been placed on the top and the bottom plates of the duct, symmetrically. It is assumed that the fluid at 300 K has entered the system while the walls kept at 400 K. All numer...
This paper presents, system identification based inverse kinematics analysis and control of a multi‐DOF road simulator. Multi‐DOF road simulators are special devices which are widely used to perform road profiles to a vehicle in laboratory environments. In this paper a road simulator mechanism is virtually designed and inverse kinematics analysis i...
In this study, topology optimization of a jet engine bracket which was proposed from GE Aviation challenge for improving the brackets is presented using finite element analysis (FEA). The minimum mass, maximum equivalent stress and first natural frequency are selected for the objective functions to topology optimization. Then, topology optimization...
The development and improvement of control techniques has attracted many researchers for many years. Especially in the controller design of complex and nonlinear systems, various methods have been proposed to determine the ideal control parameters. One of the most common and effective of these methods is determining the controller parameters with o...
This paper presents the design of a sliding mode controller (SMC) for trajectory tracking problem for a two-link planar robot manipulator. A virtual prototype of the manipulator has been built by using Adams software. Also, the controller works is achieved in Matlab/Simulink software. The system is simulated in both Matlab and Adams software togeth...
In this study, buckling analyzes of auxiliary cylinders and ram cylinder which are the most important parts of industrial 300 tons H-type hydraulic press are realized for safety factor calculations. For this purpose; linear buckling analyzes of cylinder rods of auxiliary cylinder and ram cylinder are performed by using finite element method. As a r...
In this study, buckling analyzes of auxiliary cylinders and ram cylinder which are the most important parts of industrial 300 tons H-type hydraulic press are realized for safety factor calculations. For this purpose; linear buckling analyzes of cylinder rods of auxiliary cylinder and ram cylinder are performed by using finite element method. As a r...
Genetic algorithm based optimization of a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controller which is designed for position and sway control of an overhead crane is presented in this study. Equations of motion of two degrees of freedom (DOF) crane system are derived by using Lagrange formulation and presented as state-space model. A LQR controller is desi...
Development of new control methods and the improvement of existing control techniques have been interest of researchers for many years. Inverted pendulum systems have been used to test the performance of various control methods in many studies due to their unstable and nonlinear structures. In this work, the use of Particle Swarm Optimization algor...
This work presents a different approach to inverse kinematics analysis of a PUMA robot. PUMA robot is an industrial robot arm with open chain mechanism that is used in different purposes. PUMA robot has a complicated inverse kinematics expressions that needs to be solved. In this paper, the inverse kinematics problem is solved by using MSC ADAMS in...
This research is aimed at developing a multi-body simulation model and balancing control of a single-wheeled inverted pendulum. A virtual prototype of the system has been built by using Adams software and it is simulated in both Matlab and Adams software together. The Adams model has two inputs (disturbance and control) and two outputs (pendulum an...
This research is aimed at developing a multi-body simulation model and control of an inverted pendulum. A virtual prototype of the inverted pendulum is built by using MSC Adams software and the plant model is exported to MATLAB. It is co-simulated in both MATLAB and MSC Adams softwares together. Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is...
In this work, a scara robot type 3D printer system is dynamically modeled and position control of the system is realized. For this aim; computer aided design model of three degrees of freedom robotic system is created using SolidWorks program then obtained model is exported to MATLAB/SimMechanics software for position control. Also mathematical mod...
This paper presents a controller design for position and sway control of nonlinear gantry crane system. Two-dimensional crane system is modelled by using MSC ADAMS. A realistic model is obtained since there is no simplification and linearization on the model. All mass and inertia properties of system components were taken into consideration as were...
This work presents a different approach to inverse kinematics analysis of a PUMA robot. PUMA robot is an industrial robot arm with open chain mechanism that is used in different purposes. PUMA robot has a complicated inverse kinematics expressions that needs to be solved. In this paper, the inverse kinematics problem is solved by using MSC ADAMS in...
In this paper, developing and control of a wheeled self-balancing robot is described. Model of the wheeled self-balancing robot is created by using a computer aided design software and exported to Matlab/Simmechanics. The model is linearized for deriving state (A) and input (B) matrices and derived matrices are used while designing the controller....
Abstract—In this study, an active vibration control system for controlling vehicle vibrations is proposedin order to improve drive vibrations and safety. Proposed system controls vehicle vibrations caused by road profile by utilizing a linear actuator. The mathematical model of the quarter car model is derived and transferred to MATLAB/Simulink sof...
In this study, design and control of a lower extremity exoskeleton that supports walking of load carrying human is realized and a prototype of developed system is constructed. Transmission of minimum amount of the back load to the user is targeted during the design process. In this context, kinematic design of the exoskeleton system is accomplished...
Ensuring vehicle drive comfort and securing drive safety are the leading topics among the most interested issues for researchers in vehicle dynamics area. In this paper, a method utilizing a linear actuator is proposed for active control of the vehicle vibrations which are caused by road profile, intending to improve drive comfort and safety of roa...
Lower extremity exoskeletons are wearable robot manipulators that integrate human intelligence with the strength of legged robots. Recently, lower extremity exoskeletons have been specifically developed for rehabilitation, military, industrial applications and rescuing, heavy-weight lifting and civil defense applications. This paper presents contro...
Exoskeletons are used in rehabilitation, military, industrial applications and rescuing, heavy-weight lifting and civil defense applications as well. This paper presents to design of a lower-extremity exoskeleton assisting walking of a load carrying human. Proposed exoskeleton system is designed to be appropriate mechanism with human lower extremit...