Abdulla Sharo

Abdulla Sharo
Jordan University of Science and Technology | Just · Department of Civil Engineering

Ph.D in geotechnical Engineering


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Publications (41)
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In this study, the effect of the quasi-rate of loading in the crushing of tough black sand will be studied experimentally. The Black tuff sand was obtained from the Al-Hala area (Al Tafila) in southern Jordan. Sand chemical composition is composed mainly of SiO2 with a considerable amount of Fe2O3, Al2O3, and CaO oxides. The experimental works will...
Rutting is one of the most important distresses in asphalt concrete pavements. It is typically caused by consolidation or lateral movement of the materials (reorientation of aggregate particles) due to traffic loading in a hot climate. The ability to predict rutting depth in asphalt concrete pavements is an important aspect of pavement design. In t...
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Sand is one of the most abundant, naturally occurring materials in many parts of the world, which is used in local rural areas in infrastructure projects such as in the construction of low volume paved and unpaved road layers due to their availability at low cost and scarcity of other suitable construction materials. Several geotechnical solutions...
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Due to a lack of geotechnical and geothermal studies on Jordanian limestone, this paper aims to provide the thermal properties, including thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat, using the Hot Disk Transient Plane Source (TPS) 2200 method. It also aims to provide a set of mathematical models through which the thermal properties...
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A relationship to predict the load-displacement curve for axially loaded piles in sandy soil is presented by using the tri-linear softening model to describe the shaft load-displacement relationships, as well as a bi-linear model is adopted to characterize the unit end resistance-displacement reaction in the region of the pile's tip soil. Subsequen...
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The use of hydrophilic bentonite nanoclay to improve the geotechnical properties of expansive soils was studied. Sonic waves and manual mixing for two expansive soils (taken from two different locations in Jordan) were studied; thereafter, a comparison between the results obtained from both methods was carried out. Different percentages of nanoclay...
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Recently, using rocks, especially limestone, in the facades of buildings has become pervasive due to its characteristics such as hardness, insulation, and aesthetic view. Meanwhile, interest in building insulation materials has been increased to prevent indoor humidity of building walls and provide thermal comfort with less energy usage. As a resul...
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This study aims to investigate the variation of P-wave velocity as a function of water saturation. In addition, by using a regression analysis, a predictability of saturated P-wave velocity from dry P-wave velocity and rock's hardness has been examined. In order to perform this study, one hundred cylindrical rock core samples, fifty samples each ob...
A new approach for estimating friction capacity of open-ended piles driven into sand is presented in this work. The approach is based on the hypothesis that the unit shaft friction profile along a closed-ended pile can be extrapolated to get the unit shaft friction profile along a similar open-ended pile by multiplying the former profile by the app...
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the use of glass fibers and cement as stabilizing agents for highly expansive soil. Fibers with two aspect ratios (12 and 30 mm in length) were added as percentages of the soil’s dry weight (0.5%, 0.75%, 1%, and 1.5%), the cement was added in two percentages by dry weight soil (2% and 6%). Sixteen gr...
The work presented in this paper aimed at investigating soil stratification and flow movement direction effects on the equivalent normal coefficient of permeability,(keq)n, of a layered soil system following the “falling head” permeability test procedure. A special mold capable of measuring the permeability of layered soil systems was manufactured....
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In this study, the effect of the quasi rate of loading in the crushing of black tough sand will be studied experimentally. The experimental works will be conducted at different normal stresses, different relative densities, and different rates of loading using the direct shear tests. All test specimens were prepared with uniformly graded sand, pass...
The influence of pozzolanic materials on calcium-based soil stabilization technique has recently attracted researchers’ attention as such materials may catalyze the occurrence of pozzolanic reactions due to their high SiO2 and AL2O3 content. In this study, the effect of adding natural zeolite, which is a common pozzolanic material, on soil stabiliz...
This study offers an alternative analytical solution, for one and two-dimensional consolidation problem, for functionally-homogenous isotropic clay layer. The fundamental analytical solution presented in this study is derived based on the Laplace transform which eliminates the time-dependent and Heaviside's inversion theorem to extract the inverse....
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Methane and carbon dioxide are of major concern as greenhouse gases; the landfills have the problem of controlling these gases. Al Akaider in Jordan is the second biggest landfill suffers controlling gases as it lacks a cover design system. In this work, the main goal is to investigate the appropriateness of amended expansive clayey soil in Irbid a...
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With the recently increased interest for sustainable engineering and its applications in geotechnical engineering, soil treatment becomes a customary strategy used to enhance soils to accomplish the specifications of different projects. Soil stabilization, which includes soil stabilization by additives, is a well-known method to improve engineering...
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The main purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of disposing commonly used detergents, namely Sodium Hypo-Chlorite, with a commercial name (Clorox), and Quaternary Ammonium Chloride commercially, known as (Flash), to soil on some of the geotechnical properties of different soils selected from three different locations in the northern...
Observations derived from updated field test databases indicate that total axial pile capacity of driven piles in sand continues to increase with time long after complete dissipation of excess pore pressure generated by pile driving. The increase in pile capacity with time is attributed to time-dependent increase in shaft capacity which is termed i...
Conference Paper
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A The main thrust of this paper is to investigate the possible relationship between unconfined compression strength (UCS) and strength obtained by means of point load test (PLT) from some rocks taken from Jordan. Two rock types including Chalky Limestone-Chalky Marl and Basalt were collected from two different places in Jordan and then tested to ev...
Conference Paper
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A The main thrust of this paper is to investigate the possible relationship between unconfined compression strength (UCS) and strength obtained by means of point load test (PLT) from some rocks taken from Jordan. Two rock types including Chalky Limestone- Chalky Marl and Basalt were collected from two different places in Jordan and then tested to e...
Abstract The main purpose of this article is to investigate the possibility of improving expansive soils properties using different additives, cement, lime, and a combination of lime and cement. An experimental program has been carried out on expansive clayey samples taken from Irbid, Jordan. Cement, lime and cement-lime mixture have been added as...
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This study aims at investigating possible connections between point load index (Is50) and the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) for a Basaltic rock derived from different regions in Jordan and examining potential relationships between Basalt physical properties and ultrasonic pulse value (UPV). A series of lab experiments including point load tes...
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This study aims at investigating possible connections between point load index (Is50) and the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) for a Basaltic rock derived from different regions in Jordan and examining potential relationships between Basalt physical properties and ultrasonic pulse value (UPV). A series of lab experiments including point load tes...
Rivista di Matematica della Universita di Parma
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The main thrust of this research paper is to present a spatial distribution for the engineering soil properties in the northern region of the Dead Sea, Jordan, using Arc GIS (geographic information system). Also, this study aimed at recommending possible foundation type and depth of embedment of proposed structures within the study area to comfort...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possible use of oil shale as a soil stabilizing agent for expansive soils. Design/methodology/approach An experimental work has been fulfilled to investigate the influence of oil shale ash (OSA) on the geotechnical behavior of the expansive soil of Irbid, Jordan. Three swelling-shrinkage soils...
Conference Paper
The main goal of this work is to investigate the effect of addition of nano-clay material on the improvement of strength and swelling potential of an expansive clayey soil. The geotechnical properties of a selected expansive clayey soil obtained from Irbid city were determined for soil classification purposes. Free swelling and unconfined compressi...
Conference Paper
In this study a mathematical formulation to estimate the resistance factor of sandy soil η was developed. The mathematical formulation presented herein was formulated based on a numerical parametric study to survey the effect of sand properties and pile diameter on η. ABAQUS finite element program was used to model the pressuremeter test in sand. T...
Conference Paper
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In this study an empirical formulation to estimate the identification number of transversely isotropic rock β was developed. The empirical formulation is formulated based on a numerical study, using ABAQUS finite element program to model the pressuremeter test, to explore the effect of the cross-anisotropy of geomaterials on β. The FE analysis resu...
Conference Paper
Some geomaterials (soils and rocks) exhibit direction dependent linear elastic stiffness values due to their geological formation processes. This paper presents a numerical study, using ABAQUS finite element program, to investigate the effect of cross-anisotropy of geomaterials on the initial elastic pressuremeter response, in terms of Ki, i.e. the...
Rock mass often exhibits transversely isotropic stress strain behavior due to the inherent mineral grain orientation and the presence of bedding planes of parallel sets of joints. Recognizing this important aspect of rock behavior, there has been a significant amount of research efforts in the past to develop pertinent methods for determining the r...
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In this study a theoretical formulation for Poisson’s ratio effects on tensile and compressive shaft capacity of driven piles in sand is developed. The theoretical formulation, which accounts for the existence of post-driving residual loads, is formulated based on a simple model for the pile–soil interface after pile installation and before pile ax...


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