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Abderrahman El Mhamedi

Abderrahman El Mhamedi
IUT de Montreuil - Paris 8 University · Qualité, Logistiqe Indutrielle et Organisation (QLIO)



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January 2004 - present
Paris 8 University
  • Professor


Publications (273)
In this research, we have constructed a multi-objective programming framework for organizing physician schedules. This article introduces a goal programming (GP) model designed to address both hard and flexible constraints within a monthly planning timeframe. The rigid constraints demand strict compliance, while the flexible constraints may be rela...
Hospital resilience is a pivotal factor in determining the effectiveness of healthcare supply chains, particularly in the face of diverse disruptions and challenges. This chapter conducts a rigorous examination of hospital resilience by undertaking a comprehensive literature review to analyze and synthesize the prevailing definitions across scholar...
This study aims to deal with a dynamic scheduling problem of a real Flow Shop followup of an assembly process considering the specific constraints and requirements of a brass accessories manufacturing company. We basically set up a Digital Twin-driven dynamic scheduling approach for Industry 4.0 by addressing uncertainties of machines availability....
Conference Paper
Effective maintenance operations are crucial for upholding the productivity of production sites and, consequently, the competitiveness of manufacturing companies. This article introduces a decision-making methodology for maintenance management, incorporating a real case study, aimed at enhancing various maintenance performance metrics. The proposed...
This paper describes an approach for extending polyglot ArchiMate hypermodel for interoperability to graph technologies. This extension addresses advanced interactive graph visualization issue applied to modular models of composite systems. The proposed approach, which can be applied to any kind of modeling language having the same characteristics...
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This paper introduces a predictive maintenance model based on Machine Learning (ML) in the context of a smart factory. It addresses a critical aspect within factories which is the health assessment of vital machinery. This case study specifically focuses on two brass accessories assembly robots and predicts the degradation of their power transmitte...
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Le colloque LOGISTIQUA est une manifestation scientifique internationale qui rassemble chercheurs, praticiens et académiciens dont les centres d'intérêt gravitent autour de la gestion des Chaines d'approvisionnement. Ce colloque, est un véritable carrefour où se croisent et s'échangent les idées, les pratiques, les méthodes et les théories pouvant...
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This paper investigates the performance of one of the latest metaheuristic swarm-based approaches called Slime Mould Algorithm (SMA). SMA is used here to solve the static bi-objective constrained Economic Emission Dispatch (EED) problem in the presence of renewable energy sources while considering the Valve-Point Effects (VPE). The SMA approach is...
In the industrial context, the smooth running of production requires the proper functioning of the machines as well as the quality of the products manufactured. In practice, production, maintenance, and quality are often managed separately, despite their close linkage. There- fore, it is essential to jointly manage production, maintenance, and qual...
This study presents the development of a predictive model for the health monitoring of power transmitters in a packaging robot using machine learning techniques. The model is based on a Discrete Bayesian Filter (DBF) and is compared to a model based on a Naïve Bayes Filter (NBF). Data preprocessing techniques are applied to select suitable descript...
In this paper, we are concerned with the development of solutions for optimal production planning and management of perishable products with a focus to ice-food product for which scarce literature is available. A key aspect of our proposed study is that it takes into account the interaction between various features, namely: the material and the hum...
Conference Paper
A virtual counterpart of a real-world good, system, person, community, or even city that is continuously updated is known as a digital twin (DT). It acts as a link between virtual cyberspace and actual physical entities and is therefore seen as Industry 4.0's cornerstone and the future of innovation. From birth to death, so to speak, a DT is made a...
Conference Paper
In today's high manufacturers' competition, companies attempt to involve new advanced technologies to retain their market share. With smart technology, process and production methods are improved to suit the new manufacturers' needs. Now in the era of industry 4.0, the production techniques have to be developed to fulfil the customers' demands. Ind...
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The design layout of industrial facilities has a great impact on its workflow success. The following study assesses a factory specialized in the manufacture of various brass accessories using the 4.0 industrial context to condition its operation process. The studied industrial facility was experiencing performance difficulties due to a coordination...
In this article, we propose to address the issue of the location of green logistics platforms (GLP) in a fuzzy environment. Given the different criteria for this choice, optimizing the weighting of these is essential. To do this, we will propose a hybrid approach combining the fuzzy stepwise weight assessment method (F-SWARA), which is a subjective...
Many real-world problems related to the route such as its fees, ecological footprint, duration, and/or distance. We propose a bi-objective formulation for this problem named Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Temporal Dependency Multiple Structure and Multiple Specialties “GVRPTW-TD-2MS” in home health care field. It aims in the first...
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Industry 4.0 is a basic step in the upgrade of manufacturing companies into digital enterprises. It allows more flexibility in manufacturing, as well as mass customization, provides better quality, and enhances productivity. As a result, it empowers companies to meet the challenges of smart manufacturing which is increasingly individualizing produc...
The textile sector is a key contributor to global economic growth. Nevertheless, in the recent years, it has been censured for its nontransparent, non-secured, and non-traceable supply chain. To help overcome these issues, we propose an approach based on decentralized transaction and data management technology that characterize blockchain technolog...
This paper studies a particular integration of the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem with three-dimensional loading constraints (3L-HFVRP), which considers rectangular-shaped items to be delivered to customers and loading constraints to be satisfied. The resolution of this problem consists of assigning a loading plan to each used vehicle,...
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The Economic Emission Dispatch (EED) is a multi-objective optimization problem that seeks to find the optimal balance between the reduction of the generation costs and the pollutant emissions of power thermal plants while respecting power balance and several operational restrictions. This balance could be carried out by proper scheduling power gene...
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In this article, the main subject is the problem of the location of Urban Distribution Centers (UDC) in an environment characterized by uncertainty. Thus, a decision support process based on fuzzy multi-criteria methods (F-MCDM) will be proposed as the solution. The CATWOE method is used for identifying the Stakeholders (PPs) concerned by the local...
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: Selecting team is one of the important issues in football. The role of a coach is selecting players that are formed subjectively without regard to various criteria. Her decision can impact team performance. Thus, this paper presents a new methodology to assess and rank football team based on multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). The aim is to se...
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Selecting team is one of the important issues in football. The role of a coach is selecting players that are formed subjectively without regard to various criteria. Her decision can impact team performance. Thus, this paper presents a new methodology to assess and rank football team based on multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). The aim is to sele...
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Industry 4.0 is the basis for the transformation of manufacturing companies into digital enterprises. It promises more flexibility in manufacturing, as well as mass customization, better quality and enhanced productivity. As a result, it empowers companies to meet the challenges of smart manufacturing of increasingly individualized products with sh...
Nowadays, the textile industry is strutting its stuff. On one hand, customers have a diverse choice of products available on personalized mobile apps, with immediate deliveries and returns. On the other hand, production is more effective and efficient than ever, thanks to increased automation and computerization in textile processes. However curren...
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Despite investigative efforts seen in the literature, the maximum power pointtracking remains again a crucial problem in photovoltaic system (PV) con-nected to the power grid. In this paper, a new maximum power point trackingtechnique which is our contribution to the resolution of this problem istreated. We proposed a hybrid controller of maximum p...
The elicitation of expert knowledge in a Bayesian model is a big challenge. Elicitation requirements increase exponentially with the size of the model, making the expert’s task more difficult and generating problems of quality or coherence of the elicited result. In this paper, we develop an extended Cluster-WSA method using several clusters as an...
As of March11, 2020 the world Health Organization (WHO) declared Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a pandemic. The disastrous outbreak of Covid-19 is described as humanity’s worst crisis since World War II. Effectively, not only has it caused severe disruptions around the world at different levels–social, economic, political-but it has also a...
In this research paper, we consider two bi-objectives models, the Vehicle Routing Problem Preferences with Time windows, temporal dependencies, multiple structures and multiple specialties “VRPPTW-TD-2MS” and the Vehicle Routing Problem Balance with Time windows, temporal dependencies, multiple structures and multiple specialties “VRPBTW-TD-2MS”, i...
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La transition énergétique vers les énergies renouvelables a poussé les pays notamment ceux du sahel à utiliser au mieux les énergies renouvelables. Parmi ces énergies renouvelables, le biogaz contribue aux défis énergétiques et environnementaux des populations. Dans ce papier, nous proposons une méthodologie capable à la fois de produire du froid e...
The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), coupled with other capabilities such as Cloud Computing and many others, creates opportunities for the development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) at the scale of a digital business ecosystem. It will impact the way engineers work when designing, developing, deploying, operating, or maintaining complex...
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Solving the Economic Dispatch (ED) problem is an essential task in electrical power management systems. The aim of the ED is to minimize the fuel consumption costs of thermal power plants which could be carried out by finding the optimal generation power for each committed generating unit while providing the load demand and satisfying the operation...
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This paper treats the integration of 3D loading constraints in Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) and highlights its impact on the feasibility of VRP solutions. The Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problems (HFVRP) is the variant of the VRP class problem that is the subject of this study. Its objective is to construct a set of vehicle routes in orde...
In recent years, globalization, economic changes and technological development that have appeared in today’s industrial world, oblige companies and industries to be more responsive, to satisfy and meet all the needs of the market, and adapt to the evolution of their customers. This is why forecasting demand is crucial issue for business performance...
This paper aims to solve the problem of home-care routing by using a metaheuristic inspired by nature which is the firefly (FF) algorithm. A good discretization and correction of the solution was provided to maintain the advantages of such an algorithm on this combinatorial problem. Even if the problem is only an extension of the vehicle routing pr...
Conference Paper
RESUME-Le service d'urgence devient le mode d'accès privilégié aux soins hospitaliers. Il représente la porte d'entrée dans un hôpital. Dans cette communication nous proposons d'améliorer la performance du service d'urgence de l'hôpital Habib Bourguiba Sfax. Nous présentons les résultats du modèle de simulation. Ce dernier nous a permis à partir d'...
Conference Paper
Scheduling emergency nurses is a complex task. It considers a large number of rules (often conflicting) related to various aspects such as limits on the number of consecutive work hours, number of day and night shifts that should be worked by each nurse, nurse staffing requirements according to seniority levels for the day and night shifts, restric...
Conference Paper
Scheduling emergency nurses is a complex task, which considers a large number of rules (often conflicting) related to various aspects such as limits on the number of consecutive work hours, number that accommodates both hard and soft constraints for a monthly planning horizon will proposed. The hard constraints should be adhered to strictly, wherea...
Conference Paper
RESUME La performance de l'hôpital est fortement liée à l'ensemble des performances des services le constituant, notamment le service d'urgence. La gestion des flux des patients au niveau du service des urgences est l'un des problèmes les plus importants à gérer par les directions hospitalières. Augmentation en permanence du nombre des patients arr...
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The purpose of this article is to deal with subcontracting strategies in the context of production, maintenance and quality integration. We study the multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem for a production system composed of a single machine. The production system is considered imperfect, producing both conforming and non-conforming items. Howev...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to consider various possible constraints of the problem of production and maintenance planning control for a multi-machine under subcontracting constraint, in order to bring the manufacturer industry closer to real mode. In this paper, we present an efficient and feasible optimal solution, by comparing optimizat...
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This paper deals with the vehicle routing problems for urban good distribution. The mix fleet size problem is a variant of the vehicle routing problem called Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem (HFVRP). The objective is to design a set of routes in order to minimize the sum of the costs. The purpose of this study is to develop a Tabu search...
Conference Paper
This paper capitalizes some fundamental aspects of the Tabu Search (TS) as a strategy for combinatorial optimization problems, especially Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) for urban good distribution. in the last 2 decades or so, TS has proven his efficiency in treating different variants of VRP. The current study addresses the basic components and pr...
Conference Paper
Electric Vehicle Routing Problem (EVRP) has received considerable interest in these recent years in the field of combinatorial optimization. A massive assortment of methods has been proposed in the literature. In this paper, the classification of EVRP is presented in an attempt to provide common classification mechanisms. As a clarification of the...
Conference Paper
In Operation Research, many scientific researchers place great importance on the people's satisfactions, needs and the improvement of the living conditions. They shed light on Home (Health)-Care services aspects related to the vehicle routing problems (VRP). Very large number of VRP variants are with many similarities, but differ in structure. In t...
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Access to electricity and supplying reliable energy are the key elements that support local economic development and contribute to reducing poverty. Moreover, the problem of environmental protection can be considered as a factor of sustainable development. In response to these many challenges, appropriate national and regional policies, as well as...
During last years, the federated interoperability framework (FIF) has been developed by Airbus Group Innovation (AGI) for establishing sustainable Product and Process data interoperability. FIF combines usage of open standards for Manufacturing, Information Systems (IS) and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT). FIF evolvability was demons...
The majority of medical procedures need cooperation and coordination of several services and actors. It is the case for the organ transplantation procedure, considered as one of the most complex and challenging medical procedures. This paper presents a distributed architecture approach supported by agents and workflow metaphor. In order to organize...
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Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) is one of the well-known methods of quality management that is used for continuous improvement in product or process design. This method uses linguistic expressions and has good information about cause-effect chains. However, it lacks probabilistic information. Transforming it into a Bayesian...
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This chapter presents a support approach for the building and the selection of multidisciplinary teams. In the first part, we propose a new general model for multidisciplinary team building. The proposed model takes professional’s preferences into account when a team building process is required for any type of project. In the second part, we devel...
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One of the most innovative solutions treated in the literature in order to reduce the environmental impact of urban parcel delivery logistics is the use of drones for delivery on the last kilometer. Consequently, nowadays, the primary challenge is essentially related to the drones’ fleet sizing according to its means of support for the urban delive...
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Despite the enormous solar potential of African countries, the main concern of autonomous PV systems is still in its poor efficiency. This paper proposes an approach to improve the performance of these autonomous photovoltaic systems subject to “disturbances and observation”. An autonomous PV system model adapted by the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tr...
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A knowledge representation and reasoning from data have produced many models. Probabilistic graphical models, specifically the Bayesian Network (BN) have proved its worth. It is considered to be a very useful tool for representing uncertain knowledge and decision-making support. This presupposes availability of knowledge problem in the conditional...
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Growing number of passenger in the world resulted congestion problem in the airport. Many airports try to improve the performance of the service by company program related to passenger satisfaction. To develop the company program, management of airport should know performance of existing system. In this research, we measure and compare the performa...
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Supply chain managers always look for invulnerable supply chains with minimum risks and more resilience. This aspiration is all the more insistent when it comes to an agrifood supply chain with a complex and large volume flow in addition to the constraints related to processes, safety and business. Likewise, any successful strategy for resilience i...
Partner selection is a crucial problem in supply chain management in which it is essential today to integrate sustainability criteria due to regulation, stakeholder pressers and economic interests. Thus, a sustainability-focused evaluation model for partner selection is required in order to improve the overall performance of the supply chain. This...
Vehicle routing problem is a crucial issue in which it is important to consider environmental initiatives. This issue imposes considerable environmental costs, covering a wide range of different damages on human health. However, research works that consider vehicle routing problem and environmental issue in real case studies are rather limited unti...