Abdellah Alem

Abdellah Alem
Université Le Havre Normandie · LOMC universite du Havre


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Publications (67)
Significant anthropogenic activities have contributed to water pollution with harmful contaminants such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. This study focuses on the use of a co-product from the flax fiber industry (i.e. activated carbon coming from flax shives after pyrolysis) as bio-adsorbent. First, for the modelling ste...
During the last decades, intense human activities have been involved in the pollution of the environment by many hazardous pollutants, such as heavy metals. These pollutants can interact with soil particles or remain dissolved in water. Additionally, the development of plant fiber filters in hydraulic structures is a method utilized to reduce heavy...
Transport of micron-sized particles in fractured rocks can potentially contaminate groundwater and may have important implications for environmental and human health. This study aimed to understand the transport of kaolinite particles and the fluorescein tracer through fractured chalk, particularly at high flow velocities and using various fracture...
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Intense human activities have for years contributed to the pollution of the environment by many dangerous pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. There are many conventional methods used to control pollution, with practical and/or financial drawbacks. Therefore, in recent years, an innovative, easy-to-imple...
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This study used alfa grass fibers as a natural low-cost adsorbent to remove lead, copper, and zinc ions from aqueous solutions. The adsorbent was characterized by FTIR, SEM, BET surface area, ATG, and XRD techniques. The effects of pH, contact time, initial metal concentration, and adsorbent dosage on the adsorption efficiency were evaluated in bat...
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The transport of suspended particles through fractured rocks contributes, for example, to the contamination and therefore to the vulnerability of karst groundwater. Thus, the effect of flow velocity on the transport of suspended particles in an artificial fractured chalk was undertaken. Preliminary results showed that the flow velocity greatly affe...
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Fine particle (FP) transport in porous media promotes pollutant transport to groundwater. It behave as pollution vectors. Short pulse injection tests in a laboratory column were performed to investigate the influence of FP size and flow velocity on the transport parameters in a saturated sandy porous medium. FP with two different size distributions...
This study investigates the impact of interruption of injections on the transfer and retention of suspended particles (SP) in granular media. Columns packed with sand were operated in the laboratory, and a series of experiments of SP injections were conducted: the first by injecting SP without interrupting injection, the second and third experiment...
Biosorption is an efficient and cost effective method for heavy metals remediation. However, saturated biosorbents may present a serious problem for the environment. Flax fibers have previously shown very good adsorption capacities to remove zinc, copper and lead ions from contaminated aqueous solutions. In this study, adsorption-desorption cycles...
Managed aquifer recharge is an efficient approach using surface water for groundwater recharge. However, soil clogging in the infiltration systems represents a critical problem that reduces the efficiency of recharge systems. In recent years, much research has been conducted to investigate clogging in subsurface and surface soil (cake). Cake preven...
Many geotechnical problems involve pavements in Algerian arid regions; the main among them being related to the scarcity of standard materials. Recently, numerous studies were carried out on the valorization of Saharan local materials for pavement design. In this context, dune sand, tuff and quarry waste are promising alternatives. In this study, t...
The clogging caused by the deposition of suspended particles modifies in depth several mechanical parameters (permeability, porosity, bulk moduli, etc.) of porous media and influences the acoustic behaviour. Consequently, at a fixed position in the medium, changes in phase velocity and attenuation are observed in the amplitude of the temporal signa...
Competitive and non-competitive batch experiments were conducted on flax fibers to study Zn²⁺, Cu²⁺, and Pb²⁺ ions biosorption performance. Biosorption efficiency was dependent on contact time, pH, and biosorbent concentration. The results under competitive conditions were different from those obtained in non-competitive form. A high affinity of le...
To overcome water scarcity issues in arid and semi-arid regions, Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) remains a viable and suitable solution to manage and restore aquifers. However, clogging represents a major issue that can affect the durability and efficiency of MAR structures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent of clogging in MAR sites (...
Conference Paper
Particle depositions can cause the clogging in hydraulic structures.This phenomenon is hardly detectable and not very visible in its first manifestations. A protocol for the detection of fine particles, their transport and their deposition in a porous medium could be of interest for predicting the first appearances in the hydraulic structures. The...
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A cotransport study of heavy metals and kaolinite particles in sand column with and without flax geotextiles was carried out. The objectives were to evaluate the potential role of kaolinite in heavy metals transfer and to analyse the influence of flax geotextiles on the transfer of these pollutants. The adsorption rates of heavy metals on the kaoli...
Filtration tests were carried out in laboratory columns filled with crushed sand with and without flax geotextiles to study the transfer and retention of soluble heavy metals. Divalent cations of copper, zinc and lead were simultaneously and continuously injected in filtration columns. Results show that, when geotextiles discs are present the reten...
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La compréhension du transfert des particules en suspension dans un milieu poreux a une grande implication sur la réduction du risque de contamination des ressources hydriques. Le transport de particules en suspension joue un rôle crucial dans des domaines aussi divers que l'industrie (filtration, chromatographie, traitement de l'eau) ou les science...
A study was undertaken to characterise the evolution of the clogging of various porous media during filtration experiments. Long term tracer tests were carried out at various flow velocities. To highlight the effects of intraporosity on transport and retention mechanisms, both single porosity and double porosity media (DPM) were used. The presence...
A time-distance-dependent deposition model is built to investigate the effects of hydrodynamic forces on the transport and deposition of polydispersed particles and the evolution of deposition rates with time and distance. Straining and the heterogeneity of the particle population are considered to play important roles in the decreasing distributio...
L'objectif de cette étude est d'étudier et quantifier le potentiel de sorption par les fibres de lin des ions de métaux lourds solubles (Pb+2, Cu+2 et Zn+2) à partir d'une solution aqueuse. L'étude est menée en utilisant la technique batch. Différentes conditions d'essais tels que le temps de contact, le pH, la concentration initiale en métaux lour...
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The aim of this paper is to present the results of two different tests: (i) Batch experiment to quantify the sorption potential of flax fibre tows for lead ions from aqueous solution. The influence of contact time, pH, initial concentration, and adsorbent dose on the adsorption process were studied. Results revealed that adsorption rate initially i...
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This study was carried out to examine the adsorption capacity of the flax fibres tows (FFT) adsorbent for the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution using batch-adsorption techniques. The influence of contact time, pH, initial concentration and adsorbent quantity on the adsorption process was studied. Results revealed that adsorption rate in...
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In this study, the coupled effect of ionic strength, particle size, and flow velocity on transport and deposition of suspended particles (SP) in saturated sand was undertaken. Three polydispersive SP populations (silt particles with the median of 3.5, 9.5 and 18.3 \(\upmu \)m) were investigated using a pulse injection technique. High ionic strength...
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Short-pulse injection experiments are investigated to study the effects of particle size non-uniformity on the transport and retention in saturated porous media. Monodisperse particles (3, 10, and 16 \(\upmu \hbox {m}\) latex microspheres) and polydisperse particles (containing 3, 10, and 16 latex microspheres) were explored. The obtained results s...
In this paper, numerical simulations of experimental data were performed with kinetic rate coefficients to characterize the retention and re-entrainment dynamics under different hydrodynamic conditions for monodisperse and polydisperse latex particles (3, 10, 16 μm and the mixture). The results show that drastic increase in fluid velocity provokes...
The effects of porous media grain size distribution on the transport and deposition of polydisperse suspended particles under different flow velocities were investigated. Selected Kaolinite particles (2–30 μm) and Fluorescein (dissolved tracer) were injected in the porous media by step input injection technique. Three sands filled columns were used...
Natural geotextiles are increasingly used in geotechnical applications such as bank protection and short-term soil reinforcement. This study aimed to highlight the behaviour of natural flax fibre geotextiles towards the retention of suspended particles present in urban runoff and often polluted. Indeed, it is well known that a large fraction of the...
Conference Paper
Understanding the transport of suspended particles in a porous medium has great implications for reducing the risk of contamination of water resources. The transport of suspended particles plays a crucial role in diverse industries (filtration, chromatography, and water treatment), earth sciences and civil engineering (hydrogeology, environment...)...
Contexte : L'étude, en collaboration avec la CODAH, a pour objectif de tester en vraie grandeur, au niveau d'un système de collecte des eaux de ruissellement, un dispositif de filtration simple, placé à l'amont d'une noue et d'un bassin. Il s'agit d'une tranchée aux dimensions réduites, qui est remplie de matériaux granulaires enveloppés dans des g...
Conference Paper
Understanding the transport of suspended particles in a porous medium has great implications for reducing the risk of contamination of water resources. The transport of suspended particles (SP) plays a crucial role in diverse industries (filtration, chromatography, and water treatment), earth sciences and civil engineering (hydrogeology, environmen...
The acoustic plane wave transmission by water saturated double porosity media is investigated. Two samples of double porosity media assumed to obey Berryman and Wang (BW) extension [1-2] of Biot’s theory in the low frequency regime are under consideration: ROBU® (pure binder-free borosilicate glass 3.3 manufactured to form the individual grains) an...
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La réflexion et la transmission d’ondes ultrasonores par une couche de milieu à double porosité saturé par de l’eau et contenu dans une boîte rectangulaire en aluminium, sont étudiées. Deux matériaux supposés obéir à l'extension faite par Berryman et Wang (1995) de la théorie de Biot dans le régime basse fréquence sont examinés : (i) le ROBU® dont...
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Wave propagation through a multilayered structure consisting of a water saturated double porosity medium in an aluminum rectangular box immersed in water is studied. By assuming a plane incident wave from water onto the structure, the reflection and transmission coefficients are derived by application of the boundary conditions at each interface. N...
Contexte : L'étude, en collaboration avec la CODAH, a pour objectif de tester en vraie grandeur, au niveau d'un système de collecte des eaux de ruissellement, un dispositif de filtration simple, placé à l'amont d'une noue et d'un bassin. Il s'agit d'une tranchée aux dimensions réduites, qui est remplie de matériaux granulaires enveloppés dans des g...
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In this study, filtration experiments were performed in the laboratory on columns filled with sand with and without geotextile composed of flax fibers. The suspended particles were injected at constant flow velocity. This study show that the geotextile composed of flax fiber can trap suspended particles and reduce their restitution to the outlet of...
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A study was undertaken on physical clogging of a porous medium by injecting suspended particles (SP), ranging in diameter from 1.7 to 40 μm, into a sand-filled column. Long-term tracer tests were carried out at various flow velocities. Retention of the SP is significantly influenced by the flow velocity. At low flow velocities, retention is confine...
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The effects of the hydraulic operating conditions and the concentration of suspended particles (SP) in pore fluid on the filtration and physical clogging of a porous medium were investigated. Polydisperse kaolinite SPwas injected into a sand-filled column under two different operating conditions: constant flow rate and constant head. The retention...
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A numerical phenomenological filtration model based on the combination of existing modeling approaches for simulating the transport of suspended particles in saturated porous medium is presented. The model accounts for the decreased physical straining with the distance from the inlet and the amount of deposited particles in the deposition kinetics....
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Des injections en continue d'une suspension de particules de kaolinite dans une colonne de laboratoire remplie de sable ont été effectuées. Différentes vitesses d'écoulement ont été utilisées. Des échantillons ont été prélevés dans l'effluent pour analyse granulométrique. Les résultats montrent que le taux de restitution augmente et par conséquent,...
Conference Paper
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L'étude s'inscrit dans la compréhension des mécanismes de transfert des fluides chargés en particules fines dans les milieux à double porosité. Il s'agit d'associer à des calculs numériques une validation expérimentale au laboratoire en vue de prédire par des moyens d'investigations non destructifs (ondes ultrasonores) le degré de colmatage du mili...
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An experimental study on the transport and deposition of suspended particles (SP) in a saturated porous medium (calibrated sand) was undertaken. The influence of the size distribution of the SP under different flow rates is explored. To achieve this objective, three populations with different particles size distributions were selected. The median d...
Solid particle detachment, transport and deposition in natural or artificial porous media have been the subject of an intense research effort in the last four decades. Particle-facilitated contaminants transport, accidents due to internal erosion in the hydraulic structures and permeability decreases of the oil wells, drinking water supply or artif...
A laboratory study was undertaken on the transport and the deposition of suspended particles (silt of modal diametre 6µm) in three columns of different length, filled with glass beads or gravel. Tracer tests were carried out at various flow velocities by short pulses of a mixture of suspended particles/dissolved tracer. The breakthrough curves were...
This paper presents an experimental study of the transport of suspended particles (SP) in a saturated porous medium, aimed at delineating the effects of pore structure on particle transport and deposition rate. Two porous media (silica gravel and glass beads) and silt SP were used. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) were well described by an analytical sol...
A laboratory study was undertaken to determine the transport and deposition rate of suspended particles in columns of saturated porous media (gravel and glass beads), where the porous media were subjected to steady-state flow. Silt particles with a mode of 14 mu m diameter (used as the suspended particles) and fluorescein (as the conservative trace...
An experimental study which aimed at investigating the transport behaviour of suspended particles in saturated porous media is presented. A short-pulse technique was used for measuring particle recovery and collision efficiencies in two porous media (silica gravel and glass beads). Breakthrough curves (BTCs) were measured on-line and well described...
We study in this paper the transport and deposition of suspended particles in saturated porous media. Some chromatographic short-pulse tests were performed in a laboratory column with a tracer and two types of suspended particles. A mathematical model was used to determine the hydrodispersive parameters and deposition rates from the breakthrough cu...
This paper presents a simple p-y analysis to solve the equations governing laterally loaded pile. This analytical method which is based on the beam-on-elastic-foundation analysis is improved by modeling soil non-linearity. The p-y curve method which is based on subgrade reaction approach, was used to predict the response of piles. Predicted respons...
In the design of piles, we are frequently bound to study both the pile head deflection and the maximum bending moment. By using the subgrade reaction theory with a simplified p-y soil response, an analytical method is developed for the solution of the pile bending equations for a pile subjected to flexion and horizontal load. This paper describes t...
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RÉSUMÉ. L'érosion interne est un mécanisme majeur responsable des instabilités des ouvrages en terre de retenue d'eau. Les mécanismes responsables de l'érosion interne sont complexes, évolutifs et dépendent de plusieurs paramètres qui peuvent être couplés. Le processus de migration des grains, lors d'un écoulement, dans la matrice granulaire est l'...


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