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Publications (64)
We explore the growth of lower-continental crust by examining the root of the Southern California Batholith, an ∼500-km-long, paleo-arc segment of the Mesozoic California arc that lies between the southern Sierra Nevada Batholith and northern Peninsular Ranges Batholith. We focus on the Cucamonga and San Antonio terranes located in the eastern San...
The western Argentinian sector of Gondwana has been the focus of several recent studies related to the Famatinian orogeny; however, the geologic history of arc activity in hinterland areas remains poorly understood. We present new data from the Monte Guazú Complex that reveal arc-related magmatism in the Sierras de Córdoba, which we consider part o...
Situated in the western Sierras Pampeanas of San Luis, the Nogolí Metamorphic Complex has become a key geological locality for unraveling the construction of the western Gondwana margin on the South American tectonic plate. This study presents a comprehensive analysis, encompassing new petrological and geochronological data, along with a meticulous...
The granulite-complexes of the Sierras de Córdoba, inside context of Sierras Pampeanas, expose the deeply-uplifted internal metamorphic zone of an early Cambrian orogen. One of the largest granulite-complexes in the north-central of Sierra de Comechingones consists mainly of a set of stromatic and diatexitic migmatites all derived from metasediment...
Within the northern Famatina system, the Narváez and Las Planchadas range expose an almost complete series of plutonic, volcanic-subvolcanic, and sedimentary rocks. Petrologic, stratigraphic, and geochemical features allow defining three lithostratigraphic units: Narváez Formation, Suri Formation including two members I-Vuelta de las Tolas, II-Loma...
Las Sierras de Narváez y Las Planchadas exponen una serie de rocas plutónicas, volcánicas-subvolcánicas y sedimentarias, cuyas relaciones petrológicas, estratigráficas y geoquímicas permiten su agrupación en tres unidades litoestratigráficas: Formación Narváez, Formación Suri (I-Miembro Vuelta de las Tolas, II-Miembro Loma del Kilómetro/Punta Pétre...
Four major igneous suites with different geochemical characteristics are identified in the accretionary complex of the Pampean orogeny from the southern Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina. Crystallization ages of gabbroic and trondhjemitic plutonic rocks are Early to Middle Cambrian. The plutonic suites include mafic to intermediate alkaline OIB-like ro...
The Famatinian arc, over central-western Argentina, is one of the few examples of exposed crustal arc cross-section in the world. This Paleozoic magmatic arc and orogenic system on the Earth's surface offers unique insights into the nature of whole-arc processes, continental crust generation, and preservation. A detailed account of birth, growth, a...
The Valle Fértil-La Huerta batholith is a differentially tilted, compositionally stacked, calc-alkaline plutonic sequence in the central Famatinian arc of Argentina. It consists of two major lithologic units: these are (1) an intermediate unit largely dominated by amphibole- and biotite-bearing tonalites but encompassing from gabbro to leucogranite...
In the north-central portion of the Sierras de Comechingones, the igneous-metamorphic basement is dominated by a sequence of migmatic rocks, which show distinct degrees of partial melting and melt segregation, which is mainly linked to a process of melt extraction/ accumulation and in a subordinate way to variation in the composition of the protoli...
Las Cañas Plutonic Complex (LCPC) is a small representative of the Famatinian Ordovician plutonism (470.4 ± 8.1 Ma) located in the northeastern sector of Sierra Grande de San Luis, Argentina. The LCPC was emplaced into a metasedimentary sequence, which reached their metamorphic climax under high-temperature/low-pressure conditions (~680 ± 37 °C and...
Large masses of turbidite systems have been metamorphosed in orogenic systems during Earth’s history. Under granulite-facies conditions, the transformation of turbidite sedimentary successions into metasedimentary sequences drives intracrustal differentiation by anatexis and melt–residuum separation. We report on a migmatite terrane developing from...
Mass transference from lower to upper crustal levels requires an efficient network of pathways that act as channels for draining melts from the source and transferring magmas through the crust. We report on a mid-crustal section in the Santa Rosa river from the Eastern Pampean Ranges that underwent partial melting under active deformation. The stud...
RESUMEN Entre las décadas de los ochenta y noventa fue propuesta la idea de que el magmatismo que domina al Sistema de Famatina, la Puna y una región amplia de las Sierras Pampeanas se generó en un ambiente tectónico de margen destructivo (Toselli et al. 1990, 1996, Rapela et al. 1992, Mannheim 1993).
El presente trabajo expone una síntesis de la geología que comprende al complejo cristalino que constituye la Sierra de La Aguada, provincia de San Luis, Argentina, desde un enfoque basado en las relaciones de campo, los rasgos petrológico-estructurales y las características geoquímicas. Dicha serranía expone un basamento dominado por rocas plutóni...
The Famatinian arc formed around the South Iapetus rim during the Ordovician, when oceanic lithosphere subducted beneath the West Gondwana margin. We present combined in situ U–Th–Pb and Lu–Hf isotope analyses for zircon to gain insights into the origin and evolution of Famatinian magmatism. Zircon crystals sampled from four intermediate and silici...
A synthesis of the complex geology of the Las Lajas shear zone through a detailed petrological -structural approach, in order to establish its importance in the evolution of the Sierra de Comechingones basement is presented. The Las Lajas shear zone which has an extension of >35 km in length and an average width of 1.5 km can be considered as an im...
In the northern portion of the sierra de Valle Fértil a group of anatectic rocks formed by partial melting processes under granulite facies conditions crops out. The analysis of major and trace elements, its comparison with plausible protoliths and with experimental results, suggests that the variation in lithology is strongly controlled by the adv...
The Chuschín Formation is a volcano-sedimentary succession that is found in the south-western section of the Famatina System and its genesis is linked to the evolution of the Western margin of Gondwana during the Lower and Middle Ordovician. Facies analysis carried out in the Chuschín Formation allows characterizing the nature of volcano-sedimentar...
In the northern portion of the sierra de Valle Fértil a group of anatectic rocks formed by partial melting processes under granulite facies conditions crops out. The analysis of major and trace elements, its comparison with plausible protoliths and with experimental results, suggests that the variation in lithology is strongly controlled by the adv...
Trace element abundances in constituent minerals from mafic and ultramafic rocks of a deep arc crustal section are studied to observe their abundance and distribution. Five cumulate rocks were selected from a sequence that consists of pyroxene hornblende peridotite, olivine hornblende gabbronorite, pyroxene hornblende gabbronorite, hornblende gabbr...
Geological, petrological and structural observations were obtained along a 30-km-long traverse across a segment of the Valle Fértil shear zone, central-western Argentina. On a regional scale, the shear zone appears as numerous discontinues belts over 25 km in width and is approximately 140 km in length, extended on the western section of the Sierra...
The geology of the Sierra the Chavéz is constituted by igneous and metamorphic rocks that appear complexly inter-layered at all scales, and belong to the mafic unit from defined in the Sierra de Valle Fértil. Five lithological associations have been identified in this complex, which are: dioritic, gabbroic, metasedimentary, mylonitic and granitic-p...
En la porción norte de la sierra de Valle Fértil se observa la presencia de rocas migmáticas, las cuales han sido clasificadas de acuerdo a su fábrica en metatexitas y diatexitas, y de acuerdo a su protolito en metapelíticas y metagrauváquicas-metasemipelíticas. Las relaciones de campo y el análisis estructural detallado de las rocas migmáticas y l...
In the northern portion of the sierra de Valle Fértil, there are migmatitic rocks which have been classified as metatexites and diatexites according to their fabric, and as metapelitic and metasemipelitic-metagreywacke in function of their protoliths. Field relationships and a detailed structural analysis of the migmatites and the resisters associa...
En el centro de la sierra de Valle Fértil aflora un cuerpo lenticular orientado en forma aproximada N-S que se encuentra encajado en un basamento ígneo de naturaleza máfica-ultramáfica. La morfología y posición actual de dicho cuerpo se debe a su emplazamiento tectónico, y la fábrica magmàtica interna presenta rumbo similar al del cuerpo y buzante...
An elongate body of mafic and ultramafic plutonic rock crops out in central Sierra de Valle Fértil. The igneous body was tectonically emplaced and its internal magmatic fabrics strike roughly north-south and dip to the east. Rocks in the body are different from their hosting plutonic rocks in showing a layered igneous structure associated with pris...
This study tests the overall consistency of geothermobarometric calibrations and thermodynamic internally consistent databases commonly used to retrieve temperature and pressure conditions in metapelitic and igneous mafic protolith metamorphosed at granulite-facies conditions. We examine a lithological sequence characterized by interbedded mafic an...
This work presents field relationships, petrography and structural features of the crystalline complex that form the central-western portion of the Valle Fértil range, San Juan. The crystalline complex comprises five main lithologic associations: gabbroic rocks, dioritic rocks, metasedimentary migmatites, pegmatitic granites and mylonite series roc...
The whole Valle Fértil-La Huerta section appears as a calc-alkaline plutonic suite typical of a destructive plate margin. New Sr and Nd isotopic whole-rock data and published whole-rock geochemistry suggest that the less-evolved intermediate (dioritic) rocks can be derived by magmatic differentiation, mainly by hornblende + plagioclase ± Fe–Ti oxid...
This work presents the field setting, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of a gabbroic and peridotitic layered body that is lens-shaped and surrounded by gabbronorites, diorites, and metasedimentary migmatites. This body exposed at Jaboncillo Valley is one among several examples of mafic and ultramafic layered sequences in the Sierras Valle F...
A lo largo del arroyo San Juan en el sector central de la sierra de Valle Fértil aflora una sección cortical caracterizada por la presencia de rocas plutónicas máficas interestratificadas con migmatitas máficas y migmatitas metasedimentarias. Esta relación de campo permite observar la transición de procesos ígneos a metamórficos asociados con la cr...
A sequence of plutonic mafic rocks inter-stratified with both mafic- and metasedimentary-derived migmatites is found along the San Juan valley in the center of the Sierra de Valle Fértil. This natural example shows the transition from igneous to metamorphic petrologic processes which occurred during the crystallization of mafic magmas and the subse...
The source regions of dioritic and tonalitic magmas have been identified in a deep crustal section of the Famatinian arc (Sierras Pampeanas of western Argentina). The source zones of intermediate igneous rocks are located at the transition between a gabbro-dominated mafic unit and a tonalite-dominated intermediate unit. In the upper levels of the m...
The ranges of the Sierras Valle Fértil-La Huerta expose natural cross sections through a paleo-arc crust that formed in the Late Cambrian - Early Ordovician Famatinian magmatic arc, northwestern Argentina. Thick mafic sequences of amphibole gabbronorites to orthopyroxene-amphibole-biotite diorites form the lower levels of the exposed paleo-arc sect...
The age and petrogenetic features of the Suya Taco and Sol de Mayo mafic complexes reported here provide important new insights into the tectonic setting and evolution of the Pampean orogen. Specifically, the results of this study support models that are capable of explaining the introduction of non-arc mantle-derived mafic magmas into the developi...
Magmatic structures related to the mechanical interaction between mafic magmas and granitoids have been studied in the Valle Fértil calc-alkaline igneous complex, Argentina. Excepcional outcrops with vertical walls of more than 300 m high allow us the study of three-dimensional geometries of individual blobs of mafic magma as well as the geometry o...
of from the in Sierras Valle Fértil--La Huerta, San Juan, Argentina.
Este trabajo presenta un estudio detallado de la petrografía, mineralogía química y termo-barometría de dos complejos máficos que afloran al norte de la sierra de Comechingones. Se aplicaron un conjunto de termómetros y barómetros empíricos con el propósito de determinar los rangos de P y T absolutas de cristalización de estas rocas. Las temperatur...
This work presents a detailed study including petrography, mineral chemistry and thermo-barometry of igneous rock from two mafic complexes that outcrop in the north portion of the sierra de Comechingones. The range of absolute P and T under which these rocks crystallized is retrieved using a set of empiric barometers and thermometers. The estimatio...
Este trabajo presenta las relaciones de campo, petrología, química mineral e historia de reacción de granulitas con granate + ortopiroxeno + cordierita que afloran como lentes dentro de rocas ígneas máficas. Estas granulitas de alta temperatura se encuentran en los complejos máficos Sol de Mayo y Suya Taco al norte de la sierra de Comechingones. La...
This study reports the field relationships, petrology, mineral chemistry, and reaction history of garnet + orthopyroxene + cordierite-bearing granulites that occur as small lenses inside mafic igneous rocks. These high-temperature granulites were found in the Sol de Mayo and Suya Taco mafic complexes from the northern sierra de Comechingones. The m...
We report petrologic and geochemical features of anhydrous granulites from the eastern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina. Aluminous Grt–Crd-bearing granulite is the most abundant rock type in the study region, and hosts intermediate Opx–Grt bearing granulites as interlayered lenses. Both granulite types crystallized under similar P–T conditions of T=850...
The Cambrian Pampean orogeny was a major deformational event on the ancestral Pacific margin of South America. It has been argued to represent a continental collision but a number of observations in the Sierras de Cordoba appear inconsistent with such an hypothesis. These features led to suggest that the Pampean orogeny was a response to ridge subd...
Highly anhydrous granulites from Río Santa Rosa in the eastern Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina occur as a thick lens surrounded by melt-depleted migmatites. Grt–Crd granulite composed of Qtz+Pl+Grt+Crd+Ilm±Spl±Ath±Phl is the dominant rock, whereas Opx–Grt granulite appears as discontinuous lenses in the center of the granulite body. Grt–Crd granulit...
Crystalline rocks from the Sierra de Comechingones, eastern Sierras Pampeanas, evolved through three distinct orogenic cycles during the Eopalaeozoic: (1) the first tectono-thermal event named Pampean orogeny (550 to 505 Ma), which peaked in the Early Cambrian, was responsible for extensive metamorphism, partial melting, juvenile magmatism, rapid d...