A. V. Soloviev

A. V. Soloviev
Russian Academy of Sciences | RAS · Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Science


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A. V. Soloviev currently works at the Institute of Geology , Russian Academy of Sciences. A. does research in Geology.
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August 2013 - December 2018
Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Senior Researcher
June 1992 - present
Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Principal Investigator


Publications (119)
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A radiolarian-based scheme of stratigraphy and correlation of Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Sredinny Range is proposed. A synchronous accumulation of sedimentary-volcanic deposits of the Ening Series and the Irunei Formation took place in the Campanian in a single sedimentation basin in moderate-high latitudes, in the area currently in the north...
This article presents data on lithology, biostratigraphy, and molluscan paleontological characteristics of the Lower Volgian–Upper Ryazanian interval of the Yanov Stan Formation obtained from the core of the Novoyakimovskaya-1 parametric well. The formation consists of mudstone-siltstone intercalation with rare sandstone beds and numerous levels wi...
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Приводятся результаты оценки начальных суммарных ресурсов нетрадиционных источников УВ в отложениях доманикового типа, хадумской и баженовской свит. Обоснована целесообразность проведения оценки ресурсов УВ в этих отложениях объемным методом. Приведен стратиграфический интервал их распространения. Изложена методика нефтегазогеологического райониров...
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The estimation results of the initial total unconventional resources of hydrocarbon in Domanik type sediments, the Khadum and Bazhenov formations are provided. The reasonability of estimating hydrocarbon resources in these deposits by the volumetric method is substantiated. The stratigraphic interval of their distribution is given. The technique of...
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This paper presents the results of a study of the pre-Quaternary tectonics and stratigraphy of the Eurasia Basin (EB) according to the interpretation of the ARC1407A seismic profile and calculations of the theoretical positions of linear magnetic anomalies. The sedimentary sequences are recognized in seismic profiles and their stratigraphic positio...
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The work examined the tectonics and stratigraphy of the Eurasian basin in pre-Quaternary times based on the results of interpretation of the ARC1407A seismic profile and calculations of the theoretical position of linear magnetic anomalies. The sedimentary packages identified on the seismic profile and their stratigraphic adjustments are close to s...
Based on the results of field complex geophysical studies in the northwestern part of the Russian sector of the Barents Sea shelf, as well as on the processing and comprehensive interpretation of new and retrospective geophysical materials in the volume of 25 500 linear kilometers and deep well drilling data in the section of the Barents Sea sedime...
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Аннотация: В Баренцевом море по результатам комплексного обобщения накопленной геолого-геофизической ин-формации, интерпретации более 25 тыс. км морских сейсмопрофилей МОВ ОГТ 2D с привлечением данных глубокого бурения, опубликованных и фондовых данных по геологическому строению прилегающей суши установлено развитие клиноформных комплексов практиче...
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The authors present the results of integrated geological and geophysical data and petroleum potential analysis of the Barents Sea region, as well as the new data of U/Pb (LA ICP-MS) dating and morphological studies of clastic zircon on four Triassic and Jurassic sandstone samples taken from the Fersmanovskaya-1 well (the Barents Sea). These works a...
Abstract: The authors present the results of integrated geological and geophysical data and petroleum potential analysis of the Barents Sea region, as well as the new data of U/Pb (LA ICP-MS) dating and morphological studies of clastic zircon on four Triassic and Jurassic sandstone samples taken from the Fersmanovskaya-1 well (the Barents Sea). The...
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Приведены сведения о литологии, биостратиграфии и палеонтологической характеристике по моллюскам разреза яновстанской свиты, вскрытого параметрической скважиной Новоякимовская-1 в интервале верхов нижневолжского подъяруса–нижней части верхнерязанского подъяруса. Свита представлена переслаиванием аргиллитов и алевролитов с редкими прослоями песчаник...
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New U‒Pb (LA-ICP-MS) geochronological data have been obtained on accessory zircons from granodiorites and on detrital zircons from stream-sediment samples from the Shipunsky massif in the Eastern Kamchatka region. The age of accessory zircons from amphibole–biotite granodiorites has been estimated at 49–44 Ma. Detrital zircons have the Late Paleoce...
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Получены новые геохронологические данные U‒Pb (SIMS, LA-ICP-MS) исследования акцессорных цирконов из гранодиоритов Шипунского массива Восточной Камчатки и детритовых цирконов из шлиховых проб из пород того же массива. Возраст акцессорных цирконов из амфибол-биотитовых гранодиоритов составил 49 и 44 млн лет. Исследования детритовых цирконов показали...
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Рассматриваются результаты работ по геологическому изучению и оценке перспектив нефтегазоносности юго-западных районов Западно-Сибирской нефтегазоносной провинции (Карабашской зоны). Предлагаются направления дальнейшего изучения и освоения нефтеперспективных объектов, связанных, прежде всего, со структурно-литологическими ловушками в юрско-нижнемел...
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Анализ геологического строения нефтегазоперспективных территорий Камчатского края с учетом результатов региональных и поисковых геолого-разведочных работ на нефть и газ за последние 20 лет показал, что промышленная газоносность края ограничена узким верхнеолигоцен-миоценовым стратиграфическим интервалом разреза только одного структурного элемента З...
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Any study of the boundaries of stratigraphic units in continental sequences always encounters difficulties. A sample was taken from a stratotype of the Tsagayan formation and a typical locality of the Tsagayan flora in the Amur region from crystalloclastic tuffs at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary to study zircon and determine its absolute age. Th...
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The Andrianovka Formation exposed in the Sredinny Ridge (Kamchatka) is represented by green shales, quartzites, and amphibolites. Conclusions about the age of the deposits of the Andrianovka Formation were made on the basis of data on the ages of the underlying and/or overlying strata, and correlations with other structural units. For the first tim...
The Tian Shan mountain range maintains high topography across the Eurasian continent despite being distal to any modern plate boundary. Previous studies of the Tian Shan have revealed a history of mountain building in response to India-Asia collision which has overprinted much of its Mesozoic history. The Karatau and Talas ranges in the north-weste...
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Приведены краткие сведения о нефтегазопоисковых работах в пределах Западной Камчатки и особенностях геологического строения региона. Кратко охарактеризованы стратиграфические уровни формирования и накопления углеводородов, рассмотрены литологические особенности потенциальных коллекторов и деформации осадочных комплексов Западно-Камчатского прогиба....
The Karadag Massif in south-eastern Crimea hosts a thick sequence of volcanic rocks, which underwent significant secondary alteration. Here we deduce the effects of alteration, remove their mask and estimate the primary chemical composition and age of these volcanic rocks using their bulk chemical analyses, as well as chemical data from plagioclase...
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New data on the ages of detrital zircons from folded basement rocks and cover sediments of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago and Izvestiy TSIK islands have been obtained. The basement age is defined as Cambrian (pre-Ordovician). The Ordovician and Silurian sandstones were mainly formed by erosion of the basement rocks. The Devonian sandstones were f...
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Приведены данные по датированию возрастов детритовых цирконов из пород складчатого фундамента и осадочного чехла арх. Северная Земля и о-вов Известий ЦИК. Возраст фундамента определен как кембрийский (доордовикский). Ордовикские, силурийские песчаники в основном формировались за счет эрозии пород фундамента; девонские песчаники – при привносе песча...
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Extensive research and exploitation of abyssal deposits goes back to the 1970s. The deepest abyssal deposit was discovered in the Bay of Bengal. The structure of productive sediments complexes depends on the geological structure of continental margin. The Cenozoic deposits are often represented with continental slope lithofacies (they are fossil ch...
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Brief information is provided on petroleum exploration history of the Kamchatka Peninsula and geological aspects of itsoffshore sedimentary basins. Promising lines of petroleum exploration in water areas of the Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Seaand the Pacific Ocean adjoining the peninsula are discussed.
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В статье представлены результаты реконструкции источников сноса среднеэоценовых отложений Западно-Камчатского осадочного бассейна (Тигильский район). Установлено, что на раннем этапе формирования Западно-Камчатского осадочного бассейна, в эоцене, накопление терригенной толщи происходило в условиях межгорных впадин, сменившихся после трансгрессии ме...
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The paper presents the results of reconstruction of Middle Eocene provenances for the West Kamchatka sedimentary basin (WKSB) corresponding to the Tigil area. It has been established that the early (Eocene) evolution stage of WKSB was marked by the deposition of terrigenous sediments in intermontane depressions followed by the accumulation of shall...
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Формирование грубообломочных толщ Западно-Камчатского осадочного бассейна началось в эоцене после коллизии Ачайваям-Валагинской островной дуги с северо-восточной окраиной Азии. На раннем этапе формирования молассового комплекса в условиях предгорий и межгорных впадин началось накопление пестрых базальных конгломератов. В статье приведены результаты...
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Проведен морфологический анализ и U/Pb LA-ICP-MS датирование обломочного циркона (400 определений возраста) из 4 образцов керна триасовых отложений, вскрытых скважиной Северная (остров Греэм-Белл, архипелаг Земля Франца-Иосифа). Показано, что в источниках сноса преобладали высокоглиноземистые граниты. По данным U/Pb LA-ICP-MS датирования циркона, р...
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Morphological analysis and U/Pb LA-ICP-MS dating were carried out for detrital zircon (400 age determinations) from four core samples of Triassic rocks recovered by Well Severnaya (Graham Bell Island, Franz Josef Land Archipelago). It is shown that source areas were mainly composed of peraluminous granites. U/Pb LA-ICP-MS zircon data were used to d...
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The new data obtained during thorough geological–structural, geochronological, petrographic, and petrochemical investigations of Late Cretaceous granitoids from the southern Sredinnyi Range in Kam� chatka and zircon dating by the U–Pb SIMS and LA�ICPMS methods indicate that this region was charac� terized by intense granitoid magmatism in the Campa...
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Представлены новые результаты детального геолого структурного, геохронологического, петрографического и петрогеохимического изучения позднемеловых гранитоидов южной части Срединного хребта. U-Pb SIMS и LA-ICP-MS датирование цирконов этих гранитоидов свидетельствует о том, что на юге Срединного хребта Камчатки в кампане (от 83.1 ± 2.0 до 76.2 ± 1.5...
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В разрезах палеогена Тигильского района Западной Камчатки (Увучинский, Снатольский, Майначский) выявлена последовательная смена комплексов органикостенного фитопланктона, выделенных в ранге «слоев», отчасти не смыкаемых из-за чередования морских и континенталь-ных пачек. Последовательность их такова (стратиграфически снизу вверх): 1) слои с Nemato-...
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The results of the U–Pb (SIMS and LA-ICPMS) age dating of detrital zircons from Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous sandstones of Stolbovoy Island show that these deposits contain zircons of a wide age range, from Archean to Lower Cretaceous. Precambrian gneisses and granites, as well as Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic plutonic and volcanic complexes, are...
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Проведено U-Pb (SIMS и LA-ICPMS) датирование обломочных цирконов из верхнеюрско-нижнемеловых отложений острова Столбовой. Датирование показало присутствие в песчаниках цирконов широкого возрастного интервала от архейских до раннемеловых. Главными источниками сноса обломочного материала для верхнеюрско-нижнемеловых отложений о. Столбовой являлись до...
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Восточные полуострова Камчатки преимущественно образованы тектоно-стратиграфическими комплекса- ми, которые формировались в пределах Кроноцко-Командорской палеодуги позднемелового–эоценового возраста. Кроноцко-Командорская палеодуга была аккретирована к Камчатской окраине северо-восточной Азии в конце кайнозоя, что явилось последним коллизионным со...
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The eastern peninsulas of Kamchatka are mostly composed of tectonostratigraphic complexes, which were formed within the Late Cretaceous–Eocene Kronotskii–Kamchatka arc. The accretion of this paleoarc to the Kamchatka margin of northeastern Asia in the terminal Cenozoic represented the last colli� sional event in the formation of the present�day str...
Conference Paper
New results on magnitude and timing of the regional Cenozoic exhumation for the Russian part of the Barents Sea are presented. They were obtained in the framework of current multi-client international project “Basin analysis and petroleum systems modeling of the Eastern Barents Sea”. Several kinds of data and methods were applied to estimate uplift...
Conference Paper
Detrital zircon morphology and U/Pb LA-ICPMS age data (4 sample, 100 grains per sample) from Triassic sandstones collected from the Severnaya well cores (Graham Bell Is, NE part of the Franz Josef Land) were used to investigate provenance changes with time, constrain source areas and test paleogeographic reconstructions for the Triassic. The zircon...
Conference Paper
30 of 113 Ma (+12, -8 Ma) and are as young as 83 Ma. This age mode is similar to Lu/Hf garnet ages in the same sample. Significantly, no reliable ages older than 235 Ma were recovered from either sample. We interpret these data as follows: 1) sedimentary protoliths of the Riggins Group are Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous deposits; 2) the dominan...
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Detrital zircon U–Pb ages from Triassic strata exposed in the circum-Arctic, analyzed by LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP-RG, are compared at the regional scale to better understand the paleogeography of northern Pangea and help restore rift opening of the Arctic. Data sets are compared based on their zircon age distributions, cumulative age probability plots,...
Conference Paper
The Brooks Range thrust belt is a classic N-vergent orogen with a telescoped S-facing continental margin sequence and structurally overlying oceanic and ultramafic allochthons. However, the driver or collider for orogenesis is missing, having rifted southward away from the orogen and subsequently buried by deep water basinal successions shortly aft...
Conference Paper
The Taimyr peninsula contains the northeast continuation of the Uralian orogen and is generally subdivided into three NE-SW trending structural zones: southern Taimyr and central Taimyr comprise the passive margin shelf and continental slope of Siberia, respectively, whereas northern Taimyr has affinities with Baltica. The Late Paleozoic Uralian su...
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The Canada Basin, at >3,000 m below sea level, is the deepest basin in the Arctic Ocean. Understanding of Mesozoic tectonic events and how this ocean basin formed have important implications for many Arctic topics (e.g. natural resources, ocean circulation, etc.) (see figure 1). The age of folding in Taymyr varies (see figure 2), resulting in diff...
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Migmatization and granite-forming processes were widespread in the southern Sredinnyi Range of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Early Eocene (at approximately 52 ± 2 Ma). The paper presents data on the composition and genesis of the Early Eocene granitoids. The Malka Rise contains both equigranular peraluminous garnet-bearing granites, on the one han...
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Introduction: Eocene collision of the Cretaceous Achai�vayam–Valagin island arc with the north�eastern margin of the Asian continent was an impor�tant event in the tectonic history of development of the northwestern Pacific. The collisions diachronous: collision of the southern part of the iisland arc with the continental margin occurred in the Ear...
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Two belts of subaerial volcanic rocks—the Eocene Kinkil belt and the Neogene belt of the Sredinny Range—extend along the Kamchatka Isthmus. It is suggested that their formation is related to subduction of the oceanic lithosphere beneath the continental margin of North Kamchatka. The oceanic lithosphere consumed in the subduction zones could have be...
Detrital zircon (DZ) geochronology is a powerful means of establishing paleogeographic ties between regions translated or rifted apart as a consequence of plate motions. The Arctic represents a series of relatively small ocean basins formed in the Cretaceous and Tertiary that rift apart longer established, mostly shelf/shelf basin systems and oroge...
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The eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk and the western Kamchatka Peninsula are occupied by the Western Kamchatka Trough filled with Cenozoic sed� iments [1]. Its basement is composed of Jurassic–Cre� taceous volcanogenic–terrigenous rocks character� ized by a fold–thrust structure [2–4]. The western part of the Kamchatka Peninsula is poorly exposed...
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The fission-track dating of detrital zircon from Mesozoic terrigenous complexes of the Crimean mountains has been carried out for the first time. A young zircon population from the Tavria Group of sandstones of the Yaman ravine was dated at 220.1 ± 12.6 Ma, and the zircon population from the same deposits of the Crimea's southern coast, at 193.6 ±...
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This article gives an account of the results of the U-Pb-SHRIMP study of zircons derived from gneissoid and equigranular granitoids of the Malka Uplift of the Sredynnyi Range in Kamchatka. It was established that intrusion and crystallization of granitoids occurred in the time interval from 76.2 ± 1.5 to 83.1 ± 2.0 Ma. The texture of zircon crystal...
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Проведены мезоструктурные исследования третичных осадков Западной Камчатки. Помимо прямых наземных наблюдений были применены дистанционные методы. Произведен структурно-кинематический анализ деформаций третичных осадков. Новые данные позволили говорить о более напряженных деформациях, чем это представлялось ранее. Олигоценовые породы оказываются ча...
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The Olyutorsky–Kamchatka foldbelt formed as a result of two successive collisions of the Achaivayam–Valaginsky and Kronotsky–Commander island arcs with the Eurasian margin where the two terranes docked after a long NW transport. We model their motion history from the Middle Campanian to Present and illustrate the respective plate margin evolution w...
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The age and origin of high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Sredinnyi Range, Kamchatka have been the subject of a long and controversial debate. Based on geochronologic data and its association with a collage of accreted oceanic terranes, leading interpretations argue that the Sredinnyi Range metamorphic rocks represent an accreted Precambrian or Mes...
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The newly obtained data on the West Kamchatka complexes, together with the results published previously, allowed us to reach some conclusions regarding the Cenozoic kinematics in the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk region. The Cenozoic stress fields of submeridional-NW-SE trend were reconstructed. These results may provide independent evidence f...
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Thermal evolution of the continental crust beneath the northeastern Siberian craton was studied based on the interpretation of apatite fission-track ages. The samples selected for AFT dating were collected from depths between 2 and 3 km along a 1000-km-long profile, from the crystalline basement of the Siberian platform. The AFT ages range from 185...
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New U-Pb SHRIMP zircon datings, analysis of tectonic setting and composition peculiarities of two granite complexes indicate that they mark stages of tectonic evolution of metamorphic complexes of Malka Rise of Sredinniy Range and are indicators of newly formed continental crust of Kamchatka. Granites are divided into gneissosed and equigranular ty...
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The lateral variability of structural elements in the collision zone of the Cretaceous-Paleocene Achaivayam-Valagin island arc with the northeastern Asian margin is considered. The similarity and difference of Eocene collision structural elements in the north and the south of Kamchatka are shown. In northern Kamchatka, the continent-arc boundary is...
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The newly formed continental crust in southern Kamchatka was created as a result of the Eocene collision of the Cretaceous-Paleocene Achaivayam-Valagin island arc and the northeastern Asian margin. Widespread migmatization and granite formation accompanied this process in the Sredinny Range of Kamchatka. The tectonic setting and composition of gran...
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The age and mode of formation of the various sub-basins of the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean remain unknown. Jurassic-Cretaceous synorogenic foreland basin deposits are the youngest stratigraphic units deposited in the Russian Arctic prior to rifting and formation of the Amerasian Basin. U-Pb dating of detrital zircon suites (6 samples, ∼100...
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В книге рассмотрены методические основы трекового датирования минералов (fission-track dating). Трековое датирование апатита и циркона позволяет решать разнообразные тектонические задачи. Применение этого метода для изучения тектонических процессов (аккреция, коллизия, эксгумация) дает возможность количественной оценки времени и скорости их развити...
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It has long been suggested that Wrangel Island represents the western continuation of the Brooks Range fold and thrust belt of northern Alaska. It is thus a unique exposure to test for the continuity of structures, lithologies and facies from Alaska to Russia across the Chukchi Sea, however no new structural and geochrononologic data has emerged si...
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In the Sredinnyi Range of Kamchatka, the Baraba Formation of continental conglomerates is assumed to be of the late Campanian age based on found flora remains, but data of isotopic geochronology suggest the Eocene age of these deposits. New data on radiolarians from cherty pebbles are considered in this work along with results of fission-track dati...
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Graywackes and shales of the Bols’shoi Lyakhov Island originally attributed to the Mesozoic were subsequently considered based on microfossils as the Late Proterozoic in age. At present, these sediments in the greater part of the island are dated back to the Permian based on palynological assemblages. In the examined area of the island, this silici...
Single grain U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from sandstones are a powerful means of determining sediment provenance and testing regional paleogeographic reconstructions. To test existing models for the formation of the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic and to determine changes in source regions related to tectonic activity, we compare detrital zircon ag...
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The Omgon Range of Western Kamchatka contains a mid to Upper Cretaceous sequence of flysch with tectonic inclusions of Jurassic–Cretaceous oceanic rocks inferred to have been imbricated together in an accretionary prism. These rocks were tectonically juxtaposed during the Cretaceous in a mélange that contains a number of elements but mainly include...
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The hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range, western Kamchatka, that intrude Upper Albian-Lower Campanian deposits of the Eurasian continental margin belong to three coeval (62.5–63.0 Ma) associations: (1) ilmenite gabbro-dolerites, (2) titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites and quartz microdiorites, and (3) porphyritic biotite granites and granite-aplites....
Hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range, Western Kamchatka that intrude Upper Albian-Lower Campanian deposits of the Eurasian continental margin belong to three coeval (62.5-63.0 Ma) associations: (1) ilmenite gabbro-dolerites, (2) titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites and quartz microdiorites, and (3) porphyritic biotite granites and granite-aplites. Early...
Graywackes and shales of the Bol'shoi Lyakhov Island originally attributed to Mesozoic were subsequently considered based on microfossils as Late Proterozoic in age. At present, these sediments in the greater part of the island are dated back to Permian based on palynological assemblages. In the examined area of the island, this siliciclastic compl...
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The Karaginskii Island is an element of the accretionary - Collisional structures of the Olyutor - Kamchatka. region that borders the young oceanic lithosphere of the Komandor Basin. In the present-day geodynamic setting, the island is located at the diffuse triple junction of the North American, Sea of Okhotsk, and Bering Sea (Beringia) plates. Th...