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September 2002 - September 2020
Publications (30)
The Pieniny Geodynamic Test Field is situated in the middle of the region between the Inner and Outer Carpathians. Geodynamic research conducted in the past in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB) region were suggestive of neotectonic activity. The goal of the investigation was to determine whether the nearby structures, the Podhale Flysh (FP) and the Ma...
The Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB), which is situated in Southern Poland, is one of the main fault zones on the boundary of the Outer and Inner Carpathians. The geodynamic investigations which have been carried out since 1960s indicate that PKB demonstrates neo-tectonic activity. In 1990s, the Dunajec river dam and the water reservoirs in Czorsztyn and...
This year the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology celebrates its 95th jubilee, which provides an opportunity to present the Faculty’s rich traditions in polar research. Employees and students of the faculty for almost 60 years have taken part in research expeditions to the polar circle. The article presents various s...
The article presents current issues and research work conducted in the Department of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy at the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography at Warsaw University of Technology. It contains the most important directions of research in the fields of physical geodesy, satellite measurement techniques, GNSS meteorology, geodynamic stud...
We present the results of the third European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters held in Walferdange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in November 2011. Twenty-two gravimeters from both metrological and non-metrological institutes are compared. For the first time, corrections for the laser beam diffraction and the self-attraction of the gravimeters are im...
The European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ECAG 11, was held in the Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics in Walferdange, Luxembourg in November 2011. The ECAG-2011 is registered as EURAMET project 1186 as well as Key Comparison EURAMET.M.G-K1.
METAS was the Pilot Laboratory under the leadership of Dr. Henri Baumann. Prof. Dr. Olivier Franci...
The Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB), which is situated in Southern Poland, is
one of the main fault zones on the boundary of the outer and inner
Carpathians. The geodynamical investigations which have been carried out
since 1960s indicate that PKB demonstrates neo-tectonic activity. In
1994, the GPS measurements were included in the horizontal network a...
The Polish gravimetric fundamental network were measured at mid-nineties
previous century. Structure of network consisted on 17 absolute stations
and 356 stations determined by relative surveys. Since 2006 fundamental
network has been modernized. Scope of those work consist new measurement
at existing stations and establish new several points. Ever...
The European Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ECAG 11, was held in the Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics in Walferdange, Luxembourg in November 2011. The ECAG�2011 is registered as EURAMET project 1186 as well as Key Comparison EURAMET.M.G�K1.
METAS was the Pilot Laboratory under the leadership of Dr. Henri Baumann. Prof. Dr. Olivier Franc...
Absolute gravity values are useful to regional geodynamic purposes as a complement of position monitoring at IGS/EPN permanent stations. Absolute gravity stations in region of geodynamic test field are also necessary as precise reference level for relative gravimetric measurements and long-period gravity monitoring. Absolute gravimetric network to...
Gravimetric laboratory located in the Józefoslaw Astro - Geodetic Obsevatory of the Warsaw University of Technology is appeared as an unique station in Poland, where the quasi - permanent absolute gravity determinations have been conducted as well as tidal observations. First AG observation has been started in nineties. Those investigations were pe...
Polish zero-order absolute gravity network was established in mid-nineties of 20th century. It consisted 12 from 17 projected points. The density and localization of absolute stations is not sufficient for geodetic and geodynamical purposes. Different gravity meters (FG-5, JILAg, GABL, IMGC, ZZG) taking part in those works. Several types of gravime...
Gravimetric investigations of the long-standing, not tidal variations of the absolute gravity using ballistic FG - 5 No. 230 gravity meter, bought by Warsaw University of Technology at 2005, were performed on four stations outside the Teisseyre - Tornquist Zone (T - T Zone) as well as at Józefoslaw Astro - Geodetic Observatory of the Warsaw Univers...
In the paper ten years of gravimetric monitoring on the points of a geodynamic networks in the Sudety is reported. This material allows for an attempt to be made to discover tendencies in gravity changes. The first measurement cycle took a place in 1992 and was related to the region of the Śnieznik Massif and the Paczków Graben (Barlik et al., 1999...
The paper presents the findings gathered within the period of five years in monitoring the horizontal displacements of the upper reservoir of Pumped-Storage Power Station Zarnowiec. Due to continuous fulling-emptying operation of the reservoir it undergoes short-term periodic deformations. The method is presented of the eliminating the influence of...
Geodynamic Test-field in Pieniny Klippen Belt near to Czorsztyn was established in the seventies last century. Periodical geodetic and geophysical studies of the control network were executed yearly. After construction of the dam on Dunajec river and filling the artificial lake the measurements have been resumed in 2000-2001. Preliminary results di...
Control measurements of the Water-Power-Plant ``Zarnowiec'' applying GPS and terrestrial geodetic methods have been carried out since the half of nineties last century. Repeated measurements proved short-period variation of the position of control-points on the level of 2 cm resulting from the changes of the water-level in the reservoir. Such resul...
The paper is a continuation of the previous report presented by the authors at the 2001 Symposium in Nice. It concentrates on deformation monitoring for water reservoir crest that has been carried out in the period 1999- 2001. The results of the experiments will be used in planning further monitoring of the structure using terrestrial and RTK- GPS...
The Test-field of the Pieniny Klippen Belt is a tectonic formation
separating the outer from the inner Carpathians. It is situated close to
the Polish/Slovak border. Geodynam- ical studies of the area were
performed continuously from early sixties until 1995. The studies have
proved the diversified vertical motion (on the level of some mm/year)
The fifth in the series of International Comparisons of Absolute Gravimeters (ICAG) was held at the Bureau International des Poids et Measures (BIPM) in November 1997. Fifteen absolute gravimeters participated in the comparison. The mean gravity value obtained at station A (0.9 m) at the BIPM was found to be 980 925 707.8 µGal with a standard uncer...
The results of periodic satellite GPS and gravimetric measurements accomplished in the area of intensive mining near Wodzislaw Slash (Upper Silesia Region) are reported in the paper. Procedures of establishing GPS control networks in this kind of areas are discussed. Changes of gravity Bouguer anomalies and displacements of surface points are shown...
A surface gravimetric survey in Dobrowolski Station in Bunger Oasis was made. The maps of free-air anomaly, Bouguer anomaly and residual Bouguer anomaly were prepared as result of compiling the gravimetric data. An image of isoanomalies proved an occurence of gravitational disturbances in the studied area. The depth of Mohorovicic discontinuity was...
SUMMARY In 1934 there was organised the first Polish arctic Expedition to Spitsbergen with geodetic programme. In 1988, the first expedition involving students was organized. The next one occurred almost 15 years later, as late as 2003, thanks to the initiative of the National Club of Polish Geodesy Students affiliated with the Association of Polis...
The river plants communities influence on small and middle river ecosystems through: o erosion level decreasing, o the bottom substrates stabilization, o the plant zone beside the rush zone forming, o middle and shallow river parts overgrowing, o shadowing the river bottom and algae growth reduction, o co-forming the communities with high visual va...
The changes in river-bed morphology and river hydraulic parameters have been ob- served for a period of last three years. Intensity of deposit accumulation as well as in- tensity of erosion relating the influence of specific plant communities has been inves- tigated. GPS-RTK measurements with two-three-week frequency were applied. The poster demons...
Density decreasing inside the water ground construction has an influence on the gravity observed on chosen stations. The gravimetric monitoring in our investigations contained the connection of investigated points on a hydrotechnic object to the outside located reference stations and permanent registration of gravity variations taking into account...
Wstęp Współczesne pomiary grawimetryczne w dużym stopniu opierają się na wykorzystaniu obserwacji bezwzględnych. Dzieje się tak dlatego, że obserwacje absolutnej wartości natężenia siły ciężkości stały się, dzięki dostępności i mobilności grawimetrów absolutnych, dość łatwe do wykonania. Niestety, pomiary takie wymagają długotrwałych obserwacji na...
1. Wstęp Historia polskich pomiarów geodezyjnych na Spitsbergenie sięga 1932 roku. Kolejne ekspedycje poszerzały nie tylko zakres badań, ale również objęły swoim pomiarem co raz to nowe obszary Spitsbergenu realizując prace w trudnych, arktycznych warunkach. Prowa-dzone od 1978 roku prace badawcze skupiły się w rejonie fiordu Hornsund w okolicy Pol...
Wyprawa w 2006 roku organizowana przez Wydział Geodezji i Kartografii była kontynu-acją badań geodezyjnych prowadzonych na Spitsbergenie podczas wyprawy w 2005 roku. Głównym celem projektu były pomiary służące badaniom kinematyki lodowca. Wyprawa mia-ła w tym kontekście istotne znaczenie dla zachowania ciągłości badań. Dokonano wyzna-czenia średnie...
Wstęp W 2002 roku dzięki inicjatywie prof. Kazimierza Czarneckiego – prezesa Stowarzyszenia Geodetów Polskich powstał Klub Studentów Geodezji i Kartografii, zrzeszający studentów z wszystkich uczelni w Polsce, studiujących na kierunku geodezja i kartografia. Pierwszym prezesem klubu został student Politechniki Warszawskiej Artur Adamek. Jedną z pie...