A. Borovics

A. Borovics
Forest Research Institute University Sopron


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Publications (28)
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Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) is a deciduous tree species of the genus Quercus section Cerris (Fagaceae), widely distributed in Europe and Asia Minor. Throughout its vast distribution range, the species carries high phenotypic and genetic variability. Due to its high drought tolerance, Turkey oak may have great potential to be a key tree species i...
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Nowadays, one of the major challenges in the field of agricultural production is an increasing demand for protein in farm animal husbandry. The main source of protein today is still soybean meal, but there is an urgent need to involve alternative protein sources and assess areas of application. Leaf and fruit of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L...
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Robinia pseudoacacia L. (commonly known as black locust) is an economically and environmentally important plant, native to the eastern USA, and introduced into several European countries, including Hungary. An early successional leguminous tree, the black locust is characterized by tolerance to degraded sites, rapid growth rate, dense and rot-resis...
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Dissection of regulatory network that control wood structure is highly challenging in functional genomics. Nevertheless, due to the availability of genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic sequences, a large amount of information is available for use in achieving this goal. MicroRNAs, which compose a class of small non-coding RNA molecules that inhibi...
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The El Kala region, with its different natural forest habitats, represents an important biological heritage at the national and international levels. Today, it is threatened by various dangers, such as overexploitation and fires. It is therefore urgent to preserve these sensitive and fragile habitats and imperative to better identify them to apply...
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(1) Background: The aim of our study is to present the results of initial growth and plant physiology studies of newly selected, vegetative propagated black locust clones, with a view to assess their suitability for the establishment of fast growing tree plantations for the production of high quality timber in marginal (semi-arid) sites. (2) Method...
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Understanding intraspecific genetic variation is one of the principal requirements for the evaluation of tree species capacity to cope with intensive climatic changes, as well as designing long-term conservation programs. Herein, we evaluated the genetic diversity and genetic structure of seven pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) populations, locate...
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No study has been previously completed on the range of sites, potential yield, and financial characteristics of poplar short rotation coppice plantations (SRC) in Hungary. This paper conducts a literature survey to reveal the biomass production potential of such plantations and presents a model that is used to analyze their financial performance. T...
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Key message This genomic dataset provides highly variable SNP markers from georeferenced natural Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. populations collected in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and Albania. These SNP loci can be used to assess genetic diversity, differentiation, and population structure, and can also be u...
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A nemesnyárak kiemelkedő gazdasági jelentőséggel bírnak. A bemutatott vizsgálat legfőbb célja egy olyan kutatási metodika ismertetése, amely a faanyag tulajdonságaiért felelős kulcsenzimek kódoló régióinak azonosításából indul ki, bemutatva a genomikai alapokra helyezett nemesítési technológiákban rejlő lehetőségeket. A vizsgálatunk első szakaszába...
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In the late 1990s, Hungarian Forest Research Institute researchers produced 15 micropropogated black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) clones as part of a program to select clones that could be successfully grown on arid sites. Five of these clones (R.p. ‘Vacsi’, R.p. ‘Szálas’, R.p. ‘Oszlopos’, R.p. ‘Homoki’ and R.p. ‘Bácska’) have been categorized...
Conference Paper
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A bemutatásra kerülő kutatás nemesnyár klónok rosthosszúságának elemzésével foglalkozik. A farostok hosszúsága a juvenilis farészen belül a béltől kezdődően folyamatosan növekszik egy maximum érték felé, melyet az érettfa részben ér el a faanyag. Ezt a tényt alapul véve különválasztható az adott rönkön belül is változatos tulajdonságokkal rendelkez...
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Introduction Since Populus has veritable value as timber, plywood, pulp, and paper, genomic research should create the sound basis for further breeding toward desirable wood quality attributes. Materials and methods In this study, we addressed the need for a research methodology that initially identifies and then characterize candidate genes encod...
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Az erdészeti klímakutatás és a hozzá kapcsolódó ökológiai folyamatok kutatása, megismerése és modellezése teremti meg az alapot arra, hogy képesek legyünk előre jelezni a megváltozott klíma erdőállományokra gyakorolt hatását, illetve az egyes erdőállományok létesítésének, megszüntetésének visszahatását a klímára. Az erdészeti meteorológiai mérések...
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We present BeechCOSTe52; a database of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) phenotypic measurements for several traits related to fitness measured in genetic trials planted across Europe. The dataset was compiled and harmonized during the COST-Action E52 (2006–2010), and subsequently cross-validated to ensure consistency of measurement data among trial...
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Context Genetic diversity of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) populations in Hungary was assessed close to the retracting, low-elevation, low-latitude (xeric) distribution limits. Objective We aimed at tracing an assumed effect of climatic factors on genetic diversity, particularly at the southern, low elevation limits of distribution. Methods Genetic...
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A kutatás a fehér nyár és a rezgô nyár fontosabb dunántúli populációinak populációgenetikai vizsgálatát célozta. A cél e populációk genetikai változatosságának felmérése, valamint a teljes molekuláris genetikai változatosság megoszlásának vizsgálata volt. A populációgenetikai vizsgálatokban RAPD és cpDNS markerek alkalmazására került sor. A RAPD vi...
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Kutatásunk célja a nyár genotípusok molekuláris genetikai azonosítását lehetôvé tevô módszer tesztelése volt. A kutatáshoz mikroszatellit (SSR) technikát választottunk, amely a növényi genomban nagy számban jelenlévô, ismétlôdô szekvencia motívumok vizsgálatán alapul. Az alkalmazott kilenc marker segítségével az egyedek ujjlenyomatszintû azonosítás...
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Background and Purpose: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is the most extensively distributed pine, covering the whole Eurasian continent. The detection of genetic variability of Scots pine is of greate importance from the evolutionary point of view as well as for genetic conservation. Mitochondrial genome in Scots pine is maternally inherited and d...
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Populus nigra L. is a pioneer tree species of riparian ecosystems that is threatened with extinction because of the loss of its natural habitat. To evaluate the existing genetic diversity of P. nigra within ex-situ collections, we analyzed 675 P. nigra L. accessions from nine European gene banks with three amplified fragment length polymorphism (AF...
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A total of 1113 oak trees from 222 populations originating from eight countries () were sampled in natural populations or in provenance tests. The sampled trees belong to four different species (Quercus robur, Quercus petraea, Quercus pubescens, Quercus frainetto) and to several putative subspecies. Variation at four chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) fragmen...
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In this work small-scale variation of leaf morphological, phenological and isoen- zyme pattern was investigated win trees belonging to the Lepidobalanus sub-genus in a sessile oak-Turkey oak stand in order to make an exact taxonomic identification for further studies on physiological tolerance to climatic fluctuations. Classification functions base...
A pályázati munka során 11 tájegység 32 populációjában jelöltünk ki fehér, rezgő és szürke nyár mintafákat. A mintázott 931 egyedből 409-et vontunk be a genetikai vizsgálatokba. Az elvégzett RAPD, PCR-RFLP és SSR vizsgálatok során megállapítottuk, hogy a kiválasztott markerek alkalmasak az alapfajok egyedeinek taxonómia elkülönítésére, az SSR vizsg...


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