A. G. Andreev

A. G. Andreev
Pacific Oceanological Institute

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (53)
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The East Kamchatka and East Sakhalin Currents (EKC and ESC) are the western boundary currents of the subarctic North Pacific and Okhotsk Sea. Variability in the EKC and ESC velocities could exert a substantial effect on ecosystems and fish stocks in the southwestern Bering Sea and Okhotsk Sea. Using satellite-derived data (sea surface heights, geos...
The analysis of water exchange between the Bering (Pacific Ocean) and Chukchi (Arctic Ocean) seas in the summer period was carried out using satellite data on sea level, geostrophic currents, and measurement data of water discharge in the Bering Strait. It is shown that there is good agreement (r = 0.85, July–October 1997−2019) between the velociti...
The East Siberian Sea (ESS) is the largest shelf sea of the Arctic Ocean. The paleo-river valleys of Indigirka (InV) and Kolyma (KV) Rivers are the main features of the ESS bottom topography. Using the time series of geostrophic velocities derived from satellite altimetry and ship-borne data we demonstrate the influence of InV and KV on the water c...
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The ship-borne observations of the temperature, salinity, pCO2 (1995–2020) and satellite geostrophic velocity fields, SST, and chlorophyll concentration are used to identify the factors that determine the spatio-temporal variability of seawater parameters on the western boundary of the subarctic North Pacific. In winter, the surface layer of the Ea...
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Satellite data on the sea level heights and data of Argo floats for the southwestern Bering Sea and adjacent area of the North Pacific are analyzed. Interannual variability of the thermohaline structure and water dynamics caused by the nodal (declination) tide with the period of 18.6 years is revealed. The tidal-induced 18.6-year variability is tra...
Aleutian eddies are anticyclonic vortices on scale of 100–200 kilometers that transport the Alaskan Stream warm water originating in the Gulf of Alaska to the western Subarctic Pacific (WSP). We present an analysis of satellite, Argo floats and ship borne observations of Aleutian eddies, revealing the influence of the wind forcing on the eddy forma...
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To study the water dynamics in the western Bering Sea, the time series of geostrophic velocities derived from satellite altimetry, Global total current (Copernicus Globcurrent) velocities, Argo buoys, and ship, borne data are analyzed. We demonstrate that the surface currents in the study area are characterized by a significant seasonal and interan...
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We have investigated the interaction between the mesoscale and submesoscale eddies in the deep Kuril Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk. An analysis of the long-term series of satellite altimetry observations (2000-2011) has demonstrated that the circulation in the Kuril Basin is determined by quasi-stationary mesoscale anticyclonic eddies. Based on the Q...
The surface water circulation in the Bering Sea for the period from 2002 to 2017 has been investigated using satellite data. In January, the main stream of surface waters was directed to the south-west along the continental slope, and anticyclonic water circulation was observed on the shelf. In July, the surface water flow was oriented to the north...
The Alaskan Stream is the western boundary current in the subarctic North Pacific. The Alaskan Stream area is characterized by a significant temperature, salinity and density differences between the coastal and open-ocean waters and strong mesoscale dynamics. In this paper, we demonstrate the transport pathways of the Alaskan Stream Water in the ea...
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Satellite altimetry data have been used to study water circulation in the Tatar Strait region (the northern part of the Sea of Japan) for the time period from 1993 to 2015. Seasonal and interannual variations in current velocities in the southern Tatar Strait (46°–50° N) have been found to be determined by the difference in sea level (SL) between t...
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Large canyons incise the shelf break of the eastern Bering Sea to be preferred sites of the cross-shelf exchange. The mesoscale eddy activity is particularly strong near the shelf-break canyons. To study the mesoscale dynamics in the Navarin Canyon area of the Bering Sea, the time series of velocities derived from AVISO satellite altimetry between...
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The Alaskan Stream is the northern boundary current in the subarctic North Pacific. This area is characterized by significant temperature, salinity and density differences between coastal and open-ocean waters and strong mesoscale dynamics. In this paper we demonstrate the transport pathways of Alaskan Stream water in the eastern subarctic Pacific...
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We demonstrate the transport pathways of Alaskan Stream water in the eastern subarctic Pacific and the eastern Bering Sea from October 1, 1994 to September 12, 2016 with the help of altimetry-based Lagrangian maps. A mesoscale eddy activity along the shelf-deep basin boundaries in the Alaskan Stream region and the eastern Bering Sea is shown to be...
The variability of upwelling along the Primorye coast (northwestern part of the Japan Sea) for the period from 1999 to 2009 has been investigated using wind data from QuikSCAT/SeaWinds scatterometer. The strength of upwelling were estimated based on the wind induced offshore Ekman mass transport (upwelling index). Upwelling along the southern Primo...
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The seasonal and interannual variability of mesoscale circulation along the eastern coast of the Sakhalin Island in the Okhotsk Sea is investigated using AVISO velocity field and oceanographic data for the period from 1993 to 2016. It is found that mesoscale cyclones with the horizontal dimension of about 100 km occur there predominantly during sum...
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The seasonal and interannual variability of mesoscale circulation along the eastern coast of the Sakhalin Island in the Okhotsk Sea is investigated using AVISO velocity field and oceanographic data for the period from 1993 to 2016. It is found that mesoscale cyclones with the horizontal dimension of about 100 km occur there predominantly during sum...
The variability of upwelling events in the coastal zone of Primorye (northwestern part of the Japan Sea) has been studied by using QuikSCAT/SeaWinds scatterometer wind data collected between 1999 and 2009. The intensity of upwelling is determined by offshore Ekman transport (upwelling index) induced by wind. The upwelling events along the southern...
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Studied are the interannual variations of physical (temperature, salinity, and relative density) and chemical (dissolved oxygen and biogenic elements) parameters of sea water and chlorophyll a concentration in the Japan Sea in autumn. It is demonstrated that the increase in the water flow from the East China Sea through the Korea (Tsushima) Strait...
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Comprehensive satellite data are used to study the interaction between the mesoscale and submesoscale eddies in the deep Kuril Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk. Analysis of long-term series of satellite altimetry observations demonstrate that the circulation in the Kuril Basin is determined by quasi-stationary mesoscale anticyclonic eddies. According to...
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Using Lagrangian methods, we analyze a 20-year-long estimate of water flux through the Kamchatka Strait in the northern North Pacific based on AVISO velocity field. It sheds new light on the flux pattern and its variability on annual and monthly time scales. Strong seasonality in surface outflow through the strait could be explained by temporal cha...
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The distribution of the total alkalinity (TA), the total inorganic carbon (TCO2), the calcium (Ca), and the CO2 partial pressure in the waters of the northwestern Bering Sea (Anadyr Bay) and in the western part of the Chukchi Sea is considered according to the data obtained in August–September 2002. It is shown that the areas treated were sinks of...
The interannual variations of the sea level at the coastal stations of the Sea of Japan and of the water discharge through the Korea (Tsushima) Strait are studied. It is demonstrated that the interannual variations of the water discharge through this strait are determined by the water discharge of the Oyashio (in the subarctic Pacific) and the Kuro...
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Common approaches were used to calculate the anthropogenic CO2, equations were proposed to characterize anthropogenic variations in pH values (ΔpHant) in the Pacific Subarctic. For the treated area, the temporal and spatial ΔpHant variability was analyzed in 1986 and 2001–2004. From the ΔpHant values, the influence of pH variations on iron solubili...
The influence of interannual variability of water transport by the East Kamchatka Current, the Oyashio, and the East Sakhalin Current on the dissolved oxygen concentration in the western subarctic Pacific and the Sea of Okhotsk is considered for studying climate change impact on sea water chemical parameters. It is shown that statistically signific...
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The impacts of variations in wind-forcing and the 18.6-year period tidal cycle on the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the intermediate waters of the subarctic North Pacific were analyzed. Our results demonstrate that the interannual changes of DO on isopycnal surfaces in the intermediate waters of the western subarctic Pacific can be desc...
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Most marginal seas in the North Pacific are fed by nutrients supported mainly by upwelling and many are undersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO2 in the surface water mainly as a result of the biological pump and winter cooling. These seas absorb CO2 at an average rate of 1.1 ± 0.3 mol C m−2yr−1 but release N2/N2O at an average rate of 0.07 ±...
Using data collected in the R/V Mirai (Japan Marine Science and Technology Center) cruises (November–December 1997, November–December 1998, May 1999, January–February 2000, and May–June 2000) we have computed the vertical fluxes of nutrients and carbon through the halocline, located at the base of the surface layer (∼100 m) in the Western Subarctic...
Using an approximately 50-year data set, the changes in dissolved oxygen (DO) on isopycnals in the intermediate layer of the subarctic North Pacific were analyzed. The temporal variations in DO on a decadal scale in the western subarctic Pacific display a negative correlation with those in the eastern subarctic Pacific. From 1950 to 2000 there is a...
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Data from the R/V Mirai cruise (May–June 2000) have been examined to discover how mesoscale processes associated with eddy dynamics direct affect the water masses, the distributions and the vertical fluxes of the dissolved oxygen, nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon in the western subarctic Pacific. Using maps of the temperature, salinity, dis...
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Using dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration at isopycnal surfaces we have observed an oscillation in the intermediate water layer of the Western Subarctic Gyre (WSG) and the Kuril Basin of the Okhotsk Sea with a period of about 20 years. The interdecadal oscillation in DO is strongly correlated with the intensity of the Aleutian Low pressure cell wit...
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Excess CO2 and pHexcess showing an increase in dissolved inorganic carbon and a decrease in pH from the beginning of the industrial epoch (middle of the 19th century) until the present time have been calculated in the intermediate water layer of the northwestern Pacific and the Okhotsk Sea. It is concluded that: (1) The Kuril Basin (Okhotsk Sea) an...
Distribution of freons (CFC-11) and oxygen in the upper layer of the Sea of Okhotsk intermediate waters (potential density being from 26.7 to 27.05σ(θ), and depths from 150 to 600 m) is analyzed on the basis of the April-May 1995 data. The highest concentrations of dissolved gases were measured on the shelf of Sakhalin Island and in the southern pa...
Using the sea-water carbonate system parameters obtained by the Russian-Canadian expeditions to the northwestern Pacific (cruises 19 and 23 of R/V Akademik A. Vinogradov, April-June 1991 and August 1992), the relations between the total inorganic carbon content, total alkalinity, pH, and water temperature are obtained. The alterations in the surfac...
The anthropogenic CO2 concentrations in the northwest Pacific were calculated on the basis of observations of temperature, salinity, carbonate parameters and oxygen from the expeditions on board the R/V "Akademik A. Vinogradov" in April-May 1991 and in August 1992. Anthropogenic CO2 distribution atthe isopycnal sur faces in different structural zon...
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During CREAMS expeditions, fCO2 for surface waters was measured continuously along the cruise tracks. The fCO2 in surface waters in summer varied in the range 320–440 µatm, showing moderate supersaturation with respect to atmospheric CO2. In winter, however, fCO2 showed under-saturation of CO2 in most of the area, while varying in a much wider rang...
Features of anthropogenic CO2 distribution with depth and at isopycnic surfaces in different structural zones of the West Pacific Subarctic are considered. An attempt is made to explain the details of the observed CO2 distribution on the basis of present knowledge of tracer mixing and with reference to a specific structure and circulation of interm...
Intenational Symposium "Toward a Sustainable Low Carbon Society -Green New Deal and Global Change-" PartII Global Change. 5 November 2009. Sapporo, Japan. Keynote Speech


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