Asked 7 June 2017

What is reading skill and its significance?

I am doing research on the topic of "development of an english reading test for school children (grade 6 to 8)". but I am not able to find any data for writing its introduction chapter. anyone plz can help me?

Most recent answer

Ekta Pandey
Oriental University
All answers are very good. According to me, reading (loud or silent) is the act of looking at printed words and understanding what they are saying, or the act of saying those words out loud or of interpreting those words.

Popular answers (1)

Tefera Tadesse
Addis Ababa University
Reading skill refers to the ability to understand written text. It is advisable to develop this skill at early age of schooling. When students comprehend or understand written text, and combine their understanding with prior knowledge, they are able to perform the following three reading-comprehension skills.
1. Identify simple facts presented in written text (literal comprehension)
2. Make judgments about the written text’s content (evaluative comprehension)
3. Connect the text to other written passages and situations (inferential comprehension)
The development of these reading skills is vital to children’s development, and a sheer volume of studies has demonstrated a link between competency in reading and overall attainment in school (literacy attainment and other outcomes). According to OCED’s report on reading for change, program for International Student Assessment (PISA): “Reading for pleasure is more important for children’s educational success than their family’s socioeconomic status.” Besides, there are some other key benefits of engaging children in reading from the early age. This is so because the development of reading is a key to future success both in school and in life. By supporting children to read in their leisure time at every age, parents can help to ensure that children are equipped with the necessary skills to succeed in later life.
Enjoy reading this material.
5 Recommendations

All Answers (42)

Tefera Tadesse
Addis Ababa University
Reading skill refers to the ability to understand written text. It is advisable to develop this skill at early age of schooling. When students comprehend or understand written text, and combine their understanding with prior knowledge, they are able to perform the following three reading-comprehension skills.
1. Identify simple facts presented in written text (literal comprehension)
2. Make judgments about the written text’s content (evaluative comprehension)
3. Connect the text to other written passages and situations (inferential comprehension)
The development of these reading skills is vital to children’s development, and a sheer volume of studies has demonstrated a link between competency in reading and overall attainment in school (literacy attainment and other outcomes). According to OCED’s report on reading for change, program for International Student Assessment (PISA): “Reading for pleasure is more important for children’s educational success than their family’s socioeconomic status.” Besides, there are some other key benefits of engaging children in reading from the early age. This is so because the development of reading is a key to future success both in school and in life. By supporting children to read in their leisure time at every age, parents can help to ensure that children are equipped with the necessary skills to succeed in later life.
Enjoy reading this material.
5 Recommendations
 It is good project. for Reading Comprehension Skills , the following link might be useful as:
1 Recommendation
Kevin Mark Roebl
Naresuan University
There are a number of books available on the subject of reading and reading skills development. On my own list of papers uploaded to Research Gate, there are a few papers on this subject.It needs to be stated that it is a fertile area for research as there are few broadly accepted ideas available and standardised surveys and related tests are also few.
Personally, I regard comprehension as number 5 on the list of basic language skills, i.e. reading, writing, listening, speaking and comprehension. I say this as I have found that many learners may be able to read with some degree of proficiency but are still unable to understand what they are reading. Remedial teachers sometimes have to deal with learners who can speak and read with apparent fluency, but are struggling at school as they have little meaningful understanding of what they are expected to do in school. 
I wish you the best of luck in this project and hope that you may share the result of your study with us.
1 Recommendation
vasudeva rao b.s
Andhra University
It has cognitive effect
1 Recommendation
Reading is extremely important for each one young to adult as like reading is the key of every door in the real world. It is important for young to be motivated  to read
1 Recommendation
Kater Meriem
Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University
Having strong reading comprehension skills is also necessary for passing academic achievement tests and for being able to read effectively for one's career. reading  allows the reader to make sense of what the text is about. Strategic reading methods can help students achieve not only their academic needs, but more importantly their life goals.
1 Recommendation
Mercy Idika
Walden University
Reading skills is the ability of an individual to read, comprehend and interpret written words on a page of an article or any other reading material. The possession of a good reading skill will enable the individual to be able to assimilate a written work within a short period while reading. If an individual develops a reading skill, it is a lifelong activity. And while reading at any given time the individual is expected to also think critically on the particular topic or subject to understand the point of the writer. Reading skill can only be developed through constant reading. Inculcating reading culture or habit is a hobby. 
1 Recommendation
Rohit Manilal Parikh
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Reading skill designs for practice for which reading is also an art .If student or any individual interested in undertaking a reading skill they must form a practice of reading habits .Practice makes a men perfect , & formation of practice may certainly improve the quality of reading habits .
For reading skill , while reading  & if a person find any difficulty to understand the meaning of the word , the concerned individual so invariable prefer Dictionary . With this for reading skill , initially while reading the paragraph of any reading material the person concerned should silently keeping in the mind what he has read .
It is not a subject of cramming  but this will help to recapitulate  ,understanding & meaning of the language .which will certainly help for developing for reading skill .
This is my personal opinion 
1 Recommendation
Improving the reading skills will decrease unnecessary reading occasion and allow the person to read in a extra paying attention and selective way.
Liqaa Habeb Al-Obaydi
University of Diyala
Hi dear
Reading is a process of interaction between the reader and the material in which all the  schematic knowledge being interacted with all the reader's social and contextual factors. This process results from the understanding of the symbols to infer meaning. This is simply.
Gloria Latham
(Formerly)The University of Sydney
I think your question 'what is reading skill and its importance' should be rewritten as 'reading skills.' This is not easily answered due to the sheer complexity of what it means to read. Terera rightly refers to literal, inferential and critical comprehension but these too need unpacking. Reading skills' significance is also a mindfield. We read functionally to get by in our world; to read signs, follow directions, order food, check our bank balance...
Yet, at a deeper level, we read because it brings us pleasure. It helps us better understand ourselves and others. We read so that we can better understand what's behind the words or images, who is privileged in the text, who is excluded, who is the author,/ illustrators (s),when was the text produced, where was it produced? We read to be part of a literate community and through conversations face to face and online we share, argue, confirm ideas.   We read because to not be able to read leaves us bereft of life's treasures hidden from us. 
2 Recommendations
Syed Amir Gilani
University of Sharjah
better reading skills polish our understanding
Onalie Dissanayake
The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Sri Lanka Region
Reading skill is the fundamental to understanding a language. At the ages of 5-6 years children learn the phonetic sounds of the alphabet to make it easier for them understand the concepts of building words. As they grow older the next level comes in to action with phonemes and other parts of the language being taught and the wider understanding of the language and the word formations are understood. Therefore, reading is quite significant for the young learner to understand and comprehend what the books and information provides.
Eveline Mattos Tápias-Oliveira
Universidade de Taubaté, Taubaté, São Paulo, Brasil
Dear Tanzila Mushtaq,
I suggest you start by an overview of what is reading. See Florence Davies' "Studying reading process: models of reading" in "Introducing reading" (Penguin, 57-82, 1995). There are also two great books in Portuguese: Isabel Solé's "Estratégias de leitura" (Editora Artmed, 1998), which you may find in Spanish; and Angela Kleiman's "Oficina de leitura" (Editora Pontes, 1993). They make good reflections about what is involved in reading and show a broad view, summarizing the researches in reading since the late 70's and the 80's. After that, what you will find is the social, discursive, historic point of view, as well as the literacy understandings.
If you need anything else, I will be glad to help you.
Good work!! Studying reading is overwhelming!!!
1 Recommendation
Victor Tubosun Babalola
Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano, Nigeria
Reading skill is ability to read and understand a large area of written content within a short period of time. It involves scanning among others.
Emphasis is mine(2017).
Understanding reading means first of all, understanding the written language which is not just the spoken language put in words.
Also, the reading teaching/testing should take into consideration the specific learning difficulties as dyslexia, dysgraphia are; they are usually mistaken for speech delay, dyslalia, mental handicap and so on.There are different tests for these children (with actually a high IQ)
Also, if you test the children reading, my questions will be: from what point of view: psychological or educational? I am not also sure  about English- it seems that this is not the children mother tongue, so, you have to  think about the linguistic traits. The introduction should be the basis of your test construction, not following the test. There is not such a thing as a general reading test. Anyway, perhaps I did not understand what exactly is your research topic.
Mercy Idika
Walden University
Hello my contribution to your request: Introduction
Reading is the process of decoding written symbols for the purpose of making meaning or getting information. Reading dwells more on our sense of reasoning which enables us to interpret and understand what we have read.
As the third skill in language acquisition, it requires great deal of concentration on the material to be read, taking appropriate notes on the words and their pronunciation and also the punctuation marks that guide the reading for meaningful comprehension (Straus, 2015).
School children often encounter difficulty in reading especially when they are faced with difficult and ambiguous words. Sometimes it makes them lose interest in reading thereby making them not to get the content of the text due to high level of vocabulary associated with the test (Azikiwe, 2007, Straus, 2015). 
However, in reading a text there is need for one to pay attention in the words used and then find the meaning of the words as they will aid the reader to get the message in the text and as well give account of what one has read. 
Children who find it difficult to read as a result of obscurity of words are to be guided always by their teachers who will help to explain some words and also make them to read and retell what they have read. To this end, the teacher needs to exercise patience especially with those children who are not fast in learning so as to move everyone along.
Furthermore as was observed by Rasinki, (2017), making the text simple and easy to understand will go along way to improve children's ability to read and comprehend. The text meant for children need not to be voluminous. Children need to have a short and precise text which can contain pictures that will give them a vivid or mental expression since words accompanied with pictures aid for better understanding especially in young children(Azikiwe, 2007).
Reading as a receptive and productive skill needs a lot of attention and should not be taken for granted when it consists of vital information that gives the reader the opportunity to disseminate the information publicly to people's understanding.
Azikiwe, U. (2007). Language teaching and learning. Enugu: Nsukka African First
     Publishers Limited.
Rasinki, T. (2017). Assessing reading fluency practice. Research for education and       learning.
Teaching, Reading, Report and Recommendations. Commonwealth Copyright 2011/      13/1/2017
Straus, V. (2015). Report requiring Kindergartens to read - as common core                   documents may harm some.The Washington Post.
Kimberley Smaniotto- Holmes
University of Calgary
Reading is a process of decoding text to determine meaning.  It is dependant upon the background knowledge of the learner and contextual understanding of the topic.  Reading comprehension can be taught and is improved with practice of close reading and critical analysis of context 
Mercy Idika
Walden University
  1. Learning is a culture, desire for knowledge, information, schooling, study and wisdom in totality. For effective learning and for learning to be dynamic, there is the need for the learner total and absolute participation in the learning process and learning environment. When students take absolute responsibility for their own learning it brings about high level of social practice(Armstrong, 2009).
Knowledge resides in an individuals community or practice, so for an individual to be termed as learned or is learning it is that the individual has involved himself with the process of becoming a member of a community through active participation. 
Therefore, Learning and community are two sides of a coin which include socialization into a wider community of practice which ordinarily will involve identifying oneself with the particular community through formal registration as it is obtained in any university environment and also being a formidable contributor to issues relating to the community which in this case for instance I have become a member of Researchgate faculty community).
Hence in order to implement effective faculty learning community, it is the duty of the faculty to adhere to principles of total involvement of the community to enable effective free flow of communication which will garner effective cooperation among the faculty and the community.
Armstrong, M. (2009). Armstrong's Handbook of human resources management practice. United Kingdome: Kogan
Armstrong.S.J and Fukami, C.V. (2009). Management learning, education and development. London: Sage.
Nora Krieger
Bloomfield College
A textbook about how to teach so children learn to read that I once used with my teacher preparation students talked about what the "gold standard" of reading is: comprehension. All the skills and learning strategies that teachers teach and demonstrate for children are in the service of helping them to comprehend more and more difficult texts. But we must keep in mind that the interests of children in what they are reading drives motivation to read. Most tests have a variety of texts for students to read and comprehend but there is no filter for student interest.
Reading is a very important skill in finding a excellent job. several well-paying jobs need reading as a part of job performance. Poor reading skills raise the total of time it takes to understand and respond in the place of work.
Salah Mahdi Najim
University of Basrah
Reading skills are essential to form a knowledge  base for everyone. However, it is important to select what to read and why. Random reading is not better than not reading at all.
SM Najim  
1 Recommendation
Reading Teacher’s Role The teacher should has the following role to improve reading skills of the students :
a. will give instruction in these skills at the suitable stage of difficulty.
b-will analyze each student’s reading skills to determine the score stage of the material that the student be able to read.
c. will establish each student’s reading skills to decide as of a total evidence of skills, which exact ones have been mastered.
Rita Diloy
Department of education, Philippines
Reading skills includes fluency, decoding and vicabulary development because these are needed to comprehend written materials. With these skills, readers become lifelong readers  who think critically, understand deeply the message of the written text. Reading skills are vital to function well in the society. Without these skill, an individual performs less in his functions. 
3 Recommendations
Practice is the essential way learner will need to improve your reading and comprehension abilities. Throughout taking time to practice, the learner will become faster  and quicker reader ,  in addition to as a result, learner will achieve extra knowledge.
Sharonah Esther Fredrick
College of Charleston
Perhaps it would help to look at material on First or Second Language Acquisition? I suggest getting in touch with the people in the CUNY-Grad Center, in New York City. They have one of the best Linguistics departments in the country, and I BELIEVE they would be able to help you, or at least recommend some help for you, on this. Two particularly fine CUNY professors to know : Marcel Den Dykken, and Ricardo Otheguy.
Reading skill is essential  to be used as a part of lesson plan. 
Liqaa Habeb Al-Obaydi
University of Diyala
Reading skill is vital as it is one of the four main skills of learning. You can easily find a material to use as a theoretical background for your subject. It exists in (Murcia , 2001)  ( Schmitt, 2002) ( Brown, 2000) (Lindsay , 2000) and many many others .
3 Recommendations
Emad Kamil Hussein
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
Recommended Dr. Tefera Tadesse, I agree with you.
Reading skill is essential for society development. Therefore is very important to be considered by teacher  in writing up the lesson plan 
Debashish Sengupta
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Reading skills if properly undertaken and utilised widens the narrative to enhance your imaginitive skills to much more than the written word. It makes one curious to know more and explore beyond the material ready 'senso-stricto'. It opens a new world when added to additional reading and introspection. This could be initiated at an 'early stage' itself. Further it entails the teacher to answer the various queries to be answered in a meaningful manner. At this nascent stage answering the various questions like 'why does it happen? Or what is the reason behind a particular phenomena or aspect, in an appropriate manner is important for a curious mind.
1 Recommendation
Nora Krieger
Bloomfield College
Reading "skills" run in the background (particularly decoding and vocabulary knowledge) as children read for comprehension. If they did not have these skills and if the skills were not fluent, reading for comprehension would be difficult.
2 Recommendations
Reading skill could be by improve by continuing Reading under the subervesion of the teacher .
Ildefonso Gustavo Díaz Sandoval
University of Medical Sciences, Artemisa
Dear Noori Abdul-nabi Nasir,
I recommend you to read this book.
Best regards,
2 Recommendations
Chidimma Ossai
University of Nigeria
Reading skill is the ability to decode meaning from a text. The skills include phonics, word recognition, vocabulary, decoding and fluency. For one to be a proficient reader, one has to possess these vital skills. Hence, the need to help learners acquire reading skills.
2 Recommendations
Thanks Ildefonso Gustavo Díaz Sandoval
Nice Contribution Chidimma Ossai
Reading together every day helps develop vocabulary.
Chuck A Arize
Texas A&M University – Commerce
Reading skills are the skills acquired through reading, such as comprehension, fluency, and independence. These skills give people the ability to give clear meaning to the turn words on a page. These skills are important because we read something in some form every day. It is an integral part of modern life.
4 Recommendations
Therese Kilpatrick
University of California, Santa Cruz
These answers are very good, covering the analytical aspects, however, for me reading should include the fun and sensory aspects too. For example, curling up in bed to read a novel and being transported to the author's realm. Sniffing the pages of a new book, or admiring the artistry of the book jacket or illustrations. As a child opening up The Hobbit and seeing Bilbo's map illustrating the inside cover was hugely enjoyable.
Ekta Pandey
Oriental University
All answers are very good. According to me, reading (loud or silent) is the act of looking at printed words and understanding what they are saying, or the act of saying those words out loud or of interpreting those words.

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