Started 5 July 2024
Yacuruna Colonizer Compilation
How similar are Yacuruna and colonizers(Europeans)?
Started 8 minutes ago
Both Europeans and Yacuruna arrived in Peru via water, are comparatively hairier than indigenous Peruvians. Both Europeans and Yacuruna also have harmed the Incas.
0) How likely do the Yacuruna in Amazonian Myths Represent Europeans?
1)Europeans generally are more hairy then Native Americans. In myths, the Yacuruna sometimes disguise themselves as hairy people.
2)The Yacuruna come from the sea like European sailors did.
3) Similar to the Yacuruna, MAYBE Europeans have been worshipped as gods by the Amazonian people.
4)When a Yacuruna and an indigenous Amazonian reproduce the child would sometimes become more Yacuruna. Similarly, Castizos(75% European and 25% Native American) are sometimes as privileged as just pure Europeans.
2)One of the main points of religion is survival heuristics thus supporting this theory.
Beyer, Stephan (2009). Singing to the Plants. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. pp. 318–321. ISBN 978-0-8263-4730-5.
Luna, L.E. "Vegetalismo: Shamanism among the mestizo population of the Peruvian Amazon". Stockhold Studies in Comparative Religion. 27.
Pantone, Dan James. "Iquitos News and Travel Guide". Iquitos Legend: Yacuruna. Retrieved 30 August 2021.
Tindall, Robert (2008). The jaguar that roams the mind. Rochester, VT: Park Street. pp. 210–211. ISBN 978-1594772542.
Bear, J. (2000). Amazon magic: The life story of ayahuasquero and shaman don Agustin Rivas Vasquez. Taos, New Mexico: Calibri. p. 140. ISBN 978-0967425504.
5)"In 1876, Oscar Peschel wrote that North Asiatic Mongols, Native Americans, Malays, Hottentots and Bushmen have little to no body hair, while Semitic peoples, Indo-Europeans, and Southern Europeans (especially the Portuguese and Spanish) have extensive body hair.[13]"(Wikipedia)
13(ultimate source):
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