Ain Shams University
Asked 13 October 2020
Why high pH decrease carotenoids in plants?
what is the reason for decrease of carotenoids in Cyperus leave, which is treated by 100 mg/L Heavy metal solution for about 26 days? It was almost 49 percent. if there is any article which could help me would be great.
I would appreciate in advance for your advice.
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Welcome dear Masoumeh
All Answers (6)
University of Adelaide
The best condition for caretenoids stability are Neutral pH, hence increasing in pH decline the stability of caretenoids
Look at the following file for further information
Surajmal University
Might be due to defllocultion of soil colloids due to higher concentration of exchangeable Na ions under higher pH condition which might have reduced surface area there by decreased uptake of all the necessary inputs like water and nutrients resulting in lesser production of chlorophyll and carotenoid
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