Asked 15 October 2020

Which would be better in between "compost" and "vermicompost" for agricultural use?

"Compost" and "vermicompost" are both organic substances which are essentially used in soil for agricultural production. Compost is prepared by fermenting cow dung, liters, crop residues etc., alternatively, vermicompost is prepared with a special type of earthworm mixing in cow dung for a certain time. But which one is better for all kinds of agricultural cultivation?

Most recent answer

Abdulraheem Mukhtar Iderawumi
Henan Agricultural University
Vermicompost is better and highly recommend because it's contains most macronutrients, and its nutrient composition is often greater than the regular garden soil. Vermicomposting increases the fertility and water-resistance of the soil and helps in germination, plant growth, and crop yield. They nurtures soil with plant growth hormones such as auxins, gibberellic acid, etc
3 Recommendations

Popular answers (1)

Arvind Singh
Banaras Hindu University
Vermicompost is better than compost due to its higher nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, and its ability to improve the soil structure, and to increase its water-holding capacity.
5 Recommendations

All Answers (21)

Debasish Borah
Assam Agricultural University
Both are good. Nutrient content is better in vermicompost but it is not always available in many places. In that situation compost is better and both have very good effect on soil physico-chemical properties
Md. Abul Kalam Azad, both compost and vermicompost offer agronomic benefits, but there are some differences that are very important to take into consideration. Composting, which is the aerobic degradation of waste in a controlled environment (and not fermentation, which is anaerobic), can manage to attain high temperatures, staying above 50 to 60 °C for a few days/weeks, thus destroying pathogens and seeds. This temperature is not reached during vermicomposting, seeing how the process is generally operated between 12 °C and 25 °C (the range at which earthworms are comfortable). As such, there still remains important doubt about the efficiency of pathogen reduction during vermicomposting, and the presence of seeds can be unwanted. Therefore, depending on your substrate to be (vermi)composted, this should be an important consideration.
Secondly, nutrient transformation and loss can be different between both processes. Vermicomposting, due to the lower temperature, tends to have lower nitrogen loss than composting. Furthermore, vermicompost tends to have higher levels of accessible nutrients and carbon due to the byproducts of the worms (mucus, urine). Therefore, as stated by Debasish Borah , vermicomposts can have better nutrient contents (though this also depends on the process, substrate, and many operating parameters).
The question cannot simply be answered by looking at the product (compost vs vermicompost), but instead focusing on the entire waste valorization and agriculture train (availability and type of organic matter, quantity, soil requirements, etc.). As is often the case, both have their unique benefits and drawbacks.
We discuss this briefly in our following chapter:
I hope this helps!
2 Recommendations
Mahipal Choudhary
Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI)
Vermicompost has many advantages over conventional compost.  These include the following:
  • More nutrients
  • Can be done indoors or out with little space required
  • Creates compost faster
  • Requires less work (once it is set up)
1 Recommendation
Sylhet Agricultural University
Md. Abul Kalam Azad, both are good. Vermicompost need earthworm and some technical knowledge.
Marina Quiroga
National University of Río Negro
Hola. Tengo entendido que el vermicimpostaje es más rápido, aunque el producto final no es esteril. Pienso que dependerá del tipo de residuos que se disponga, por cuestiones sanitarias. Otra opción es hacer un sistema mixto.
Emmanuel V Murray
Caspian Impact Investment Adviser Ltd
Ideally, a combination of the two in the right proportion.
Isam Alkhalifawi
University of Baghdad
Vermicompost is better for agricultural use.
2 Recommendations
Luz G. Asio
Visayas State University
This question fascinates me. Which is more loaded with nutrients, the vermicast which is the worm's fecal matter, or the vermicompost which are still loaded with worms?
2 Recommendations
I would say vermicompost. As composting is a natural and slow process which does the same work as vermicompost. But in vermicompost the matter passes thorugh the earthworm gut which is fully loaded with microbes that facilitates the fast decomposition of organic matter into their simplest form, which plant roots can easily uptake. Studies have shown that vericompost is more rich in nutrient and full of helpful microbes than surrounding soil and compost.
1 Recommendation
Aseel M.H. Hatif
University of Baghdad
I'm totally with the vermicompost choice for agricultural purposes and the reason behind that is the existence of vermicompost which facilitates the breakdown of heavy metals in addition to it's antibiotic properties
1 Recommendation
M. L. Dotaniya
ICAR-Indian Institute of Rapeseed -Mustard Research
Vermicompost better than compost
3 Recommendations
Mahipal Choudhary
Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI)
I agree M. L. Dotaniya Sir, vermicompost is better as compared to compost.
Auyoub Bhat
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir
In my practical experience there is no large difference in nutrient concentration s of both the materials. Actually both materials supply organic matter to the soil which has a profound influence on soil properties and nutrient availability. Compost is much cheaper than vermicomost and you can apply it at higher rates keeping cost of vermicomost in view. to increase the soil organic matter.
2 Recommendations
Arvind Singh
Banaras Hindu University
Vermicompost is better than compost due to its higher nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, and its ability to improve the soil structure, and to increase its water-holding capacity.
5 Recommendations
Munish Sharma
Central University of Himachal Pradesh
Vermicompost is ideal organic manure for better growth and yield of many plants. It can increase the production of crops and prevent them from harmful pests without polluting the environment.
4 Recommendations
I'm currently deeply interested about this question. And It seems that all the interesting answers provided in this discussion lake of bibliography. I found an old discussion (2014) that provide these ressources :
It seems that studies have not so clearly concluded that one is better from another.
If anyone have found other strong studies that clearly compare compost and vermicompost, I would be very interested.
1 Recommendation
Auyoub Bhat
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir
Suppose one ton of each compst and vermicompost is produced from the same kind and quantity of material, then both will supply same quantity of organic matter to the soil. There may be a a slightly higher concentration of nutrients and growth substances in the vermicomst and lower time of production.compared to compost. Both product will have not a significant influence on plant nutrition and both will improve soil physical conditions at the same level. However, keeping in view cost of production, compost will be better and time of production, vermicomst will be better when applied at the same dosages. If a farmer applies compost at a double dosage than the vermicomst keeping into consideration cost of production, then think which will be better, you can answer without conducting a trial.
1 Recommendation
Abdulraheem Mukhtar Iderawumi
Henan Agricultural University
Vermicompost is better and highly recommend because it's contains most macronutrients, and its nutrient composition is often greater than the regular garden soil. Vermicomposting increases the fertility and water-resistance of the soil and helps in germination, plant growth, and crop yield. They nurtures soil with plant growth hormones such as auxins, gibberellic acid, etc
3 Recommendations

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