Asked 17 March 2022

Where to find about the metabolism of aliphatic amines, nitroaliphatics and nitroso compounds into electrophilic intermediates?

I'm having some trouble finding papers or literature regarding the metabolic activation and pathways of:
-Aliphatic amines
-Nitrosocompounds (both Aromatic and Aliphatic)
-Aliphatic nitro compounds
I've found plenty of info regarding aromatic amines and nitroaromatics but I'm lacking those above. Could you please help me? Any reference I could check?
It is related to electrophilic endproduct that could potentially bind to DNA or other biomolecules. Any info on that would also be very beneficial.
Thank you a lot!

Popular answers (1)

Frank T. Edelmann
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Dear Andres Halabi sorry to see that your very interesting technical question has not yet received any expert answers. We work in synthetic inorganic chemistry, so that I'm certainly not a proven expert in this field. However, I noticed that you can find a number of suitable references when you search the internet for the individual classes of compounds, e.g. "metabolism of nitroso compounds into electrophilic intermediates". That why I found the following potentially useful article which might help you in your analysis:
Mechanisms of action of N-nitroso compounds
Perhaps you can access the full text of this paper thropugh your institution. By the way, please pass my best regards to my colleague and friend Ramiro Arratia-Perez who is an emeritus professor at your institution. 😎
Good luck with your work and best wishes, Frank eEdelmann
3 Recommendations

All Answers (1)

Frank T. Edelmann
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Dear Andres Halabi sorry to see that your very interesting technical question has not yet received any expert answers. We work in synthetic inorganic chemistry, so that I'm certainly not a proven expert in this field. However, I noticed that you can find a number of suitable references when you search the internet for the individual classes of compounds, e.g. "metabolism of nitroso compounds into electrophilic intermediates". That why I found the following potentially useful article which might help you in your analysis:
Mechanisms of action of N-nitroso compounds
Perhaps you can access the full text of this paper thropugh your institution. By the way, please pass my best regards to my colleague and friend Ramiro Arratia-Perez who is an emeritus professor at your institution. 😎
Good luck with your work and best wishes, Frank eEdelmann
3 Recommendations

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