Asked 2 May 2024

What makes a Professional teacher? The subject content knowledge or pedagogical content knowledge?

As a professional teacher, there is need to have a 'What' and 'How' of teaching? The what to teach, which is the subject content like Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and the likes, and the 'How' to teach them, which is the pedagogical content knowledge.

Most recent answer

Abiola Tawa Ahmed
Al-Hikmah University
A professional teacher is trained personnel with adequate content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge

All Answers (17)

Lyelle Palmer
Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota, United States 55987
What makes a professional teacher is a combination of mastery of the content and presentation/interaction pedagogically for efficient and effective instruction. These abstractions represent detail knowledge and practice from expert training over a decade or more of experience.
Renato Cortinovis
No affiliation
Mastering the content is necessary, but far from sufficient. Mastering the content is akin to having a well-stocked toolbox, but it's the finesse of how you employ those tools that truly sets exceptional educators apart. It's not merely about knowing the material inside out; it's about orchestrating an entire symphony of teaching methodologies and engagement strategies.
The "how" encompasses the art of motivation, the science of structuring the content, the creativity of designing engaging learning experience, and the empathy of connecting. It's about igniting curiosity, nurturing enthusiasm, and fostering a dynamic learning environment where every student feels seen and valued.
Effective educators understand that it's not enough to simply deliver information; they must craft experiences that resonate with learners, spark their imagination, and invite them into an active dialogue with the subject matter. They know that every lesson is an opportunity to inspire, to challenge, and to empower students to reach beyond their perceived limitations.
In the end, it's the thoughtful attention to the "how" that transforms the acquisition of knowledge into a transformative journey of discovery and growth. It's what turns a classroom into a vibrant community of learners, united by a shared sense of wonder and possibility.
1 Recommendation
Njeri Kiaritha
Moi University
What makes a suit? It is both the coat and the pants. Similarly, what makes a professional teacher is both the content and pedagogical knowledge.
Ferney Leonardo Ramírez Pita
Carreras en Panama Umecit tu universidad en panama
Un profesor profesional combina tanto el conocimiento del contenido temático como el conocimiento del contenido pedagógico para ofrecer una experiencia educativa completa y efectiva.
En este sentido, el conocimiento del contenido temático se refiere a la comprensión profunda de la materia que enseña el profesor. Es esencial que un profesor domine el tema que está enseñando, ya que esto le permite impartir información precisa, responder preguntas de los estudiantes y fomentar un entendimiento sólido de los conceptos clave. El dominio del contenido temático crea credibilidad y confianza en el profesor por parte de los estudiantes, ya que demuestra autoridad y competencia en el tema.
Por otro lado, el conocimiento del contenido pedagógico se refiere a las estrategias, metodologías y técnicas de enseñanza que un profesor utiliza para transmitir el contenido de manera efectiva. Implica comprender cómo los estudiantes aprenden, adaptar el material para satisfacer las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes y utilizar una variedad de herramientas y recursos para facilitar la comprensión. Un profesor que posee un sólido conocimiento del contenido pedagógico puede involucrar a los estudiantes de manera activa, fomentar el pensamiento crítico y promover un ambiente de aprendizaje colaborativo y participativo.
Es decir, un profesor profesional no solo necesita tener un profundo conocimiento del contenido temático que enseña, sino también poseer habilidades pedagógicas sólidas para transmitir ese conocimiento de manera efectiva a los estudiantes. Ambos aspectos son igualmente importantes y complementarios en la formación de un educador competente y exitoso.
Angela Napa
University of Batangas
In addition to finishing Education Program, a teacher is described professional if he/she had passed the licensure examination of the country. He/She also possesses personal and professional competencies observed while performing the duties and responsibilities of a teacher.
1 Recommendation
Lyelle Palmer
Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota, United States 55987
I told my teachers-in-training that the license would get them an interview, but their effectiveness after the hire would allow them to keep their jobs. Some fields are highly overladed with licensed teachers, such as social studies in high schools. A teacher becomes highly qualified after seven years of experience and many additional trainings to hone skills. A master teacher is always learning new ways to improve, and not just in more college courses. One could argue that a professional teacher is just one with a license and a job, but a master teacher works at improvement.
Violeta Vilonero Guillergan
Northern Iloilo State University Batad Campus
The pedagogical knowledge represents the whole thing in order to achieve effective and efficient delivery of instruction.
Ainal Mardhiah
Institute of Islamic Studies, Ar Raniry
Seorang guru disebut profesional apabila dengan ilmu yang ia miliki, ia mampu membuat muridnya cerdas spritual ( patuh dan ta'at kepada Tuhannya), membuat muridnya cerdas intelektual, cerdas sosial dan mampu mengajarkan muridnya agar memiliki skiil tertentu yang disenangi anak dengan cara yang humani.
Iqra Fatima
University of the Punjab
The subject content knowledge and the pedagogical content knowledge are equally important
1 Recommendation
Joseph C Lee
Queensland Health
I agree with Dr Renato Cortinovis and Dr Njeri Kiaritha that both are important. I am unsure what proportion of each of them; I think it is important to adapt to the different needs of different learners (even in the same class or group).
Gulsan Kumar Behera
Kalinga University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
Hello Dr. Oluwatimilehin Emmanuel Fabeku,
To become a professional teacher both content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge are equally important. As content knowledge will reflect the mastery of yours' on that particular subject and pedagogical knowledge will make you an effective teacher as it helps you to cater the diverse learning needs of the students because each and every student are different, i.e; individual differences and also pedagogical knowledge helps you to pick the specific teaching strategy as per the learning environment related to respective subjects.
But yes, in addition to the above not only content knowledge(CK) and pedagogical knowledge(PK) are even enough you also have to acquire Technological knowledge(TK) according to this tech-savvy generation, then only we can be truly become a professional teacher.
Kindly go through the TPACK model of teaching-learning process.
Ghina Shibly
Lebanese American University
I agree with others that effective teaching is a blend of both knowledge and pedagogy. With more experience and practice, teachers can better tailor their approach, matching best practices to students' needs and interests.
1 Recommendation
Abiola Tawa Ahmed
Al-Hikmah University
A professional teacher should have both content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge the two together is PCK ie pedagogical content knowledge
Md. Afroz Alam
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
Oluwatimilehin Emmanuel Fabeku A professional teacher is distinguished by a combination of both subject content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. While each is important on its own, it is the integration of these two types of knowledge that defines truly effective teaching. Here’s a closer look at what each entails and why both are critical:
Subject Content Knowledge
  1. Deep Understanding of the Subject:A professional teacher must have a thorough and deep understanding of the subject they teach. This includes knowing the facts, concepts, theories, and principles within their discipline. Mastery of subject content allows teachers to provide accurate information, answer student questions confidently, and offer insights beyond the textbook.
  2. Staying Current:Professional teachers continuously update their knowledge to keep pace with advances and changes in their field. This involves engaging with the latest research, trends, and best practices.
  3. Connecting Concepts:A solid grasp of subject content enables teachers to make connections between different topics within the subject, showing students how various concepts interrelate and apply to real-world situations.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
  1. Teaching Strategies:Pedagogical content knowledge involves knowing how to teach the subject effectively. This includes understanding different instructional strategies and when to use them. Effective teachers can adapt their teaching methods to suit the content and the learning needs of their students.
  2. Understanding Student Learning:This type of knowledge includes insights into how students learn and what common misconceptions they might have regarding the subject. It also involves knowing how to scaffold learning, breaking down complex ideas into more manageable parts, and building on prior knowledge.
  3. Assessment and Feedback:Knowing how to assess student understanding and provide meaningful feedback is a key component of pedagogical content knowledge. This helps in identifying areas where students struggle and providing targeted support.
  4. Curriculum Design:Professional teachers can design and implement curricula that align with educational standards and goals while being engaging and accessible to students.
Integration of Both Knowledges
  1. Engagement and Motivation:By combining subject content knowledge with pedagogical content knowledge, teachers can create lessons that are both informative and engaging. This dual expertise helps in motivating students and maintaining their interest in the subject.
  2. Differentiation:Professional teachers use their understanding of both content and pedagogy to differentiate instruction, providing appropriate challenges and support for diverse learners.
  3. Classroom Management:Effective classroom management is also informed by pedagogical content knowledge. Teachers need to create an environment conducive to learning, where students feel safe, respected, and ready to engage with the material.
  4. Professional Reflection and Growth:A professional teacher continuously reflects on their practice, seeking to improve both their content knowledge and their pedagogical techniques. This ongoing professional development ensures they remain effective and responsive to student needs.
In conclusion, a professional teacher is characterized by a well-rounded integration of both subject content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. This combination allows them to not only understand what they are teaching but also how best to teach it, thereby maximizing student learning and success.
1 Recommendation
Abiola Tawa Ahmed
Al-Hikmah University
A professional teacher is trained personnel with adequate content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge

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