Pearlman YeC Torah, Science + History alignment
Asked 18 March 2023
What is the mass of the sun at the beginning of its life,i.e 4.5 billion years ago?
What is the mass of the sun at the beginning of its life,i.e 4.5 billion years ago?
All Answers (3)
In Pearlman YeC 'SPIRAL cosmological redshift hypothesis and model' 'SNAP' hypothesis the proto sun dates back 6k years and may have included most/all the other planets... in our solar system.
By 4/365.25(SPIRAL LY radius i) a fraction of history the universe attained mature size and density, with the sun near how it is today i years later.
Predict after testing i pans out at 5,783 years. study Pearlman YeC for the alignment of Torah Testimony (The Word of The One designer / creator aka G-d of Abraham), Science and Ancient Civ.
2 Recommendations
Pearlman YeC Torah, Science + History alignment
Over the past decades we have been able to measure somewhat, what is the consensus average annual loss (or gain?) of mass to the sun?
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Breaking News!! Theory of Universality experimentally validated.
Kasibhatla Surya Narayana
Thanks a lot for your studious efforts and confirming experimentally my estimation of 31.265 cm / year increase in the radius of photosphere of the Sun due to Sun's mass increase, which is also corroborated by the above confirmation as 9.45 billion tons/s. Incidentally, I have used dark matter speed at 2.1456 x 10^23 m/s to estimate the increase in the mass of the Sun as well as its radius. By the way, I proved this dark matter speed at three places theoretically in my Theory. Please, go thru my Theory.
Thanks once again, Rick.
Dear Friends,
Confirmation of my Theory of Universality being correct comes from Richard Muller of Reutgers University, NJ.
I searched for solar eclipse data, and I picked dates between 1499 to 1403 BC, and I calculated the growth of the sun with corrections of expansion of the atom with the term Mp+/me-, the sun's 11-year solar cycle, the expansion of the universe at 0.9850 C, the expansion rate of the universe at e^1, and the possibility that there are 2 universes. The two universes are our matter universe and the parallel anti-matter universe. I Then compared this growth rate to the Earth that Ruud Loeffen calculated, and I used a correction of 109.2^0.5 because of the 1/r^2 value of gravity in Newton's equation and 5/4 for the moment of inertia because the sun has a much less density than the earth to account for the differences of the sun's and the earth's radii. You value for the expansion of the sun is 31.265 cm/yr. The value from the solar eclipse data came out to 31.109 cm//yr. The value of the Earth from Ruud's calculations from his paper came out to 2.4 cm/yr. The corrected value for the Sun using Ruud's calculations came out to31.349 cm/yr using from what I know from my theory.
You are indeed correct Surya! The sun's age is about 5 billion years, and it takes 5 billion years for a star such as the sun to become a red giant, so the sun is very near to becoming and red giant due to this increase in radius and mass. But try to get a mainstream scientist to agree with your theory and my analysis and they will say we are both nuts to cover this information up. This is why they are building the Helion Fusion Reactor to produce anti-gravity waves to turn back time to reverse this process but don't tell anyone as they are all lied to and very delusional and they will not believe you and yell at you due to the world's governments lying ab0ut science data. This is why the Sun is getting hotter or the climate change as the sun heats up due to increased fusion from the increased mass which will lead to the sun expanding to engulf the Earth and why Elon Musk is building many star ships to move 1 million people to Mars which is outside of the Sun's expansion and why Mars will become like Earth. This is a backup plan if the Helion does not work. But I have my star device being worked on that I am sure will work and save the Earth.
How does the sun's gravity deform planets?
Fabrice Auzanneau
When we study general relativity and the effect of a mass on the structure of space, we often use a visual description such as this one : where a massive sphere creates a hollow portion of a 2D space in which smaller spheres are trapped and revolve around the massive sphere.
But this description is not correct as the sphere is a 3D object and thus is not inside the 2D space. If we consider this 2D space, the sphere would become a disc and would bear the deformation as well, as would also the smaller discs revolving around it. Supposing all the discs are homogeneous, the center of the bigger disc would be the center of the deformation and (discarding the effects of the smaller disc) the big disc would be radially deformed. But the small disc would be deformed inhomogeneously, the part nearing the big disc would be more distorted than the rest.
If we come back to our 3D space, the big disc being the sun and the small disc a planet, then the sun would bear an radial deformation which we cannot see. But a small planet near the sun, such as Mercury, would be deformed and we should be able to detect this deformation from here on Earth. Is this correct, and has anybody seen or detected this deformation?