Asked 16 January 2019
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What is the difference between Education and Pedagogy ?

Some ambiguity arises between education and pedagogy, especially during the process of papers reviewing, the difference seems to be critical.

Most recent answer

Alexander Ortiz Ocaña
University of Magdalena
Education is the process of transformation of the human being, it is the configuration of events that contribute to human formation. It is a set of actions, facts and formative situations that transform the subject. Instead, pedagogy is the theory of education. Pedagogy studies the formation of the human being in the educational process. Pedagogy is the reflection on human formation. We cannot confuse pedagogy with didactics. Pedagogy studies formation and didactics studies teaching, learning and evaluation.
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Popular answers (1)

Hassan Kamil Risen
University of Baghdad
I think that education is a product and the other means scientific study of behavior
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All Answers (55)

Satyabrata Aich
Inje University
Pedagogy is a processed approach to teaching something. For example, if you took piano lessons from a pianist trained in piano pedagogy, they would know what to teach you first, then second, then third- leading to you knowing how to play the piano. It would be pretty structured and sequential. If, however, that teacher was teaching you very specific songs followed by very specific tests and activities- that would be a curriculum. Curriculums are very specific and structured. Pedagogy is structured, but not specific- so curriculum is always part of a pedagogy but there may be multiple curriculums connected to the same pedagogy.
Education, however, is a much broader term. Whereas pedagogy is structured, education may be structured or it may not be. Most of us receive an education- whether you went to an elite school or learned how to farm by helping your dad in the middle of Mongolia. We all need to learn in order to do what we need to do- and all of that falls under the umbrella of education. So pedagogy also falls under the term education, but not all learning is part of a pedagogy.
4 Recommendations
Konstantinos Karampelas
University of the Aegean
I can answer focused on what concerns the terms in my native language, Greek. Overall Pedagogy is a broader term. It has to do with the development of a person, since childwoon (παιδί [pedi]= child).
Education usually refers to the formal system providing knowledge and developing skills and atittudes.
I am not sure the borderline between these terms is very clear though. Any other people can comment on that....
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Mostly appreciated opinions Satyabrata Aich ,
Madhu Bala
, Konstantinos Karampelas , is pedagogy restricted to "transferring ethics and norms to generations through education" ?
2 Recommendations
Konstantinos Karampelas
University of the Aegean
Yasser Jaamour
. Maybe you can find literature supporting this statement.
1 Recommendation
Bashar Owaid
Mustansiriyah University
Nice quastion ...I think education is the genral defention
5 Recommendations
@ Konstantinos Karampelas , literature that accurately differentiate education from pedagogy, especially the e- version of each, is somehow rare !
1 Recommendation
Mustafa S. Aljumaily
Missan Oil Company (MOC)
Education is more general term, whereas Pedagogy is the how to deliver knowledge in a successful and fruitful way.
5 Recommendations
Samir G Pandya
Gujarat Arts and Science College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA. (Government College, Pincode - 380006.)
Dear Dr. Yasser Jaamour,
01. Education :
Education is the process of imparting knowledge, values, skills, values, beliefs, habits and attitudes, which can be beneficial to an individual.
Education is the process through which a society passes on the knowledge, values and skills from one generation to another.
Education is the process of facilitating learning in schools or school-like environments as opposed to various nonformal and informal means of socialization.
The objective of education is learning, not teaching.
02. Pedagogy :
Pedagogy refers to the “interactions between teachers, students, and the learning environment and the learning tasks.” Meaning is to say, how teachers and students relate together as well as the instructional approaches implemented in the classroom.
Pedagogy is the study of teaching methods, including the aims of education and the ways in which such goals may be achieved. The field relies heavily on educational psychology, which encompasses scientific theories of learning, and to some extent on the philosophy of education, which considers the aims and value of education from a philosophical perspective.
Pedagogy refers more broadly to the theory and practice of education, and how this influences the growth of learners.
Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.
In short, "Education" is how we learn & "Pedagogy" is how we teach.
I hope I have answered your question.
With Best Wishes,
Samir G. Pandya.
7 Recommendations
Ikramullah Qureshi
University of Management and Technology
Education is to bring positive change in ones life.
How to bring this change is Pedagogy.
3 Recommendations
Rokhsareh ghorbani moghaddam
Hakim Sabzevari University
to me, education is broader term than pedagogy. it includes both academic and social, beyond-educational goals. in contrast, pedagogy includes academic goals . it involves both teachers and students. simply put, how to teach.
3 Recommendations
Jens Olsen
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Problem is that education has to many meanings from a specific education (pilot) over "raise in a family" to "bildung" (edification - Rorty) - pedagogy is the philosophy of education.
1 Recommendation
Roberto Arias
University of Chile
For Education: "Mechanism responsible for the two main processes that define our homo sapiens species as such: on the one hand, its evolution as a species (phylogenesis) and, on the other hand, the individual development of its members (ontogenesis)."
For Pedagogy: "Discipline that deals with the pedagogical act, "where the analysis of the behavior in situation overcomes the analysis of the behavior itself". It is a practical science, which is constituted in practice"
1 Recommendation
Nizar Matar
An-Najah National University
Pedagogy is a progressive approach to teaching a subject. For example, if you join a university department that has experienced scholars among which there are professional courses' planners, they would know what to teach you step by step until you acquire the basics of the specialization when you get your first university degree. To have structured & sequential process, there are specific curricula but pedagogy need not be specific and teachers can usually apply diverse activities & tests to evaluate the students and the teaching process or the learning outcomes .
Education is a broader term than pedagogy and may be/may be not structured. Most of us receive education from schools or from persons outside schools or by self-learning or from magazines or newspapers or books or the internet … and all of these are inputs of education.
Therefore, pedagogy is included within education but the opposite is not necessarily true.
3 Recommendations
Lakhwinder Kaur
Punjab Agricultural University
Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept. whereas education is manifestation of perfection already in man
Pedagogy refers more broadly to the theory and practice of education, and how this influences the growth of learners. Pedagogy, taken as an academic discipline, is the study of how knowledge and skills are exchanged in an educational context, and it considers the interactions that take place during learning. Education may be defined as a purposive, conscious process which leads to development of individual, society and world as a whole.
2 Recommendations
Ratna Juami
STAI Al Musdariyah
Pedagogy is the knowledge of teach, education is more than that. Education is a Value
Najla Matti Isaacc
University of Mosul
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
while Pedagogy most commonly understood as the approach to teaching refers more broadly to the theory and practice of education, and how this influences the growth of learners.
you can see:
3 Recommendations
Salih Mansur
City University of New York
In simple terms, education is “what“ whereas pedagogy is “how”.
4 Recommendations
Uladzimir Slabin
University of Oregon
When I studied at a pedagogical institute in former USSR, education was defined as: 1) a process (Education of a good medical specialist takes several years and significant expenses"); 2) a result ("She received a strong medical education"); 3) a system ("American education is very different from German education").
Also, in 1982 I knew only word pedagogics, then learned pedagogy somewhere in 2002 and it took me some years to realize that they mean the same :-) Whichever we use, the definition is still vague. I recall a long, full-page article by Dr. Ivan Kharlamov, who scrupulosly researched in pedagogy all his life (1920-2003) in Belarusian "Teachers' newspaper" titled "So what is pedagogy?"
1 Recommendation
Hassan Kamil Risen
University of Baghdad
I think that education is a product and the other means scientific study of behavior
22 Recommendations
Asmaa Abdulkareem
University of Al-Qadisiyah
An important question and wonderful answers
1 Recommendation
'Pedagogy' is subset of 'Education' and not related with 'Performance' by 'Education'
My belief performance in education via;
1. Adherence with 'Curriculum'
2. Consistent 'Imagination' by academic fraternity
3. Liberty of 'Thoughts' & 'Expressions'
4. Adequate academic autonomy with 'Students', 'Faculty' and 'Institute'
5. 'Innovation' as per global requirement
All 'Five' may secured 'Quality' in 'Education' & 'Pedagogy' is subjective matter of 'Faculty' related with his basic education, Culture, Gender and subject to consistent improvement as per his/her working environment
1 Recommendation
Toochukwu C. Nwakile
University of Nigeria
They are simililar. However, education is the process of teaching and learning. It involves activities of the teacher and the learner. Pedagogy on the other hand deals with the activities involved in delivering instruction to the learner
1 Recommendation
Pamela Tabor
Taborian Enterprises/Tabor Consulting
For me, pedagogy is the art of teaching: the methodologies used by teachers in an educational setting. Education is a much broader, global term used to refer to the body of knowledge gained by the individual.
2 Recommendations
Chouaib Doukkali University
To have a good and solid education we must trace and follow a good pedagogy.
Indeed, pedagogy is the source of a pertinent education
1 Recommendation
Carlos Muñoz Razo
Instituto Tecnológico de la Construcción
This critical difference is asked, is it from a point of view methodological research, philosophical doubt, ideological position or thesis to obtain degree on education? or another position. It's like asking what is the difference between science and scientific method? For these analyses we will have to consider the context from which we want to analyse; As well as, the object of study, its methodological approach, the objective and the hypothesis of what one wants to investigate to determine that there is a critical difference. In the first instance it seems a documentary research, but I do not know what research is about to comment on this critical difference
1 Recommendation
Reema Ahmad
Jordan University of Science and Technology
The pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept while the education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.
3 Recommendations
David Wooff
BPP Education Group
Dear Yasser,
Like others, I feel that this is an interesting question. Given then context of the question you pose I would suggest looking at Loughran (2013) Pedagogy: Making Sense of the Complex Relationship Between Teaching and Learning. Who has considered the place of pedagogy in teaching and learning (and also education although it is not explicit in the title).
Best wishes
3 Recommendations
Azmat Qadeer
Sukkur IBA University
Education is content and pedagogy is way to deliver it
7 Recommendations
Abbas Kareem Wanas
University of Al-Qadisiyah
Nice question. I agree with the opinion of prof. Hassan Kamil Ressn
2 Recommendations
Md Zafar Alam Bhuiyan
Bangladesh Forest Department
Yasser Jaamour
Pedagogy is the knowledge related to education whereas education is the application of pedagogy.
2 Recommendations
Henrietta Kralovec
University of Arizona
As John Dewey would say, "Education is life itself."
Pedagogy refers to our teaching methods, whereas education, from a progressive perspective, is the life-long process we engage in as human beings. I make a distinction between schooling and education. Schooling is about systematic instruction.
8 Recommendations
I thing mothode norm, belief, scientific experience, act...
4 Recommendations
Nirmala S.V.S.G
Narayana Dental College and Hospital
Pedagogy is a processed approach to teaching something. ... Pedagogy is structured, but not specific- so curriculum is always part of a pedagogy but there may be multiple curriculums connected to the same pedagogy. Education, however, is a much broader term.
5 Recommendations
Fadi Butrus K. Habash
University of Mosul
Pedagogy and education complete each other to fulfil teaching operation planed and specified goals
4 Recommendations
Helena Knapton
Edge Hill University
Our education never stops, whether in the classroom, the lecture hall, the normal everyday interactions of life and in those experiences that come from left-field and leave us reeling. However, pedagogy is the thoughtful and well-structured management of learning, usually with specific goals in mind - but not always. Pedagogy requires a pedagogue, i.e. a teacher, whereas education may not.
5 Recommendations
Kgomotlokoa Linda Thaba-Nkadimene
Durban University of Technology
Education prepares individual into a better person, whereas pedagogy are tools required in achieving educational goals. Pedagogy ranges from choice of teaching strategies and media, creation of learning environment and space, knowledge of learners, ...etc.
5 Recommendations
Kirti Jainani
Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies
Education is a source of developing understanding between right or wrong Or In one word education is knowledge refers to wisdom. whereas, Pedagogy is mode of educating the minds or process though which one can impart knowledge for better understanding.
4 Recommendations
Fadi Butrus K. Habash
University of Mosul
Pedagogy is related to the theories and plans of preparing materials to be taught for students. Education deals with teaching itself.
6 Recommendations
Nasim Ahmad
University of Gujrat
If we reflect on the origins of the word pedagogy it has Greek roots "PEDO" standing for children or related to children and GOGIA the profession . Greeks used to have slaves to accompany their children to school and elsewhere these were called pedagogues . Romans while in Greece added the job of teaching Greek language and manners. So i believe Pedagogia can imply the education of children during early stages of schooling especially language acquisition or basics .......... I hope this helps provoking debates
2 Recommendations
Maria Kristina Börebäck
Karlstads Universitet
Education imply to educate this can be understood as an activity demarcating learning and teaching activities (in school, academia or elsewhere) Pedagogy as some previous answers so promising actualize is about the process of learning the process of meaning making and knowledge creation in any kind of situations. Didactic on the other hand is the procedures for educators to educate focusing on the learning activity (where the learning goals are defined).
3 Recommendations
Christian Boissinotte
University of Quebec in Montreal
Pedagogy is the art of interacting with a pupil to get her to take a willing part in her own learning process. It is also reading into her activity what she is understanding, and how she does, and find the good questions to get her where she needs to be next. It is not dependent of the subject matter because it is a more general ability. (Even if the content of some questions may be.)
Didactics has more to do with the manner that the teacher deals with the knowledge and the whole context or situation. How do we alter the institutional knowledge of the subject matter to adapt it for the pupil and mediate the link between them so it becomes compatible with what she knows and the manner she knows how to grow her own knowledge. Education, like was said before, is the business of becoming a full grown human. School takes part of the education, as family circle and significant other peoples interactions. Experiences take also part of it, like the learning process, in school and everywhere.
6 Recommendations
Igor Janev
University of Belgrade
Pedagogy relates to area of methodology of transferring knowledge.
3 Recommendations
I agree with Christian Boissinotte
2 Recommendations
Ns Murthy
Ashphil Consultancy ..
I guess education in school is about learning what is in syllabus / text books... while pedagogy helps the teacher to evaluate the behavioural aspects and promotes appropriate strategy in teaching students with different learning abilities...
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Chouaib Doukkali University
Absolutely, pedagogy different used methods especially the efficient way to educate or to help other to learn different classes or/and skills.
1 Recommendation
Abiodun Christian Ibiloye
Ahmadu Bello University
The pedagogy(ref. to a child education) refers to the body of methods/Strategies, (based on principles, theory and contents) that defines and guides teaching. The method and science of teaching may differ in every aspect of knowledge and environment that education takes place and is practice(given and received). Whereas, "Andragogy" was a term coined to refer to the art/science of teaching adults.
While, EDUCATION is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, behavioural modeling and practice (especially at a school, instructional event or higher education university, colleges , professional certification programs, polytechnis, etc). Thus purpose/type of an Education can be seen as preparatory, basic, higher, professional, functional , etc) within a context of formal environment , schemed materials, formative interactions, maturity and endorsement/recommendation.
Thus PEDAGOGY forms the basic guidelines, act of interaction and instrument of EDUCATION (and the structure i.e., schemes-contents, learning and teaching methods, and evaluation with respect to appropriateness, readiness and philosophical goals defined for the education program)
1 Recommendation
Scott Creel
Montana State University
Pedagogy is what people say when they mean education (broadly defined) but find it easier to substitute jargon for clear thinking.
3 Recommendations
I think that the difference between education and pedagogy is like the difference between theory and practice. Theory is pedagogy, while education is the application of theory.
1 Recommendation
Siddharth Srivastava
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
According to dictionary definition from google
Pedagogy can be defined as "the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept."
On the other hand, education can be defined as "the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university."
So, pedagogy refers to the set of methods used for teaching. In contrast, education means implementing these teaching methods in real-time.
So, a pedagogy expert designs new teaching methods. At the same time, an educator implements these methods in real-time for teaching students.
I hope this explanation address the question raised above.
2 Recommendations
Alexander Ortiz Ocaña
University of Magdalena
Education is the process of transformation of the human being, it is the configuration of events that contribute to human formation. It is a set of actions, facts and formative situations that transform the subject. Instead, pedagogy is the theory of education. Pedagogy studies the formation of the human being in the educational process. Pedagogy is the reflection on human formation. We cannot confuse pedagogy with didactics. Pedagogy studies formation and didactics studies teaching, learning and evaluation.
2 Recommendations

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