Asked 11 February 2014

What is a good freeware tool for drawing Data Flow Diagram?

Which is a good freeware tool for drawing DFD(Data Flow Diagram)?
Thank you.

All Answers (3)

Zdena Dobesova
Palacký University Olomouc
You can use Gliffy on
It is online drawing sw.
Emre Erturk
Eastern Institute of Technology
I have taught data flow diagrams before. Another very popular free tool nowadays is Dia. You can find download files for many different operating systems. The template used is Gane and Sarson, which is commonly taught. Please see the two links below. 
1 Recommendation

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  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
What are the methodological differences in the processes of examining economic effectiveness or specific selected issues, aspects in the scope of analyzing the effectiveness of a given business activity in a situation of comparison of analyzes carried out for small enterprises and large business entities conducting diversified economic activities?
For small business entities representing the SME sector, those operating in one area of ​​economic activity, the simplest solution is to select economic and financial indicators relevant to the needs, which determine specific issues of efficiency, eg fixed assets, current assets or other classified capital categories, production factors. It is also possible to analyze and measure the effectiveness of specific processes in an enterprise, the effectiveness of measures, specific investment projects, efficiency of logistics processes, work efficiency of employees, etc. For each of the mentioned types of effectiveness tests other economic or financial indicators are used.
However, in the situation of the analysis of complex, multi-factorial processes realized with economic entities, multifaceted processes covering various spheres of activity of a specific enterprise, covering the entirety of a large enterprise operating in various business areas and with the involvement of much larger financial resources for conducted economic efficiency analyzes, then they should Complex indicator models built from many interrelated economic, financial and other indicators can be used.
A good solution in this situation is the involvement of Business Intelligence technology using large data sets describing the functioning of a specific large enterprise, gathered in Big Data database systems. In addition, advanced data processing and analysis can be made using cloud computing technology. In addition, access to data, data update and commissioning of specific analyzes of economic performance research can be carried out from the level of mobile devices, i.e. through the use of the Internet of Things technology.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
What are the methodological differences in the processes of examining economic effectiveness or specific selected issues, aspects in the scope of analyzing the effectiveness of a given business activity in a situation of comparison of analyzes carried out for small enterprises and large business entities conducting diversified economic activities?
Please reply
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Thank you very much
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