Ukrainian State University named after Mikhail Drahomanov
Asked 25 July 2018
What ideological and theoretical currents exist in the modern Russian philosophy of history and what are the criteria for their typification?
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and thanks to this disintegration in the philosophical space of Russia, significant quantitative and qualitative changes took place. To a certain extent, this process also touched upon the Russian philosophy of history as part of the philosophical science. Actually, the philosophy of history in Russia has gone far beyond the limits of Soviet historical materialism and now exists as a collection of diverse philosophical and historical concepts and theories whose creators and carriers prefer to improve your philosophical and historical views and their propaganda. Mutual criticism of supporters of various philosophical and historical trends remains in the shady part of the Russian philosophical space (opposition of dissertations, discussions at scientific seminars and symposiums) and is not carried to the pages of journals and books, as a rule. Therefore, strictly scientific, objective systematization of modern Russian philosophical and historical theories, concepts and schools is a very important task for the Russian and world philosophy of history.
Most recent answer
Dear Gloria.
I fully support your concerns about ideological textbooks of history and historical research that deform the consciousness of young generations and thus create additional prerequisites for future ethnic, social, political and cultural conflicts, threatening the progress of civilization. Such a threat exists in Ukraine, too. And this threat is growing very rapidly. Therefore, I write several own teaching aids (History of Ukrainian Statehood, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Economics) and several scientific monographs (World History of Money, Credit and Banks, History of the Theory of Money and Credit, Essays on History Ukraine: on the path of industrial-bureaucratic transformation (the second half of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twenty-first century), in which the dialectical nature of historical development is demonstrated, and the diverse influence of peoples and nations on each other. However, in Ukraine my work does not find support from governmental organizations and the official scientific community. This is my main problem.
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All Answers (5)
Although not really what you are asking for, Oswald Spengler's ideas may be of some interest, because he regards Russia as a newly developing "High Culture". He predicted the fall of Communism there, and maintained that religion would then regain its strength and pre-eminence in that country. I tried to summarise Spengler's ideas in ...
... and [later] focussed on the mathematical aspects of his thesis in my - (trying to look ahead and suggest how mathematics might develop in Russia in coming centuries). An ".rtf" version of this paper may be downloaded from
1 Recommendation
University of Arizona
I think I get what you are saying. My field is rhetoric. Jean François Lyotard (The Differend) wrote about "insoluble arguments" such as different world views that generate different views on history. Lyotard uses the Holocaust survivors vs. Holocaust deniers as his case study.
He says, among other factors leading to a permanent stalemate, that the refusal to accept the other side's type of evidence is a key to understanding.
The binary opposite rhetorical positions about what happened and what that means for us now (and their spokesmen) not only refuse to accept the evidence for claims of values coming from history, they refuse to accept the type of evidence. Part of the refusal is in what dates are historically relevant or important. One side's important dates and what they mean may be intentionally omitted by the other side.
I study the rhetoric of those historians in Europe who are trying to come up with school histories in contested areas, such as the Balkans. I think this group is called CLIO.
1 Recommendation
Ukrainian State University named after Mikhail Drahomanov
Dear Gloria. My English is very bad. I am very happy, such a qualified philologist and expert in rhetoric as you understood the meaning of my question. This means that I am on the right track in studying English, so that my historical, philosophical and economic ideas can be made accessible to American scholars and intellectuals. Glad. Thank you for your book. I promise to read it carefully and sympathetically.
2 Recommendations
University of Arizona
Dear Serge,
I am happy whenever I can cite a text that may prove helpful. The link is not to my own book, however. CLIO is a committee of the EU (or some pan-European group) that seeks to come up with textbooks that present more than one-sided histories. This is so that the young will not be trained generation after generation into such extremely polarized and partial views of history that make it easy to agitate people with fears of historical neighbors (enemies in the past.)
1 Recommendation
Ukrainian State University named after Mikhail Drahomanov
Dear Gloria.
I fully support your concerns about ideological textbooks of history and historical research that deform the consciousness of young generations and thus create additional prerequisites for future ethnic, social, political and cultural conflicts, threatening the progress of civilization. Such a threat exists in Ukraine, too. And this threat is growing very rapidly. Therefore, I write several own teaching aids (History of Ukrainian Statehood, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Economics) and several scientific monographs (World History of Money, Credit and Banks, History of the Theory of Money and Credit, Essays on History Ukraine: on the path of industrial-bureaucratic transformation (the second half of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twenty-first century), in which the dialectical nature of historical development is demonstrated, and the diverse influence of peoples and nations on each other. However, in Ukraine my work does not find support from governmental organizations and the official scientific community. This is my main problem.
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Seda H. Bostancı
Dear Valuable Scientists,
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The symposium aims to bring together scientists and researchers from different countries from Political Science and Public Administration discipline, to create a platform that will enable them to present their studies, and to share their knowledge and collaborate nationally and internationally. A detailed information about the program is announced on the official website:
About the Symposium
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Theme of The Symposium
Climate Change and Sustainable Future
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 1 October 2024
Symposium Date: 25 October 2024
General Topics (not limited to)
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