Asked 14 April 2016

What are the characteristics of good researcher?

Most recent answer

Karim Makki
Institute Pascal, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Reading all the nice provided answers, I will just give some kind of advices since research is mainly collaborative. Apart from being skilled (curious, hard worker and passionate/thinking about research as your passion and not as your last-chance to get your dream job), several factors may boost or slow down your career as a researcher: how collaborative are your collaborators, the degree of help you receive at early stage career, the subjects and topics you are working on, the potential conflict of interest that you may face frequently, and so on... Unfortunately, you don't have the control on most of these factors. However, if you believe in your individual skills, be honest, open minded, optimist, and never be emotional. You will be one of the most important researchers one day. There is a tradeoff here and a good researcher is the one which is always looking for a certain equilibrium between individualism and collectivism!
1 Recommendation

Popular answers (1)

  1. A good researcher must be open-minded and must also adopt a critical way of thinking.
  2. Besides, he/she should be hard working, diligent, focused and devoted to his/her specific field of interest.
  3. Updating his/her knowledge is of utmost importance and can be accomplished in several ways, such as following the current literature, attending conferences or exchanging ideas with colleagues working in a relevant field.
  4. Furthermore, a modern researcher must be resourceful and inventive in order to transform his/her scientific queries and hypotheses into a realisable protocol.
  5. Source Stefanadis, C. I. (2006). Characteristics of the good researcher: innate talent or acquired skills?. Hellenic J Cardiol, 47, 52-53.
18 Recommendations

All Answers (120)

Piero Caceres-Diaz
University of Piura
I think there are some must like:
- Patient
- Perseverant
- humble
- open - minded
- passionate
4 Recommendations
A good/great researcher will be open to explore various explanations for the phenomena being studied. They must be willing to step to the edge and push through their boundaries of comfort and security. They need to be innately curious about how what they study affects its surroundings (remember the whole and not just a part of the whole). They must be willing to take some risk of failure and/or rejection and follow that hunch or gut feeling they have about something. They must be willing to explain and teach others about what they do otherwise research is meaningless without application and dissemination. 
4 Recommendations
  1. A good researcher must be open-minded and must also adopt a critical way of thinking.
  2. Besides, he/she should be hard working, diligent, focused and devoted to his/her specific field of interest.
  3. Updating his/her knowledge is of utmost importance and can be accomplished in several ways, such as following the current literature, attending conferences or exchanging ideas with colleagues working in a relevant field.
  4. Furthermore, a modern researcher must be resourceful and inventive in order to transform his/her scientific queries and hypotheses into a realisable protocol.
  5. Source Stefanadis, C. I. (2006). Characteristics of the good researcher: innate talent or acquired skills?. Hellenic J Cardiol, 47, 52-53.
18 Recommendations
  • This article throws light on the seventeen important qualities of a good researcher.
  • 1. He should be a votary of truth, truth should be his goal.
  • 2. He should be able to dispel prejudice. He should not conceive any pre-conceived notion; rather he should maintain objectivity while gathering information.
  • 3. The researcher should be capable of gathering accurate and in-depth information from the respondents.
4. The researcher should be a keen observer of the phenomena and should not be complacent with approximates.
5. He should always maintain precision and must try to avoid unnecessary details.
6. He must analyze and interpret the collected information with a positive spirit and in the proper sense, notwithstanding his personal requirement or benefit.
7. As a scientific genius, the research investigator must be adequately sensitive to difficulties “Where less gifted people pass by untroubled by doubt.”
8. He should be in possession of sufficient moral courage to face the difficult situation and should not be discouraged due to non-cooperation of the respondents or nature of the research problem under investigation.
9. The researcher should be able to utilize his time properly in a balanced manner.
10. While making generalizations, the researcher must cautiously bear in mind that there is no short cut to truth. Therefore he must wait to obtain complete data and always eschew hasty statement. As a scientific man, says Karl Pearson, he should strive at self elimination in his judgment to provide an argument which is true for each individual mind as for his own.
11. A good researcher is always apathetic to the approval or disapproval of society. Rather, he should be bold enough to present his findings of research to the society, notwithstanding its disapproval.
12. The researcher should be conceptually clear. He should use the terms uniformly and appropriately. Otherwise, his whole exercise will be defective.
13. The researcher should not only be careful in selecting the research tools but also properly trained so as to use these tools to procure reliable and valid data.
14. The researcher should also develop proper communicative skill and the ability to establish rapport with the respondents so as to elicit proper response.
15. Knowledge in the language of the respondents will be of immense help for the researcher. This will enable him not only to communicate the questions properly but also to cognize the responses properly.
16. Awareness of the possible drawbacks and shortcomings of research is very essential on the part of a good researcher. By knowing it before, the researcher may try to minimize such problems, although it is well high impossible to claim complete perfection of a research work.
17. A good researcher will always be well behaved and well clad. These qualities will attract the respondents towards him; sufficiently motivate them to produce necessary information required for the purpose of research.
1 Recommendation
Isabella De Meo
Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis
A good researcher must be open towards new ideas, open-minded and ambitious.
1 Recommendation
Salman Ahmed
University of Karachi
Beemnet Mengesha Kassahun
Kyungpook National University
Dear Dr. Dnyaneshwar Vithalrao Mule , to be a good researcher, you need:
  1. A very good knowledge of your field, kept up to date by reading the latest relevant research as it is released.
  2. Critical thinking, to know which of that work is worth questioning.
  3. Creativity, to find good research questions and consider how they might be answered.
  4. A good understanding of scientific method and relevant statistics (e.g. knowing how to tell when you have a real, significant effect and when you might be kidding yourself).
  5. Discipline, to see a study through from conception to publication.
  6. An understanding of Cognitive bias, again to know when you might be kidding yourself or when there are questions that haven’t been asked yet.
  7. To be successful in a research career, you also need to be a good writer and at least an adequate speaker, to communicate your work and why it matters.
2 Recommendations
Beemnet Mengesha Kassahun
Kyungpook National University
Dear Dr. Dnyaneshwar Vithalrao Mule , there is a researcher within all of us just waiting to be let loose…
Being ‘good’ according to the Oxford English Dictionary can be aligned with a multitude of properties of which “high quality”, “competent” and “skilful” are amongst those listed to name a few.
The qualities required to be good researcher can be broken down into more specific core competencies.  Some of them include but not limited to:
1. An analytical mind
“As a market researcher you are constantly analysing a variety of factors. Why does the client ultimately want to do this research? What is the appropriate methodology? When should this research take place? What are the appropriate questions to ask and how? Why did the respondent say that? What are the findings telling us? Why are they telling us that? How do I best communicate the findings? etc. On a daily basis researchers must be able to take a step back and analyse the situation presented to them. The obvious answer is not necessarily the right one” (Gareth Hodgson)
“You have to be able to see the bigger picture as well as the detail. People often find it easier to do one or the other- it is a skilled researcher that can do both simultaneously” (Richard Walker)
2. A people person
“This is important for clients –buyers of research would rather work with professional AND friendly consultants. Also for respondents – to get the best out of interview / focus group participants” (Richard Walker)
3. The ability to stay calm
“It can be really stressful as a researcher sometimes, especially when you have pressing deadlines or are experiencing problems with a data set, for example. When these situations occur, you just have to keep focused and think logically – there will always be an end point, even if it doesn’t feel like it!” (Bethan Turner)
4. Intelligence
“Research requires critical analysis but most of all common sense” (Liz Brierley)
5. Curiosity
“You may have the necessary intelligence but if you are not curious enough then you won’t be passionate about delving deeper to unearth more insight” (Anthony Shephard)
“At the end of the day, the role of a market researcher is to find out about other people’s business and tell it to other people. To be a market researcher you have to have an inherent interest in what other people think (potentially about absolutely anything!), and the nosier you are, the greater depth of information you can extract” (Gareth Hodgson)
6. Quick thinker
“Things don’t always go to plan so you need to be able to think fast” (Anthony Shephard)
7. Commitment
“It’s a tough job – the hours can be long, the deadlines short” (Richard Walker)
8. Excellent written and verbal communication skills
“So different audiences can clearly understand the findings of the research and what it means for them” (Jo Iaconianni)
“You have to have excellent written communications and be fluent in the language of business” (Richard Walker)
9. Sympathetic
“Having a sympathetic ear when listening to some respondents’ moans and groans is always a good skill to have!” (Liz Brierley)
10. Systematic
“Check, check and check again. It sounds simple but I’ve definitely learnt that building in a proper amount of time for checking your work always pays dividends. This can be applied to all parts of the research process” (Bethan Turner)
“Attention to detail – the ability to ensure that data is accurately presented and reported” (Anthony Shephard)
2 Recommendations
Mahesh Kumar
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology
Good reply by Dr B.M. Kassahun.
Rohit Manilal Parikh
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Good researcher must have a patience , concentration , & to adequate & to acquire the knowledge of his research work so that you may complete program in a time .At the same time the is possibility you may come across certain problems which he should either approach his colleguae for discussion & solution of difficulties if any .
There may be a time a researcher may confused & in such cases he should approach his faculty & the professor concern .
This is my personal opinion
1 Recommendation
Ajab Ali Lashari
Sindh Madressatul Islam University
good reader, good writer, critic, observer and hard worker
2 Recommendations
hard work .patience. not compaired you results with other . to trut you
3 Recommendations
Ali Benhmidene
University of Gabès
Good researcher is a :
- patient person
- has a Clair methodology
- known well his goals
- collaborate person
- has a good hability of research in this field
1 Recommendation
Amir W. Al-Khafaji
Bradley University
Han Ping Fung provided good links. Amir
1 Recommendation
Olusola Olawale Olaleye
Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research
A good researcher must be persistent and constitent
Eduardo Salcedo Pérez
University of Guadalajara
A good researcher, is an integrated person, not only a good scientist and teacher, is also an excellent person
Dilshani W N Dissanayake
University of Colombo
A good researcher is someone who knows that he/she does not know, but believes that answers could be sought through careful and ethical search
Zakia Ali Chand
Fiji National University
A good researcher is a good project manager. Research is all about project management which involves time management, data management and self-management.
1 Recommendation
A good researcher is the one who can expand the knowledge of his community in a particular field and, moreover, apply it in his own community.
4 Recommendations
Violetta E. Borecka
University of Białystok
I absolutely agree with all the comments. I have one more..... A researcher should be prepared to have no or little social life :) . Who wants to talk about stuff which only you (and maybe a few other researchers) understand?
1 Recommendation
Mohamad Yahya Abdullah
University of Anbar
From my point of view, a good researcher should be able to use his time properly in a balanced manner and has proper communicative skills.
1 Recommendation
Daniel Bailey
Austin Peay State University
1. In academic writing, begin as few sentences as possible with pronouns.
2. Avoid research projects unless you already have access to the required tools, participants, statistical skills, etc.
3. A thesaurus is your best friend
4. Work weekends here and there.
5. Read.
6. Help edit when you can. Learn what NOT TO DO from the mistakes of others.
7. Be ethical. You are all that stands in the way of you making a mess of the world through unethical research. I'm not talking about faking statistics or paying someone better than you to write your paper. Dishonest fools are still just fools.
The unethical intellects are the real dangers to society.
8. Don't get distracted by answering questions on researchgate.
9. In marketing, they say, "If you are selling to everyone, you are selling to nobody." The same goes for research. Know your audience. You are not writing for the entire world. Hopefully, you are writing for a substantial number of people, but not everybody. Writing with a specific audience in mind is analogous to the advice should be given when choosing a research topic. Choose a research topic within reason. You are not going to cure cancer in five chapters. Have a specific audience in mind.
10. I want one more.... get a dog.
2 Recommendations
Olalekan Lanihun
Lead City University
A researcher must be resilience with an insatiable appetite to solve a problem
Happy Widiastuti
Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Bioindustri Indonesia
a researcher must have curiously enough on his/her field and good personal attitude
Arvind Singh
Banaras Hindu University
Passion, patience and perseverance.
3 Recommendations
Kamal M Alsaad
University of Basrah
  • An analytical mind.
  • The ability to stay calm.
  • Intelligence.
  • Curiosity.
  • Quick thinker.
  • Commitment.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Sympathetic
Gamal Abdul Hamid
University of Aden
a successful researcher tends to be a prolific collaborator who collaborates and publishes papers in several different research topics. Peer group also plays an impor-tant role in a researcher’s productivity and good researcherstend to collaborate and cite each other more. Moreover, asuccessful researcher focusses on challenging problems whichrequire time and garner a lot of citations, however, at thesame time, he/she does not compromise on the quantity ofresearch as well.
4 Recommendations
Qamar Din
University of Poonch Rawalakot
I think the following are characteristics of a good researcher:
Keep Updated: A good scientist would never stop learning. Actually, a really great one would never remain uninformed about the new discoveries and advances. Science changes constantly, and being updated is a must. That implies hard work, since scientists should keep studying their fields constantly in order to investigate further.
Be Organized: Scientists should not only follow scientific methods, but also find their own ways to make the most out of their researches and working plans. They are usually proactive, decisive, and efficient workers.
Be Skeptical: Curiosity leads scientists to question not only what they observe, but also what they already know. A good scientist may be willing to refute their own ideas if something doesn’t look so obvious. Being open minded should be a first rule for scientists. Take Risks: In order to find out new ways, methods, and fields of study, some risks need to be taken. Scientists should be ready to change all their paradigms and pursue new lines of inquiry if the evidences lead to it.
Play the Rules of the Game: To become a great scientist it is necessary to act like one and participate in all the stipulated research processes. That includes writing and presenting the researches and results, which are sometimes considered hard and tedious tasks by many researchers.
Collaborate and Work in Groups: Science benefits from the diversity of perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds offered by researchers. Communication and collaboration are really important for plenty of reasons, and therefore scientists should not be solitary workers. In order to succeed in a scientific career, it is important to collaborate with colleagues.
Act with Integrity: Academic misconduct and professional behavior are not compatible. A professional scientist should always work on the benefit of science and not in order to only make a name for himself. Even though some scientists are involved in cases of corruption and professional misconduct, many others still fight everyday to demonstrate the value of their work and the honesty of their profession.
1 Recommendation
Mahmoud A. Abdrabo
Al-Azhar University, Assuit branch, Assiut
Keep on learning
Do not allow anything to stop you
Trust yourself do not give up
If someone did something, you can do it, if no one did it you have to try, the honor to try is enough.
Ousman Mohammed
Wollo University
In my opinion good researchers may have the following features
Having patience, open minded and open heart to accept other (idea, opinion, suggestion etc.) hardworking, always seeking improvement, focusing the area of interesting, being smart, having good skill of writing in a well organized manner, always keep updating, having deep knowledge of the area and the statistical skill, excellent presentation skill, never quit and helping others.
Michael John McAleer
Asia University; Erasmus University Rotterdam
A good researcher is curious, talented, knowledgeable, determined, and knows how to conduct and complete research projects.
Research quality is evaluated by the profession through Publications in high quality journals, Citations, TRI, and the h-index.
4 Recommendations
Johannes Sekgololo
University of Johannesburg
Be open to criticism of your work, it is about your work not you. Be open to new ideas and perspective. Read a lot and be analytical, observe a lot, be inquisitive. BE well informed by keeping up to date with new discoveries in your field and other related fields.
Kavitha Shunmuga Sundaram
Sankara Educational institutions
1. Be open-minded
2. A good researcher is diligent, focused and devoted to his specific field of interest.
Muhammad Waqas Khan
RMIT University
Knowledge (Habit of reading new research studies in his field)
Michael John McAleer
Asia University; Erasmus University Rotterdam
A talented researcher can adapt to changing circumstances, such as COVID-19, as well as publishing in different disciplines.
Harasit Kumar Paul
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Please have a look at the following attachment:
Chia-Lin Chang
National Chung Hsing University
Imagination, creativity, intellect, and determination.
1 Recommendation
Jôáb Ônyángô Ôdhïámbô
University of Nairobi
1 Recommendation
Hussein J. Hussein
University of Babylon
A good researcher is a researcher who solves a real problem
Zakia Ali Chand
Fiji National University
Has good time management skills, which require commitment.
Mohanad Yasir Al-Radeef
College of pharmacy-Tikrit university
Keep working together with other high-quality researchers of your field.
Try to enhance your skills and experience on a daily basis.
Michael John McAleer
Asia University; Erasmus University Rotterdam
Good researchers concentrate on publishing quality papers.
Ravee Art Phoewhawm
Chongqing Technology and Business University
Offering insightful information and mentorship to the new generation of researchers for sustaining the academic disciplinary field towards new practical ideas and conceptual knowledge.
1 Recommendation
Hamid Reza Farhang
Isfahan University of Technology
In my opinion, there are three major features in a good researcher (regardless of race, color or religion)... Godly, Believes in human dignity, real man kinds and finally committed to scientific ethics.
2 Recommendations
Harasit Kumar Paul
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Please follow the link below:
1 Recommendation
Chandrashekara C V
PES University
Must be capable of 'SEE Beyond What You Can SEE'
Daniel Bailey
Austin Peay State University
1 Recommendation
Kofi Nseibo
University of Cape Town
Manages time, resources and works within time limits.
Michael John McAleer
Asia University; Erasmus University Rotterdam
Intelligence, perseverance, determination, and insight.
Romeo Meštrović
University of Montenegro
Please, see the paper by the Math. genius Terence Tao (Terence Tao, What is good mathematics?, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 44 (2007), 623-634,
Waldemar Łasica
Military University of Technology
The researcher should be systematic, determined, open to cooperation with other researchers.
Munira Nasiruddin
University of Chittagong
Research means search for knowledge. To be a good researcher, a researcher (1) should be intelligent, curious, innovative, (2) should show keen interest, (3) should be capable of critical thinking, (4) Should possess analytical skills, (5) should work with dignity and motivation, and (6) should have patience.
Chandrashekara C V
PES University
Researcher is a one who can "See Beyond What He/She Can See"
Juan Carlos Torrico
Instituto Agrario Bolivia
Ethics, responsibility, knowledge of research tools and methodologies, a lot of dedication.
Qamar Din
University of Poonch Rawalakot
Arguing as in ( ), we have the following ten qualities for a good researcher:
(1) Interest
(2) Motivation
(3) Inquisitiveness
(4) Commitment
(5) Sacrifice
(6) Excelling
(7) Knowledge
(8) Recognition
(9) Scholarly approach
(10) Integration.
Kenneth Lui-ming Ngie
University of Newcastle Australia
The guidance as per the following publications may further help, particularly: “The primary characteristic of good researchers is that they have a genuine and strong curiosity about their topic. Good researchers are always after something that they find intriguing or puzzling or about which they have a hypothesis…..The second important feature of a good researcher is common sense…..I have found that the best researchers tend to be very normal people. They have a high level of common sense that helps to keep their feet firmly on the ground. The third aspect is having good ideas…..Many of the best know studies are based on fairly simple but original insights…..Furthermore, I strongly believe that a good researcher needs to be disciplined and responsible…..It is the researcher’s discipline that keeps him/her on the right track, and the lack of discipline or consistency is one of the most frequent sources if inadequate research. Finally, research is not done for its own sake, but to general knowledge and to further our understanding. This means that the good researcher needs to communicate his/her findings with others” (see: The Good Researcher, Dörnyei, 2007, pp. 16-18).
  • Arora, A., Mittal, A. and Pasari, R. (2011) What makes a good researcher?
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007) Research Methods on Applied Linguistics: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Nixed Methodologies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Toledo-Pereyra, L. H. (2012) Editorial Note: Ten qualities of a good researcher, Journal of Investigative Surgery, 25, 4, pp. 201-202.
Arbind K. Choudhary
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region
Good researchers are always benevolent and philanthropist.
Harasit Kumar Paul
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Please have a look at the following link:
1 Recommendation
Sinimol T Peethambaran
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences
open minded, hard working, focused, intelligent, creative, curious, analytical mind, committed with excellent communication skill
should have enough financial support also as required
M. B. Almatrafi
Taibah University
A good researcher is a one who contributes to his/her field.
Michael John McAleer
Asia University; Erasmus University Rotterdam
A good researcher is innovative, persistent, publishes in leading journals, and attracts citations.
1 Recommendation
Munira Nasiruddin
University of Chittagong
A researcher should be systematic, experienced, should have a good reputation in research and a person of integrity.
1 Recommendation
Margo Tannik
Environmental Board of Estonia
Ability drink some beers during research.
A researcher should be self critical and should always discuss methods with his peers and seniors. Having a tested and planned protocol including but not limited to a good inclusion and exclusion criteria is key to a good research. Restrained and diligent performance is the key. With a bit of luck a good researcher can have an equally good publishing track record too!
1 Recommendation
Abdelghani Rouini
Ziane Achour University of Djelfa
Michael John McAleer
Asia University; Erasmus University Rotterdam
Talent, initiative, and hard work.
Galib Ruknuddin
All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi
Learning, rationality or capacity for innovative thinking, specific scientific knowledge, memory, devotion to performing timely duties and action (clinical practice) – one who possesses these six qualities, nothing remains unachievable for him. Learning, wisdom, practical knowledge, experience, accomplishments, and continual guidance from eminent mentors – of these, even one quality is sufficient to add significance to the degree of a good researcher. The one, who possesses all the auspicious qualities like learning etc., deserves to hold the honourable degree of researcher who showers happiness on all living beings.
This is explained in the classical text of CHARAKA SAMHITA, written almost 3000 years back.
4 Recommendations
Michael John McAleer
Asia University; Erasmus University Rotterdam
Intelligence, creativity, determination, and persistence.
2 Recommendations
Chia-Lin Chang
National Chung Hsing University
The drive to succeed and enjoy what you do are essential to be successful.
3 Recommendations
Lemya Taha
University of Baghdad
يكون صبور
1 Recommendation
Michael John McAleer
Asia University; Erasmus University Rotterdam
Perseverance, intelligence, and determination.
1 Recommendation
Munira Nasiruddin
University of Chittagong
A good researcher should be innovative, curious and determined and have an opt for reaching the desired goal.
Chuck A Arize
Texas A&M University – Commerce
  • Friendly with Respondents.
  • Least Discouragement.
  • Free From Prejudice.
  • Capacity of Depth Information.
  • Accuracy.
  • Truthful.
  • Keen Observer.
  • Careful in Listening.
  • Low Dependency on Common Sense.
  • Least time Consumer.
  • Economical.
  • Low Care of Disapprovals of Society.
  • Expert in Subject.
  • Free From Hasty Statements.
  • Good in Conversation.
  • Having Clear Terminology.
  • Trained in Research Tools.
  • Dress and Behavior same to the area.
  • More Analytical.
  • Equality and Justice.
1 Recommendation
Excellent writing skills
Keen observer
Analytical skills
Ibrahim Ahmad Rufai
Bayero University, Kano
Creative and innovative
Sudeep Mudhulu
Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani
2 Recommendations
Alexander Arinloye
Obafemi Awolowo University
Habits and that's all
Tasneem Harahsheh
Jordan University of Science and Technology
1 Recommendation
Enitan olumide Olutadre
North-West University
An analytical mind , focused and devoted to specific field of interest.
Vladimir Vega Falcón
International Center for Entrepreneurs in Barcelona, España
A good researcher must have a spirit of self-improvement and constant curiosity; a culture of teamwork; honesty; a high analytical capacity and a holistic and integral approach. In addition, they must be precise in their explanations, that is, be able to give scientific explanations in a few words that are understood by any target audience. If he also has leadership skills, even better.
Ngozi Nwogwugwu
Babcock University
Must be very Observant, analytical and objective.
Mahesh KUMAR C L
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology
A Good researcher is one who help their students and all academicians to gain scientific knowledge in specific area of specialization. A good researcher should be a good leader also.
Munira Nasiruddin
University of Chittagong
Honesty, sincerity and devotion.
Andrea Bosisio
National University of the Littoral
Creative and innovative and must be open-minded
Jagath Pathirana
The Open University of Sri Lanka , Nawala ,Nugegoda
Good researcher is one who follow scientific method of investigation with an analytical mind
Abubakar Garba Usman
University of Technology, Jamaica
Clarity, veracity, focus, diligence, determination and discipline are some of the hallmarks of a researcher.
Habtamu Demelash
Debre Tabor University
He or she bases the research topic from his community rather than entirely depend on literatures
Karim Makki
Institute Pascal, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Reading all the nice provided answers, I will just give some kind of advices since research is mainly collaborative. Apart from being skilled (curious, hard worker and passionate/thinking about research as your passion and not as your last-chance to get your dream job), several factors may boost or slow down your career as a researcher: how collaborative are your collaborators, the degree of help you receive at early stage career, the subjects and topics you are working on, the potential conflict of interest that you may face frequently, and so on... Unfortunately, you don't have the control on most of these factors. However, if you believe in your individual skills, be honest, open minded, optimist, and never be emotional. You will be one of the most important researchers one day. There is a tradeoff here and a good researcher is the one which is always looking for a certain equilibrium between individualism and collectivism!
1 Recommendation

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Counterpoint: While generative AI can indeed create highly realistic content, its potential to spread misinformation can be controlled through stringent regulations, robust watermarking, and origin-tracking technologies. Rather than fearing the capability of AI to generate authentic-seeming content, emphasis should be placed on developing technologies and legal frameworks that enhance transparency and traceability. For instance, blockchain technology can be utilized to verify the authenticity of digital content and trace its origin, ensuring that generative AI's capabilities are used responsibly and ethically.
Intellectual Property Issues: Generative AI raises complex questions about creativity and ownership. If an AI generates a piece of music or a novel, who owns the copyright? This challenges traditional notions of authorship and intellectual property.
Counterpoint: Intellectual property concerns raised by generative AI challenge us to rethink and potentially expand our understanding of creativity and authorship. This can lead to new legal frameworks that recognize both human and machine contributions. Furthermore, generative AI can be viewed as a tool that extends human creativity rather than competes with it. The AI itself does not "create" in the human sense but rather processes human input and existing data to produce output. Therefore, the output could be treated similarly to how copyright laws treat works made for hire or joint authorship, attributing rights based on the original human input and intent.
Economic Impact: There is also concern about the economic impacts of generative AI, particularly its potential to replace human jobs in creative industries. This includes roles in writing, journalism, art, and more, where generative AI can produce content at scale, potentially reducing opportunities for human creators.
Counterpoint: Although there is a concern that generative AI may replace jobs in creative industries, it can also be seen as a tool that enhances productivity and allows for new forms of artistic expression and innovation. Generative AI can remove mundane and repetitive aspects of creative work, freeing human artists, writers, and creators to engage in higher-level conceptualization and complex problem-solving. Moreover, it can democratize creation, enabling individuals without traditional training in certain arts to express themselves creatively and generate new business opportunities. The net effect could be an expansion of the creative industries rather than a contraction, as more people can participate and innovate.

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