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Hussam Ali Mohammed
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
Luaay Abdulwahid Shihab
... Thanks for your opinion...
1 Recommendation

Popular answers (1)

Rama I. Ali
Gruppo Ricerca Geriatrica, Genova, Italy
I follow the answers.
9 Recommendations

All Answers (10)

Nasir Shafiq
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
The attached may be helpful
1 Recommendation
Arturo E Schultz
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Dear Hussam:
In the USA, many of the State Departments of Transportation offer documents that outline guidelines for inspecting precast/prestressed concrete products used in the transportation field. Please refer to the following
The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute offers guidance for quality control of precast building products as well. Please see PCI publications MNL 116 and MNL 117 at the PCI website:
For products other than transportation or building structures, please see the National Precast Concrete Association website:
I hope that this information helps you.
2 Recommendations
Hussam Ali Mohammed
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
Dear Nasir Shafiq .... thanks so much for your answer..
Hussam Ali Mohammed
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
Dear Arturo E Schultz ... an Excellent answer.. thanks so much
Rama I. Ali
Gruppo Ricerca Geriatrica, Genova, Italy
I follow the answers.
9 Recommendations
Hussam Ali Mohammed
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
Rama I. Ali ... Thanks for joining our discussion..
Patrick Ridout Tavares
University of Wolverhampton
In my experience (as a site engineer), pre-cast manufacturers, often due to high workload and limited storage space for finished castings, will not give castings the curing time required which, particularly with early handling, can result in deformations or damage to finished castings. These products will usually be delivered to site rather than the manufacturer rejecting these, so site inspection upon delivery is very important. The site inspection should not just focus around quality but also around whether the design requirements (particularly geometry) have been met. If there is insufficient time to inspect finished products, upon delivery to site, then delivery notes should be signed for 'un-checked', as this will later have commercial implications and potentially void any reimbursement or replacement.
Particular care should be given to concrete mix designs, where durability is concerned, especially if the mix specification is prepared by the designer under a traditional contract and not by the pre-cast manufacturer.
1 Recommendation
Hussam Ali Mohammed
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
Dear Patrick Ridout Tavares ... thanks for your very good answer..
Hussam Ali Mohammed
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
Luaay Abdulwahid Shihab
... Thanks for your opinion...
1 Recommendation

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