Asked 8 March 2019

What are the Techniques for Measuring Riverbank Erosion?

The causes of riverbank erosion:
  1. Flood: Bangladesh is a riverine country. About 700 rivers including tributaries flow through Bangladesh constituting a good waterway of total length around 24,140 kilometers. Most of the country’s land is formed through silt brought by the rivers. In our country, every year the people are affected by floods, especially for a rainy reason. This is the most crucial reason for riverbank erosion.
  2. Deforestation: Deforestation refers to the cutting down trees and makes a forest non-forest. Trees can hold on the soil aggregates. But when the trees are cut down, the soil particles become loose and for this reason, the soil of the river bank can be eroded gradually.
  3. Heavy Rainfall: We are in monsoon climate zone. We face heavy rainfall in the rainy season. This extreme rainfall is also an important cause of riverbank erosion. Where there is no well-constructed levee of a river, the soil can be eroded because of heavy rainfall at that time. Source:

Most recent answer

Muhammad Nda
Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia
There are a number of methods you can employ to measure riverbank erosion such as repeated cross sectional survey, photogrammetry methods, photo electric erosion pins(PEEP) , Lidar technology and the conventional erosion pins. The use of geomorphic assessment by Rosegen may also be helpfull. There are also a number of reviews written by D.M Lawler which are easily accessible in google scholar and other scholarly database.
2 Recommendations

Popular answers (1)

Arvind Singh
Banaras Hindu University
3 Recommendations

All Answers (7)

Arvind Singh
Banaras Hindu University
3 Recommendations
There are a variety of techniques to measure on-site or estimate. LiDAR coverage is a substantial tool to georeference channel locations, help identify remotely bank heights, slopes and could be used to document change with time. The WEPP (Water Erosion prediction project) may be useful. To actually measure at locations and then expand estimation to larger channel networks with substantial field surveys, the methods by Dr. David Rosgen using a combination of bank pins, channel chains, Rivermorph software, and his BANCS procedures, some estimation based on field data could be helpful. Rosgen’s paper on j hooks and cross vanes helps to identify approaches other than levees to reduce near bank stress. He has a substantial amount on the internet, references, papers and a few books.
3 Recommendations
Abderrahim Benkhaled
Université de M'Sila
A detailed review and chronological survey is presented of the various techniques which have been used for the measurement of river bank erosion and channel change. The techniques are classified according to the time scales involved (long, intermediate and short) and each is discussed with respect to accuracy and repeatability. The methods covered include sedimentological evidence, botanical evidence, historical sources, planimetric resurvey, repeated cross-profiling, erosion pins and terrestrial photogrammetry. Prospects for future developments are also discussed.
Damian Maurice Lawler, Department
  • Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience
Research information
  • 160 Publications
  • 2674 Citations
1 Recommendation
Necla Koralay
Karadeniz Technical University
Dear Md. Nayem Hasan Munna,
You can use RUSLE (A=R.K.L.S.C.P) method using arcGIS software. You can also calculate sediment delivery ratio with this method in a watershed.
1 Recommendation
Muhammad Nda
Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia
There are a number of methods you can employ to measure riverbank erosion such as repeated cross sectional survey, photogrammetry methods, photo electric erosion pins(PEEP) , Lidar technology and the conventional erosion pins. The use of geomorphic assessment by Rosegen may also be helpfull. There are also a number of reviews written by D.M Lawler which are easily accessible in google scholar and other scholarly database.
2 Recommendations

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