Asked 1 October 2013
What are correct pronunciation for these famous physicians last names? Opie; Mirizzi; Nyhus
These last names anyone has to speak aloud at least once in his/her carrier to an audience:
P.Mirizzi was seemingly an Italian emigrant to Argentina. What way should be the best choice to read up, the Italian or Spanish?
As for Dr.E.Opie (the Opie syndrome, the acute pancreatitis due to a stone incarcerated in the Vater's papilla) he might being of varies nations, etc.
Most recent answer

Know the two languages.
All Answers (9)
University of Queensland
Opie: O-pee, with stress on the first syllable.
Mirizzi: Mee-REET-zee (if the original Italian pronunciation is used).
Nyhus - I don't know.
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Novosibirsk State Medical University
Dear Madam Thorley,
Thank you so much! It is so specific matter that is very difficult to find out anywhere.
There is large and influencing Italian diaspora in Argentina, but did Paolo Mirizzi, son or grandson of immigrants, use the original Italian pronunciation in the Spanish-speaking country?
And Opie, was he a Frenchman indeed?
Andrey Borodach
University of Queensland
That is the problem in immigrant countries - which pronunciation to use, I agree. Often it depends on the particular family, with an individual decision whether to use the original pronunciation or adapt it to local practices.
As regards "Opie", it's pronounced as I indicated in Australia and it would have similar pronunciation, whether the family originated in France or Germany. So this pronunciation is the standard one.
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Novosibirsk State Medical University
Precisely. My question was about 'immigrants' last names pronunciation.
Some speak as 'MEEREEZEE', some do as 'MEEREETSEE' among my Siberian colleagues. I thought, thre may be some biographic papers about the life of that famous surgeon, a founder of the Argentine school of biliary surgery, and inventor of the intraoperational cholangiography.
As Mirizzi inventions should be referred to during my lecture on the gallstone disease surgery, I ought to name him somehow, and it is very desirable to name him properly.
Thank you very much for 'Opie'!
University of Queensland
If you can't find the correct pronunciation, a solution for your lecture is to select one, and stick with it consistently through your lecture.
1 Recommendation
Novosibirsk State Medical University
This is a good practical advice for lecturers! Thank you so much!
1 Recommendation

O-pee, Me-reet-ssee and I found the last one online
1 Recommendation
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Thank you, Mr.Pardis,
Have you got some references on the matter?
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